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Archival description
Wells Hospital building
2012. · Item · 1978
Part of J. Kent Sedgwick fonds

Photograph depicts the old hospital building in Wells. At the time the photo was taken, 1978, it was being used as an apartment building, and that is still its current use.

2000. · Item · [ca. 1960?]
Part of Cassiar Asbestos Corporation Ltd. fonds

Photograph depicts an unidentified individual wearing a welding helmet, and kneeling behind large bearing cups of one of the Ruston Hornsby diesel engines that turned the generators in the power house on the Cassiar plant. Door, bulletin board, and miscellaneous supplies in background.

Wee Willie Camp
2004. · Item · 28 Sept. 1935 (?)
Part of Phipps-Mackenzie Collection

Caption: Wee Willie Camp [#2, #16, #18] Wee Willie is a rock rabbit friend of ours. Trees: Balsams. Camp at timber-line west-end Kubicek Pass. This is taken during the Indian Summer ("8 days"); 28th Sept.; in the spring the hillside here was a maze of flowers.

2009.21.22 · Item · [ca.1932]
Part of Thomas Crosby Mission Ship Photograph Collection

Group photo featuring a young First Nations bride, her father, flower girl and attendants in front of a house just before leaving for the Church.
Handwritten annotation on verso reads: "A Native bride leaving her home with some of her attendants on the way to the church. At the ceremony in the church she had 14 tendants (sic) & 14 men."

Weather ships, Sea Island
2013. · Item · Oct. 1969
Part of David Davies Railway Collection

Photograph depicts decommissioned weather ships. One was named "Stonetown." They were formerly coastguard vessels that were in use until 1968. Prior to that, they were corvettes of the RCN and moored in Vancouver Harbour at the Terminal Pier.

Weather ship "Vancouver"
2013. · Item · 1966
Part of David Davies Railway Collection

Photograph depicts a weather ship of the Canadian Coastguard called "Vancouver." It was fitting out after launching. This vessel and its sister ship, "Quada," were the largest vessels ever built on the western coast of Canada. "Vancouver" was retired in May 1981 as it was too costly to service.

2009.7.1.027 · Item · [ca. 1915]
Part of Archdeacon W. H. Collison fonds

Group stands and sits on front steps of rectory. Left to right: Rev. William Edwin Collison, Mabel and John Maxwell Collison, Alice Collison. (William, Max, and Alice are sons and daughter of Archdeacon W.H. Collison).

Handwritten annotation on verso reads: "Dad & Auntie Al with Aunt May & Uncle Max at the rectory St. Luke's church [...?]".

2009.7.1.137 · Item · [ca. 1910?]
Part of Archdeacon W. H. Collison fonds

Three men can be seen on deck of small boat. Rocky shore in foreground, forest and hills on opposite shore in background.

Handwritten annotations on verso read: "Dad - en route up Nass River on official business. (hence the flag & business suit!)"; "Going up the Nass. Dad (Indian Agent) Cap Barry (Inspect. of Schools) travelling up the Nass River to Aiyansh".

2009.7.1.035 · Item · [ca. 1900]
Part of Archdeacon W. H. Collison fonds

Group poses between two buildings, small dog visible behind. Wood piles and tree stumps can be seen on hill in background.

Handwritten annotation on verso reads: "Metlakatla BC / Back row - W.E. Collison, Fr. Hogan, ?, ? Canon Keen / Front row - ?, ?, Bishop Du Vernet, Archdeacon Laycock". See also item 2009.7.1.32 for image featuring Father Hogan, and 2009.7.1.29 for image featuring Bishop Du Vernet.

W.E. Collison on the Dawn
2009.7.1.285 · Item · [ca. 1880-1920]
Part of Archdeacon W. H. Collison fonds

Archdeacon W.H. Collison and an unidentified man on the "Dawn," Collison's boat. Forested hills and several buildings are visible in the background. Handwritten annotation on verso reads: "The 'Dawn' Archdeacon Collison's boat."

W.E. Collison obituary file
2009.7.2.20 · File
Part of Archdeacon W. H. Collison fonds

File contains articles and obituaries regarding the life and death of W.E. Collison, as well as a letter of condolence from T.D. Patullo to Bertha Collison. Also contained within this file is an attestation to the baptism of Bertha Davies on 26 January 1897 in Devon, England and a certified handwritten copy of the marriage register entry for the marriage of W.E. Collison and Bertha Davies in Metlakatla on 8 June 1900.

2009.7.1.140 · Item · [ca. 1925?]
Part of Archdeacon W. H. Collison fonds

Group of six men sit and stand on small boat close to shore. Rev. W.E. Collison stands on far right (son of Marion and Archdeacon W.H. Collison).

Handwritten annotation on verso reads: "Dr. Macdonald Med officer (Kincolith) / Dr. [McQuarrie?] Med officer Victoria / Steven Clayton Native boat owner / Capt. Bary - Insp. of Indian Schools / W.E. Collison Indian agent. / Inspection trip to villages of upper Nass River".