"The Cassiar Courier" is a newspaper that documents the community and work life of the residents of Cassiar BC. Content includes text and photographs, as well as jokes, comics, and games.
"The Cassiar Courier" is a newspaper that documents the community and work life of the residents of Cassiar BC. Content includes text and photographs, as well as jokes, comics, and games.
"The Cassiar Courier" is a newspaper that documents the community and work life of the residents of Cassiar BC. Content includes text and photographs, as well as jokes, comics, and games.
"The Cassiar Courier" is a newspaper that documents the community and work life of the residents of Cassiar BC. Content includes text and photographs, as well as jokes, comics, and games.
"The Cassiar Courier" is a newspaper that documents the community and work life of the residents of Cassiar BC. Content includes text and photographs, as well as jokes, comics, and games.
"The Cassiar Courier" is a newspaper that documents the community and work life of the residents of Cassiar BC. Content includes text and photographs, as well as jokes, comics, and games.
"The Cassiar Courier" is a newspaper that documents the community and work life of the residents of Cassiar BC. Content includes text and photographs, as well as jokes, comics, and games.
"The Cassiar Courier" is a newspaper that documents the community and work life of the residents of Cassiar BC. Content includes text and photographs, as well as jokes, comics, and games.
"The Cassiar Courier" is a newspaper that documents the community and work life of the residents of Cassiar BC. Content includes text and photographs, as well as jokes, comics, and games.
"The Cassiar Courier" is a newspaper that documents the community and work life of the residents of Cassiar BC. Content includes text and photographs, as well as jokes, comics, and games.
"The Cassiar Courier" is a newspaper that documents the community and work life of the residents of Cassiar BC. Content includes text and photographs, as well as jokes, comics, and games.
"The Cassiar Courier" is a newspaper that documents the community and work life of the residents of Cassiar BC. Content includes text and photographs, as well as jokes, comics, and games.
"The Cassiar Courier" is a newspaper that documents the community and work life of the residents of Cassiar BC. Content includes text and photographs, as well as jokes, comics, and games.
"The Cassiar Courier" is a newspaper that documents the community and work life of the residents of Cassiar BC. Content includes text and photographs, as well as jokes, comics, and games.
"The Cassiar Courier" is a newspaper that documents the community and work life of the residents of Cassiar BC. Content includes text and photographs, as well as jokes, comics, and games.
"The Cassiar Courier" is a newspaper that documents the community and work life of the residents of Cassiar BC. Content includes text and photographs, as well as jokes, comics, and games.
"The Cassiar Courier" is a newspaper that documents the community and work life of the residents of Cassiar BC. Content includes text and photographs, as well as jokes, comics, and games.
"The Cassiar Courier" is a newspaper that documents the community and work life of the residents of Cassiar BC. Content includes text and photographs, as well as jokes, comics, and games.
"The Cassiar Courier" is a newspaper that documents the community and work life of the residents of Cassiar BC. Content includes text and photographs, as well as jokes, comics, and games.
"The Cassiar Courier" is a newspaper that documents the community and work life of the residents of Cassiar BC. Content includes text and photographs, as well as jokes, comics, and games.
"The Cassiar Courier" is a newspaper that documents the community and work life of the residents of Cassiar BC. Content includes text and photographs, as well as jokes, comics, and games.
"The Cassiar Courier" is a newspaper that documents the community and work life of the residents of Cassiar BC. Content includes text and photographs, as well as jokes, comics, and games.
Photograph depicts top of framed building, mountain in background.
Photograph depicts dump truck on hill believed to be in mine area, unknown structure on left.
Photograph depicts tarp-covered truck, two men on right, mountains in background.
Photograph depicts bridge crossing river, trees in background.
Photographs depict electrical room.
Photograph depicts bridge in snow landscape, trees in background. Corresponding note on accompanying photo description page: "March 29th: 2. Timber bridge at the Blue River."
Photograph depicts bunkhouse under construction in wooded area, men in foreground. Corresponding note on accompanying photo description page: "April 7th: 5. Erecting the walls for # 1 Bunkhouse. Looking east."
Photograph depicts snow-cleared dirt area, trees in background. Corresponding note on accompanying photo description page: "April 7th: 10. Site for townsite well cleared and started excavating."
Photograph depicts electrical panel, dark figure or shadow on left. Corresponding note on accompanying photo description page: "Feb. 23rd: 8. Panel board in Power House."
Photograph depicts road in mine valley. Rectangular black shadow in foreground on right, mountains in background.
Photograph depicts four men standing in doorway of log shelter built into mountainside. Men standing in path leading to doorway, snow at elbow height on either side. Shelter is speculated to be a portal to a mine adit.
Photograph depicts plant site, two mountains in background. Power poles, box, and piles of unidentified material in foreground. Speculated corresponding annotation on verso of page stapled to photograph: "Cassiar Hills (Midday in December)".
Photograph depicts an ore gravity chute on McDame Mountain. Corresponding note on accompanying photo description page: "August 5th: 12. Ore chute down mountain slope." Typed annotation taped to verso of page stapled to photograph: "View looking down portion of chute."
Photograph depicts mountains, half covered in shadow. Power poles and power house in foreground, piles of unidentified material on right. Speculated corresponding annotation on verso of page stapled to photograph: "Cassiar Hills (Midday in December)".
Photograph depicts eight men in snow around unidentified object, speculated to be portion of glacier. Speculated corresponding annotation on verso of page stapled to photograph: "Overturned Tanker (Glacier 1 mile north of Joe Reed's)".
Photograph depicts unknown structure propped against side of dirt hill and believed to be in plant site. Structure speculated to be a chute or conveyor belt. Trees and mountains in background.
Photograph depicts power house on right, mill building on left, behind truck. Dirt road in foreground, power poles, trees and mountains in background.
Photograph depicts man in hat and long coat bent over metal bucket filled with unidentified mineral in dirt area.
Photograph depicts three men bent over metal buckets in dirt on mountainside. Rocks, rakes, and bags in foreground, man in distance, snow-covered mountain in background. Unidentified object or structure in background.
Photograph depicts scaffolding around mill building under construction. Road in foreground, stockpile and mountains in background. Corresponding note on accompanying photo description page: "August 20th: 3. Mill, with stockpile of ore on right. Looking northwest."
Photograph depicts 3 large vertical tanks left of power house, trees and mountains in background. Corresponding note on accompanying photo description page: "August 20th: 4. Oil tanks, with Power House on right. Looking east."
Photograph depicts small wood building built on tall wood poles adjacent to power house. Ladders, building materials, covered object, and unidentified structure [box of truck/shop foundation ?] in foreground. Corresponding note on accompanying photo description page: "August 20th: 8. Sub-station building and poles. Power House on the left. Oil tanks on the right."
Photograph depicts unidentified vehicle on road to plant site. Power house, sub-station, oil tanks, and ore stockpile in view. Trees in foreground, buildings materials to right of road, mountains in background. Corresponding note on accompanying photo description page: "August 25th: 11. Plantsite. Taken from warehouse roof and looking east."
Photograph depicts numerous men in box of dump truck on road, unknown building and vehicles on left. Rectangular shadows on right, mountains in background.
Photograph depicts ore truck being loaded at chute, road in foreground, man on right. Corresponding note on accompanying photo description page: "August 5th: 8. Loading truck from chute on top of mountain."
Photograph depicts dump truck on road, mountains in background. Corresponding note on accompanying photo description page: "August 5th: 9. Truck on mountain road."
Photograph depicts man on tractor in dirt on mountainside. Corresponding note on accompanying photo description page: "4. Repairing wash-out just past second switchback. Tractor in picture."
Photograph depicts truck on mountain road, man on right, snow on left. Snow exceeds height of truck. Corresponding note on accompanying photo description page: "Pictures taken July 5th, 1952: 1. Showing depth of snow in first gully north of talus."