The Alexander Manson Mining Collection consists of 133 loose photographs documenting various aspects of the mining industry in Northern British Columbia between 1930-1940. Photographs show images of Manson Creek and Germansen Landing.
Manson, AlexanderPhotograph depicts a man (Mr. McCorkell) sitting down on a pile of logs at Germansen Lake.
Photograph depicts a shallow ditch cut into rocky terrain that leads through a forested landscape.
Photograph depicts a cut ditch into tertiary gravel, with a wooden mining (?) structure and a forest landscape in the background.
Photograph depicts eight men building a wooden bridge over a section of lake. A mining (?) work camp is visible in a foreseted background.
Photograph depicts a person operating a bulldozer to clear a path through the snow in a forested landscape.
Photograph depicts a bulldozer convoy freighting supplies into camp in winter.
Photograph depicts a bulldozer driving down a shallow ditchline with a forested area in the background.
Photograph depicts a bull dozer driving down a gravel road through a forested landscape.
Photograph depicts a bulldozer in a winter landscape pulling sleds loaded with large pipes and steel drums potentially heading for the mines for assembly.
Photograph depicts a distance perspective of a bulldozer pulling sleds loaded with large pipes and steel drums potentially heading for the mines for assembly.
Photograph depicts a bulldozer pulling sleds loaded with large pipes and steel drums potentially heading for the mines for assembly.
Photograph depicts a bulldozer pulling sleds loaded with large pipes and steel drums potentially heading for the mines for assembly. Close up of 2004.8.1.57
Photograph depicts the front end of a bulldozer being operated by an unidentified man in front of a forested background.
Photograph depicts the front end of a bulldozer being operated by an unidentified man in front of a forested background.
Photograph depicts a bulldozer transporting mining supplies (pipes) in a snow covered forest landscape.
Photograph depicts a caterpillar tractor and a bulldozer working on a ditch cut through a forested landscape. Handwritten annotation on recto reads: "see #1 cut go wide on top". Handwritten annotation on verso reads: "caterpiller tractor and bulldozer working on ditch"
Photograph depicts two men emptying (?) a large barrel or bucket being hoisted in the air by a pulley at Germansen Lake.
Photograph depicts a shovel digging a deepcut along in the hillside within a forested landscape. Handrwitten annotation on recto of photograph: "1 yd. P&H 36 ton shovel (one of the deepest cuts) with a ditch bottom 15ft.
Photograph depicts a steam shovel operating in a ditch cut through a forested landscape. Handrwitten annotation on recto of photograph: "steam shovel sec. #3 July 15th"
Photograph depicts the front end of a steam shovel in a cleared gravel area in front of a forested landscape. Handwritten annotation on verso of photograph reads: "Steam Shovel"
Photograph depicts the front end of a steam shovel in a cleared gravel area in front of a forested landscape.
Photograph depicts the front end of a steam shovel in a cleared gravel area in front of a forested landscape.
Photograph depicts the construction of a wood planked flume 8ft wide around the side of a mountain.
Photograph depicts the construction of a wood planked flume 8ft wide around the side of a mountain.
Photograph depicts the construction of a wood planked flume 8ft wide around the side of a mountain.
Photograph depicts a cut section of a hillside with a forested area visible in the background.
Photograph depicts a dirt road cut between two highbanks with a oil cans (?) stacked in the background between the banks.
Photograph depicts a dirt road through a forested landscape.
Photograph depicts a distance perspective of an unidentified man standing in a large ditchline that runs through a forested landscape.
Photograph depicts a distance perspective of an unidentified man standing in a large ditchline that runs through a forested landscape.
Photograph depicts a bulldozer operating in a large ditch constructed within a forested landscape.
Photograph depicts a ditch constructed by a bulldozer within a forested area. Annotation on recto of photograph reads: "Bulldozer on Sec. #4 - partly finished ditch"
Photograph depicts a ditch cut through a forested landscape.
Photograph depicts a wide ditchline cut into a rocky landscape with a forested region located in the far background.
Photograph depicts a large ditchline with a steamshovel and forested landscape in the background
Photograph depicts a sled dog looking back at other sled dogs and a wagon loaded with sleds located on a wooden road through a forested area.
Photograph depicts a flooded rocky terrain with a forest landscape in the background. Annotation on recto of photograph reads: "Flattened to grade by Bulldozer, ready for shovel to dig. Sec. #2. Ground still very wet. Frost just out."
Photograph depicts a line of wooden piles that have been driven into the ground and lead through a forested landscape. Handwritten annotation on verso of photograph: "part of flume construction piles driven down to refusal".
Photograph depicts a wooden flume being constructed along a hillside through a forest landscape. Handrwitten annotation on recto of photograph: "Flume over pile trestle, sec. #1, 8ft. wide"
Photograph depicts an access road leading through a forested environment.
Photograph depicts a access road leading through a forested area.
Photograph depicts four men standing in front of a float plane on the shore of a lake surrounded by their bags. Annotation on verso of photograph reads: "Leaving Stuart Lake by plane, Left to right: Mason, Keith, Ferguson, MacMillan (Pilot)"
Photograph depicts four men posed within or beside two horse drawn carriages in a winter forest landscape. Annotation on recto of photograph reads: "Skookum Davis (?) Bert McCorkell, Bert McDonald - Coming out Nov. 10th, 1934"
Photograph depicts four unidentified men standing together on a hillside with a winter forest landscape in the distance. Handwritten annotation on verso of photograph reads: "Snow scene on trail".
Photograph depicts four men and five sled dogs standing beside a horse-drawn wagon loaded with dog sleds with a forested landscape in the background.
Photograph depicts a bulldozer convoy pulling empty flats through a forested landscape.
Photograph depicts two men driving a loaded two horse driven wagon as it traverses through a river that runs through a forest landscape.
Photograph depicts a gas (?) shovel digging a ditchline through a forested area.
Photograph depicts a gas (?) shovel digging out a ditchline through a forested landscape.