Series consists of 6 ledgers which record expenses for the mine and various other company owned premises in town.
Contains accounts of the Cariboo Hydraulic Mining Company, Ltd. from 1894 to 1896 including bills payable, bank deposits, loans made to mine employees and other financial matters.
File contains letters and notes from October 31, 1895 to March 30, 1896 concerning the purchase of dynamite for the mine.
Haida Grammar. Reverend C. Harrison. From the Transactions of the Royal Society of Canada. Volume I, Section II: 1895.
Series consists of one file of letters and notes from October 31, 1895 to March 30, 1896 concerning the purchase of dynamite for the mine.
Newspaper consists of the recto and verso of 2 pages (p. 1-4). It was published in Aiyansh on the Nass River in British Columbia in April 1895 and presents a missionary's perspective of regional First Nations traditions and current affairs of the day.
File contains a record of the mine’s monthly expenses from August 31, 1896 to October 1898. Pages 1 - 67 are torn out and missing.
View of a scow loaded with provisions and several people passing through rapids of the Grand Canyon. Printed annotation on recto reads: “A scow loaded with provisions passing through the Grand Canyon on it’s way to Fort George.” Handwritten annotation in pencil on recto reads: “Nearly Bumped, Nachaco River” Handwritten annotation in pencil on verso reads: “My address will be Fort George BC. Dear Mrs. Cooper, I am up in the wild part of BC now where men horses and everything get drowned every day, sometimes automobiles get drowned also. This is the way we travel up where I am now. I saw a boat upside down in this Canyon it had a bundle of blankets tied on it and one oar was dancing in the whirlpool. This made my hair stand straight up and down.”
View of snow capped mountains in the distance, trees and river in mid ground. A Jeep type vehicle is on a bridge in the mid ground with river and sandbar in the foreground. Handwritten annotation on verso in pen reads: “Cassiar Road. Cottonwood River crossing”
Photograph depicts Port Simpson in winter. Water crosses midground, hills stand in background.
Handwritten photo caption below image reads: "Port Simpson".
Perspective of Port Simpson and pier as seen from the water.
Photograph depicts sternwheeler being towed by smaller vessel, shore in background.
Handwritten photo caption beside image reads: "Caledonia".
Shops stand along riverside boardwalk. Storefront sign for R. Cunningham & Sons visible. Many people stand and sit on boardwalk, and canoes and small boats float in water in foreground.
Handwritten photo captions beside image read: "R. Cunningham & Sons - Probably Port Essington", "NW coast canoe".
Town on right, water on left, mountains in background. Boardwalk and forest trees in foreground.
Landscape featuring town buildings below on right. A farmyard can be seen in foreground.
View of a sternwheeler in the distance making its way down Fort George Canyon. Printed annotation on recto reads: "Fort George Canyon."
Photograph depicts group of men and a lap dog sitting on a log in the bush. Men wear suits and hats.
Handwritten photo caption below image reads: "Max Lohbrunner" (believed to be man on right).
Perspective of pier and wharf as seen from the water. Port Simpson and hill in background. Sternwheeler can be seen on shore.
Photograph depicts a man wearing an ammunition belt and holding a rifle, standing with a young boy also holding a rifle, on left of image. Two dogs stand between them over a fallen deer. Another unarmed man stands to the right of a second cannery retort.
View of town on shore, from above. Boats docked along piers and buildings. Hills visible on either side of water in background.
Handwritten photo captions with arrows pointing to sections of image read: "General Merchandise", "Fort Wrangell Hotel".
View of snow capped mountains in the distance, vast rolling treed hills in mid ground and a gravel road in the foreground. Road sign indicating severe curve in road situated at the right of the gravel road. Handwritten annotation on verso in pen reads: “Cassiar – Stewart highway”
Photograph depicts boat on right, cannery on left, dock crossing midground in front of both. Shore in foreground, hills in background.
"The Geography of the Tsimshian Indians." G.A. Dorsey. Reprint from The American Antiquarian, October 1897.
Photographs within this file pertain to modes of transportation and transportation routes (including construction, surveying and traveling).
Photograph consists of Jean Caux and several men loading supplies onto a horse and mule pack train. Annotation along bottom recto of photograph reads: "Jean Caux's Pack Train, loading at Harvey Baileys for Babine Lake - 1897."
Contains photographs generally depicting landscapes, water scenes, and views of towns on British Columbia's north coast. Includes images featuring sternwheelers and other boats, canneries, fisheries, and individuals. Locations depicted include Port Essington and Port Simpson (Lax Kw’alaams) in BC, Fort Wrangell in Alaska, and other unknown towns. Includes one photograph of a man named Max Lohbrunner, and many other images depicting unidentified individuals.
Photograph depicts Port Simpson in winter. Water and shoreline in foreground, hill in distance.
Handwritten photo caption below image reads: "Port Simpson".
Buildings visible on hillside in background, pier in foreground. Photo believed to have been taken at Port Simpson, B.C.
Photograph depicts sternwheeler, smaller boat, and canoe in foreground. Second sternwheeler named the 'Caledonia' can be seen anchored to shore in background. Town buildings stand on hill in background. Photo believed to have been taken in Port Simpson, B.C.
Group of men stand on pier by warehouse, looking out at the boat. Treed mountains visible in background.
Handwritten photo caption beside image reads: "Danube".
Town on right, water on left, mountains in background. Forest trees in foreground.
Handwritten photo caption below image reads: "Port ESSINGTON".
Buildings and harbour visible across water. Unknown man stands in a small boat in foreground, mountains visible in background.
Photograph depicts three Indigenous totem carvings in front of various buildings on the shoreline.
Photograph depicts a landscape shot of a grassy field overlooking a forested shoreline with mountains in the background.
Photograph depicts two unidentified men walking on a wooden bridge in a forest.
Photograph depicts four men in a boat on a lack with a waterfall in the background running through a forest into the lake. Annotation on verso of photograph states: "The water fall + flume for Brown's sawmill Hoscall River BC"
Photograph depicts three First Nations women facing the camera.
Photograph depicts two First Nations boys posed for the camera in the forest.
Photograph depicts a young First Nations man and a First Nations boy posed for the camera.
Photograph depicts a First Nations women seated in front of a wooden lattice.
Photograph depicts a group seven of First Nations children seated on a dock with a woman standing in the background.
Photograph depicts a First Nations family with a father, mother, two young girls, and a dog seated on a porch in front of a house.
Photograph depicts a First Nations family with five young children, three women, and a man seated on the ground in front of a tent with wooden houses and trees in the background.
Photograph depicts two children and two women sitting behind a dead bear on a wooden plank in front of a wood building.
Photograph depicts a cannery on pilings with a body of water in the foreground and houses and trees in the background.
Photograph depicts cannery buildings on pilings with a body of water in the foreground and a deforested area behind the shoreline.
Photograph depicts a lighthouse on a rocky island with water in the foreground. Annotation on verso of photograph states: "Dear Dr. Thanks for the cheque received yesterday. Christmas Greetings. Yours Sincerely Mr. Cruickshank (?) Green Island"
Photograph depicts three men fishing in a boat with a cannery and wooden buildings along the forested shoreline in the background.
Photograph depicts a line of cannery fishing boats being towed across the water with the base of a mountain in the background.
Photograph depicts a wood house on pilings in front of a body of water with a forested shoreline in the background.