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Archival description
2001. · File · 1999
Part of Geoffrey R. Weller fonds

File consists of an article titled "Oversight of Australia's Intelligence Services" by Weller, correspondence concerning the publication, and a floppy disk. This file was originally numbered to correspond with article number 57 listed in Weller's CV.

Official Tours
2000. · File · ca. 1968; 1978
Part of Cassiar Asbestos Corporation Ltd. fonds

File contains photographs depicting four different tours that took place at the mine, plant, and towns owned by Cassiar Asbestos Corporation Ltd. Tours include Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau's visit to Clinton Creek in 1968 and Member of Parliament Iona Campagnolo's visit to Cassiar in 1978. Photographs also depict a party of ambassadors touring Cassiar in 1970, and the dedication of a building in the Cassiar plant in the late 1970s.

2001. · File · 1994-1997
Part of Geoffrey R. Weller fonds

File consists of correspondence and a chapter by Weller titled "New Universities and the Development of Circumpolar Regions" published in "A New Arctic Order? Aboriginal Self Determination and Public Policy." This file was originally numbered to correspond with article number 65 listed in Weller's CV.

McGill fees and registration
2001. · File · 1968-1981
Part of Geoffrey R. Weller fonds

File consists of correspondence, information for graduate students from McGill University, Weller's ID card for McGill University, and a newspaper clipping.

2000. · File · 1986 - 1989
Part of Cassiar Asbestos Corporation Ltd. fonds

This file includes two major photographic collections concerning the construction and development of the underground mine at Cassiar, title the McDame Project.

The first collection includes fifteen monthly progress reports documenting the development from July 1988 to December 1989. The progress reports are authored by G. Verret, and were distributed to the executives of Cassiar Asbestos in Vancouver as well officials of the B.C. Government and other creditors of the Corporation. Most images are annotated and dated. Many of the loose photographs are accompanied by an inventory sheet.

Subjects depicted include: the staging area prior to mine development, the initial development of the “Vent Portal”, a jumbo drill working on the mine face, the working face marked for drilling and wired with fuses, a Caterpillar dozer clearing snow after an avalanche, scene of a fire in winter time, complete conveyor sump decline, mining vehicle parked on the “Lay-Down Area” presumably near the portal, the working face of the mine at various stages of development, 1563 portal being slashed, the removal of the overburden for the tramline loading station site, the construction of the transfer tower(s), construction of the stockpile area, the construction of a sedimentation pond, a presumed cave in, construction of footings for the conveyor, construction of the tramline loading terminal station, construction of the crusher building, a slash titled “Breakthrough in Access Ramp”, storage of powder and fuses, a washout in conveyor decline, fog at the portal in -30 degrees Celsius, the 1290 junction flooded, a slab of shotcrete which fell on and injured a miner while shotcreting, shotcrete blasted off walls for repairs, images of the “Hilti-test”, shots showing grade of drift, and structural failures in the 1350 adit.

Locations and structure within the underground mine depicted include: yellow ventilation ducting, ground support including steel screen and shotcrete, steel cables bolted unto ground support, puddles in the adits, the access road to the lay-down area, the exhaust drift, “Fans and Heaters in the 1415 adit”, the 1350 sump, the access ramp to the 1320, the exhaust ramp safety bay, the conveyor decline, the ventilation adit, the 1563 portal, the temporary repair shop at the 1415 portal, junctions of various drifts, the ”Fresh Water Pump & Pumphouse on lower Creek”, the “Ventilation Raise/1563 Platform”, a “Diamond Drill Station” at 6066 North in the underground mine, the “Bridge to the Gravel Pit”, the “Crushing and Screening Plant” in the gravel pit, the ventilation bulkhead in the conveyor decline, and the “Powder Magazine”.

People depicted include Rose Gay and R. Tyne on a tour of the underground mine, a geologist with a rockhammer, a miner identified as A. Jacobs working, contract miners Bruno and Marbel from Canadian Mine Development, and unidentified miners rockbolting, shotcreting, and drilling using jackleg drills.

Vehicle and mining equipment depicted include jeeps, pickup trucks, a front end loader, an unidentified a small unmanned tracked machine with a long arm, scoop trams, a land cruiser, an ore truck with a flat tire, the cone crusher, a “scissor lift”, a mobile shotcrete machine, a new grout pump, a new Boart Jumbo Drill, and a detached bucket half of a 413 ore truck.

The second collection depicts the McDame Project construction in 1986 and 1987.
Content of these photographs includes: various machinery used for excavating and drilling, underground progress of tunneling, supports, wire meshing, rock formations in mine, and exposed asbestos. There are no annotations regarding this photographs.

Mayor Garvin Dezell
2014.6.1.05 · File · [1962-1965]
Part of Rustad & Dezell Family fonds

File consists of materials related to official events and invitations for Mayor Garvin Dezell of Prince George. File includes correspondence, invitations, event schedules, and two photographs: one of a local dinner with RCMP and the other of Winnipeg CFL Grey Cup win celebration.

2001. · File · 1983
Part of Geoffrey R. Weller fonds

File consists of a paper titled "Managing Canada's North: The Case of the Provincial North" presented by Weller at the seminar "Managing Canada's North: Challenges and Opportunities" held by the Institute of Public Administration of Canada as well as copies of the paper printed for the seminar in English and French. This file was originally numbered to correspond with conference paper number 26 listed in Weller's CV.

2001. · File · 1983
Part of Geoffrey R. Weller fonds

File consists of a paper titled "Local Government in the Yukon and Northwest Territories" presented by Weller at the 1983 Western Social Science Association conference. This file was originally numbered to correspond with conference paper number 25 listed in Weller's CV.

2001. · File · 1980
Part of Geoffrey R. Weller fonds

File consists of a paper titled "Local Government in the Canadian Provincial North" presented by Weller at the 1980 Western Social Science Association conference. This file was originally numbered to correspond with conference paper number 14 listed in Weller's CV.

2001. · File · 1980-1981
Part of Geoffrey R. Weller fonds

File consists of an article by Weller titled "Local Government in the Canadian Provincial North" printed in "Canadian Public Administration" Vol. 24, No. 1, Spring 1980 as well as correspondence pertaining to the publication of the article, drafts of the article, handwritten notes, and an earlier conference paper with the same title. This file was originally numbered to correspond with article number 10 listed in Weller's CV.

Language exams
2001. · File · 1971, 1978-1979
Part of Geoffrey R. Weller fonds

File consists of correspondence to and from Weller regarding his doctoral language exams at McGill University.

2001. · File · 1994-1996
Part of Geoffrey R. Weller fonds

File consists of an article written by Weller and David S. Soleau titled "Integrating an Academic Plan and a Campus Master Plan: The Case of the University of Northern British Columbia" as well as related correspondence. This file was originally numbered to correspond with article number 48 listed in Weller's CV.

2001. · File · 1996
Part of Geoffrey R. Weller fonds

File consists of a conference paper titled "Inspectors General of Intelligence and Security: A Comparative Analysis" presented by Weller at the International Studies Association conference, San Diego, California, 20-22 Apr. 1996. This file was originally numbered to correspond with conference paper number 94 listed in Weller's CV.

2001. · File · 1996
Part of Geoffrey R. Weller fonds

File consists of a conference paper titled "Improving the Quality of Life in Northern British Columbia: The Feasibility of Developing an Integrated Health Care Delivery System for the Region" presented by Weller at the International Conference on the Quality of Life held at UNBC, 22-24 August, 1996. This file was originally numbered to correspond with conference paper number 96 listed in Weller's CV.

2001. · File · 1975-1976
Part of Geoffrey R. Weller fonds

File consists of a paper titled "Hinterland Politics: The Case of Northwestern Ontario" presented by Weller at the 1976 Canadian Political Science conference along with a typed outline of the paper and correspondence regarding Weller's paper proposal. This file was originally numbered to correspond with conference paper number 5 listed in Weller's CV.

2001. · File · 1976-1979
Part of Geoffrey R. Weller fonds

File consists of an article titled "Hinterland Politics: The Case of Northwestern Ontario" by Geoffrey Weller printed in the "Canadian Journal of Political Science"( December, 1977) and related correspondence. This file was originally numbered to correspond with article number 4 listed in Weller's CV.

2001. · File · [1993]
Part of Geoffrey R. Weller fonds

File consists of a chapter by Weller from the book "Provincial Hinterland: Social Inequality in Northwestern Ontario" edited by Chris Southcott and a copy of the introduction by Southcott. This file was originally numbered to correspond with article number 4a listed in Weller's CV.

2001. · File · 1988-1991
Part of Geoffrey R. Weller fonds

File consists of an article written by Pranlal Manga and Weller titled "Health Policy under Conservative Governments in Canada" and correspondence concerning the publication of the article. This file was originally numbered to correspond with article number 44 listed in Weller's CV.

2001. · File · 1975
Part of Geoffrey R. Weller fonds

File consists of two copies with different annotations of a paper by Weller titled "Health Policy in Ontario" presented at the conference "Election 1975: What are the Issues? A Conference on Contemporary Issues in Ontario Politics" a pamphlet, correspondence, and a notecard related to the conference. This file was originally numbered to correspond with conference paper number 1 listed in Weller's CV.

2001. · File · 1989-1990, 1998
Part of Geoffrey R. Weller fonds

File consists of a paper written by Geoffrey Weller titled "Health Care Devolution to Canada's Territorial North," presented at the 3rd International Conference of the Nordic Association for Canadian Studies, Oslo, Norway, 9-12 August 1990 and correspondence about to publishing the paper. This file was originally numbered to correspond with article number 43 listed in Weller's CV.

2001. · File · 1980
Part of Geoffrey R. Weller fonds

File consists of the chapter "Health Care and Medicare in Ontario: The Health Care Issues" by Weller in the book "Perspectives on Canadian Health and Social Services Policy: History and Emerging Trends" edited by C.A. Meilicke and JL Storch (1980). This file was originally numbered to correspond with article number 3a listed in Weller's CV.

2001. · File · 1974
Part of Geoffrey R. Weller fonds

File consists of a chapter titled "Health Care and Medicare Policy in Ontario" by Geoffrey Weller printed in the book "Issues in Canadian Public Policy" edited by G.B. Doern and V.S. Wilson (Toronto, MacMillan, 1974). This file was originally numbered to correspond with article number 3 listed in Weller's CV.

General research materials
2002. · File · [between 1980 and 1992]
Part of Marianne (Marika) Ainley fonds

File consists of a publication on the species classification of wood bison, William Rowan correspondence related to the Wood Buffalo Controversy, an edited article by Ainley and Tina Crossfield entitled, "Scientists vs. Government Experts: The Wood Buffalo Controversy, 1920-1991," photocopies of transcripts of House of Commons proceedings from the 1920s related to a plan for wood and plains buffalo conservation, articles on the species classification of wood bison and plans to decrease the number of bison as a result of an outbreak of disease among the bison in the 1990s, a table on the decrease in numbers of wood bison, and Ainley's research notes.

2001. · File · 1996
Part of Geoffrey R. Weller fonds

File consists of a paper titled "Frontier Politics: The Case of Northern British Columbia" presented by Geoffrey Weller at the Western Regional Science Association conference, Napa. California, 25-29 February 1996. This file was originally numbered to correspond with conference paper number 91 listed in Weller's CV.

2001. · File · 1976-1981
Part of Geoffrey R. Weller fonds

File consists of an articled titled "From 'Pressure Group Politics' to 'Medical-Industrial Complex': The Development of Approaches to the Politics of Health" by Weller printed in the "Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law" Vol.1, No. 4, Winter 1977 and related correspondence.. This file was originally numbered to correspond with article number 5 listed in Weller's CV.