File consists of section three of a manual produced as a result of a workshop on instream flow methods. Includes an accompanying memoranda describing the workshop and the resulting manual.
File consists of a photocopy of a Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences (Vol. 45) article by Andrus et al. entitled "Woody Debris and Its Contribution to Pool Formation in a Coastal Stream 50 Years after Logging".
File consists of a photocopy of a Canadian Journal of Zoology by Swales et al. entitled "Winter Habitat Preference of Juvenile Salmonids in Two Interior Rivers in British Columbia".
File consists of a copy of a Triton Environmental Consultants report prepared for the Nechako Environmental Enhancement Fund entitled "Kenney Dam Release Facility: Evaluation of the Effect of Operation of a Proposed Kenney Dam Water Release Facility on Cooling Water Releases and Nechako River Temperatures".
Photograph depicts a view of lot 912 near Nechako River.
Photograph depicts a view of lot 912 near Nechako River.
Photograph depicts a view of Nechako River near junction of Stuart River.
Photograph depicts a view of Nechako River near junction of Stuart River.
File consists of a photocopy of a Regulated Rivers: Research & Management (vol. 5) article by Gan and McMahon entitled "Variability of Results from the Use of PHABSIM in Estimating Habitat Area".
File consists of outgoing correspondence from BCUC to four groups represented by solicitors Fraser & Beatty: District of Vanderhoof, Vanderhoof District Chamber of Commerce, Regional District of Bulkley Nechako, and A River Forever. Also includes incoming correspondence to BCUC from the four organizations and their representatives.
File consists of outgoing correspondence from BCUC to Vanderhoof Pulp and Paper as well as incoming correspondence to BCUC from Vanderhoof Pulp and Paper.
File consists of schedules for the Vanderhoof community hearings, along with submissions for the presentations at the hearing.
File consists of a draft paper from B.D. Tutty entitled "Utilization of Chinook Salmon Rearing in the Upper Nechako River", a paper by S.A. Macfarlane entitled "Utilization of the Nechako River by Chinook Salmon", and a summary of observation made and data recorded on rearing chinook salmon fry in the Nechako River by Department of Fisheries and Oceans' staff during field trips conducted from April 29 to May 2, 1980 and from June 23-29, 1980.
File consists of "United Fisherman and Allied Workers Union Locals #31 and #37 Brief to the B.C. Utilities Commission" for the Kemano Completion Project Review.
File consists of a paper by Michael Bradford entitled "Trends in the Abundance of Chinook Salmon of the Nechako River, British Columbia".
File consists of an original copy of "Toward a Fish Habitat Management Policy for the Department of Fisheries and Oceans: A Response from the United Fishermen and Allied Workers Union".
File consists of an original copy of DFO's "Toward a Fish Habitat Decision on the Kemano Completion Project: A Discussion Paper", with annotations by Shirvell. Includes accompanying errata, Shirvell's notes, a news release about the publication, and a summary of the report by the International Pacific Salmon Fisheries Commission entitled "Potential Effects of the Kemano Completion Project on Fraser River Sockeye and Pink Salmon".
File consists of miscellaneous reports, research material, memoranda and correspondence related to Total Gas Pressure (TGP) research and/or flow analysis research. Includes copies of the following reports: "Effect of Elevated Water Temperatures on Infectious Diseases of Salmonids, Particularly Chinook Salmon" by G.R. Bell; and "Experience in Michigan with Gas Supersaturation" by Harry Westers.
File consists of miscellaneous reports, research material, memoranda and correspondence related to Total Gas Pressure (TGP) research and/or flow analysis research. Includes copies of the following reports: "Precis on Total Gas Pressure Research" by D.F. Alderdice and J.O.T. Jensen; "Environmental Studies Associated with the Proposed Kemano Completion Hydroelectric Development: Volume 2, Physical and Hydrological Studies" prepared by Envirocon Ltd.; and "Statement on the Significance of Excess Total Dissolved Gas Pressure to Juvenile Salmonids" by D.F. Alderdice.
File consists of miscellaneous reports, research material, memoranda and correspondence related to Total Gas Pressure (TGP) research and/or flow analysis research. Includes copies of the following reports: "Influence of Atmospheric Gas Supersaturation on Salmonid Fishes in Relation to Manipulation of the Nechako River through the Kemano Completion Project" by D.F. Alderdice and J.O.T. Jensen; "Synopsis of 1985 Nechako River Salmonid Gas Bubble Trauma Field Studies"; and a proposal submitted to DFO Fisheries Research Branch to study the "Establishment of Total Gas Pressure Criteria for Salmonid Fishes Exposed to Gas Supersaturation in Water" by Don Alderdice and John Jensen.
File consists of miscellaneous reports, research material, memoranda and correspondence related to Total Gas Pressure (TGP) research and/or flow analysis research. Includes memoranda regarding the DFO's position on Nechako River fish flow requirements and a statement by Jorgen O.T. Jensen for the Nechako court case on "Assessment of the Influence of Excess Total Gas Pressure (TGP) on Salmonids in the Nechako River.
File consists of a February 1994 issue of the Westcoast Fisherman featuing an article by Dirk Beck entitled "The Kemano Question: Did the Government's 1987 Pact with Alcan Betray the Public Trust?".
File consists of issues of The Watershed, a newspaper published by the Carrier Sekani Tribal Council. Includes issues from volume 1, nos. 1-3 from October 1993, November 1993, and June 1994.
File consists of an issue of British Columbia Report (vol. 6, no. 23) featuring the cover story "The Truth About KCP: Politics, not Science, Drove the NDP to Kill the Megaproject" by Steve Vanagas.
File consists of a photocopy of Shelby Gerking's article, "The Restricted Movement of Fish Populations".
File consists of copied papers by Dennis Ableson, Fisheries Biologist, faxed from the Carrier Sekani Tribal Council and Cheslatta Band Offices to Hartman. Includes "The Nechako River: A River in Crisis - Summary Impacts of the Proposed Kemano Completion Project", a presentation that Ablseon made to the American Fisheries Society at the Aboriginal Fisheries Conference.
File consists of draft copies of Mundie's brief, "The Kemano Completion Project: An Example of Science in Government--A Brief to the BC Utilities Commission's Review Panel". Also includes Alderdice's notes and commentary regarding the brief.
File consists of "The Kemano Completion Project: An Example of Science in Government - A Brief to the B.C. Utilities Commision's Review Panel" by J.H. Mundie.
File consists of Mundie's brief to the BCUC Kemano Completion Project Review Panel entitled "The Kemano Completion Project: An Example of Science in Government".
File consists of Mundie's brief to the B.C. Utilities Commission's Review Panel, "The Kemano Completion Project: An Example of Science in Government".
File consists of a paper by Robert Milhous entitled "The Envirocon and IFG Physical Habitat Simulation Models".
File consists of a 1994 re-working of Lyons and Larkin's original 1952 Fisheries Management Report entitled "The Effects on Sport Fisheries of the Aluminum Company of Canada Limited Development in the Nechako Drainage". The report was retyped and pictures were added for the British Columbia Utilities Commission Public Review of the Kemano Completion Project.
File consists of the Kitimat and Terrace Chambers of Commerce's brief to the BCUC Kemano Completion Project Review entitled "The Economic Impact of the Kemano Completion Project on the Communities of Kitimat and Terrace".
File consists of a draft copy of an Aluminum Company of Canada Kemano Completion Hydroelectric Development Technical Memorandum by Envirocon entitled "The Early Life-History of Chinook Salmon in the Nechako River, B.C. During 1981 and 1982".
File consists of a Cheslatta Carrier Nation publication entitled "The Cheslatta Surrender: A Legal Analysis of a Surrender Given by the Cheslatta Carrier Nation to her Majesty the Queen in right of the Government of Canada on the 21st of April, 1952".
File consists of a report entitled "An Analysis of the Cheslatta Surrender" sent to Alderdice from John Hummel, researcher for the band.
File consists of a photocopy of Soren Larsen's article from Research in Economic Anthropology entitled "The Cheslatta Redevelopment Project: Economic Development and the Cultural Landscape of the Cheslatta T'en".
File consists of Hartman's copy of his paper with Alderdice entitled "The Alcan-Federal-Provincial Nechako River Controversy: A Case History of Why People Lose Faith in the Political Process". Annotated by Hartman.
File consists of annotated copies of the report by Alderdice and Hartman entitled "The Alcan-Federal-Provincial Nechako River Controversy: a case history of why people lose faith in the political process".
File consists of a photocopy of a Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences (Vol. 45) article by Cunjak entitled "Behaviour and Microhabitat of Young Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar) During Winter".