Photograph depicts two men reading magazines from chair and couch in waiting room. Coffee table and lamp in centre background. Handwritten annotation recto of photograph gives name of man on left.
Photograph depicts man with badminton racket in foreground of gymnasium, woman with racket facing away from photographer in background. Doors, chairs, and piles of boxes visible in background.
Photograph depicts man with badminton racket playing to right of net in gymnasium. Stage, doors, chairs, and basketball hoops visible in background. Door to right of stage led to squash court and upper balcony.
Photograph depicts man with badminton racket playing to right of net in gymnasium. Stage, doors, chairs, and basketball hoops visible in background. Door to right of stage led to squash court and upper balcony.
Photograph depicts two men with badminton rackets in foreground of gymnasium. Stage, doors, tables, and basketball hoops visible in background. Door to right of stage led to squash court and upper balcony.
Photograph depicts two men with badminton rackets in foreground of gymnasium, net visible on far right. Doors, tables, and chairs visible in background.
Photograph depicts two men purchasing items in foreground, facing away from photographer. Unknown woman stands at till behind counter in midground, wearing long white professional jacket. Stocked shelves on wall in background. Store appears to be stocked with groceries and general supplies.
Photograph depicts two men purchasing items across counter. Unknown woman stands at till in foreground wearing long white professional jacket. Store appears to be stocked with groceries and general supplies.
Photograph depicts unidentified woman using Bauer Mcnett machine to test length of fibre samples by using water. Woman stands facing wall, away from photographer, unidentified equipment on either side.
Photograph depicts woman with badminton racket playing to right of net in gymnasium. Stage, doors, chairs, and basketball hoops visible in background. Door to right of stage led to squash court and upper balcony.
Photograph depicts two women seated at lab table, facing away from photographer. Woman on right believed to be combing asbestos fibres to determine length and grade. Woman on left believed to be conducting standard lab tests (weighing filters, test tubes, or fibres).
File consists of Container Planting of Douglas-Fir, Lodgepole Pine and White Spruces in the Prince George Forest District in 1968: Working Plan. File includes data tables and photographs of seedlings and site.
File contains photographs depicting individuals at Cassiar on strike in the winter time, marching down roads, holding picket signs, carrying small children who hold signs, and driving cars covered with strike slogans. Many of the signs read "U.S.W.A. LOCAL 6536" (United Steel Workers of America).
- Two photographs depict a man with a video recorder. Some photos feature plant buildings, two were taken at night. One photograph depicts a note that reads: "THERE WILL BE NO AFTERNOON SHIFT THURSDAY NOVEMBER 5th 1970."
- Many photos depict areas in the mine showing snow impacts, fissures in the mountain, asbestos evidence and other environmental activity. The picket signs contain protests regarding contracts, safety, environment, and ethics.
- Handwritten annotation on original envelope containing photographs: "Pictures 1970 Strike."
- Integrated into file are fourteen photos from file marked "Mr. B. Pewsey" that depict an area where a large rock fell, measuring tape, and protest sign.
Photograph depicts fenced church building with what appears to be speakers mounted on roof above main entry. Road and trees in foreground, mountains in background. Handwritten annotation on verso of photograph: "Cassiar June 15 71".
Photograph depicts two unidentified men on front deck of building behind trees. Road and car in foreground, mountains visible in background. Handwritten annotation on verso of photograph: "Directors Lodge Cassiar June 15 71". Building also known as "House 130".
Photograph depicts two lawn chairs in front of building with front deck. Trees visible in foreground and background. Handwritten annotation on verso of photograph: "Directors Lodge Cassiar June 15 71". Building also known as "House 130".
Photograph depicts squirrel being fed from hand of unidentified individual. Squirrel appears to be sitting on deck furniture of Director's Lodge at Cassiar, B.C. (see items 2000. and 2000.
Photograph depicts three women wearing matching attire in doorway of CP Air plane on runway. Small plane in foreground, field and trees in background. Handwritten annotation on verso of photograph: "Watson Lake June 14 71".
Photograph depicts yellow daffodils planted in dirt outside of main office building. Handwritten annotation on verso of photograph: "Cassiar June 15 71".
Photograph depicts two-story yellow and orange office building. Unidentified individual stands with garden hose in foreground near what appears to be a lawnmower. Warehouse semi-visible in left background; blue truck and new mill building visible in right background. Handwritten annotation on verso of photograph: "Cassiar Office June 15 71".
Squirrel appears to be sitting on deck furniture of Director's Lodge at Cassiar, B.C. (see items 2000. and 2000.
Squirrel appears to be sitting on deck furniture of Director's Lodge at Cassiar, B.C. (see items 2000. and 2000.
Squirrel appears to be sitting on deck furniture of Director's Lodge at Cassiar, B.C. (see items 2000. and 2000.
Squirrel appears to be sitting on deck furniture of Director's Lodge at Cassiar, B.C. (see items 2000. and 2000.
Squirrel appears to be sitting on deck furniture of Director's Lodge at Cassiar, B.C. (see items 2000. and 2000.
Photograph depicts long bunkhouse buildings located between the Cassiar plant and townsite. They were originally used seasonally by university students, or by new employees on waiting lists for the more accommodating panabode "Winter Bunkhouses" (see item 2000. These buildings are speculated to be bunkhouses number 86, 87, and 88. Trees cross midground; new mill building, tailings pile, and mountains visible in background. Handwritten annotation on verso of photograph: "Cassiar June 15 71".
Photograph depicts tramline buckets and tower on plantsite. Vehicles, building materials, and unidentified buildings also visible on plantsite (including what appears to be a water tower). Mountains and valley in background. Handwritten annotation on verso of photograph: "Cassiar June 15 71".
Photograph depicts flowing water believed to be Troutline Creek which ran south of Cassiar, B.C. Tailings pile and plant buildings visible behind forest in midground, northern mountain range in background. Handwritten annotation on verso of photograph: "Cassiar June 15 71".
Photograph depicts flowing water believed to be Troutline Creek which ran south of Cassiar, B.C. Tailings pile and plant buildings visible behind forest in midground, northern mountain range in background. Handwritten annotation on verso of photograph: "Cassiar June 15 71".
Photograph depicts flowing water speculated to be Troutline Creek which ran south of Cassiar, B.C. Forest on opposite shore and mountains in background. Handwritten annotation on verso of photograph: "Cassiar June 15 71".
Photograph depicts flowing water speculated to be Troutline Creek which ran south of Cassiar, B.C. Forest on opposite shore and mountains in background. Handwritten annotation on verso of photograph: "Cassiar June 15 71".
Photograph depicts brown and white building similar to the "Director's Lodge" at Cassiar, B.C. (see items 2000. and 2000. Station wagon parked in driveway behind short fence in foreground. Trees in foreground, forest and mountains visible in background. Handwritten annotation on verso of photograph: "Cassiar June 15 71".
Photograph depicts part of a brown and white building similar to the "Director's Lodge" at Cassiar, B.C. (see items 2000. and 2000. Unidentified individuals visible inside greenhouse in fenced back yard. Forest in background. Handwritten annotation on verso of photograph: "Cassiar June 15 71".
File consists of a day planner.
Tree trunk partially submerged by flood waters, Takla Lake, Northern British Columbia
File consists of various Christmas cards from MPs, MLAs, and foreign delegates. Notable cards from Pierre Trudeau and Jean Chretien. Also includes envelopes.
File consists of various Christmas cards from MPs, MLAs, and foreign delegates. Notable cards from Pierre Trudeau and Jean Chretien. Also includes envelopes.
File consists of various Christmas cards from MPs, MLAs, and foreign delegates. Notable cards from Premier of New Brunswick Richard Hatfield, Dan Campbell and staff from Intergovernmental Relations Province of British Columbia, Lieutenant Governor of Nova Scotia Clarence Gosse, and two identical cards from British Columbia Premier W.R. Bennet.
File consists of a day planner.
File consists of various Christmas cards from MPs, MLAs, and foreign delegates. Notable card from Pierre Trudeau.
File consists of a day planner.
Frontal detail of <i>Delphinium</i>
File consists of Campagnolo's incoming correspondence in French and English regarding the 1978 Commonwealth Games. Also includes a briefing note for Campagnolo regarding the international political situation of aparteid at the Commonwealth Games, resolutions concerning sporting links with South Africa, a news release on the position of Africa in the Commonwealth Games, and an itinerary of events between New Zealand and South Africa.
File consists of a day planner.
File consists of a day planner.
This collection is proposed Cassiar development for the operating budget in 1979. The photographs are of poster-size presentation information. Topics covered include: operating graph of cost vs. fibre production, productivity rates, waste removal, ore mining cost vs. ton, primary crushing cost vs. ton, ore delivery cost vs. ton transported, stockpile drying and storage cost vs. ton feed, milling cost vs. ton fibre, establishment of funds allocated to townsite, staff, O&T and P&M, three proposed plans for 1979 and the requirements and costs for these proposals.
This flag for the 1980 Arctic Winter Games was a gift to Minister Iona Campagnolo in 1979, prior to the event.
File consists of a day planner.
File consists of a day planner.