Part of Willard Freer Diary Digital Collection
Summary of the diary of Willard Freer, July 1, 1945 to March 31, 1946:
- June 3-7, 1945: Trip to Thutade Lake as a packer for Emil Bronlund, mining engineer for Consolidated Mining and Smelting
- June 7-October 5, 1945: Thutade Lake
- October 5-12, 1945: Trip to Fort Ware
- October 14-26, 1945: Return trip to Diamond J Ranch
- October 27-December 31, 1945: Diamond J Ranch
- January 1-February 25, 1946: Diamond J Ranch
- February 25-March 3, 1946: Trip to Fort Ware
- March 3-13, 1946: Fort Ware
- March 13-26, 1946: Fort Ware to Fort St. James
- March 27-April 15, 1946: Fort St. James, working with Hendry Kinniburgh