Postcard expressing birthday greetings and salutations from abroad and is postmarked "Oxford" England
Postcard expressing salutations from San Francisco and is postmarked "San Francisco -- Calif"
Postcard expressing salutations from New York City and is postmarked "New York, N.Y."
Postcard expresses Christmas greetings
Postcard identifying location of Mother in Callander, Ont. and Mary's interest in receiving correspondence
Blank postcard was in a collection of miscellaneous postcards put aside by Mary Fallis. It is believed the image depicted played a significant role in Mary's early life in Nova Scotia
Blank postcard was in a collection of miscellaneous postcards put aside by Mary Fallis. It is believed the image depicted played a significant role in Mary's early life in Nova Scotia
Shot of Nechako River and cutbanks taken from Cache Island located in Prince George, British Columbia
Panorama shot of the McLeod Lake
Detail of Mahonia aquifolium in flower
Detail of Mahonia aquifolium in fruit
Habitat of Sagittaria latifolia
Detail of Rosa in flower
Detail of Rosa in flower
Habit of Rosa in transition from flowering to fruiting
Detail of Mahonia aquifolium in fruit
Habitat of a pair of mushrooms
Habitat of Smilacina racemosa in fruit
Habit of Erythronium gradiflorum in flower
Habit of Cypripedium montanum in flower
Habitat of Cornus [stolonifera ?]
Detail of Polyporus emerging through Cornus canadensis leaves on forest floor
Branch tracery of Betula [?] tree
Frontal detail of yellow multi-petaled flower encircled by two different species
Habitat of moss and low growing plant with red oblong leaves
McArthur Lake, Yoho National Park
[Panorama of Nechako River from Pumping Station No. 5 ?]
Frontal detail of Ledum in flower
Frontal detail of Ledum in flower
Frontal detail of Rubus chamaemorus in fruit
Frontal detail of Rubus chamaemorus in fruit
Habitat of Vaccinium oxycoccos
Habitat shot of creamy white fungus emerging from moss
Habitat of brown mushroom, moss and cloudberry [Rubus chamaemorus] leaves
Habit of Fritillaria lanceolata in flower
Habit of Myosotis alpestris in flower
Frontal detail of Myosotis alpestris in flower
Habitat of an assortment of wildflowers
Detail of new foliage of Viburnum edule