Photograph depicts a gas shovel located in a large ditch amidst a forested landscape.
Photograph depicts a ditch cut into a forested landscape. Handwritten annotation on recto of photograph reads: "New Germansen ditch length 10 miles; width of ditch bottom 15 feet"
Photograph depicts a landscape perspective of Germansen Placers including the pipeline.
Photograph depicts a gravel road carved into the forested landscape.
Photograph depicts a gravel road carved into the forested landscape.
Photograph depicts a gravel road carved into the forested landscape.
Photograph depicts a river and flume constructed to bring water to the monitors used in hydraulic mining.
Photograph depicts a man panning for gold in a shallow river with a forested landscape in the background. Handwritten annotation on verso reads: "Jas Ferguson testing values by panning - Germansen Placer Ltd."
Photograph depicts a landscape perspective featuring a water flume in the shape of a horseshoe built along a forested hillside. Handwritten annotation on verso of photograph reads: "Horshoe Creek"
Photograph depicts a landscape perspective featuring construction of two water flumes across a narrow valley between a forested landscape.
Photo depicts a large sled loaded with large metal tubing, a tent and a pile driver(?)
Photograph depicts several long logs laid out across a wide ditch with a forest landscape in the background. Handwritten annotation on verso of photograph: "Early in April trees put across ditch to make footing for caterpillar tractor".
Photograph depicts a snow covered pile of logs. Handwritten annotation on verso reads: "Logs. on Railway".
Photograph depicts six sled dogs and three men standing beside a loaded two horse wagon on a forest road.
Photograph depicts an unidentified man standing at the top of an empty wooden flume (?) situated at the top of a mountainside in front of a forested landscape.
Photograph depicts an unidentified man standing at the top of an empty wooden flume (?) situated at the top of a mountainside in front of a forested landscape.
Photograph depicts an unidentified man standing at the top of water-filled ditchlines and holding onto surveying (?) equipment.
Photograph depicts an unidentified man standing at the top of water-filled ditchlines and holding onto surveying (?) equipment.
Photograph depicts an unidentified man standing beside a ditchline filled with water.
Photograph depicts an unidentified man standing beside a ditchline filled with water.
Photograph depicts an unidentified man standing beside dismantled pieces of mining equipment, in the background is a forested landscape.
Photograph depicts an unidentified man standing beside dismantled pieces of mining equipment, in the background is a forested landscape.
Photograph depicts an unidentified man standing beside dismantled pieces of mining equipment, in the background is a forested landscape.
Photograph depicts an unidentified man standing in a large mining ditchline.
Photograph depicts an unidentified man standing in a large mining ditchline.
Photograph depicts unidentified man standing near mining ditches.
Photograph depicts unidentified man standing near mining ditches.
Photograph depicts an unidentified man standing on a hillside in front of a pile driver located in a forested landscape.
Photograph depicts an unidentified man standing on a newly constructed wooden roadway that winds through a forested landscape.
Photograph depicts an unidentified man standing on a wooden road beside a steamshovel in front of a forested landscape.
Photograph depicts an unidentified man standing on a wooden road beside a steamshovel in front of a forested landscape.
Photograph depicts a man standing in the foreground of the photo on a wooden trestle that leads through a forested landscape. Handwritten annotation on verso reads: "Tressle for carrying flume across Valley of South from Germansen Creek. This is continuous tressle for nearly 2000 feet. Maximum height 54feet."
Photograph depicts a man leaning over in front of a tall wooden pile driver in a forest environment. Annotation on recto of photograph reads: "Pile driver sec.#1. This is a gravel point"
Photograph depicts two men aboard a two horse driven sleigh stopped on a snow covered path. Annotation on recto of photograph states: "The Top of Bald Mountain"
Photograph depicts a car, two bulldozers and some steel drums at the side of a mining access road in the winter.
Unidentified mining excavation equipment (might be a type of drill) located in front of a forested landscape.
Photograph depicts a open mining site at the base of a mountain, forested landscape visible in background and unidentified mining equipment visible in the midground.
Photograph depicts a open mining site at the base of a mountain, forested landscape visible in background and unidentified mining equipment visible in the midground.
Photograph depicts a ditch cut through a forested landscape. Handwritten annotation on recto of photograph reads: "Sec. #4"
Photograph depicts two men (O'Brine on left) standing in front of a log building. Handwritten note on verso reads: "Consulting engineer for Crocker 1st National Bank, San Franscisco. Examining (?) Fleuving & Downey Leases with object of taking in dredge."
Photograph depicts a two horse driven wagon being pulled off a snowy bank onto a gravel road amidst a forested landscape.
The images comprising the Photographs Series of the Alex Manson Mining Collection, document various mining related activities such as: road construction, mining sites, mining equipment, individuals involved in various aspects of the mining industry in Northern British Columbia, digging of ditchlines, bridge construction, surveying, extraction techniques, Germansen Placer pipelines, mining camps and the transportation of mining equipment by bulldozer and horse and wagon.
Photograph depicts three(?) men standing in front of a pile driver at work along a dirt path.
Photograph depicts a wooden pile trestle that leads through a wooded landscape. Annotation on recto of photograph reads: "Pile tressle upper end. Sec.#1. Bents 12" centers - 3 only 12" piled driven to refusal; caps 10" x 12" "
Photograph depicts a landscape perspective of Germansen Placers including the pipeline.
Photograph depicts a section of cleared bedrock along a steep ditch.
Photograph depicts a shovel at work widening a ditch cut through a forested landscape.
Photograph depicts a shove digging a large ditch into a hillside beside a forested landscape.
Large mechanized shovel working on a logged hillside. Annotation on recto of photograph states: "Shovel on sec. #3 working up grade towards sec. #2"
Photograph depicts a large cut ditch in the forested landscape. Shovel visible in distance. Annotation on recto states: "Portoin(?) of sec. #1"