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2020.4.6.360.10 · Item · 1994
Part of G. Gary Runka fonds

Floppy label name: "360"

Floppy file listing:

549 Range Tenure Linework
2020.4.6.549.1 · Item · 2000
Part of G. Gary Runka fonds

Floppy label reads:
G. Runka
From Dugald Smith Nov 16, 00
RE: Range Tenure Linework
1) xax-ran.dgn
2) xax-ran.fil

Floppy file listing:

2020.4.6.576.1 · Item · 2002
Part of G. Gary Runka fonds

Floppy label reads:
Land Reserve Commission
Working Farms, Working Forests

Floppy data failed migration.

2020. · Item · 10 Feb. 1999
Part of G. Gary Runka fonds

Item is a photocopied version of "A Comparative Cost Analysis of the Nisga'a Treaty: An update of a study on the Nisga'a Agreement-In-Principle prepared for the BC Fisheries Survival Coalition" by Robin M. Richardson prepared for John M. Cummins, MP Delta-South Richmond, February 10, 1999. Includes accompanying rough draft comments by A.R. Dobell refuting Richardson's work and a copy of email correspondence to the Nisga'a Analysis Work Group.

2020.4.4.14 · File · [July 1977]
Part of G. Gary Runka fonds

File includes copies of "A Land Use Planning Framework" from July 1977 by the BC Ministry of Environment, Environment and Land Use Committee Secretariat, Resource Planning Unit. Also includes related printed transparencies.

2020. · Item · 1995
Part of G. Gary Runka fonds

Item is a photocopied version of "A Modest and Far From Perfect Discussion Paper for the Creation of an Affiliation or Federation of All Outdoor and Adventure Tourism Associations and Operators in British Columbia" prepared by the BCFROA with assistance from D. Russell, ARA Consulting.

2020. · File · Oct. 1994
Part of G. Gary Runka fonds

File consists of a speech given by Gary Runka entitled "Action Steps to Sustainable Agriculture" at the Forum on Sustainable Agriculture in Summerland.

Commentary on this speech by Barry Smith of the Ministry of Agriculture and Lands:
"This speech opens with a relatively broad discussion of sustainability- how defined - and how this relates to agriculture. "We've got to develop the ability to view farming in a conceptual sense, to view food production sustainability over the full horizon, including the urban world, as well as farm field."

The speech is broken into 3 sections with sub-sections:
(1) From a Practical Management Point of View. What Does "Sustainability" Mean on the Farm, Orchard or Ranch? Several points are made including the protection of land through the ALR. The principles of sustainability in, "Towards a Strategy for Sustainability" are listed.
(2) From the Food Producers Perspective, What are the Gaps in Practical Requirements to move Toward Sustainability? The points identified in the July 1994 workshop "Future of Agriculture in the Okanagan" are listed and noted as key points.
(3) With Land and Water Resources under Stress, What are the Action Steps to Regional Multicommodity Agricultural Sustainability? Under this topic seven sub-topics are explored:
a) sustainability and security of the land base with a particular emphasis on parcel size and the need for consolidation, land tenure, cost and speculation;
b) sustainability and water resources;
c) land use competition, compatibility, and planning process access - with an emphasis placed on the need for the farm community to have access to the planning process and a nod to the importance of Agricultural Advisory Committees. It is recognized that this will take an integrated effort of the ALC and Municipal Affairs;
d) vertically consistent policies and regulations from local to federal;
e) Right to Farm (with a plea to revisit the then current 'Agricultural Protection Act');
f) public education;
g) food policy; and
h) Socio-economic strategy for agriculture"

2020. · File · [1991?]
Part of G. Gary Runka fonds

File consists of a speech given by Gary Runka entitled "Agricultural Land and Its Management".

Commentary by Barry Smith of the Ministry of Agriculture and Lands:
"This paper has no indication of the audience or date but given that there are several references to 1990 reports, it probably dates to 1991.

Although the scope of this paper is national in several aspects, its primary focus is on the B.C. farmland preservation efforts.

Comment is made on the question of farmland being regarded as a 'commodity' vs 'scarce resource'. GGR draws upon a theme found in other speeches and papers when he notes that 'To some degree, the call for a new "foodland ethic" is based upon the belief that public policy should more adequately take into account the social value of foodlands, quite apart from the dollar value...."

The paper is broken into several sections:
(A) The Setting;
(B) Agricultural Land Loss, (which includes some excellent statistics - p. 2-3)
(C) Some Agricultural Management Issues,
(D) Action Response (this section briefly reviews farmland preservation efforts in each province with a particular emphasis on B.C. p. 5-6),
(E) The Future.

GGR lists the following action steps that BC should pursue:

  • Repeal ALC Act appeals to Cabinet;
  • Rescind the outright golf course use within the ALR; and
  • Introduce Soil Conservation Legislation"
2020. · File · [June 1981]
Part of G. Gary Runka fonds

File consists of a speech given by Gary Runka entitled "Agricultural Land and Land Use Decision Making in the 1980s" for the Western Land Directors' Conference, Victoria BC (June 7-11,1981).

Commentary on this speech by Barry Smith of the Ministry of Agriculture and Lands:
"The speech is a collection of familiar themes but GGR's assemblage and delivery is becoming ever-more refined. The speech was accompanied by overheads but they are not included.

The paper starts with two quotes from Hans Blumenfeld and O'Malley. In the case of Blumenfeld - North Americans want to live in efficient, convenient, healthy and pleasant environment but as individuals we want to be able to make an honest dollar out of every piece of property we own. The two concepts are basically incompatible. The O'Malley quote speaks of land as a mother because she gives life, is a provider, protector and comforter.

Some (but far from all) of the important observations include:

  1. integrated land use policy is slow in coming;
  2. issues have to be addressed at each level of government;
  3. for each use option and the resulting integrated policy framework must be established through appropriate legislation and regulation;
  4. we are all well aware, there are some use demands that by definition, exclude other use demands (agriculture is highlighted as a prime example);
  5. non-agricultural or urban demands vary according to location, as does the "resistance" of agriculture to the change.
  6. some private demand is purely speculative, especially in an inflationary period. During these times, the demand, particularly for irreversible uses of land, often greatly exceeds the real requirements for use;
  7. we have always been able to produce the "next frontier", why not now?
  8. understanding the land is the most important prerequisite to its wise and proper use;
  9. an integrative spirit and process is essential if sound planning is the target.

The paper ends with the following quote from Bill Moyers, "Government is the art of trying to solve problems. Politics is the art of trying to attain power. The two meet sometimes, but not often."

2020.4.4.01 · File · 1972-1978
Part of G. Gary Runka fonds

File consists of Gary Runka's records during his roles as general manager of the BC Land Commission (appointed 1973) and as the chairman of the Agricultural Land Commission (1975-1978) during its formative years. Includes correspondence, reports, informational material, and maps. Highlights include:

  • A statement by Gordan Gram delivered 30 March 1976 entitled "Land Commission: Acquisition and Land Management"
  • "Brief to the Commission of Inquiry on Property Assessment and Taxation" submitted by the B.C. Land Commission (29 April 1976)
  • "Possibilities for Improved Land Management of Class 4 Lands in ALR: A Report to the British Columbia Land Commission" by Terence Lewis (12 Dec. 1975)
  • Newspaper articles about the Commission's work and Runka's departure in 1978
  • "Script for: Saving the Land - Bernholtz Study Project - A Slide Tape Presentation"
  • "Green Paper on Planning for Agriculture: Food Land Guidelines" from the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food (1977)
  • "Where Have the Farm Lands Gone?" pamphlet (1979)
  • "Official Regional, Settlement, Community Plan Project 1978-1979"
  • "Preserving Agricultural Land: Guidelines for Action" booklet (1978)
  • Gary Runka's 1978 resignation letter

Maps include:

  • Photocopy of BC Provincial Land Commission, "Agricultural Land Reserve Plan, East Kootenay Regional District", map no. 82K/9, base sheet 16 of 17, last amended July 1994.
  • Photocopy of BC Provincial Land Commission, "Agricultural Land Reserve Plan, East Kootenay Regional District", map no. 82G/12, base sheet 8 of 17, last amended Oct. 1995.
  • Photocopy of BC Provincial Land Commission, "Agricultural Land Reserve Plan, Thompson-Nicola Regional District", map no. 92L/1, base sheet 14 of 43, original dated August 1974.
  • Photocopy of BC Provincial Land Commission, "Agricultural Land Reserve Plan, Thompson-Nicola Regional District", map no. 92L/2, base sheet 15 of 43, last amended Oct. 1998.
  • Reproduction of B.C. Land Inventory (C.L.I.) base map 82E/3 showing Agricultural Land Reserve Boundary in the Okanagan-Similkameen Regional District, amended to July 1996.
  • Reproduction of B.C. Land Inventory (C.L.I.) base map 82E/6 showing Agricultural Land Reserve Boundary in the Okanagan-Similkameen Regional District, originally dated February 1974.
  • Reproduction of B.C. Land Inventory (C.L.I.) base map 82E/12 showing Agricultural Land Reserve Boundary in the Okanagan-Similkameen Regional District, amended to Oct. 1995.
2020. · File · Oct. 1978
Part of G. Gary Runka fonds

File consists of a speech given by Gary Runka entitled "Agricultural Land Commission 1978 - What's Happening?" to a UBC Soil Science and Land Use Planning Seminar.

Commentary on this speech by Barry Smith of the Ministry of Agriculture and Lands:
"This is simply a single page outline of a speech given at a UBC Soil Science and Land Use Seminar providing an overview of the farmland preservation program to date.

The outline is broken into 5 sections:

  1. Brief History (of the legislation, designation of the ALR and program administration);
  2. Fine Tuning (of the ALR);
  3. Grazing Lands;
  4. Settlement and Community Plans; and
  5. The "young farmer" program"

The actual speech based on this outline is not included."

2020.4.4.04 · File · 1979-1982
Part of G. Gary Runka fonds

File consists of Gary Runka's records relating to the Agricultural Land Commission after departing his role as Chairman. During this period he consulted for the ALC and continued on as a part-time Commission member. Includes correspondence, papers, informational material, and newspaper clippings. Highlights include:

  • Joan Sawicki's notes on the history and overview of the Canada Land Inventory
  • Pamphlet on Railway Right-of-Way Abandonment Problems for Farmland
  • David Stupich MLA Nanaimo Legislative Report 16 Oct. 1979 "An Open Letter to the British Columbia Institute of Agrologists, BC Federation of Agriculture, the United Church of Canada and SPEC and to all other individuals and organizations that support the concept of preserving agricultural land under the aegis of the BC Land Commission"
  • Telegraph from Rafe Mair, Minister of Environment, to ALC staff
  • Gary Runka's 1979 resignation letter (to end his involvement with the ALC)
  • ALC In-house discussion paper drafts
  • "Farm Taxation - A Growing Concern"
  • "Bibliography of Articles Pertaining to Agricultural Land Preservation in British Columbia"
  • "Farmland in British Columbia: A general fact sheet by SPEC Society Promoting Environmental Conservation"
  • Newspaper article featuring interview with Gary Runka "Saving farmland shouldn't have to be a political issue"
  • "The Land - Always the Land" film proposal by Robert Nichol (1980)
  • "The Effects of Zoning and Development Controls on Rural Landowners and Users" by Edward Manning (Oct. 1979)
  • "Farmland and Farming in British Columbia" by Raymond Rodgers
  • "Submission to the Agricultural Land Commission by John Rogers, Commissioner, re: Homesite Severance"
  • "The B.C. Land Commission: Keeping the Options Open" informational booklet
  • Joint statement by BC Institute of Agrologists and BC Federation of Agriculture opposing land use policy recommendations in the final report of the Select Standing Committee on Agriculture
  • "B.C. Land Commission critical Path of ALR Plans" prepared by Joan Sawicki (1978)
  • Vancouver Sun front page news article "Ex-chairman resigns from land commission" (5 Oct. 1979)
  • Newspaper article " 'B.C. agriculture threatened' says former land commissioner"
  • "In Defence of Rangeland" by Geoffrey Paynter, presented to the Regional District of Central Okanagan (June 1979)
  • "Submission to the Regional District of Central Okanagan from the BC Federation of Agriculture, the BC Fruit Growers Association, the Association of BC Grape Growers, and the BC Cattlemen's Association pursuant to By-law #22 (Oct. 1979)
2020.4.4.06 · File · 1981-1993
Part of G. Gary Runka fonds

File consists of Gary Runka's records relating to the Agricultural Land Commission after ending his direct involvement with the Commission. Includes correspondence, papers, informational material, and newspaper clippings. Highlights include:

  • Bill 42 - 1993 "Cabinet Appeals Abolition Act"
  • Bill 33 - "Golf Course Development Moratorium Act"
  • Signed letter from Premier Mike Harcourt responding to Runka's letter regarding golf course development in the ALR
  • Agricultural Land Commission comments on the Forest Resources Commission Report of April 1991
  • Planning Institute of British Columbia position paper on Agricultural Land Preservation
  • "Framework Approach - Okanagan Similkameen - Land Suitability for Specific Agricultural Crops" for BC Agricultural Land Commission by Gary Runka, G.G. Runka Land Sense Ltd. (March 1993)
  • "ALR Advisory: An Information Bulletin from the B.C. Agricultural Land Commission" Vol. 1 No. 1 (Jan. 1993)
  • Debates of the Legislative Assembly, Thursday, May 7, 1992 Afternoon Sitting, the Hon. Joan Sawicki, Speaker
  • "Farmland Protection Options for the 1990s" pamphlet
  • "The land: To reserve or let go?" weekend special article in the Vancouver Sun featuring Gary Runka (22 March 1986)
  • "Ex-ALC boss: Golf course decision bad" news article in the Times Colonist (28 July 1992)
  • "Restoring the Integrity of the ALR" by Bill Barlee, Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (1992)
  • "Voter Turnout Signals Support for the ALR" news release (7 Oct. 1992)
  • "Socred Abuse of Power and the ALR" New Democrats Campaign backgrounder (1991)
  • "Time to Stop Socred Interference in Farmland Decisions" New Democrats Campaign news release
  • "Agricultural Land Commission Fencing Specifications"
  • "A Sad Story of Good Politics and Poor Land Use--The Agriculture Lease Rush of the Late 1960's and Early 1970's in the North-Central Interior" by W. (Bill) Young, BC Forestry Association president (1987)
  • "British Columbia Agricultural Land Commission: An Overview Report" (Feb. 1990)
2020.4.4.08 · File · 1993
Part of G. Gary Runka fonds

File consists of records relating to the Agricultural Land Commission and Gary Runka's consulting work for the ALC in 1993. Includes a G.G. Runka Land Sense Ltd. Invoice to the ALC for his services for the 1993 ALC symposium and the "preparation of a framework approach to land suitability for agriculture mapping for a range of crops within the Okanagan Valley, as follow up to the land suitability for tree fruits initiative of the Okanagan Valley Tree Fruit Authority", as well as a copy of the government contract for the latter. Also includes correspondence, news clippings, data, and background information.

2020.4.4.09 · File · 1994-2001
Part of G. Gary Runka fonds

File consists of records relating to the Agricultural Land Commission. Includes correspondence, news releases, background information, papers, and memoranda. Highlights include:

  • "Merger Update: Agricultural Land Commission & Forest Land Commission" into a single Land Reserve Commission (October 1999)
  • Letter from the Provincial Agricultural Land Commission to all local governments re: "Cancellation of General Order #168/74"
  • "Agri-Tourist Accommodation in the ALR: An Agricultural Land Commission Policy" (25 June 1997)
  • ALC memorandum re: "General Order #726/95 - Farm Retail Sales in the Agricultural Land Reserve"
  • "Reserve Opinion: An Information Bulletin from British Columbia's Land Reserve Commission" issues Vol. 1, Nos. 1-4, 6, 8 (2002-2003)
  • Land Reserve Commission staff directory (ca. 2000)
  • "Growing Together: The Rural-Urban Connection" issues
  • "Land Reserve Commission Performance Plan 2001.02 to 2003/04"
  • "Farms & Forests for the Future: A Strategic Plan for British Columbia's Land Reserve Commission 2000-2005"
  • "ALR Advisory" Nov. 1997 (Vol. 5, No. 3), Sept. 1998 (Vol. 6, No. 2), Feb. 2000 (Vol. 7, No. 3)
  • "Utility ad Road Rights-of-Way and Agricultural Land" pamphlet by the ALC
  • "Planning Subdivisions near Agriculture" pamphlet by the ALC
  • "Preserving Out Foodlands" pamphlet by the ALC
  • "Report on Quantitative Research" prepared for Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (June 1997)
  • "FLR News" summer 1997 (Vol. 1 No. 1)
  • "Conditions for Pipeline Installation within the Agricultural Land Reserve"
  • "Land Within the Agricultural Land Reserve by Regional District & Municipal Jurisdictions" list (Jan. 1994)
  • "Farm Population" factsheet by the ALC
2020.4.4.10 · File · 2001-2007
Part of G. Gary Runka fonds

File consists of records relating to the Agricultural Land Commission. Includes correspondence, news releases, background information, papers, drafts, newspaper clippings, and memoranda. Highlights include:

  • "The Exclusion of Land from the Agricultural Land Reserve (ALR): A Focus on the 1997 to 2000 Period - Summary Points" by Barry Smith
  • "A Commitment to the Future: A Proposal for the Protection and Management of Richmond and Delta Farmland and Fraser Wetlands" (2007)
  • "Protecting Agricultural Land in British Columbia: A Citizen's Guide"
  • "Protecting the Working Landscape of Agriculture: A Smart Growth Direction for Municipalities in British Columbia" by Deborah Curran, West Coast Environmental Law (2005)
  • "Smart Growth BC's Position on the Provincial Agricultural Land Reserve (ALR)" (2003)
  • "Use It or Lose It" article in BC Business by Katherine Gordon (2006)
  • "The Rural-Urban Connection: Growing Together in Greater Vancouver" by Barry E. Smith and Susan Haid (2004)
  • "Threats to Your Foodlands: Protecting B.C. Food Security" pamphlet by the ALR Protection and Enhancement Committee (2005)
  • "Protecting the Agricultural Land Reserve: Our Foodlands under Threat" paper by the ALR Protection and Enhancement Committee (2005)
  • "BC Cattlemen's Association Agricultural Land Reserve Information Brief"
  • "Bill 21 - 2002 Agricultural Land Commission Act"
  • Land Reserve Commission of British Columbia local government seminars informational material
  • Job advertisement for the position of the Chair of the Agricultural Land Commission
  • "Agricultural Land Commission/Oil and Gas Commission Delegation Background Note" (2003)
  • "ALC Reserve Opinion: An Information Bulletin from British Columbia's Agricultural Land Commission" Spring 2003 (Vol. 1, No. 7)
2020.4.4.11 · File · 2008-2013
Part of G. Gary Runka fonds

File consists of records relating to the Agricultural Land Commission. Includes correspondence, news releases, background information, papers, and memoranda. Highlights include:

  • "ALC Technical Report Review Process Executive Summary, July 16, 2013 Meeting with Commission"
  • "Agricultural Land Commission: Development of a Qualified Professional Roster" (2013)
  • "Changing the Way We Do Business: An Update on the Transition of the Agricultural Land Commission" (2012)
2020.4.4.24 · File · 1985-1997
Part of G. Gary Runka fonds

File consists of original copies of Agricultural Land Commission statistical reports for the British Columbia Agricultural Land Reserve. Includes reports for: 1985, 1986, 1987, 1988, 1989, 1993, 1994, 1996, 1997.

2020. · File · Nov. 1979
Part of G. Gary Runka fonds

File consists of a speech given by Gary Runka entitled "Agricultural Land Preservation - Some of the Problems" to an unknown audience, possibly a political caucus. A "Process Chart" of the B.C. Agricultural Land Commission Act is attached to the speech.

Commentary on this speech by Barry Smith of the Ministry of Agriculture and Lands:
"This speech was given several months after GGR's resignation as Chair of the Commission in January, 1979. There is no specific indication of who the speech was given to but mention is made to "caucus members" (p. 4) and therefore may have been the NDP caucus.

Specific mention is made to the opportunity to undermine the program by the Section 9(8) changes to the Act. (This is a reference to allowing the Minister of Agriculture to forward appeals of Commission's decisions to the Environment and Land Use Committee of Cabinet if no two Commissioners give leave to appeal)..

Mention is also made to the need for the Commission to be aware of problems affecting agriculture if it is to be the true defender of agricultural interests. Reference (p. 3) is made to the Commission being: "... too busy attending to applications to take a seriously positive role to ensure that present and future land use conflicts ... are minimized."

GGR also raises his concern with attempts to narrow the definition of "agricultural land" by suggestions that CLI Class 4 - 7 lands be automatically excluded from the ALR. He also expresses the need to be concerned with land use planning outside the ALR.

GGR criticizes "a less than positive attitude by government" (to farmland preservation) and calls for the need for a provincial land use strategy."

2020. · File · 15 Apr. 1976
Part of G. Gary Runka fonds

File consists of a speech given by Gary Runka to the B.C.I.A. entitled "Agricultural Land Reserves and the Land Commission Act".

Commentary on this speech by Barry Smith of the Ministry of Agriculture and Lands:
"With the original package associated with this speech are 5 pages of rough notes for another speech with the same title prepared for a B.C.I.A. meeting on March 22, 1976... Given that these rough notes were held with the material associated with the April 15, 1976 meeting it is possible the B.C.I.A. meeting planned for March was shifted to the April date. Additionally there are 6 pages numbered 6-11 that are of some detail concerning the work of the Commission but appear to be part of another speech but are included with the B.C.I.A. package and have, therefore, been [included with this speech].

The title of the speech "Agricultural Land Reserves and the Land Commission Act" sums up the thrust of the speech which notes the objectives of the legislation, the Commission's program of land acquisition and Commission research and support of innovative projects to assist rural planning to create a positive environment for agriculture and give direction to urban growth away from farmland.

Additionally an overview is provided of the Commission's activities in its first two years of operation. GGR comments that establishing the ALRs "... was but a first step and we feel that it is our job to continue to protect the Reserve by whatever approaches and methods of rural planning that are available to us". This speaks to a Commission that saw its role, even at this early stage, as being much more than simply a rationing board reviewing ALR applications.

Several examples are outlined in which it is suggested that professional agrologists should be looking at carefully.

At the end of the speech (p.5) GGR includes (a note to himself) to "follow with example of an agrologist's public statement" that obviously was of concern. The actual public statement was not included with the speech given on April 15th but was included in the rough notes of the speech dated March 22 which read as follows:
"Yet a member of the B.C.I.A. - a P.Ag - is quoted in the press in response to a local politician who asked him a question something like this in regard to an ALR exclusion application:
Local politician: What about the international, national and local concerns regarding land for future food production?
BOA member P.Ag: We should firstly be concerned with places for people to live and secondly worry about land for food production.
This is our profession - the image is yours to make.
I don't mean that we should go overboard, but if we are not willing to defend preservation of agricultural land - who is?"