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2009. · File · 1974-1978
Part of The Honourable Iona Campagnolo fonds

File consists of Campagnolo's incoming and outgoing correspondence in French and English regarding speeches given by the Minister of Agriculture. Prominent correspondents include MPs Eugene Whelan, and Otto Lang. Includes notes for addresses by Minister of Agriculture Eugene Whelan at the Canadian Equestrian Federation

Agriculture and weather
2000.23.1.001 · File · 1969-1994
Part of Audrey Smedley L'Heureux fonds

File consists of material created or collected by Audrey L'Heureux regarding agriculture and weather in British Columbia. Highlights include:

  • BC Department of Agriculture, "Agriculture in the North Cariboo and Central British Columbia", 1969 (booklet)
  • BC Department of Agriculture, "Agriculture in the North Cariboo and Central British Columbia", 1974 (booklet)
  • William Gilgan, "Agriculture in the Regional District of Bulkley-Nechako", 1972 (booklet)
  • Alastair McLean, "History of the Cattle Industry in British Columbia", Rangelands 4 (3), 1982 (journal article)
  • Fritz Dalchow, "Agricultural Geography of British Columbia, 1972 (book)
  • Kemano Completion Hearings, "Potentials for Agricultural Irrigation Return Flows and Nutrient Runoff and Leaching", 1994 (document)
2023.2.2.6 · Subseries · 1983-2010
Part of Dr. Paul Sanborn fonds

During the 1980s, Agriculture Canada pedologists Scott Smith (retired from Summerland Research Station, formerly based in Whitehorse) and Charles Tarnocai (retired from Central Experimental Farm, Ottawa) had a large field program which addressed the trends in soil development in the central Yukon. Across this region, particularly between Whitehorse and Dawson City, the land surfaces and surficial deposits vary greatly in age due to the differing extents of glaciations over the past ~2 million years.

This work built on a pioneering study from the previous decade:
Foscolos, A.E., N.W. Rutter, and O.L. Hughes. 1977. The use of pedological studies in interpreting the Quaternary history of central Yukon Territory. Bulletin 271. Geological Survey of Canada, Ottawa. 48 p.

Tarnocai and Smith presented their results in two publications:
C. A. S. Smith, C. Tarnocai, and O. L. Hughes. 1986. Pedological investigations of Pleistocene glacial drift surfaces in the central Yukon. Géographie physique et Quaternaire, 40 (1): 29–37.
Tarnocai, C. and C. A. S. Smith. 1989. Micromorphology and development of some central Yukon paleosols, Canada. Geoderma 45 (2): 145-162.

Tarnocai and Smith shared the unpublished data and soil samples from this work with Dr. Paul Sanborn, and this resulted in a student project published as:
Daviel, E., P. Sanborn, C. Tarnocai, and C.A.A. Smith. 2011.Clay mineralogy and chemical properties of argillic horizons in central Yukon paleosols. Canadian Journal of Soil Science 91: 83-93.

Agriculture in Prince George
2012. · File · 1983-2007
Part of J. Kent Sedgwick fonds

File consists of notes, clippings, and reproductions relating to historical agriculture in Prince George. Includes material on the Prince George Farmer's Institute; experimental plots surrounding Prince George; farming in areas surrounding Prince George including Pineview, Mud River, and Blackburn; ranching; gardening; and the Prince George Experimental Farm. Includes: "Moose in British Columbia, Canada" an educational pamphlet from the Fish and Wildlife Branch of the Department of Recreation and Conservation in British Columbia.

2020. · File · Mar. 1993
Part of G. Gary Runka fonds

File consists of a speech given by Gary Runka entitled "Agriculture in the Urban Shadow" at the Agricultural Land Commission Symposium - Urban Growth and the Agricultural Land Reserve: 'Up not Out' - March 9,1993.

Commentary on this speech by Barry Smith of the Ministry of Agriculture and Lands:
"This represents an important, highly pertinent speech concerning farmland preservation in B.C. The speech was given at the ALC Symposium marking the 20th anniversary of B.C.'s farmland preservation program. The speech rings as relevant today as it did when delivered 22 years ago.

It begins by identifying two perspectives - one, those committed to an agricultural future, contributing diversity and having a social value and two, those that feel agriculture is ultimately doomed and is only an interim use, especially in the urban shadow, until a "higher and better" use comes along. GGR states that we need to honestly state which perspective we are guided by.

There are a host of important themes woven through this paper including:

  1. While farming on the urban shadow benefits both the urban and farm communities, the negative impacts of urban/farm adjacency are predominantly borne by the agricultural community.
  2. In describing the situation prior to the farmland preservation legislation in the 1960's and early 1970's agriculture was consistently the "loser user".
  3. Even in the earliest days of the Commission, urban shadow issues were identified and the ALC recognized that provincial zoning was only a first step, and taken alone, was not enough.
  4. The BC farmland preservation program has been at least as successful as anywhere else in North American and looked on with envy in many other jurisdictions.
  5. GGR believes that after 20 years we are worse off today than when the program started due to (i) elected provincial politicians involved with the application process (ii) the ALR / Golf Course fiasco and (ill) the ALC has become paralyzed in their Appeal Board mode.

Several (13 starting on p. 7) urban shadow issues are outlined and GGR states that we must be serious about addressing urban shadow issues.

The paper ends with an outline of "where we need to be tomorrow" and GGR states: "I recall when the program began in 1973 we argued that all of the compromises with respect to agriculture had already been made, if we were to keep the options open for future
generations In British Columbia. If that statement was true then, how much more true is it today, 20 years later?"

From the Symposium concluding remarks, Gary Runka stated that based on his experience and discussions during the symposium, he believed that the following initiatives should be given priority:

  • Information and education programs
  • Communication between farmers, government and the public
  • Regional land use planning
  • Integration of government policies to a strong farmland preservation strategy
  • Provincial agricultural strategy
  • Programs which insure farms can be viable

The Symposium proceedings have been compiled in a 67 page ALC publication."

2020.4.3.21 · File · 1990-1992
Part of G. Gary Runka fonds

File consists of meeting minutes, correspondence, discussion papers, and conference materials. Includes:

  • "Rural Community Development in Canada: an AIC Discussion Paper" (1992)
  • "The Role of the Agricultural Professional in Rural Development: Report of the Task Force on Rural Community Development in Canada" (1993)
  • "Focus on the Future: A Supplementary Paper for the Rural Development Symposium" by the Canadian Federation of Agriculture (1992)
  • "The Nature and Structure of Future Rural Communities" by Dr. Harold P. Baker (1992)
  • "The Family Farm in the 21st Century" by Dr. Clay Gilson (1992)
  • "Rural Jobs: Trends and Opportunities" by Bollman, Fuller, and Ehrensaft (1992)
  • "Development of the Rural Areas: An International Perspective" (1992)
  • "New Technology and Part-time Farmers: Their Impact on the Family Farm" (1992)
  • "Canada-Ukraine Agri-Food Partners in Progress" (1992)
  • June 1990 commemorative issue of AgriScience
Ah Yee at Giscome
2009.5.3.16 · Item · [ca. 1913]
Part of Taylor-Baxter Family Photograph Collection

Photograph depicts four men standing in front of two log cabins. It is believed that these men are also featured at Meikle's Cabin in item 2009.5.3.17. Forest in background, miscellaneous items on ground in yard. Handwritten photo caption on verso and recto of this photo reads: "at Ah Yee at Giscome." It is believed that Ah Yee was the first Chinese store keeper at Giscome Portage in 1910.

2009.5.3.86 · Item · [after 1910]
Part of Taylor-Baxter Family Photograph Collection

Photograph depicts a woman, man, and dog standing in front of the Chinese general store in a log building with the sign "AH YEE FUR DEALER GENERAL MERCHANT". Power poles, buildings, and trees visible in background. Handwritten annotation on recto of photograph: "First Store S Ft George A. G. Hamilton" "Boucher [sic]". It is believed that this store was originally owned by A. G. Hamilton.

2019.12.1.14 · File · 1987-1989
Part of Ann Walsh fonds

Includes correspondence, royalty documentation, draft manuscripts and copy of this story as featured in Great Canadian Murder & Mystery Stories.

Ahbau railway bridge
2012. · Item · 2005
Part of J. Kent Sedgwick fonds

The item is a photograph depicting Ahbau railway bridge. Annotation on reverse side of photograph states, "Ahbau bridge."

Aileen Ross
2002. · File · 1988
Part of Marianne (Marika) Ainley fonds

File consists of transcript of tape recorded research notes on Aileen Ross and related handwritten notes.

Ainley's art exhibits
2002.14.2.2 · File · 2000-2008
Part of Marianne (Marika) Ainley fonds

File consists of records related to Ainley's art and paintings including exhibit applications and schedules, her artist statements, and related art show paraphernalia.

2000. · File · 1971-1972
Part of Barry McKinnon fonds

File consists of issues of the literary periodical entitled "Air", including issues 4-8.

2009.6.1.626 · Item · 4 June 2006
Part of The Honourable Iona Campagnolo fonds

Photograph taken during the Inaugural Dedication of Heritage Stones. Canadian flags hang behind podium. Crowd sits under tent in grassy area, planes visible in background.

Item is one of three photographs accompanying a paper reading: “Comox Valley Air Force Museum Association, Inaugural Dedication of Heritage Stones, Sunday 04 June 2006”; see also items 2009.6.1.627 and 2009.6.1.628.