File contains meeting agendas, minutes, reports, and correspondence for CPPA directors meetings in 1992.
Canadian Pulp & Paper Association (CPPA)File consists of meeting agendas and documents for Canadian Pulp and Paper Association meetings in 1992-1993.
Canadian Pulp & Paper Association (CPPA)File contains correspondence between executives regarding the issue of Canada's global competitiveness in the pulp market.
Canadian Pulp & Paper Association (CPPA)File contains Canadian Pulp & Paper Association meeting notes. Also includes a resume.
Canadian Pulp & Paper Association (CPPA)File consists of Canadian Pulp & Paper Association executive materials. Includes meeting minutes, meeting agendas, meeting summaries, correspondence, promotional/informational materials, annual reports, magazine publications, other bound documents.
Canadian Pulp & Paper Association (CPPA)File consists of Canadian Pulp & Paper Association executive materials. Includes meeting minutes, meeting agendas, meeting summaries, correspondence, promotional/informational materials, annual reports, magazine publications, other bound documents.
Canadian Pulp & Paper Association (CPPA)File consists of Canadian Pulp & Paper Association executive materials. Includes meeting minutes, meeting agendas, meeting summaries, correspondence, promotional/informational materials, annual reports, magazine publications, other bound documents.
Canadian Pulp & Paper Association (CPPA)File contains meeting agendas, minutes, reports, and correspondence for the joint meeting with the Japan Paper Association.
Canadian Pulp & Paper Association (CPPA)File contains the "1992 Communication Plan for The Board of Directors by the Issues Communications Strategy Group".
Canadian Pulp & Paper Association (CPPA)File contains correspondence regarding the efforts of the Canadian Pulp & Paper Association to establish a presence in Europe.
Canadian Pulp & Paper Association (CPPA)File contains documents from the Canadian Pulp & Paper Association (CPPA) Board of Directors meeting of December 4th, 1991.
Canadian Pulp & Paper Association (CPPA)File contains meeting agendas and correspondence for the CPPA Executive Committee meetings of January 28, 1993 and June 2, 1993.
Canadian Pulp & Paper Association (CPPA)File contains the CPPA publication "From the Forests of Canada to the Markets of the World" in a number of languages.
Canadian Pulp & Paper Association (CPPA)File consists of memoranda and a report regarding the CPPA's focus issues.
Canadian Pulp & Paper Association (CPPA)File contains correspondence and a membership list for the Task Force on Industry Viability & Competitiveness.
Canadian Pulp & Paper Association (CPPA)File contains correspondence, informational packages regarding the CPPA, executive communications, and copies of the 1992 proposed budget.
Canadian Pulp & Paper Association (CPPA)File consists of the proposed 1992 budget for the Canadian Pulp & Paper Association.
Canadian Pulp & Paper Association (CPPA)File contains a press release forecasting probable moderate growth in industry shipments in 1992.
Canadian Pulp & Paper Association (CPPA)File contains financial reports, meeting minutes, agendas, and action items from the Canadian Pulp & Paper Association (CPPA) extraordinary meeting of the Board of Directors on January 31, 1991.
Canadian Pulp & Paper Association (CPPA)File contains documents from Canadian Pulp & Paper Association (CPPA) Executive Committee meetings from December 3, 1991. Includes correspondence, agenda/minutes, budget, and appendices to the budget.
Canadian Pulp & Paper Association (CPPA)File contains correspondence and reports concerning the activities of the Fiscal and Monetary Task Force of the Canadian Pulp and Paper Association.
Canadian Pulp & Paper Association (CPPA)File consists of a folio for the CPPA executive forum that includes discussion of CPPA issue management.
Canadian Pulp & Paper Association (CPPA)File contains the Canadian Pulp & Paper Association mission statement.
Canadian Pulp & Paper Association (CPPA)File consists of Canadian Pulp & Paper Association executive materials. Includes meeting minutes, meeting agendas, meeting summaries, correspondence, promotional/informational materials, annual reports, magazine publications, other bound documents.
Canadian Pulp & Paper Association (CPPA)File contains correspondence, itineraries, and agenda for various CPPA international meetings.
Canadian Pulp & Paper Association (CPPA)File contains various reports relevant to the CPPA.
Canadian Pulp & Paper Association (CPPA)File contains correspondence, memoranda, and other documents pertaining to Noranda's interest in the Canadian Pulp & Paper Association's environmental policy.
Canadian Pulp & Paper Association (CPPA)File contains a report on the sustainability of the pulp and paper industry in British Columbia.
Canadian Pulp & Paper Association (CPPA)File consists of minutes of the Canadian Pulp & Paper Association (CPPA) Communications Policy Committee meeting held May 31, 1990.
Canadian Pulp & Paper Association (CPPA)File contains Canadian Pulp & Paper Association (CPPA) reports and correspondence regarding assessment team activities.
Canadian Pulp & Paper Association (CPPA)File contains memoranda to the Canadian Pulp & Paper Association (CPPA) executive with a copy of Bill C-78 (the Environmental Assessment Act).
Canadian Pulp & Paper Association (CPPA)File contains Canadian Pulp & Paper Association (CPPA) correspondence, memoranda, and reports regarding the Canadian Forest Industry Study.
Canadian Pulp & Paper Association (CPPA)File contains speaker biographies, copies of speeches, and various other conference related documents for the Canadian Pulp and Paper Association's Joint Technical Conference.
Canadian Pulp & Paper Association (CPPA)File contains correspondence, memoranda, and reports regarding the effect of the GST on the members of the Canadian Pulp & Paper Association (CPPA).
Canadian Pulp & Paper Association (CPPA)File contains a memorandum to the Canadian Pulp & Paper Association (CPPA) executive regarding inter-provincial trade barriers.
Canadian Pulp & Paper Association (CPPA)File contains meeting minutes, notes, and agendas for the Canadian Pulp & Paper Association (CPPA)Directors' Meeting of February 16, 1989 in Toronto, Ontario.
Canadian Pulp & Paper Association (CPPA)File consists of Canadian Pulp & Paper Association executive materials. Includes meeting minutes, meeting agendas, meeting summaries, correspondence, promotional/informational materials, annual reports, magazine publications, other bound documents.
Canadian Pulp & Paper Association (CPPA)File contains meeting agendas, minutes, reports, and correspondence for the joint meeting with the Japan Paper Association.
Canadian Pulp & Paper Association (CPPA)File contains correspondence, faxes, and the CPPA's official environmental policy.
Canadian Pulp & Paper Association (CPPA)File contains a public opinion tracking study about the Canadian forestry industry.
Canadian Pulp & Paper Association (CPPA)File contains correspondence and memoranda as well reports on the environmental policy and practices of the pulp and paper industry in Canada.
Canadian Pulp & Paper Association (CPPA)File contains material regarding the effect of the Free Trade Agreement on the Canadian Pulp & Paper Association.
Canadian Pulp & Paper Association (CPPA)File contains "A Brief on the Policy of Pesticide Use in the Forest Environment".
Canadian Pulp & Paper Association (CPPA)File consists of Canadian Pulp & Paper Association Wood Pulp Section meeting minutes, agendas, and correspondence.
Canadian Pulp & Paper Association (CPPA)File contains memoranda to the Canadian Pulp & Paper Association (CPPA) executive attached to reports regarding Forest Policy in Canada.
Canadian Pulp & Paper Association (CPPA)File contains the CPPA annual report for 1988.
Canadian Pulp & Paper Association (CPPA)File contains correspondence, reports, and memoranda between executives of the Canadian Pulp and Paper Association regarding dioxin levels.
Canadian Pulp & Paper Association (CPPA)File consists of Canadian Pulp & Paper Association Economic Policy Committee meeting minutes, agendas, and correspondence.
Canadian Pulp & Paper Association (CPPA)File contains correspondence and a prepared document for the CPPA Industry Development Section Annual Meeting entitled "The Long-Term Supply/Demand Outlook for Pulp and Paper--a World View".
Canadian Pulp & Paper Association (CPPA)File consists of correspondence regarding 1986 CPPA executive board meetings.
Canadian Pulp & Paper Association (CPPA)