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Early Cookery
2000. · Item · 27 December 1951
Part of Cassiar Asbestos Corporation Ltd. fonds

Photograph depicts cookery building with truck on right, in front of door. Snow-covered lumber piles and machinery in foreground, trees and mountain in background.

Cassiar Aerial
2000. · Item · [ca. 1965]
Part of Cassiar Asbestos Corporation Ltd. fonds

Photograph depicts the Cassiar town in foreground, mine valley and north mountain range in background. Photograph speculated to have been taken during the plane ride of an outside exploration trip.

2000. · Item · 15 February 1953
Part of Cassiar Asbestos Corporation Ltd. fonds

Photograph depicts boxed shipment in back of hauling truck, snow pile in foreground. Second truck, building and mountain in background. Corresponding note on accompanying photo description page: "Feb. 15th, 1953: 6. Second diesel, 6VEBX, on two trucks on arrival at property."

2000. · Item · 27 February 1953
Part of Cassiar Asbestos Corporation Ltd. fonds

Photograph depicts scaffolding around building under construction, snow-covered road in foreground. Corresponding note on accompanying photo description page: "Feb. 27th: 10. All roof trusses on and starting on shiplapping the roof. Machine Shop."

2000. · Item · [August 1952 ?]
Part of Cassiar Asbestos Corporation Ltd. fonds

Photograph depicts a man in a hat and tie on a tractor pushing ore to chute area on crest of mountain in the mine area. Corresponding note on accompanying photo description page reads, "August 5th: 10. Bulldozing ore to chute on crest of mountain."

2000. · Item · 19 August 1952
Part of Cassiar Asbestos Corporation Ltd. fonds

Photograph depicts chute on mountain, men in background. Corresponding notes on accompanying photo description page: "August 19th, 1952: 2. Chute to convey the broken rock from adit. This chute required to convey the rock over the talus roads. (Note: The above two pictures were taken in dull weather therefore they may not have turned out.) [referring to this item and 2000.]".

2000. · Item · 20 August 1952
Part of Cassiar Asbestos Corporation Ltd. fonds

Photograph depicts pipes laid in ground on wood structure, power house and men on scaffold in background. Building materials on left in foreground. Corresponding note on accompanying photo description page: "August 20th: 7. Installing water pipes from water tank to Power House. Oil tanks on left. Looking southeast."

2000. · Item · 25 August 1952
Part of Cassiar Asbestos Corporation Ltd. fonds

Photograph depicts plant site in valley, mountains in background. Corresponding note on accompanying photo description page: "August 25th: 9. Ore stockpile, 25 KVA power house, water tower, power house, sub-station, oil tanks, shop foundation in foreground. Looking northwest."

2000. · Item · 9 July 1952
Part of Cassiar Asbestos Corporation Ltd. fonds

Photograph depicts load of bags on trailer with tracks, pulled by crawler tractor. Mountains and unidentified building in background. Corresponding note on accompanying photo description page: "Pictures taken July 9th, 1952: 2. First load of bulk samples brought down to the plantsite from mine."