Winter landscape scene featuring a small barn barely visible under snow. Trees in background and snow-plowed area in foreground. Handwritten caption beside this photo reads: "Lakeside Barn in Winter".
Photograph depicts the boom of a dragline crane hoisting material in a snowy forest. Handwritten annotation on recto of photograph: "Dragline".
Photograph depicts a dragline crane working in excavation area of snow-covered forest. A large tank can be seen in background behind snow piles. Handwritten caption above this photo reads: "Dragline at work."
Photograph depicts a dragline crane working in excavation area of snow-covered forest. A large tank can be seen in background behind snow piles.
Front view of tractor plow clearing snow-covered road site, trees on either side. Operator of plow is visible, but not identifiable.
Handwritten caption above this photo reads: "Sophie [Haach?] [lived?] in the Adams House". Photograph depicts Sophie seated behind table, curtains in background.
Close up of man against corner of unidentified building. Handwritten caption above this photo reads: "Workman Truck Driver". Handwritten annotation on recto of photo reads: "John [Jmeson?] Edmonton".
Photograph depicts blurry image of a bear among what is believed to be slash piles in the forest. Handwritten caption beside this photo reads: "Supposed to be a bear".
Photograph depicts unidentified man with glasses reclining on blanket, coats hanging behind him. Some type of shelving or roofing can be seen in background. Man is wearing pants, belt, and striped shirt with a pencil in the pocket. It is speculated that this man may be Bert Youngstrom, (see items 2005.3.4 & 2005.3.59).
Large tree trunk and smaller saplings silhouetted against Summit Lake, forest visible on opposite shore. Handwritten caption beside this photo reads: "Sumit Lake."
Handwritten caption beside photograph reads: "Sumit Lake." Branches of trees in foreground, forest on opposite shore reflected in water.
Handwritten caption above this photo reads: "Sumit Lake." Photograph depicts man sitting facing lake among branches of trees in foreground, forest on opposite shore reflected in water.
View of Summit Lake with sun at horizon reflected in water and dark clouds above. Part of a man's head is silhouetted in the foreground. Handwritten caption above this photo reads: "Sumit Lake."
Photograph depicts cleared area of forest, vehicle tracks visible in the mud, and a large dirt area in midground.
Photograph depicts an unidentified man driving what is believed to be a 1937? Ford Dump Truck, one of many owned by Campbell Construction [see 2005.3.33]. Truck is driving on dirt road, trees and hillside in background.
Photograph depicts dirt pouring out of dragline bucket suspended by heavy chains over the box of a dump truck. The truck is being loaded by a dragline crane which is elevated on a gravel pile outside of image to right (see item 2005.3.40). Photo was taken in gravel area, and two men can be seen standing in background in front of forest trees. This truck is one of a fleet of 1937? Ford trucks owned by Campbell Construction (see item 2005.3.33).
Photograph depicts dirt pouring out of a dragline bucket suspended by heavy chains over the box of a dump truck. The truck is being loaded by a dragline crane which is elevated on a gravel pile. Photo was taken in gravel area, and men can be seen standing midground in front of forest. This truck is one of a fleet of 1937? Ford trucks owned by Campbell Construction (see item 2005.3.33).
Photograph depicts the steep slope of man-made embankment, trees in background. Tracks made my machinery are visible in dirt of the cut.
Photograph depicts tracks made by machinery in an earth road turning left in forest.
Photograph depicts unidentified man and dog laying on bed in bunkhouse. Miscellaneous items can be seen on table in background beside window. Handwritten caption beside this photo reads: "Bunkhouse".
Handwritten caption below this photo reads: "Bought in Picture Prince George". Photograph depicts a mother grizzly bear standing on her hind legs against tree, so that her facial profile is visible. Two cubs stand on hind legs facing and leaning against her.
Handwritten caption below this photo reads: "Bought in Picture Prince George". Photograph depicts a grizzly bear walking on all fours in forest area, slash debris in background.
Photograph depicts Bert Youngstrom leaning on one of two gas pumps in front of three long buildings. Trees can be seen in background, as well as snow all around. Steel drums an other miscellaneous material surround the buildings. Handwritten captions above and beside this photo read: "Bert Youngstrom" "Shop & Warehouse".
Photograph depicts two men standing on unidentified track vehicle, and a third man seated on a crawler tractor. Machinery is standing on snow-covered area in front of forest trees.
Handwritten caption beside this photo reads: "Bert and Kitchen Staff". Photograph depicts Bert (Youngstrom?) standing close to a woman and young girl on snow in front of unidentified buildings. Forest trees can be seen in background. It is believed that this photo was taken at the camp in Summit Lake, B.C. (see item 2005.3.57).
Photograph depicts the camp at Summit Lake, B.C., a numerous variety of buildings in snowy clearing of forest. A car is parked in foreground on road leading into the camp. It is speculated that this may be the Campbell Construction Co. road camp.
Handwritten caption beside this photo reads: "1500wt 4x4". Photograph depicts small open cab truck with tire chains. Forest and unidentified buildings in background. A second vehicle is semi-visible on far left, as well as a pile of logs on far right.
Photograph depicts large dump truck on its side in snowy forest clearing, exhaust still running. Lumber piles in foreground. Handwritten caption above this photo reads: "Over Easy".
Photograph depicts a man kneeling by row of trout between two small logs on grassy bank of a water's shore. What appears to be the vertical handle of a knife is foregrounded at bottom of image. Handwritten caption below this photo reads: "Trout Fishing."
Photograph depicts a hauling truck in wood clearing. Bert Youngstrom can be seen sitting on the passenger side behind a door with "CAMPBELL CONSTRUCTION CO LIMITED" on its side. Handwritten caption beside this photo reads: "Bert Youngstron [sic?]".
Handwritten caption beside this photo reads: "Cookhouse in Winter". Photograph depicts top of building semi-visible behind large snow pile. Treetops can be seen in background.
Handwritten caption beside this photo reads: "Cutting Fire Wood". Photograph depicts two men on either side of large log using chain saw in wood clearing. A small snow-covered building can be seen in background.
Photograph depicts a dragline crane working in excavation area of snow-covered forest. An unidentified building can be seen in background, covered with snow. Handwritten caption beside this photo reads: "Dragline at work."
Photograph depicts a dragline crane working in excavation area of snow-covered forest, bucket is foregrounded. Handwritten caption beside this photo reads: "Dragline at work."
Photograph depicts the excavation area in forest where dragline cranes had been operating.
Photograph depicts the load and main hook block of a dragline crane operating in excavation area of forest.
Photograph depicts heavy machinery believed to be a brush rake in front of a long unidentified building. Treetops can be seen in background, snow in foreground.
Handwritten caption beside this photo reads: "I built this boat." Photograph depicts canoe and paddles afloat in water, grassy shore in foreground. A pair of pants can be seen in boat, as well as wood planks, box, and rope on shore.
Handwritten caption beside this photo reads: "Fred Youngstron [sic?]" "Foreman spotting for operator." Photograph depicts one man seated on D8 Caterpillar operating a haulback rig, and a second man (Fred?) standing behind him on Caterpillar. Image quality is poor and faces are not visible. Dirt and debris in foreground, forest in background. It is believed this rig is operating in a long-line skidding system.
Handwritten caption above this photo reads: "Plane on Sumit Lake." Logs can be seen floating on water in foreground, as well as trees on opposite shore in background. The seaplane has the letters "CF-ATF" on its side.
Photograph depicts a man seated on cab floor of dragline crane with " CAMPBELL CONSTRUCTION Co. LIMITED" on its side door. The crane is elevated on a man-made dirt hill (see also item 2005.3.40), with forest in background. Handwritten caption beside this photo reads: "Swamper on Shovel".
Handwritten caption beside this photo reads: "Earth Cut". Photograph depicts a man in distance at top of steep slope of man-made embankment, trees in background. Tracks made my machinery are visible in dirt of the cut.
Handwritten caption above this photo reads: "Earth Cut". Photograph depicts the steep slope of man-made embankment, trees in background. Tracks made my machinery are visible in dirt of the cut.
Handwritten caption beside this photo reads: "Sumit Lake." Trees can be seen on shore jutting into the lake on left, as well as on opposite shore in distant background. Unidentified objects can be seen in distance, possibly buildings on far shore.
Photograph depicts unidentified man standing on boom of dragline crane, apparently without safety gear. Unidentified building and equipment can be seen in background against forest.
Photograph depicts a numerous variety of buildings in snowy clearing of forest. A car is parked in foreground on road leading into the camp. Handwritten caption beside this photo reads: "Sumit Lake Camp". It is speculated that this may be the Campbell Construction Co. road camp.
Winter landscape scene featuring a small log home covered in snow with trees in background. Handwritten caption beside this photo reads: "Home of [Laral Peonen?] John Adams".
Handwritten caption above this photo reads: "Cutting Fire Wood". Photograph depicts two men on either side of large log using chain saw in wood clearing. A third man is watching them from behind the saw. A wood pile and small snow-covered building can be seen in background, as well as what is believed to be a caterpillar bulldozer.
View of summit lake from above, many small tree-covered islands and peninsulas visible. Handwritten caption beside this photo reads: "Sumit Lake".
Photograph depicts large fish laid next to a metal L ruler. Fish rests on dark wood speculated to be inside of boat or box of truck. It is believed this photo was taken at Summit Lake, B.C.