This 16 page booklet includes illustrations and a program of events, along with a short history of Williams Lake, a short history of stampedes, a "Dude Dictionary", and a poem entitled "The Old Cow Puncher". Also includes a summary about the "Cariboo Indians" (possibly referring to the Secwepemc Nation and other First Nations near the Williams Lake area) contemporary to the time that contains information that is now considered inaccurate.
Advertisement reads:
The Natural Center for a Great Metropolis in Central British Columbia
50,000 people have written to this company in the past few months for information on Fort George and Central British Columbia. This spring this section will see its real awakening--of course the shrewd investor of small capital appreciates what it means to buy land or town lots in the path of great industrial development, which development is not merely contemplated, but is actually in progress. The person who sees Fort George and its wonderfully rich tributary country today and invests a small sum there and revisits it again in 1915 would find himself financially independent, and the whole face of things so completely changed that he could not realize it as the same spot where his small investment had been made in 1911.
These statements are not dreams, but real existing facts based on the solid foundation of an immense virgin country, marvelously rich in natural resources being opened to the world by the greatest transcontinental railway system on the American continent, 1,100 miles, of navigable waterways radiate from Fort George.
Fort George is on the line of seven railroads projected and under construction. We issue a monthly periodical, The British Columbia Bulletin of Information--full of intensely interesting reading and pictures of British Columbia, which we will mail to you every month if you will ask.
Item is a printed seasonal greeting card. Includes a printed image of an Alaskan Highway view from Dawson Creek and an outline map of the Alaska Highway. Printed card inscription states "Major and Mrs. C.C. Clitheroe Rae Pauline and David Charles Send Greeting and Best Wishes for Christmas 1944 and the New Year 1945".
File consists of digital scans of the following reports regarding indigenous land use:
- Archeo Tech Associates. "An Aboriginal Sustenance Impact Assessment of the Quesnel River Gold Development Project, near Quesnel, B.C.". Prepared for the Mine Review and Permitting Branch, Ministry of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources. December 1993.
- Archeo Tech Associates. "An Aboriginal Sustenance Impact Assessment of the Kemess South Gold-Copper Project: A Status Report". Prepared for El Condor Resources Ltd. September 1995.
- John Dewhirst and Archaeo Research Ltd. "Tsilhqot'in Use and Occupancy of the Xeni Gwet'in Claim Area, 1793-1864". Prepared for Chief Roger William, Xeni Gwet'in First Nation Government and Woodward & Company. 4 August 2005.
File consists of records believed to be created or received by August Johnson, who is believed to be a Swedish immigrant farmer in the North Bulkley area in the 1920s. In 1923, he departed for Belle Island, Alaska for treatment for a recurring illness. By 1930, he was living and working near Dorreen and Ritchie Stations, along the Skeena River east of Terrace. He made a living hunting, trapping, prospecting, and small-scale farming, and also opened a fine lime deposit. He died in 1945. His records consist of correspondence and an almanac diary; they are written in a mixture of English and Swedish. Includes:
- Letter to August Johnson, written in Swedish, dated November 21st 1930
- Christmas postcard to August Johnson from his brother, written in Swedish, dated December 21st 1930
- 3-page letter to August Johnson from 'Staley' in the Houston/North Bulkley area, dated October 7th 1935. It mentions the names of several people/families who lived in the area at the time, such as Bellicini, Madigan, Goold, and McInnes.
- Dr. A.W. Chase's Calendar Almanac and day planner from 1939, with annotated daily accounts written by August Johnson. Names mentioned in Almanac include Dorreen, Ritchie, Coal Creek, and "Purkie Pint/Purkipint (Porcupine?) Creek" and Fred Hillgard.
File consists of:
- Barkerville Historical Park pamphlet (1961?)
- Postcard of St. Saviour's Church, Barkerville, "one of BC's oldest churches" (2 Aug. 1964)
- An informational booklet about St. Saviour's Church, Barkerville (2 Aug. 1964)
- Theatre Royal, Barkerville playbill (2 Nov. 1966)
- Theatre Royal, "The Legend of Fanny Bendixon" playbill (1983)
- Barkerville Schedule of Events (1983)
Item is an orange bumper sticker with the BC Hydro logo and the words "I HAVE SEEN THE PEACE POWER PROJECT".
Item is issue Vol. 2 No. 4 from February 1912 of the "British Columbia Bulletin of Information", a promotional mouthpiece of the Natural Resources Security Company. The publication is self-described as "About the vast natural resources and commercial, agricultural and mining progress, together with a synopsis of the laws regulating public lands, timber, coal and other minerals, and current record of development in British Columbia, Alberta and Saskatchewan for the business man, the farmer and the investor". The headline of this issue is "B.C. Government Guarantees Bonds of Railway to connect Fort George with Vancouver". The Natural Resources Security Company was a development company that sold a significant amount of land in Fort George.
File consists of:
- 1948 Canadian National Brochure, Alaska in ’48. Dimensions: [21 x 28 cm]
- 1948 Pamphlet brochure 5 Day Cruise to Ketchikan Alaska. Dimensions: [10 x 22 cm]
- 1948 CNR Grand Trunk Railway letter regarding cruise offerings. Dimensions: [20 x 28 cm]
This Canadian National Railways (CNR) Office of the Locomotive Foreman (Boston Bar) log book from 1958-1960 contains daily descriptions of weather, train timings, inspections, and issues arising. Also includes accountings of diesel units arriving and departing at Boston Bar.
This Canadian National Railways trip passes book is believed to have been created and maintained by the Office of the Locomotive Foreman (Boston Bar). CNR pensioners, employees, and employee dependents were eligible for types of trip passes for travel on CNR trains (annual, long service, and trip passes). The use of these passes were recorded in this log book, organized alphabetically by the last name of the employee with alphabetical dividers. Each employee's section includes the employee's starting date of employment, pass destination information, the pass number provided, the date the pass was received, and the signature of the traveller. Some employee sections also contain inserted CNR pass forms and other inserted documentation that include personal information. Numerous other textual materials have been inserted at the beginning and end of the log book, including CNR circulars, policy documents, blank forms, and inter-departmental correspondence regarding pass policies as well as inquiries about specific employees.
Item is a Canadian Pacific Railway document with a "Passenger trains line up of No. 2 & No. 12 - In & Out" from 6 October 1970. Includes names and codes of train cars.
Item is an programme for the Canadian Schools Curling Championship that occurred at the Prince George Coliseum in Prince George, BC between February 20-24, 1961.
File consists of Ernie Kaesmodel's copy of "Cariboo Chronicles" by John Roberts. The booklet is signed by the author. The booklet is accompanied by a letter from Rip Kitchen to Ernie Kaesmodel regarding the "Cariboo Chronicles" booklet and provides other local historical anecdotes.
Item is a course selection guide for Grade 8 courses at Cassiar Secondary School from 1983-1984.
File consists of three business letters and one telegram sent by W.F. Smith in 1914 from Smithers, Prince George, and Fort George.
Item is a Canadian Pacific Railway "CP Rail" pamphlet for ferry services in British Columbia for the following locations: Vancouver, Nanaimo, Seattle, Victoria, and Port Angeles. Also advertises an "Alaska cruise" on the Princess Patricia from Vancouver to Skagway, with stops at Prince Rupert, Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau, and Bartlett Cove.
This "Declared Tsilhqot'in title lands" pamphlet includes a map that illustrates boundaries of declared Tsilhoqot'in title lands and rights areas, as well as locations of Tsilhqot'in communities and geographical/physical land features.
File consists of four letters from Eagle Lake Spruce Mills to the British Columbia Ministry of Railways regarding the company's construction of a logging railway.
This photocopied typescript entitled "Early Automobiles in Prince George" by Albert Bell Porter gives anecdotes and accounts relating to early automobile ownership in Prince George circa 1900-1920.
File consists of eight newspaper clippings, seven of which are a series of articles on the findings of the Oxford University Ellesmere Land Expedition, with the eighth being a photograph of the Expedition’s winter quarters in Etah, Greenland. Five of the articles were written by the expedition leader, Mr. Noel Humphreys and the other two were written by members of the Expedition, Mr. Moore and Mr. Haig-Thomas. The articles were originally published in the “Times” of London but the clippings appear to be from the “New Zealand Herald”.
Humphreys, NoelThe fonds consists of 4 letters by Collier written to McKilvington and 1 letter from McKilvington to Collier. Collier's letters discuss the problems in getting a signed copy of his book to McKilvington, and also respond to McKilvington's letter with information about mutual friends in the Chilcotin and with opinions on the depletion of wildlife in the Chilcotin district. McKilvington's letter is autobiographical, and also contains his opinions on the depletion of wildlife in the Chilcotin, gun control and provincial game regulations. One letter is a response to a letter McKilvington sent to the provincial government on the mismanagement of wildlife, ostensibly written by Ken Kiernan (BC Minister of Recreation & Conservation) but, according to Collier, probably written by Jim Hatter, Kiernan's deputy. The newspaper clippings include an obituary of Collier, an article and letter by Collier, and two photographs of Mrs. Collier taken at local functions.
McKilvington, Benjamin (Bud) W.This file consists of photocopy reproductions of three oral history tape transcriptions of interviews with Father Pierre Poullet of the Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate (OMI). Poullet was active in missionary work in northern BC between 1937 and [1998?] ; these transcripts mention Lower Post, Telegraph Creek, Dease Lake, McDame, Fort Nelson, Muncho Lake, and the Alaska Highway. The transcripts are titled "Earlier tape", "Tape of Lower Post", and "Tape of Fort Nelson".
Item is a 1967 annual report created by the First Memorial United Church in Vanderhoof.
This item is believed to be the program for the first agricultural fair in Fort George. This annual fair evolved to become what is now Prince George's British Columbia Northern Exhibition (BCNE).
Item is a brochure promoting the 150th anniversary of Fort St. James, BC. The brochure contains a history of Fort St. James.
Item is a single-page mimeographed list of free miners' licenses dating from May 31st, 1928.
Two duplicate booklets for the "Government auction sale of property at Prince George, Fort George, and South Fort George". Both booklets are variously annotated with different numbers (bid prices? final sale amounts?) next to listed lots to be sold.
Item is a GTPR banquet menu. Printing on recto reads “Menu G.T.P.R. Banquet To Sir Charles Rivers Wilson and President Charles M. Hays of the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway Company Given by The Prince Rupert Board of Trade at the Prince Rupert Inn Saturday, August 21st, 1909”.
Item is two photocopied chapters from Gwen Abram's biographical manuscript entitled "Bone to Soup: A Memoir by Gwen Abram". The chapters are titled "Wood and Snow: Adventures in Prince George; Walls Come Tumbling Down" and "Fun at College: Prince George college sit-in".
This 75th anniversary history of the Quest Club presented by Margaret Moffat and Joan Grainger at a celebratory luncheon held at Esther's Inn on October 12th, 1999 was gleaned from the History of the Quest Club prepared by Joy McMillan and Joan Grainger in 1984 for the 60th Anniversary of the Quest Club, and from Minutes of the Quest Club meetings up to 1999.
The Quest Club was started by six Prince George women who quested for more information in all fields of knowledge.
File consists of a 3-page document, presumably written by the Vancouver Security & Loan Company Ltd. entitled "DESCRIPTION. HOME-STEAD AND RANCH AT HANCEVILLE, LILLOOET DISTRICT, B.C. Owner, Mr. Tretheway." The document describes the property in detail, including the livestock, machinery, and other assets on the property, as well as great detail about the property's location and transportation available to the location. This document is accompanied by a detailed map, locating the property and showing lines of transportation and details about the property and its surroundings.
This document is a contemporary transcription of a Hudson's Bay Company Fort George (New Caledonia) post journal. The accuracy and completeness of this transcription is not verified.
This document is a contemporary transcription of a Hudson's Bay Company Fort George (New Caledonia) post journal. The accuracy and completeness of this transcription is not verified.
This document is a contemporary transcription of a Hudson's Bay Company Fort George (New Caledonia) post journal. The accuracy and completeness of this transcription is not verified.
This document is a contemporary transcription of a Hudson's Bay Company Fort George (New Caledonia) post journal. The accuracy and completeness of this transcription is not verified.
This document is a contemporary transcription of a Hudson's Bay Company Fort George (New Caledonia) post journal. The accuracy and completeness of this transcription is not verified.
This document is a contemporary transcription of a Hudson's Bay Company Fort George (New Caledonia) post journal. The accuracy and completeness of this transcription is not verified.
This document is a contemporary transcription of a Hudson's Bay Company Fort George (New Caledonia) post journal. The accuracy and completeness of this transcription is not verified.
These documents are contemporary transcriptions of Hudson's Bay Company Fort George (New Caledonia) post journals. The accuracy and completeness of these transcriptions are not verified. Some post journal transcriptions are missing.