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2009.6.1.626 · Item · 4 June 2006
Part of The Honourable Iona Campagnolo fonds

Photograph taken during the Inaugural Dedication of Heritage Stones. Canadian flags hang behind podium. Crowd sits under tent in grassy area, planes visible in background.

Item is one of three photographs accompanying a paper reading: “Comox Valley Air Force Museum Association, Inaugural Dedication of Heritage Stones, Sunday 04 June 2006”; see also items 2009.6.1.627 and 2009.6.1.628.

2009. · Item · [between 1974 and 1979]
Part of The Honourable Iona Campagnolo fonds

Photograph depicts three Anglican priests that served Nisga’a communities in the Nass Valley of British Columbia. They have been identified as (left to right): Father John Hannen (serving Gingolx, later Bishop of the Anglican Diocese of Caledonia), Father John Blyth (serving Gitlaxt'aamiks), and Father David Retter (serving Laxgalts'ap).