Photograph depicts a group of unidentified young adults on a track team running. Their shirts say "Edmonton 1978."
Photograph depicts two young women holding up a quilt entitled "Nature's Panorama" from the Queen Charlotte City recycling project grant funded by Project Mobilization Canada Works.
Photograph depicts a young women holding up a quilt entitled "Community Panorama" from the Queen Charlotte City recycling project grant funded by Project Mobilization Canada Works.
Photograph depicts Iona Campagnolo and three young women holding up a quilt entitled "Nature's Panorama" from the Queen Charlotte City recycling project grant funded by Project Mobilization Canada Works.
Photograph depicts a young woman reading from a piece of paper on stage at a Glen Vowell potluck.
Photograph depicts a young woman holding up a quilt tapestry entitled "Community Panorama" from the Queen Charlotte City recycling project grant funded by Project Mobilization Canada Works.
Young unidentified woman stands with linked arms between to unknown men in grass area. Road, car, large trees, and homes stand in background.
Young boy stands among bushes in snow, totel pole in background.
Handwritten annotation on verso reads: “WE Collison Totem on QCIsl."
Seven year old Virginia stands beside older sister Violet who is seated on chair in front of house at South Fort George. Two small children can be seen standing in porch. Handwritten annotation on recto of photograph: "Virginia and I."
The two girls stand in front of a house at South Fort George, B.C. Young boy believed to be Arthur Taylor can be seen in background. Handwritten annotation on recto of photograph: "After the Ball was over, Violet and Virginia lay [...] August 22, [192...] South fort George B.C." (Annotation is cut off).
Violet Taylor stands in front of hedges wearing a white dress and holding what appears to be the handle of a shovel or hoe. Forest in background.
Fourteen year old Violet stands beside younger sister Lucy who is seated on chair in front of house at South Fort George. Handwritten annotation on recto of photograph: "Lucy and I."
Seven year old Virginia stands beside older sister Violet who is seated on chair in front of house at South Fort George. Two small children can be seen standing in porch. Handwritten annotation on recto of photograph: "Violet & Virginia - 1921 -" (date believed to be incorrect).
Young boy believed to be Arthur or Tom Taylor. Side of house in South Fort George is visible on right, tree in background on left.
Photograph shows an aerial view of Aleza Lake Research Forest in spring season.
Item is a photograph of a copy print, resulting in a low quality photographic reproduction. Reproduced as a print, slide, and a negative. Location of original photograph is unknown.
Item is a photograph of a copy print, resulting in a low quality photographic reproduction. Reproduced as a print, slide, and a negative. Location of original photograph is unknown.
Item is a photograph of a copy print, resulting in a low quality photographic reproduction. Reproduced as a print, slide, and a negative. Location of original photograph is unknown.
Photograph depicts Mary standing in dirt area at corner of log building. Image has been cropped to an oval shape. Handwritten annotation on recto of photograph reads: "Mary Houghtaling to Mrs Boucher [sic] Born [July 17] 1910 Prairie [Creek] 1911".
Photograph depicts two young granddaughters of Marion and W.H. Colllison, holding flowers in grassy area. Forest and hills in background.
Handwritten annotation on verso reads: "Winnie & Joyce at Kincolith". Marion Winnifred is the daughter of John Maxwell Collison, and Joyce is the daughter of William Edwin Collison.
Margaret stands to left of younger sister Bea in snowy clearing. Road and forest visible in background.
Photograph depicts a young man sitting at the top of an active sawmill jackladder at Peden Hill sawmill.
Item consists of a photograph of young Mabel Scholander seated on a wood pile holding a cat
Young boy stands by wood pile, hedges in background. Handwritten annotation on recto of photograph: "Feb 22 '38 John Wickman Berkeley Calif."
Photograph depicts Rosamond Murchison-Hardy outside with her arms around her two children, all dressed in white. Trees in background.
Handwritten annotation on verso reads: “Rosamond Murchison-Hardy’s 2 children: Iona Age 4 years 10 mos. ; Harold Age 3 yrs. 1 mos. ; August, 1937”.
Crowd gathered around young girls holding ribbons anchored to top of pole in centre of image. Buildings stand in background.
Annotation on verso: “Maypole Dance 1927, Prince George."
Photograph depicts a small girl riding a horse and ponying a second. Bushes cross midground, water and opposite shore in background.
Photograph depicts a young girl in white with ceremonial dancers and a totem pole at the opening of the Haisla Recreation Centre in Kitamaat Village.
Photograph depicts a young girl ceremonial dancer wearing white and holding a white cloth at the opening of the Haisla Recreation Centre in Kitamaat Village.
Photograph depicts a young girl ceremonial dancer wearing red and holding two white cloths at the opening of the Haisla Recreation Centre in Kitamaat Village.
Photograph depicts a young girl ceremonial dancer wearing red and holding two white cloths at the opening of the Haisla Recreation Centre in Kitamaat Village.
Photograph depicts a small child wearing a hat and dress, seated on a rock in tall grass. Bushes in background.
Photograph depicts a young First Nations boy and girl standing in front of a building.
Photograph depicts young children wearing black with yellow hula hoops in East Germany. The photograph was taken on Iona Campagnolo's European sports tour.
Photograph depicts a young child petting a small fawn surrounded by lush greenery.
Photograph depicts a young ceremonial dancer in front of crowd wearing a button blanket at the opening of the Haisla Recreation Centre in Kitamaat Village.
Photograph depicts a young caribou visible in the distance standing on a rocky mountain slope. In the background a mountain range is visible.
Photograph depicts group of boys standing in front of door and steps of building, two pedal bikes parked on left.
Photograph depicts group of young boys observing "CASSIAR ASBESTOS CORPORATION LTD" display table. Table features photos existing in this archival collection (see items 2000. and 2000. Photo speculated to have been taken at an event in Vernon, B.C. Handwritten annotation on verso of photograph: "1963".
Young unidentified boy stands on front step of unknown building, plant and veranda in background.
No caption provided with photograph. Depicts an immature Black Spruce (Picea mariana), possibly located in John Revel's garden in Prince George.