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Archival description
Start of Birchleg
2012. · Item · 1975
Part of J. Kent Sedgwick fonds

Image depicts a long line of people cross country skiing along the Birchleg route on Tabor Mountain in Prince George, B.C.

Star Capella
2012. · Item · Aug. 1979
Part of J. Kent Sedgwick fonds

Image depicts a large vessel docked in Prince Rupert, B.C. The name on its side is "Star Capella." The slide itself is labelled "superport."

2007. · Item · [30 June 1966]
Part of Aleza Lake Research Forest fonds

Caption describing photograph: "Fine stand of immature birch on imperfectly drained clay of lacustrine origin. Scattered Spruce, Douglas fir and balsam, understory mountain ash, thimbleberry, RO Dogwood, corylus, rosa, Mtn maple and willow. Ht 45', 10" DBH age 25 years. (Dom 200 stems/ac) South of Ranger Station, Aleza Lake." Harry Coates stands in the photograph for scale.

2007. · Item · [30 June 1966]
Part of Aleza Lake Research Forest fonds

Caption describing photograph: "1922 burn Giscome, stand of immature birch 35', 20 yrs, Dom stem 8" D.B.H. Understory Rubus, Rosa, Cornus moss, Aralia Snowverry, Columbine - scat Corylus. Stand originally Douglas fir, Spruce and Balsam. Well drained lacustrine deposits. Potential grazing." Harry Coates stands in the photograph for scale.

Stake on Bare Ice
2012. · Item · 1968
Part of J. Kent Sedgwick fonds

Image depicts an unidentified individual standing next to a marker and a stake at an uncertain location.

Stagecoach at Clinton
2014.10.1.236 · Item · 1912
Part of Arthur Holland Land Surveying Collection

Photograph depicts a stage coach with a team of horses harnessed to it. The stagecoach driver sits on the front bench, sitting beside the coach driver are; a woman with a small child and a man. There is a building in the background.

2002.7.1.12 · Item · 1912
Part of H.G.T. (Harry) Perry fonds

Handwritten annotation on verso: "The stage coach -Cariboo Trail - in use until ver recent years now replaced by automobiles when roads permit. Taken as (sic) Blackwater Crossing. Mr. Miller was in this stage, in 1912, a two day trip from Quesnel to Prince."

Staff Princeton Schools 1939
2000.13.1.12 · Item · 1939.
Part of Ray Williston fonds

Item is a photograph of the elementary and secondary school staff in Princeton in June 1939. Mr. Williston is first on the left in the front row. Bill Lucas (centre front row) and Cecil Ritchie (second from the left back row) also became school superintendents.

Stacked lumber
2004.8.1.132 · Item · 1939
Part of Alexander Manson mining collection

Photograph depicts three piles of stacked lumber located in a forested landscape. Annotation on verso of photograph reads: "Lumber for flumes. Co. has its own sawmill"