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2023. · Dossiê · 2003
Parte de Dr. Paul Sanborn fonds

Slide roll contains the following photographs:

Y03-11 (Silver City road section)
Date: August 12, 2003
Location Coordinates: 61° 2’ 3.6” N, 138° 22’ 48.8” W, 806.7 m asl (± 8.7 m)
Site Description: roadcut through SW-facing hill exposes loess over glaciofluvial gravel, with 4 paleosols in colluviated loess
Sample Depths & Descriptions:

  • Y03-11-01 - 0-18 cm - ACk (fresh loess)
  • Y03-11-02 - 18-47 cm - Soil 1 – Bmk
  • Y03-11-03 - 47-100 cm - Loess
  • Y03-11-04 - 100-110 cm - Soil 2 – includes charcoal
  • Y03-11-05 - 110-160 cm - Loess with secondary carbonate in root channel
  • Y03-11-06 - 160-170 cm - Soil 3 – Ahk with charcoal
  • Y03-11-07 - 160-170 cm - Soil 3 – Bmk
  • Y03-11-08 - 170-198 cm - Loess with secondary carbonate in root channel
  • Y03-11-09 - 198-202 cm - Soil 4 – Ahk – laterally continuous for ~ 1.5 m
  • Y03-11-10 - 202-230 cm - Loess with secondary carbonates in roots
  • Y03-11-11 - 230-255 cm - Soil 5 – Ahk – includes abundant charcoal bands
  • Y03-11-12 - 230-255 cm - Soil 5 – Bmk – infilled squirrel burrows immediately below
  • Y03-11-13 - 255-300 cm+ - Loess
    Additional notes on modern soil & paleosols:
    Soil 1
  • consists of Bmk horizon material with 2 distinct colours: 7.5YR 4/3 d & 10YR 4/3 d
  • loess between Soils 1 & 3 is sandier
    Soil 2
  • 90% Ahk material, 2-10 cm thick
  • Ahk – 10YR 3/2 d
  • Bmk – 7.5YR 4/2 d
  • less abundant carbonate than in paleosols & loess below
    Soil 3 - most of exposure has Ahk (2-5 cm thick) over Bmk (4-10 cm thick), with carbonates as for Soil 5
    Soil 4 - mostly Ahk (10YR 3/2 d) material 2-8 cm thick, some Bmk (10YR 4/2 d) < 2 cm thick, with carbonates as for Soil 5
    Soil 5
  • complex intermixing of Ahk & Bmk material, charcoal most abundant in Ahk
  • individual colour bands 2-10 cm thick
  • overall dip of horizons (10° to W) is parallel to surface
  • similar size & density of secondary carbonates as in loess above & below; associated with root channels, < 5 mm diameter, covering ~ 5% of surface
    Slide roll 4, #36-32 (corresponding prints and negatives: Print roll 5, #26-30)

Y03-12 (island off Slims River delta)
Date: August 13, 2003
Location Coordinates: 61° 1’ 9.1” N, 138° 29’ 27.9” W, 819 m asl (± 6.0 m)
Site Description: good grassland development on undulating aeolian veneer over bedrock, SW aspect; vegetation: A. frigida, C. purpurescens, P. glauca, Erigeron, Plantago, Oxytropis; good crust cover, mossy on more northerly aspects
Sample Depths & Descriptions:

  • Y03-12-01 - Crust
  • Y03-12-02 - 0-10 cm - ACk
    Slide roll 4, #31-10 (miscellaneous site views of Y03-12 & Slims R delta island)
2023. · Dossiê · 2004
Parte de Dr. Paul Sanborn fonds

This file contains the following photographs in both print photograph and negative format:

Thorsen Bay
Print roll 11, #01-2A
Corresponding slides: slide roll 6, #12-10

Y04-19 (27.5 km on Cultus Bay Rd., near Thorsen Bay)
Date: July 22, 2004
Location Coordinates: 61º 12’ 3.0” N, 138º 28’ 58.3’ W, 819 m asl (± 18.9 m)
Site Description: Roadcut at base of 30º, E-facing slope. Colluviated loess overlies sandy glaciofluvial at 120 cm. Prominent paleosol with “cumulic” B horizon at 80-120 cm, with strong effervescence throughout exposure.
Print roll 11, #3A-5A (profile), #6A-10A (landscape)
Corresponding slides: slide roll 6, #9-7 (profile), #6-1 (landscape)

Sample Depths & Descriptions: Y04-19-01 – charcoal at 95 cm
Roadcut opposite ~ 30 m to NE on grassy S aspect (10° slope) with 15-20 cm of calcareous loess and sand over 2 cm White River ash; strongly effervescent throughout.
Print roll 11, #11A-12A (profile)
Corresponding slides: slide roll 7, #36-35 (profile)

Thorsen Bay landscape
Print roll 11, #13A-16A
Corresponding slides: Slide roll 7, #34-32

Date: July 22, 2004
Location Coordinates: 61º 10’ 16.5” N, 138º 26’ 18.7’ W, 797.5 m asl (± 5.9 m)
Site Description: wind-eroded Slims soil on glaciolacustrine with contorted bedding (exposed on blown-out roadcut); calcareous to surface; White R ash pockets at 10-20 cm; S aspect, 5° slope.
Print roll 11, #17A-21A
Corresponding slides: Slide roll 7, #31-26

Date: July 22, 2004
Location Coordinates: 61º 9’ 39.24” N, 138º 25’ 7.8’ W, 790.6 m asl (± 6.4 m)
Site Description: toe of 30° slope, W aspect (grassy slope with poplar at toe); 1.0-1.2 of colluviated loess over gravelly glaciofluvial with buried soil at 70-80 cm
Print roll 11, #22A-24A
Corresponding slides: Slide roll 7, #25-24

2023. · Dossiê · 2004
Parte de Dr. Paul Sanborn fonds

This file contains the following photographs in both print photograph and negative format:

Cultus Bay Rd.
(landscape views looking W from road; lake is likely at ~61°4’ 10.5”N, 138°22’ 31.5”)
Print roll 12, #0A-2A
Corresponding slides: Slide roll 7, #23-22

Keyhole Pond (landscape views)
Print roll 12, #3A-4A

Y04-23 (Saddle W of Keyhole Pond)
Date: July 22, 2004
Location Coordinates: 61º 4’ 46.5” N, 138º 22’ 32.2’ W, 828 m asl (± 8.0 m)
Site Description: 7º, NW-facing slope. Cumulic profile in colluviated loess with White River tephra at 10 cm, brownish paleosol at 23-27 cm, glaciofluvial sand at 50 cm.
Sample Depths & Descriptions: Y04-23-01 – charcoal at 23-27 cm, immediately above paleosol
Print roll 12, #5A-6A
(Location not recorded: Print roll 12, #7A-8A)

Y04-24 (W side of Rat Lake)
Date: July 22, 2004
Location Coordinates: 61º 9’ 54.6” N, 138º 25’ 41.6” W, 807.7 m asl (± 13.5 m)
Site Description: 23° slope, NE aspect; cumulic profile with White R ash at 20 cm; no obvious charcoal bands.
Print roll 12, #9A-10A (9A print is missing)

"Ian's Lake"(W of NW corner of Rat Lake)
Location Coordinates: 61º 10’ 1.4” N, 138º 25’ 47.7” W, 773.4 m asl (± 9.8 m) (coordinates are for ridge crest on NE side of lake)
Site Description: basal date 700 BP in terrestrial sediments; NE side has grassy 30°slope
Print roll 12, #11A

Y04-25 (S shore of “Ian’s Lake”, NW of Rat Lake)
Date: July 22, 2004
Location Coordinates: 61º 10’ 0.7” N, 138º 25’ 49.2” W, 781.8 m asl (± 8.8 m)
Site Description: 35 cm of colluviated loess over gravelly sandy glaciofluvial; no visible charcoal bands; buried soil at 25-35 cm; White R ash at 6-8 cm.
Print roll 12, #12A-13A

Y04-26 (EW)
Date: July 23, 2004
Location Coordinates: 61º 1’ 59.8” N, 138º 21’ 53.6” W, 836.1 m asl (± 7.7 m)
Site Description: grassland at crest of 33° terrace scarp, S aspect.
Sample Depths & Descriptions: Y04-26-01 – 0-10 cm
Print roll 12, #14A-15A
Corresponding slides: Slide roll 7, #21-20

Date: July 23, 2004
Location Coordinates: 61º 2’ 0.9” N, 138º 21’ 53.6” W, 843.6 m asl (± 5.8 m) (~ 35 m N of Y04-26)
Site Description: spruce forest on terrace surface; level.

  • 0-8 cm - Loess-rich forest floor; strongly calcareous.
  • 8-13 cm - Bmk
  • 13-15 cm - Discontinuous pockets of White R ash
  • 15-35 cm - Bmk (Slims soil) – no charcoal visible
  • 35-75 cm - Gray calcareous loess.
  • 75 cm+ - Gravelly sandy glaciofluvial deposit.
    Print roll 12, #16A-17A
    Corresponding slides: Slide roll 7, #19-18

Y04-28 (EW)
Date: July 23, 2004
Location Coordinates: 61º 2’ 34.4” N, 138º 21’ 57.0” W, 820.2 m asl (± 6.1 m)
Site Description: grassland on esker crest W of Jenny L; 30° slope, SW aspect
Sample Depths & Descriptions: Y04-28-01: 0-10 cm
Print roll 12, #18A-19A
Corresponding slides: Slide roll 7, #17-16

Y04-30 (between eskers, W of Jenny Lake)
Date: July 23, 2004
Location Coordinates: 61º 2’ 31.6” N, 138º 21’ 52.3’ W, 817.6 m asl (± 6.1 m)
Site Description: Level (base of saddle). Colluviated loess to 90 cm+, with White River tephra at 15-17 cm, brownish paleosol at 17-35 cm, underlain by turbated Bmku with multiple charcoal-rich bands.
Sample Depths & Descriptions:

  • Y04-30-01 – charcoal at 13 cm (above WR tephra)
  • Y04-30-02 – charcoal at 22 cm (below WR tephra)
  • Y04-30-03 – charcoal at 75 cm
    Print roll 12, #20A-22A
    Corresponding slides: Slide roll 7, #15-13

Jenny Lake (landscape views)
Print roll 12, #23A-24A

2023. · Dossiê · 2004
Parte de Dr. Paul Sanborn fonds

This file contains the following photographs in both print photograph and negative format:

Y04-31 (EW)
Date: July 23, 2004
Location Coordinates: 61º 3’ 9.2” N, 138º 21’ 30.3’ W, 837.2 m asl (± 6.4 m)
Site Description: crest of N-S esker ridge
Sample Depths & Descriptions: Y04-31-01: 0-10 cm
Print roll 13, #1-3
Corresponding slides: Slide roll 7, #12-11

Date: July 23, 2004
Location Coordinates: 61º 3’ 7.4” N, 138º 21’ 27.7’ W, 823.7 m asl (± 13.7 m)
Site Description: toeslope on NE side of same ridge as for Y04-31; 20° slope, NE aspect; Cryosol with permafrost at 34 cm; 30 cm of forest floor organic horizons; abundant charred wood fragments at top of mineral soil & in lowest part of organic horizon.
Print roll 13, #4-5
Corresponding slides: Slide roll 7, #10-9

Date: July 23, 2004
Location Coordinates: 61º 3’ 47.7” N, 138º 21’ 2.5’ W, 838 m asl
Site Description: Toe of 30º, W-facing grassland slope. Colluviated loess with White River tephra at 8-9 cm, brownish paleosol (9-35 cm), overlying sandy glaciofluvial at 35-70 cm+.
Sample Depths & Descriptions: Y04-34-01: charcoal at 34 cm
Print roll 13, #6-7
Corresponding slides: Slide roll 7, #8-7

Y04-35 (EW)
Date: July 23, 2004
Location Coordinates: 61º 3’ 49.9” N, 138º 21’ 1.1” W, 854.4 m asl (± 6.3 m)
Sample Depths & Descriptions: Y04-35-01: 0 – 10 cm
Print roll 13, #8-10 (Location not recorded: Print roll 13, #11-12)
Corresponding slides: Slide roll 7, #6-5

Date: July 23, 2004
Location Coordinates: 61º 8’ 11.5” N, 138º 25’ 50.8” W, 825.6 m asl (± 14.5 m)
Site Description:

  • 10-0 cm - LF
  • 0-15 cm - Bmk1 (7.5YR 4/6 m)
  • 15-28 cm - Bmk2 (2.5Y 4/3 m)
  • 28-48 cm - Ck
  • 48-55 cm+ - IICk (sandy gravelly glaciofluvial)
  • No charcoal visible in mineral horizons
    Print roll 13, #13-14
    Corresponding slides: Slide roll 7, #4-3

Date: July 23, 2004
Location Coordinates: (roadcut adjacent to Y04-36)
Site Description: multiple colour bands in Slims soil; some charcoal blobs (not sampled) which are right size to have been roots.
Print roll 13, #15-19
Corresponding slides: Slide roll 7, # 2-1

2023. · Dossiê · 2004
Parte de Dr. Paul Sanborn fonds

Slide roll contains the following photographs:

Thorsen Bay
Print roll 11, #01-2A; slide roll 6, #12-10

Y04-19 (27.5 km on Cultus Bay Rd., near Thorsen Bay)
Date: July 22, 2004
Location Coordinates: 61º 12’ 3.0” N, 138º 28’ 58.3’ W, 819 m asl (± 18.9 m)
Site Description: Roadcut at base of 30º, E-facing slope. Colluviated loess overlies sandy glaciofluvial at 120 cm. Prominent paleosol with “cumulic” B horizon at 80-120 cm, with strong effervescence throughout exposure.
Slide roll 6, #9-7 (profile), #6-1 (landscape)
Corresponding prints and negatives: Print roll 11, #3A-5A (profile), #6A-10A (landscape)

2023. · Dossiê · 2004
Parte de Dr. Paul Sanborn fonds

Slide roll contains the following photographs:

Y04-19 (27.5 km on Cultus Bay Rd., near Thorsen Bay)
Date: July 22, 2004
Location Coordinates: 61º 12’ 3.0” N, 138º 28’ 58.3’ W, 819 m asl (± 18.9 m)
Site Description: Roadcut at base of 30º, E-facing slope. Colluviated loess overlies sandy glaciofluvial at 120 cm. Prominent paleosol with “cumulic” B horizon at 80-120 cm, with strong effervescence throughout exposure.
Sample Depths & Descriptions: Y04-19-01 – charcoal at 95 cm
Roadcut opposite ~ 30 m to NE on grassy S aspect (10° slope) with 15-20 cm of calcareous loess and sand over 2 cm White River ash; strongly effervescent throughout.
Slide roll 7, #36-35 (profile)
Corresponding prints and negatives: Print roll 11, #11A-12A (profile)

Thorsen Bay landscape
Slide roll 7, #34-32
Corresponding prints and negatives: Print roll 11, #13A-16A

Date: July 22, 2004
Location Coordinates: 61º 10’ 16.5” N, 138º 26’ 18.7’ W, 797.5 m asl (± 5.9 m)
Site Description: wind-eroded Slims soil on glaciolacustrine with contorted bedding (exposed on blown-out roadcut); calcareous to surface; White R ash pockets at 10-20 cm; S aspect, 5° slope.
Slide roll 7, #31-26
Corresponding prints and negatives: Print roll 11, #17A-21A

Date: July 22, 2004
Location Coordinates: 61º 9’ 39.24” N, 138º 25’ 7.8’ W, 790.6 m asl (± 6.4 m)
Site Description: toe of 30° slope, W aspect (grassy slope with poplar at toe); 1.0-1.2 of colluviated loess over gravelly glaciofluvial with buried soil at 70-80 cm
Slide roll 7, #25-24
Corresponding prints and negatives: Print roll 11, #22A-24A

Cultus Bay Rd.
(landscape views looking W from road; lake is likely at ~61°4’ 10.5”N, 138°22’ 31.5”)
Slide roll 7, #23-22
Corresponding prints and negatives: Print roll 12, #0A-2A

Y04-26 (EW)
Date: July 23, 2004
Location Coordinates: 61º 1’ 59.8” N, 138º 21’ 53.6” W, 836.1 m asl (± 7.7 m)
Site Description: grassland at crest of 33° terrace scarp, S aspect.
Sample Depths & Descriptions: Y04-26-01 – 0-10 cm
Slide roll 7, #21-20
Corresponding prints and negatives: Print roll 12, #14A-15A

Date: July 23, 2004
Location Coordinates: 61º 2’ 0.9” N, 138º 21’ 53.6” W, 843.6 m asl (± 5.8 m) (~ 35 m N of Y04-26)
Site Description: spruce forest on terrace surface; level.

  • 0-8 cm - Loess-rich forest floor; strongly calcareous.
  • 8-13 cm - Bmk
  • 13-15 cm - Discontinuous pockets of White R ash
  • 15-35 cm - Bmk (Slims soil) – no charcoal visible
  • 35-75 cm - Gray calcareous loess.
  • 75 cm+ - Gravelly sandy glaciofluvial deposit.
    Slide roll 7, #19-18
    Corresponding prints and negatives: Print roll 12, #16A-17A

Y04-28 (EW)
Date: July 23, 2004
Location Coordinates: 61º 2’ 34.4” N, 138º 21’ 57.0” W, 820.2 m asl (± 6.1 m)
Site Description: grassland on esker crest W of Jenny L; 30° slope, SW aspect
Sample Depths & Descriptions: Y04-28-01: 0-10 cm
Slide roll 7, #17-16
Corresponding prints and negatives: Print roll 12, #18A-19A

Y04-30 (between eskers, W of Jenny Lake)
Date: July 23, 2004
Location Coordinates: 61º 2’ 31.6” N, 138º 21’ 52.3’ W, 817.6 m asl (± 6.1 m)
Site Description: Level (base of saddle). Colluviated loess to 90 cm+, with White River tephra at 15-17 cm, brownish paleosol at 17-35 cm, underlain by turbated Bmku with multiple charcoal-rich bands.
Sample Depths & Descriptions:

  • Y04-30-01 – charcoal at 13 cm (above WR tephra)
  • Y04-30-02 – charcoal at 22 cm (below WR tephra)
  • Y04-30-03 – charcoal at 75 cm
    Slide roll 7, #15-13
    Corresponding prints and negatives: Print roll 12, #20A-22A

Y04-31 (EW)
Date: July 23, 2004
Location Coordinates: 61º 3’ 9.2” N, 138º 21’ 30.3’ W, 837.2 m asl (± 6.4 m)
Site Description: crest of N-S esker ridge
Sample Depths & Descriptions: Y04-31-01: 0-10 cm
Slide roll 7, #12-11
Corresponding prints and negatives: Print roll 13, #1-3

Date: July 23, 2004
Location Coordinates: 61º 3’ 7.4” N, 138º 21’ 27.7’ W, 823.7 m asl (± 13.7 m)
Site Description: toeslope on NE side of same ridge as for Y04-31; 20° slope, NE aspect; Cryosol with permafrost at 34 cm; 30 cm of forest floor organic horizons; abundant charred wood fragments at top of mineral soil & in lowest part of organic horizon.
Slide roll 7, #10-9
Corresponding prints and negatives: Print roll 13, #4-5

Date: July 23, 2004
Location Coordinates: 61º 3’ 47.7” N, 138º 21’ 2.5’ W, 838 m asl
Site Description: Toe of 30º, W-facing grassland slope. Colluviated loess with White River tephra at 8-9 cm, brownish paleosol (9-35 cm), overlying sandy glaciofluvial at 35-70 cm+.
Sample Depths & Descriptions: Y04-34-01: charcoal at 34 cm
Slide roll 7, #8-7
Corresponding prints and negatives: Print roll 13, #6-7

Y04-35 (EW)
Date: July 23, 2004
Location Coordinates: 61º 3’ 49.9” N, 138º 21’ 1.1” W, 854.4 m asl (± 6.3 m)
Sample Depths & Descriptions: Y04-35-01: 0 – 10 cm
Slide roll 7, #6-5
Corresponding prints and negatives: Print roll 13, #8-10
(Location not recorded: Print roll 13, #11-12)

Date: July 23, 2004
Location Coordinates: 61º 8’ 11.5” N, 138º 25’ 50.8” W, 825.6 m asl (± 14.5 m)
Site Description:

  • 10-0 cm - LF
  • 0-15 cm - Bmk1 (7.5YR 4/6 m)
  • 15-28 cm - Bmk2 (2.5Y 4/3 m)
  • 28-48 cm - Ck
  • 48-55 cm+ - IICk (sandy gravelly glaciofluvial)
  • No charcoal visible in mineral horizons
    Slide roll 7, #4-3
    Corresponding prints and negatives: Print roll 13, #13-14

Date: July 23, 2004
Location Coordinates: (roadcut adjacent to Y04-36)
Site Description: multiple colour bands in Slims soil; some charcoal blobs (not sampled) which are right size to have been roots.
Slide roll 7, # 2-1
Corresponding prints and negatives: Print roll 13, #15-19

Kluane Lake soils research data
2023. · Dossiê · 2003-2014
Parte de Dr. Paul Sanborn fonds

File consists of the following data sets:

  • Kluane crust Min N (2003) S671FINL.xls [mineralizable nitrogen for biological soil crusts & upper mineral soil, 2003 samples]
  • Kluane Crust samples (2004) moisture contents.xls [moisture content of air-dry 2004 crust samples from Peninsula & Silver City sites; sampling procedures & locations in Marsh et al. (20060]
  • Kluane Soil Crusts (2004) chemical analyses.xls [consolidated file of chemical data for 2004 crust samples from Peninsula & Silver City sites]
  • Kluane 2003 soil & crust 15N data.xls [15N natural abundance, total N, organic & inorganic C for 2003 crust & upper mineral soil samples]
  • Kluane 2003 soil data.xlsx [consolidated file of chemical data for 2003 crust and mineral horizon soil samples]
  • Kluane Crust 2004 total C & N data.xls
  • Kluane AMS dates (2003-2008 charcoal samples).xls [radiocarbon dates from the University of Arizona Accelerator Mass Spectrometry Lab]
  • Kluane soil transect - texture data.xls [2009 soil particle size analysis data, with potential lithological breaks highlighted]
  • Kluane surveys 2009.xls [topographic surveys for 3 soil transects cutting across eskers along Cultus Bay Rd., SE shore of Kluane L.]
  • S1061_1069_Final_Rev1.xls [lab data report from Ministry of Forests Analytical Chemistry Laboratory for 2009 transect samples: total C, inorganic C, & total N]
  • 100812003 (annotated) -corrected.xls [2009 transect samples: particle size analysis data report from CANTEST]
  • Kluane soil transect - master data file.xls
Klutlan Glacier soils
2023.2.2.13 · Sub-séries · 2007-2010
Parte de Dr. Paul Sanborn fonds

With the assistance of the Yukon Geological Survey, Dr. Paul Sanborn was able to visit the terminus of the Klutlan Glacier, a major outlet glacier which originates in the Alaska portion of the St. Elias Mountains. The stagnant terminus has a thick cover of debris, including a large component of White River tephra, providing enough soil material to support a boreal forest. Field work occurred on July 8, 2007, and results were published as:

Sanborn, P. 2010. Soil formation on supraglacial tephra deposits, Klutlan Glacier, Yukon Territory. Canadian Journal of Soil Science 90: 611-618.

Klutlan Glacier soils study data
2023. · Dossiê · 2007-2008
Parte de Dr. Paul Sanborn fonds

File contains the following data sets:

  • S925finl.xls [chemical analysis data, Ministry of Forests & Range, Analytical Chemistry Laboratory for pedons Y07-06 & Y07-07; also includes data for BC07-03 & BC07-04 (Boreal Cordillera grassland soils – see associated file note)]
  • S1007finl_revised2.xls [chemical analysis data, Ministry of Forests & Range, Analytical Chemistry Laboratory for pedons Y07-06 & Y07-07: oxalate & dithionite extractions, P retention; also includes P retention data for Nazko pedons BC07-07 & BC07-09]
  • CANTEST lab report 90206003.pdf [particle size analyses for Klutan Glacier pedons Y07-06 & Y07-07; also Tuya pedons BC07-03 & BC07-04 &]
2023. · Dossiê · Jul. 2007
Parte de Dr. Paul Sanborn fonds

These images were obtained on the helicopter flights to and from the Klutlan Glacier study site. The outbound sequence (#5590-5706) starts from the base camp at the White River crossing on the Alaska Highway and heads south, to a point just upvalley of the debris-covered terminus (approx. 10-15 km from Alaska border), and turning back north to the landing spot on the Generc River floodplain close to the study site (see Fig. 1 in paper). On the return leg at the end of the day, the flight initially went upvalley to pick up another party (#5884-5926), before turning north and returning to base camp (#5929-5993).

2023. · Item · 8 Jul. 2007
Parte de Dr. Paul Sanborn fonds

This image is part of the outbound sequence of aerial images obtained on the helicopter flight to the Klutlan Glacier study site. The sequence starts from the base camp at the White River crossing on the Alaska Highway and heads south, to a point just upvalley of the debris-covered terminus (approx. 10-15 km from Alaska border), and turning back north to the landing spot on the Generc River floodplain close to the study site (see Fig. 1 in paper).

2023. · Item · 8 Jul. 2007
Parte de Dr. Paul Sanborn fonds

This image is part of the outbound sequence of aerial images obtained on the helicopter flight to the Klutlan Glacier study site. The sequence starts from the base camp at the White River crossing on the Alaska Highway and heads south, to a point just upvalley of the debris-covered terminus (approx. 10-15 km from Alaska border), and turning back north to the landing spot on the Generc River floodplain close to the study site (see Fig. 1 in paper).

2023. · Item · 8 Jul. 2007
Parte de Dr. Paul Sanborn fonds

This image is part of the outbound sequence of aerial images obtained on the helicopter flight to the Klutlan Glacier study site. The sequence starts from the base camp at the White River crossing on the Alaska Highway and heads south, to a point just upvalley of the debris-covered terminus (approx. 10-15 km from Alaska border), and turning back north to the landing spot on the Generc River floodplain close to the study site (see Fig. 1 in paper).

2023. · Item · 8 Jul. 2007
Parte de Dr. Paul Sanborn fonds

This image is part of the outbound sequence of aerial images obtained on the helicopter flight to the Klutlan Glacier study site. The sequence starts from the base camp at the White River crossing on the Alaska Highway and heads south, to a point just upvalley of the debris-covered terminus (approx. 10-15 km from Alaska border), and turning back north to the landing spot on the Generc River floodplain close to the study site (see Fig. 1 in paper).