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Exhibit 278 - Graph entitled "Comparison of Mean Monthly Flows Occurring in 1979/80 with Alcan's Proposed Flow Regime and Injunction Flows"
Exhibit 278 - Graph entitled "Comparison of Mean Monthly Flows Occurring in 1979/80 with Alcan's Proposed Flow Regime and Injunction Flows"
Exhibit 279 - Amended Statement by Defence Number C803064: Attorney-General of Canada Vs. Aluminum Company of Canada and Attorney-General of B.C.
Exhibit 279 - Amended Statement by Defence Number C803064: Attorney-General of Canada Vs. Aluminum Company of Canada and Attorney-General of B.C.
Exhibit 28 - Submission by L.A. LaRocque
Exhibit 28 - Submission by L.A. LaRocque
Exhibit 280 - Amended Statement by Defence to Amended Counterclaim in Number C803064: Attorney-General to Canada Vs. Aluminum Company of Canada and Attorney-General of B.C.
Exhibit 280 - Amended Statement by Defence to Amended Counterclaim in Number C803064: Attorney-General to Canada Vs. Aluminum Company of Canada and Attorney-General of B.C.
Exhibit 281 - Letter from The Honourable T. Siddon, Minister of Fisheries and Oceans to D. Morton, President and C.E.O. of Aluminum Company of Canada Ltd.
Exhibit 281 - Letter from The Honourable T. Siddon, Minister of Fisheries and Oceans to D. Morton, President and C.E.O. of Aluminum Company of Canada Ltd.
Exhibit 282 - Page 1 of Letter from The Honourable T. Siddon, Minister of Fisheries and Oceans to D. Morton, President and C.E.O. of Aluminum Company of Canada Ltd.
Exhibit 282 - Page 1 of Letter from The Honourable T. Siddon, Minister of Fisheries and Oceans to D. Morton, President and C.E.O. of Aluminum Company of Canada Ltd.
Exhibit 283 - Letter (2 pages) from The Honourable J. Davis to D. Morton, President and C.E.O. of Aluminum Company of Canada Ltd., dated September 2, 1987; and Page 1 of Letter from D. Morton to J. Davis
Exhibit 283 - Letter (2 pages) from The Honourable J. Davis to D. Morton, President and C.E.O. of Aluminum Company of Canada Ltd., dated September 2, 1987; and Page 1 of Letter from D. Morton to J. Davis
Exhibit 284 - Notes from the Department of Fisheries and Oceans Documents, pages 005359 to 005364
Exhibit 284 - Notes from the Department of Fisheries and Oceans Documents, pages 005359 to 005364
Exhibit 285 - Graphs entitled "Actual Monthly Average Flows: Nechako River Below Cheslatta River" and "Settlement Agreement Flows: Nechako River Below Cheslatta River"
Exhibit 285 - Graphs entitled "Actual Monthly Average Flows: Nechako River Below Cheslatta River" and "Settlement Agreement Flows: Nechako River Below Cheslatta River"
Exhibit 286 - Comments and Cross-examination questions by J. Wood of Federation of B.C. Naturalists
Exhibit 286 - Comments and Cross-examination questions by J. Wood of Federation of B.C. Naturalists
Exhibit 287 - Document by S.P. Blachut entitled "Expert Report for Nechako Court Case: Physical Winter Conditions Nechako River"
Exhibit 287 - Document by S.P. Blachut entitled "Expert Report for Nechako Court Case: Physical Winter Conditions Nechako River"
Exhibit 288 - Excerpt from Document by (DFO) about inter-gravel conditions under various proposed flow regimes
Exhibit 288 - Excerpt from Document by (DFO) about inter-gravel conditions under various proposed flow regimes
Exhibit 289 - Table by C.R. Harrison from his the Department of Fisheries and Oceans 1987 Expert Report entitled "Estimated Spawning Escapements of Major Fraser River Chinook Salmon Stocks"
Exhibit 289 - Table by C.R. Harrison from his the Department of Fisheries and Oceans 1987 Expert Report entitled "Estimated Spawning Escapements of Major Fraser River Chinook Salmon Stocks"
Exhibit 29 - Submission by A. Ray
Exhibit 29 - Submission by A. Ray
Exhibit 290 - Document by M.J. Bradford of the Department of Fisheries and Oceans entitled "'Trends in the Abundance of Chinook Salmon of the Nechako River, B.C."
Exhibit 290 - Document by M.J. Bradford of the Department of Fisheries and Oceans entitled "'Trends in the Abundance of Chinook Salmon of the Nechako River, B.C."
Exhibit 291 - Pages 1 and 2 of Memorandum from M. Fretwell to the Department of Fisheries and Oceans, regarding Nechako Court Action- Possible Remedial Measures to Maintain Productivity at Low Flows
Exhibit 291 - Pages 1 and 2 of Memorandum from M. Fretwell to the Department of Fisheries and Oceans, regarding Nechako Court Action- Possible Remedial Measures to Maintain Productivity at Low Flows
Exhibit 292 - Table by C.S. Shirvell entitled "Case Histories of Rivers where Streamflow was Reduced, the Amount of the Reduction, and the Resulting Outcome to Salmonid Fishes"
Exhibit 292 - Table by C.S. Shirvell entitled "Case Histories of Rivers where Streamflow was Reduced, the Amount of the Reduction, and the Resulting Outcome to Salmonid Fishes"
Exhibit 293 - Letter from H.J. Wruck of Department of Justice to R.G.B. Holtby of Regency Consultants Ltd., regarding Information Request from Regency Consultants Ltd. to the Department of Fisheries and Oceans
Exhibit 293 - Letter from H.J. Wruck of Department of Justice to R.G.B. Holtby of Regency Consultants Ltd., regarding Information Request from Regency Consultants Ltd. to the Department of Fisheries and Oceans
Exhibit 294 - Table from the DFO documents provided for KCP Review entitled "Value of Current Catch by Watershed ($1986)" illustrating value of salmon from Nechako or its tributaries and Kemano River
Exhibit 294 - Table from the DFO documents provided for KCP Review entitled "Value of Current Catch by Watershed ($1986)" illustrating value of salmon from Nechako or its tributaries and Kemano River
Exhibit 296 - Document by D.J. Orth for the Department of Fisheries and Oceans entitled ''Expert Report for Nechako River Court Action" about Instream Flow Methodology
Exhibit 296 - Document by D.J. Orth for the Department of Fisheries and Oceans entitled ''Expert Report for Nechako River Court Action" about Instream Flow Methodology
Exhibit 297 - Report by T. French and P.A. Chambers entitled "Aquatic Macrophytes in the Nechako River, B.C.: Environmental Factors Regulating the Growth of Elodea canadensis"
Exhibit 297 - Report by T. French and P.A. Chambers entitled "Aquatic Macrophytes in the Nechako River, B.C.: Environmental Factors Regulating the Growth of Elodea canadensis"
Exhibit 298 - Document by M.C. Healey entitled "The Ecology of Chinook Salmon that Spawn in Headwater Tributaries and River Flows Necessary to Conserve Such Populations"
Exhibit 298 - Document by M.C. Healey entitled "The Ecology of Chinook Salmon that Spawn in Headwater Tributaries and River Flows Necessary to Conserve Such Populations"
Exhibit 299 - Document by C.S. Shirvell entitled "Kemano Completion Project, Nechako River, the B.C. Utilities Commission Review Panel"
Exhibit 299 - Document by C.S. Shirvell entitled "Kemano Completion Project, Nechako River, the B.C. Utilities Commission Review Panel"
Exhibit 3 - Brief from the Council of the District of Kitimat
Exhibit 3 - Brief from the Council of the District of Kitimat
Exhibit 30 - Submission by K.R. Ponsford
Exhibit 30 - Submission by K.R. Ponsford
Exhibit 300 - Document by W.G. Hazelwood of Spruce City Wildlife Association entitled "Brief to the B.C. Utilities Commission, Technical Hearing on Kemano Completion, Fisheries Section", dated February 21, 1994; and Articles from Rivers magazine
Exhibit 300 - Document by W.G. Hazelwood of Spruce City Wildlife Association entitled "Brief to the B.C. Utilities Commission, Technical Hearing on Kemano Completion, Fisheries Section", dated February 21, 1994; and Articles from Rivers magazine
Exhibit 301 - Article by R.B. Nehring and R.M. Anderson from Rivers magazine entitled "Determination of Population-Limiting Critical Salmonid Habitats in Colorado Streams Using the Physical Habitat Simulation System"
Exhibit 301 - Article by R.B. Nehring and R.M. Anderson from Rivers magazine entitled "Determination of Population-Limiting Critical Salmonid Habitats in Colorado Streams Using the Physical Habitat Simulation System"
Exhibit 302 - Article by I.G. Jowett from North American Journal of Fisheries Management magazine entitled "Models of the Abundance of Large Brown Trout in New Zealand Rivers" (1992)
Exhibit 302 - Article by I.G. Jowett from North American Journal of Fisheries Management magazine entitled "Models of the Abundance of Large Brown Trout in New Zealand Rivers" (1992)
Exhibit 303 - Document entitled "Proposal for an Agreement Between the Government Commission of the Gitksan Wet'suwet'en People and the Vera Corporation Regarding the Nanika River Project"
Exhibit 303 - Document entitled "Proposal for an Agreement Between the Government Commission of the Gitksan Wet'suwet'en People and the Vera Corporation Regarding the Nanika River Project"
Exhibit 304 - Table entitled "Nechako River Flow Data for July 10 to August 20, 1992" showing flows at Skins Lake, Cheslatta Falls, and Vanderhoof
Exhibit 304 - Table entitled "Nechako River Flow Data for July 10 to August 20, 1992" showing flows at Skins Lake, Cheslatta Falls, and Vanderhoof
Exhibit 305 - Graph entitled "Upper Fraser Chinook Escapements 1987 to 1993"
Exhibit 305 - Graph entitled "Upper Fraser Chinook Escapements 1987 to 1993"
Exhibit 306a - Table entitled "Escapements of Upper Fraser River Chinook Stocks 1971 to 1993 Continued." Data from Canada/US Chinook Technical Committee (handwritten description)
Exhibit 306a - Table entitled "Escapements of Upper Fraser River Chinook Stocks 1971 to 1993 Continued." Data from Canada/US Chinook Technical Committee (handwritten description)
Exhibit 306b - Document containing data about Chinook escapements 1988-1993 (handwritten).
Exhibit 306b - Document containing data about Chinook escapements 1988-1993 (handwritten).
Exhibit 307 - Table entitled "Streamflow Regimes for the Nechako River with the Amount of Reduction from the Natural flow"
Exhibit 307 - Table entitled "Streamflow Regimes for the Nechako River with the Amount of Reduction from the Natural flow"
Exhibit 308 - Letter from C.W. Sanderson of Lawson Lundell Lawson and McIntosh to J.R. Haig of the Department of Justice, regarding Attorney-General of Canada Vs. Aluminum Company of Canada Ltd. et al.
Exhibit 308 - Letter from C.W. Sanderson of Lawson Lundell Lawson and McIntosh to J.R. Haig of the Department of Justice, regarding Attorney-General of Canada Vs. Aluminum Company of Canada Ltd. et al.
Exhibit 309 - Document from the Department of Fisheries and Oceans entitled "Policy for the Management of Fish Habitat"
Exhibit 309 - Document from the Department of Fisheries and Oceans entitled "Policy for the Management of Fish Habitat"
Exhibit 31 - Submission by L. Nooski of Nadleh Whut'en Indian Band
Exhibit 31 - Submission by L. Nooski of Nadleh Whut'en Indian Band
Exhibit 310 - Submission of Lake and Stream Biological Habitat Enhancement Society
Exhibit 310 - Submission of Lake and Stream Biological Habitat Enhancement Society
Exhibit 311 - Newsletter Number 16 by Alcan Smelters and Chemicals Ltd. entitled ''Facts About Kemano Completion Project"
Exhibit 311 - Newsletter Number 16 by Alcan Smelters and Chemicals Ltd. entitled ''Facts About Kemano Completion Project"
Exhibit 312 - Table from the International Pacific Salmon Fisheries Commission of Water Temperatures for the Nechako River for July and August from 1980 to 1984
Exhibit 312 - Table from the International Pacific Salmon Fisheries Commission of Water Temperatures for the Nechako River for July and August from 1980 to 1984
Exhibit 313 - Conditional Water License, pursuant to the 1987 Settlement Agreement issued to Alcan Smelters and Chemicals Ltd.
Exhibit 313 - Conditional Water License, pursuant to the 1987 Settlement Agreement issued to Alcan Smelters and Chemicals Ltd.
Exhibit 314 - Memorandum from D.L. Deans to R. Bell-Irving, regarding Nechako Settlement Agreement
Exhibit 314 - Memorandum from D.L. Deans to R. Bell-Irving, regarding Nechako Settlement Agreement
Exhibit 315 - Amended Conditional Water Licence issued to Alcan Smelters and Chemicals Ltd.
Exhibit 315 - Amended Conditional Water Licence issued to Alcan Smelters and Chemicals Ltd.
Exhibit 316 - Letter from T.M. Thompson of B.C. Hydro to G.R Hartman, regarding Information Request on Potential Future Nechako Reservoir Levels
Exhibit 316 - Letter from T.M. Thompson of B.C. Hydro to G.R Hartman, regarding Information Request on Potential Future Nechako Reservoir Levels
Exhibit 317 - Letter from H. Ledderhof to Lawson Lundell Lawson and McIntosh Lawson and McIntosh
Exhibit 317 - Letter from H. Ledderhof to Lawson Lundell Lawson and McIntosh Lawson and McIntosh
Exhibit 318 - Letter from J.H.C. Walker to W.J. Rich, dated January 2, 1991; and Letter from W.J. Rich to J.H.C. Walker
Exhibit 318 - Letter from J.H.C. Walker to W.J. Rich, dated January 2, 1991; and Letter from W.J. Rich to J.H.C. Walker
Exhibit 319 - Document by Triton Environmental Consultants for Alcan Smelters and Chemicals Ltd. entitled "Survey of Mercury Levels in Nechako Reservoir: British Columbia, 1991"
Exhibit 319 - Document by Triton Environmental Consultants for Alcan Smelters and Chemicals Ltd. entitled "Survey of Mercury Levels in Nechako Reservoir: British Columbia, 1991"
Exhibit 32 - Submission by F. Irwin
Exhibit 32 - Submission by F. Irwin
Exhibit 321 - Submission by Lake and Stream Biological Habitat Enhancement Society
Exhibit 321 - Submission by Lake and Stream Biological Habitat Enhancement Society
Exhibit 322 - Memorandum from D.L. Deans to C.D. Levings of the Department of Fisheries and Oceans
Exhibit 322 - Memorandum from D.L. Deans to C.D. Levings of the Department of Fisheries and Oceans