Map commissioned from Ministry of Forests Prince George Region from Madrone Consultants shows Aleza Lake Research Forest ecosystems. Map is 5 of 6. Map shows many sub-types of the following ecosystem types: upland, lowland wet forest, wetlands, and the Bowron floodplain benches. Ecosystem classification and mapping by Oikos Ecological Services Ltd.
Map commissioned from Ministry of Forests Prince George Region from Madrone Consultants shows Aleza Lake Research Forest Management Compartments and Administrative Boundaries. Map is 1 of 6. Map shows the Aleza Lake Ecological Reserve, Natural Forest Reserve, the Special Management Area, and Riparian Management Research Area.
Map commissioned from Ministry of Forests Prince George Region from Madrone Consultants shows Aleza Lake Research Forest Research Trials and Permanent Plots. Map is 2 of 6. Map shows permanent plot locations, historical timber sales areas, demonstration areas, and research plots.
Map commissioned from Ministry of Forests Prince George Region from Madrone Consultants shows Aleza Lake Research Forest site series classification. Shows ecosystem types that encompass the SBSwk1 Subzone of the Aleza Lake Research Forest.
Map depicts structural stages in the Aleza Lake Research Forest. Shows areas of: pioneer growth, shrub/herb, pole saplings, young forests, mature forests, and old forests. Ecosystem classification and mapping by Oikos Ecological Services Ltd.
Map depicts terrain in the Aleza Lake Research Forest. Ecosystem classification and mapping by Oikos Ecological Services Ltd.
Map commissioned from Ministry of Forests Prince George Region from Madrone Consultants shows Aleza Lake Research Forest Terrain Resource Inventory Mapping (TRIM). Depicts roads, area boundaries, swamps, streams, marshes, contour lines and index lines.
Map commissioned from Ministry of Forests Prince George Region from Madrone Consultants shows Aleza Lake Research Forest terrain themes. Map is 6 of 6. Map shows the following types of terrain units: typic, slope, percipitous, gullied, hummocky, rocky, alluvial, and organic. Ecosystem classification and mapping by Oikos Ecological Services Ltd.
Map depicts terrain themes in the Aleza Lake Research Forest. Ecosystem classification and mapping by Oikos Ecological Services Ltd.
Map commissioned from Ministry of Forests Prince George Region from Madrone Consultants shows an Aleza Lake Research Forest TRIM Base Map. Map is 4 of 6. Map shows the following: roads, old roads, buildings, rail line, transmission line, definite streams, intermittent streams, indefinite streams, marshes, swamps, lakes, wooded area boundaries, intermediate contour lines (20m intervals), and index contour lines (100m intervals).
Map is an uncontrolled mosaic of aerial photography of the Aleza Lake Research Forest, with a July 1955 date of the air photography. Duplicate exists.
Map is an uncontrolled mosaic of aerial photography of the Aleza Lake Research Forest, with a July 1990 date of the air photography.
Map reflects forest type boundary line, bogs and swampy non-forested areas, creeks, lakes, rivers, tree species labels of spruce, balsam, and birch, stand descriptions, historical timber sale boundaries, stand history symbol, gravelled secondary roads, unimproved old roads, management compartment boundary, research forest boundary, ecological reserve boundary, and old growth emphasis areas.
Map reflects forest type boundary line, bogs and swampy non-forested areas, creeks, lakes, rivers, tree species labels of spruce, balsam, and birch, stand descriptions, historical timber sale boundaries, stand history symbol, gravelled secondary roads, unimproved old roads, management compartment boundary, research forest boundary, ecological reserve boundary, and old growth emphasis areas.
Map reflects forest type boundary line, bogs and swampy non-forested areas, creeks, lakes, rivers, tree species labels of spruce, balsam, and birch, stand descriptions, historical timber sale boundaries, stand history symbol, gravelled secondary roads, unimproved old roads, management compartment boundary, research forest boundary, ecological reserve boundary, and old growth emphasis areas.
Map reproduction of the Aleza Lake Research Forest depicts timber sale areas, forest cover, and other details.
Map depicts historical timber sales areas and permanent sample plots (PSPs) at the Aleza Lake Research Forest. This map may be a guide (or otherwise related) to maps 2006.18.5.43-59.
Mylar map depicts the area encompassed by the Aleza Lake Research Forest.
Map reflects boundaries for the Aleza Lake Experiment Station, permanent sample plots, timber sales locations, and the Ecological Reserve.
Large scale map shows Aleza Lake Research Forest permanent sample plot 103. Includes information about live and dead trees and their species (spruce, balsam, birch, douglas fir). Also includes remeasurement history. Plot 103 was established in 1926 and is an unlogged, old growth, uneven aged, spruce-balsam stand.
Mylar map is a plot map of a research plot at the Aleza Lake Research Forest. Provides date the plot was established, the harvest history, the silviculture history, remeasurement history, and information about individual trees.
Item is a hand-drawn map of a plot in the Aleza Lake Research Forest. Individual trees are marked and numbered.
Mylar map is a plot map of a research plot at the Aleza Lake Research Forest. Provides date the plot was established, the harvest history, the silviculture history, remeasurement history, and information about individual trees.
Item is a hand-drawn map of a plot in the Aleza Lake Research Forest. Individual trees are marked and numbered.
Mylar map is a plot map of a research plot at the Aleza Lake Research Forest. Provides date the plot was established, the harvest history, the silviculture history, remeasurement history, and information about individual trees.
Item is a hand-drawn map of a plot in the Aleza Lake Research Forest. Individual trees are marked and numbered.
Large scale map shows Aleza Lake Research Forest permanent sample plot 112. Includes information about live and dead trees and their species (spruce, balsam, birch, douglas fir). Also includes remeasurement history. Plot 112 was established in 1926 and is an unlogged, old growth, uneven aged, spruce-balsam stand.
Mylar map is a plot map of a research plot at the Aleza Lake Research Forest. Provides date the plot was established, the harvest history, the silviculture history, remeasurement history, and information about individual trees.
Item is a hand-drawn map of a plot in the Aleza Lake Research Forest. Individual trees are marked and numbered.
Mylar map is a plot map of a research plot at the Aleza Lake Research Forest. Provides date the plot was established, the harvest history, the silviculture history, remeasurement history, and information about individual trees.
Item is a hand-drawn map of a plot in the Aleza Lake Research Forest. Individual trees are marked and numbered.