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Aleza Lake Research Forest - Volume 2
2007.1.20.2 · Dossier · 1959-1999
Fait partie de Aleza Lake Research Forest fonds

File contains various documents pertaining to the history of the Aleza Lake Experiment Station, correspondence regarding various administrative issues and research projects ranging from 1972 to 1996, field notes, 1996 meeting minutes, memoranda containing details on the management and preservation of the Aleza Lake Research Forest, various reports on research projects, 1987 permits, field notes, a 1970 working plan, and 6 colour photographs of the Aleza Lake Garbage Dump.

Aleza Lake Research Forest - Volume 1
2007.1.20.1 · Dossier · 1946-1998
Fait partie de Aleza Lake Research Forest fonds

File contains plot summaries of selected permanent sample plots, correspondence regarding field courses, records of management committee meetings from 1991 and 1990, documents and correspondence pertaining to the re-opening of the Aleza Lake Research Forest, partial cutting summaries, research proposals and studies, cost and revenues documents, a 1961 biography on Percy Barr, charts covering remeasurements of permanent sample plots, hand written correspondence from 1990 discussing the history of marking crews, and a brief history of the Aleza Lake Experiment Station.

Aleza Lake Openings Map Sheets
2007.1.20.9 · Dossier · 1992
Fait partie de Aleza Lake Research Forest fonds

File contains map sheets with information relating to the historical recording of information concerning silvicultural treatments carried out on specific areas of land. This includes records concerning changes in the forest cover, changes in prescriptions, cut boundaries, changes in site prescriptions, original copies of silviculture prescriptions, and site plans.

Aleza Lake Northwood Reports
2007.1.20.5 · Dossier · 1993
Fait partie de Aleza Lake Research Forest fonds

File contains overview diagrams of Northwood cutting permits inside the Aleza Lake Research Forest, cutblocks showing harvesting and silvicultural history, detailed activity reports by cutblock, and 1992 Northwood cost summaries.

Aleza Lake Maps
2007.1.80.1 · Dossier · 1949-1998
Fait partie de Aleza Lake Research Forest fonds

File contains datelines, small maps consisting of ecological site types, handwritten notes, overheads, terrain resource management information digital map data, and trail system maps.

2006.18.1.01 · Dossier · 1990-1996
Fait partie de Aleza Lake Research Forest Society fonds

File consists of:

  • "A Summary of Historical Orders-in-Council affecting the Aleza Lake Forest Reserve", Mike Jull, 18 Dec. 1996
  • Photocopied memorandum from F.S. McKinnon regarding "Transfer of Aleza Lake to D.F. Prince George", 9 Sept. 1963
  • Photocopied 1928 article by P.M. Barr from Forestry Chronicle 4(3) entitled "The Aleza Lake Experiment Station: Its Development and Purpose"
  • "A Brief History of the Aleza Lake Experiment Station", [Tim Decie, 1981?]
  • Contact information for living relatives of Percy Barr, as of 1990
  • Photocopy of 1930 article by Percy Barr entitled "Spruce Reproduction in British Columbia"
  • Photocopy of records from BC Archives from a visit by Harry Coates from the file GR 1348 "The Young Mens Forestry Training Program"
  • Photocopy of excerpt regarding "Amanita Lake/Diameter Limit Logging"
  • Various small-scale maps and charts regarding Aleza Lake
  • "Aleza Lake Research Forest Information Session Notes with Mike Jull, Manager of ALRF"
2020. · Dossier · Mar. 1993
Fait partie de G. Gary Runka fonds

File consists of a speech given by Gary Runka entitled "Agriculture in the Urban Shadow" at the Agricultural Land Commission Symposium - Urban Growth and the Agricultural Land Reserve: 'Up not Out' - March 9,1993.

Commentary on this speech by Barry Smith of the Ministry of Agriculture and Lands:
"This represents an important, highly pertinent speech concerning farmland preservation in B.C. The speech was given at the ALC Symposium marking the 20th anniversary of B.C.'s farmland preservation program. The speech rings as relevant today as it did when delivered 22 years ago.

It begins by identifying two perspectives - one, those committed to an agricultural future, contributing diversity and having a social value and two, those that feel agriculture is ultimately doomed and is only an interim use, especially in the urban shadow, until a "higher and better" use comes along. GGR states that we need to honestly state which perspective we are guided by.

There are a host of important themes woven through this paper including:

  1. While farming on the urban shadow benefits both the urban and farm communities, the negative impacts of urban/farm adjacency are predominantly borne by the agricultural community.
  2. In describing the situation prior to the farmland preservation legislation in the 1960's and early 1970's agriculture was consistently the "loser user".
  3. Even in the earliest days of the Commission, urban shadow issues were identified and the ALC recognized that provincial zoning was only a first step, and taken alone, was not enough.
  4. The BC farmland preservation program has been at least as successful as anywhere else in North American and looked on with envy in many other jurisdictions.
  5. GGR believes that after 20 years we are worse off today than when the program started due to (i) elected provincial politicians involved with the application process (ii) the ALR / Golf Course fiasco and (ill) the ALC has become paralyzed in their Appeal Board mode.

Several (13 starting on p. 7) urban shadow issues are outlined and GGR states that we must be serious about addressing urban shadow issues.

The paper ends with an outline of "where we need to be tomorrow" and GGR states: "I recall when the program began in 1973 we argued that all of the compromises with respect to agriculture had already been made, if we were to keep the options open for future
generations In British Columbia. If that statement was true then, how much more true is it today, 20 years later?"

From the Symposium concluding remarks, Gary Runka stated that based on his experience and discussions during the symposium, he believed that the following initiatives should be given priority:

  • Information and education programs
  • Communication between farmers, government and the public
  • Regional land use planning
  • Integration of government policies to a strong farmland preservation strategy
  • Provincial agricultural strategy
  • Programs which insure farms can be viable

The Symposium proceedings have been compiled in a 67 page ALC publication."

2020. · Dossier · 15 Apr. 1976
Fait partie de G. Gary Runka fonds

File consists of a speech given by Gary Runka to the B.C.I.A. entitled "Agricultural Land Reserves and the Land Commission Act".

Commentary on this speech by Barry Smith of the Ministry of Agriculture and Lands:
"With the original package associated with this speech are 5 pages of rough notes for another speech with the same title prepared for a B.C.I.A. meeting on March 22, 1976... Given that these rough notes were held with the material associated with the April 15, 1976 meeting it is possible the B.C.I.A. meeting planned for March was shifted to the April date. Additionally there are 6 pages numbered 6-11 that are of some detail concerning the work of the Commission but appear to be part of another speech but are included with the B.C.I.A. package and have, therefore, been [included with this speech].

The title of the speech "Agricultural Land Reserves and the Land Commission Act" sums up the thrust of the speech which notes the objectives of the legislation, the Commission's program of land acquisition and Commission research and support of innovative projects to assist rural planning to create a positive environment for agriculture and give direction to urban growth away from farmland.

Additionally an overview is provided of the Commission's activities in its first two years of operation. GGR comments that establishing the ALRs "... was but a first step and we feel that it is our job to continue to protect the Reserve by whatever approaches and methods of rural planning that are available to us". This speaks to a Commission that saw its role, even at this early stage, as being much more than simply a rationing board reviewing ALR applications.

Several examples are outlined in which it is suggested that professional agrologists should be looking at carefully.

At the end of the speech (p.5) GGR includes (a note to himself) to "follow with example of an agrologist's public statement" that obviously was of concern. The actual public statement was not included with the speech given on April 15th but was included in the rough notes of the speech dated March 22 which read as follows:
"Yet a member of the B.C.I.A. - a P.Ag - is quoted in the press in response to a local politician who asked him a question something like this in regard to an ALR exclusion application:
Local politician: What about the international, national and local concerns regarding land for future food production?
BOA member P.Ag: We should firstly be concerned with places for people to live and secondly worry about land for food production.
This is our profession - the image is yours to make.
I don't mean that we should go overboard, but if we are not willing to defend preservation of agricultural land - who is?"