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Archival description
Lakehead University
2001.8.5.1 · Subsérie · [between 1971 and 1990]
Parte de Geoffrey R. Weller fonds

Subseries consists of two plaques from Weller's time at Lakehead University.

Lakehead Centre for Northern Studies research reports
2001. · Dossiê/Processo · 1989
Parte de Geoffrey R. Weller fonds

File consists of Lakehead Centre for Northern Studies research reports: "Establishing Political Institutions for the Periphery" by D.C. Nord and Weller, "Comparing Northern Hinterlands: The Case of North America and the Nordic Countries" by Weller, "Canada as a Circumpolar Power" by Weller, "Northern Studies in Sweden and Canada: An Ontario Perspective" by Weller, and "The North in the Ontario Election of 1987" by Weller.

International Collaborations
2001.8.4.03 · Subsérie · 1981-1995
Parte de Geoffrey R. Weller fonds

Subseries consists of material related to Weller’s collaborations with universities around the globe during his appointments at Lakehead University and UNBC. It primarily comprises items related to forming relationship between the universities, such as exchange programs, and also includes some material involved in Weller’s research on higher education.

2001.8.1.12 · Subsérie · 1978-2000
Parte de Geoffrey R. Weller fonds

Subseries consists of notes, academic and government publications, and correspondence pertaining to intelligence and security. Material may be related to Weller’s academic research or preparations for teaching a course on this subject. The nature of the project in which this material was used is unclear.

2001. · Dossiê/Processo · 1994-1996
Parte de Geoffrey R. Weller fonds

File consists of an article written by Weller and David S. Soleau titled "Integrating an Academic Plan and a Campus Master Plan: The Case of the University of Northern British Columbia" as well as related correspondence. This file was originally numbered to correspond with article number 48 listed in Weller's CV.

2001.8.3 · Série · 1960-2000
Parte de Geoffrey R. Weller fonds

Series consists of material related to courses taught by Weller as a professor at Bishop’s University, Lakehead University and UNBC. Material includes lecture notes, syllabi, reading lists, exam questions, assignments, photocopied articles, and newspaper clippings.

2001. · Dossiê/Processo · 1996
Parte de Geoffrey R. Weller fonds

File consists of a conference paper titled "Inspectors General of Intelligence and Security: A Comparative Analysis" presented by Weller at the International Studies Association conference, San Diego, California, 20-22 Apr. 1996. This file was originally numbered to correspond with conference paper number 94 listed in Weller's CV.

2001. · Dossiê/Processo · 1996
Parte de Geoffrey R. Weller fonds

File consists of a conference paper titled "Improving the Quality of Life in Northern British Columbia: The Feasibility of Developing an Integrated Health Care Delivery System for the Region" presented by Weller at the International Conference on the Quality of Life held at UNBC, 22-24 August, 1996. This file was originally numbered to correspond with conference paper number 96 listed in Weller's CV.

2001. · Dossiê/Processo · 1979
Parte de Geoffrey R. Weller fonds

File consists of a paper titled "Hygeia Versus Asclepius: Conflict within the Ontario Health Care System" presented by Weller at the 1979 British Sociological Association's Medical Sociology Group conference. This file was originally numbered to correspond with conference paper number 13 listed in Weller's CV.

Honors and Awards
2001.8.5 · Série · [197-?]-1999
Parte de Geoffrey R. Weller fonds

Series consists of awards Weller earned at Lakehead University and material related to the honorary doctorate he was awarded by the University of Lapland.

Honorary Degree, University of Lapland
2001. · Dossiê/Processo · 1999
Parte de Geoffrey R. Weller fonds

File consists of material related to Weller's honorary doctorate from the University of Lapland and his travel to Finland to receive this honor. The records include ten 4x6" color photographs and two 3.5x5" color photographs with a note from Rector Esko Riepula of the University of Lapland, material from the conferment ceremony, and correspondence preceding the ceremony. The file also contains issues of newsletters, magazines, and newspaper clippings with articles on Weller and his award as well as UNBC press releases and greeting cards congratulating Weller.

History of Political Ideas
2001.8.3.02 · Subsérie · 1962-1976, 1998
Parte de Geoffrey R. Weller fonds

Subseries consists of lecture notes and other material from the course “History of Political Ideas” as well as items from a course of the same title which Weller attended during his undergraduate degree at the University of Hull. Weller taught “History of Political Ideas” during the 1968-1969 academic year at Bishop’s University. One file appears to have been used at a later date (1998).

"Hinterland Politics: The Case of Northwestern Ontario"
2001. · Dossiê/Processo · 1975-1976
Parte de Geoffrey R. Weller fonds

File consists of a paper titled "Hinterland Politics: The Case of Northwestern Ontario" presented by Weller at the 1976 Canadian Political Science conference along with a typed outline of the paper and correspondence regarding Weller's paper proposal. This file was originally numbered to correspond with conference paper number 5 listed in Weller's CV.

"Hinterland Politics: The Case of Northwestern Ontario"
2001. · Dossiê/Processo · 1976-1979
Parte de Geoffrey R. Weller fonds

File consists of an article titled "Hinterland Politics: The Case of Northwestern Ontario" by Geoffrey Weller printed in the "Canadian Journal of Political Science"( December, 1977) and related correspondence. This file was originally numbered to correspond with article number 4 listed in Weller's CV.

"Hinterland Politics: The Case of Northwestern Ontario"
2001. · Dossiê/Processo · [1993]
Parte de Geoffrey R. Weller fonds

File consists of a chapter by Weller from the book "Provincial Hinterland: Social Inequality in Northwestern Ontario" edited by Chris Southcott and a copy of the introduction by Southcott. This file was originally numbered to correspond with article number 4a listed in Weller's CV.

2001. · Dossiê/Processo · after 1981
Parte de Geoffrey R. Weller fonds

File consists of article an titled "Health Services for the Keewatin Inuit in a Period of Transition: The View from 1980" by A.P. Ruderman and Weller reprinted from "Inuit Studies" Vol. 5, No. 2, 1981. This file was originally numbered to correspond with article number 11 listed in Weller's CV.

"Health Policy under Conservative Governments in Canada"
2001. · Dossiê/Processo · 1988-1991
Parte de Geoffrey R. Weller fonds

File consists of an article written by Pranlal Manga and Weller titled "Health Policy under Conservative Governments in Canada" and correspondence concerning the publication of the article. This file was originally numbered to correspond with article number 44 listed in Weller's CV.

Health Policy in South Africa
2001.8.1.05 · Subsérie · 1974-1999 (1980-1990 predominant)
Parte de Geoffrey R. Weller fonds

Subseries consists of material related to a 1983 project titled "The Politics of Health in South Africa" conducted in conjunction with Pranlal Manga and Weller’s travel to South Africa to conduct research for this project. This paper was never published. Material includes notes regarding contacting and interviewing persons involved with health polity in South Africa, publications by other scholars, documents released by government bodies of African countries, and newspaper clippings. The files are generally one of two types: files of newspaper clippings on a particular topic or individually filed publications alphabetized by author. Many files have dates past Weller’s work on his project with Manga suggesting continued research on politics in South Africa into the 1990s.

"Health Policy in Ontario: The Party Positions"
2001. · Dossiê/Processo · 1975
Parte de Geoffrey R. Weller fonds

File consists of two copies with different annotations of a paper by Weller titled "Health Policy in Ontario" presented at the conference "Election 1975: What are the Issues? A Conference on Contemporary Issues in Ontario Politics" a pamphlet, correspondence, and a notecard related to the conference. This file was originally numbered to correspond with conference paper number 1 listed in Weller's CV.

Health Policy in Canada and Other Countries
2001.8.1.02 · Subsérie · 1960-1998 (1975-1980 predominant)
Parte de Geoffrey R. Weller fonds

Subseries primarily consists of articles by other authors, some with related correspondence between Weller and the author. A large amount of the material is related to health policy specifically in Canada; however, the records also range to health policy in the United States and other countries. The subseries also includes the text of speeches by government officials, publications created by government bodies, newspaper clippings, and other material collected over the course of Weller’s research on health policy. The series contains drafts by Weller with titles which correspond to early papers and chapters of his dissertation: "The Public Interest in Professional Politics: The Case of the Canadian Medical Association,” "Chapter 4: Health Care and Medicare Policy in Ontario," "Health Policy in Ontario," and "The Executive, the Legislature and the Health Policy Process: The Case of Ontario." The first 243 files are primarily scholarly works and government documents individually filed by Weller and generally arranged alphabetically by author. The other 72 files contain notes, correspondence, newspaper clippings, and other material in files created by Weller in broader files by topic. The bulk of the material was gather around the dates 1975 to 1980, though some files contain items from dates in the mid-1980s and four files with dates into the 1990s suggesting the material was also involved in later research (see subseries 10).

Health Policy
2001.8.1.10 · Subsérie · 1965-[1999?] (1986-1999 predominant)
Parte de Geoffrey R. Weller fonds

Subseries consists of material involved in Weller’s research on health policy, some of which pertains to comparing health policy in different countries. The material consists of primarily newspaper clippings and photocopied academic papers. There may be connections between the files and subseries 2, as some of the files in the earlier subseries appear to have been used again in later research.

Health Care in Ontario and the Circumpolar North
2001.8.1.06 · Subsérie · [196-?]-1998, (1983-1991 predominant)
Parte de Geoffrey R. Weller fonds

Subseries consists of material related to Weller’s roles on the Advisory Committee for the Health Promotion and Prevention Project of the Ontario Council of Health (1983-1984), the Thunder Bay District Health Council (1983-1988), focus group of The Premier's Council on Health Strategy (1987-1988), board of the Victorian Order of Nurses (1987-1988), the study advisory group on the Study on Health and Social Service Professionals in Northern Ontario (1989-1990). The subseries also contains material involved in Weller’s academic research on healthcare in northern regions, specifically the projects titled "The Politics of Health in the Circumpolar North,” "The Delivery of Health Care to Underserviced Areas,” and "Health Care Delivery in Northern Hinterlands.” It also contains research pertaining to the Canada Health Act of 1984. Material includes documents produced for meetings of the advisory committees and Thunder Bay District Health Council, such as minutes and reports, correspondence, and other material produced by these groups as well as government bodies and scholars in the areas of health policy and circumpolar health.

"Health Care in Canada" and other material
2001. · Dossiê/Processo · 1979
Parte de Geoffrey R. Weller fonds

File consists of handwritten notes, an NDP discussion paper, a paper titled "Health Care in Canada" by Weller, and "Chapter 13 Ontario-Federal Intergovernmental Health Care Relations."

"Health Care Devolution to Canada's Territorial North"
2001. · Dossiê/Processo · 1989-1990, 1998
Parte de Geoffrey R. Weller fonds

File consists of a paper written by Geoffrey Weller titled "Health Care Devolution to Canada's Territorial North," presented at the 3rd International Conference of the Nordic Association for Canadian Studies, Oslo, Norway, 9-12 August 1990 and correspondence about to publishing the paper. This file was originally numbered to correspond with article number 43 listed in Weller's CV.

2001. · Dossiê/Processo · 1986
Parte de Geoffrey R. Weller fonds

File consists of a paper titled "Health Care Delivery in the Canadian North: The Case of Northwestern Ontario" presented by Weller at the 1986 Western Association of Sociology and Anthropology conference. This file was originally numbered to correspond with conference paper number 41 listed in Weller's CV.

2001. · Dossiê/Processo · 1988
Parte de Geoffrey R. Weller fonds

File consists of an article titled "Health Care Delivery in Northern Hinterlands: Canada, Scandinavia and the United States" by Geoffrey Weller, published in the book "Canada and the Nordic Countries." This file was originally numbered to correspond with article number 39a listed in Weller's CV.

"Health Care and Medicare Policy in Ontario"
2001. · Dossiê/Processo · 1980
Parte de Geoffrey R. Weller fonds

File consists of the chapter "Health Care and Medicare in Ontario: The Health Care Issues" by Weller in the book "Perspectives on Canadian Health and Social Services Policy: History and Emerging Trends" edited by C.A. Meilicke and JL Storch (1980). This file was originally numbered to correspond with article number 3a listed in Weller's CV.

"Health Care and Medicare Policy in Ontario"
2001. · Dossiê/Processo · 1974
Parte de Geoffrey R. Weller fonds

File consists of a chapter titled "Health Care and Medicare Policy in Ontario" by Geoffrey Weller printed in the book "Issues in Canadian Public Policy" edited by G.B. Doern and V.S. Wilson (Toronto, MacMillan, 1974). This file was originally numbered to correspond with article number 3 listed in Weller's CV.

2001.8.1.11 · Subsérie · 1973-2000 (1979-2000 predominant)
Parte de Geoffrey R. Weller fonds

Subseries consists of material involved in Weller’s academic research on the circumpolar north. His research at this time relates primarily to economic development in northern regions. The material comprises primarily photocopied academic papers and newspaper clippings. The subseries also contains publications, text of speeches and other material created by government officials. The subseries also contains files for chapters of a manuscript; however many files are empty. The empty files are titled: “Definitions and Theories, Chp 1,” “The Land and the Climate, Chp 2,” “Peoples and Patterns of Settlement, Chp 3,” “The Settlement of the Provincial North, Chp 4,” “The Decline of the Resource Economy, Chp 6,” “Race, Ethnicity and the Canadian Provincial North, Chp 10,” and “Conclusions, Chp 14.” There may be connections between this subseries and subseries 3, as the files for earlier projects appear to have been used in later research.

Geoffrey R. Weller fonds
2001.8 · Fundo · 1960-2002

The Geoffrey R. Weller fonds primarily comprises material involved in research toward and the publication of Geoffrey Weller’s scholarly works as well as records from Weller’s research for government contracts and community service positions. The fonds also comprises records from Weller’s teaching activities at UNBC and other universities. The records are divided into six series, which primarily reflect Weller’s activities conducting research, presenting and publishing scholarly work, and teaching courses at academic institutions. The series are: Research, Scholarly Works, Instruction, Academic Appointments, Honors and Awards, and Personal Records.

Series 1: Research contains material gathered and created by Weller in the course of his research for scholarly works, government contracts, and community service positions. These activities often overlap in dates and area of research interest. Weller’s research material is further broken down into 12 subseries by research project or set of interconnected projects from a similar time period: Subseries 1: Canadian Labor Relations, Subseries 2: Health Policy in Canada and Other Countries, Subseries 3: Local and Provincial Government in Northern Canada, Subseries 4: Water Politics and Environmental Issues in the Great Lakes Region, Subseries 5: Health Policy in South Africa, Subseries 6: Health Care in Ontario and the Circumpolar North, Subseries 7: Circumpolar Universities and Development in Circumpolar Regions, Subseries 8: Ontario Politics, Subseries 9: Circumpolar Foreign Policy, Subseries 10: Health Policy, Subseries 11: Government and Economic Development in the Circumpolar North, and Subseries 12: Intelligence.

Series 2: Scholarly Works provides copies and drafts of works written or coauthored by Weller and related material involved in the work’s publication or presentation at conferences. The series is broken in to seven subseries: Subseries 1: Articles and Chapters, Subseries 2: Conference Papers, Subseries 3: Book Reviews, Subseries 4: Talks and Lectures, Subseries 5: Publications, Subseries 6: Doctoral Dissertation, and Subseries 7: Other Publications. The Publications subseries refers to articles for chapters by Weller in the journal or book in which they were published.

Series 3: Instruction consists of 15 subseries encompassing lecture notes, syllabi, reading lists, and other material from courses taught by Weller at Bishop’s University, Lakehead University, and UNBC. Courses taught at Bishops University comprise subseries Comparative Politics and History of Political Ideas. Courses taught at Lakehead University comprise subseries Public Administration, Canadian Public Administration, Ontario Politics and Canadian Provincial Politics, Modern Political Theory, Local Government, Canadian Government and Politics, and Politics in the Canadian North. Weller’s UNBC courses comprise subseries Politics in the Canadian North (taught at both Lakehead University and UNBC), The European Union, Social and Health Policy and Administration, Redefining Security, Contemporary Australia and New Zealand, and Canada and the World. The series also includes a Course General subseries, which consists of files containing material from multiple different courses.

Series 4: Academic Appointments consists of records from Weller’s activities obtaining academic appointments and completing his responsibilities within these appointments, including collaborating with other universities worldwide. The series is broken down into three subseries: Subseries 1: Appointments and Reviews, Subseries 2: Curriculum Vitae, and Subseries 3: International Collaborations.

Series 5: Awards and Honors consists of plaques Weller was awarded at Lakehead University and records related to the honorary doctorate Weller received from the University of Lapland.

Series 6: Personal Records, the last series, contains records not involved in Weller’s research or academic positions. These include Weller’s day planners and journals, as well as programs from his memorial service.

Sem título
"Frontier Politics: The Case of Northern British Columbia"
2001. · Dossiê/Processo · 1996
Parte de Geoffrey R. Weller fonds

File consists of a paper titled "Frontier Politics: The Case of Northern British Columbia" presented by Geoffrey Weller at the Western Regional Science Association conference, Napa. California, 25-29 February 1996. This file was originally numbered to correspond with conference paper number 91 listed in Weller's CV.

2001. · Dossiê/Processo · 1976-1981
Parte de Geoffrey R. Weller fonds

File consists of an articled titled "From 'Pressure Group Politics' to 'Medical-Industrial Complex': The Development of Approaches to the Politics of Health" by Weller printed in the "Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law" Vol.1, No. 4, Winter 1977 and related correspondence.. This file was originally numbered to correspond with article number 5 listed in Weller's CV.

2001. · Dossiê/Processo · 1980
Parte de Geoffrey R. Weller fonds

File consists of a chapter titled "From 'Pressure Group Politics' to 'Medical-Industrial Complex': The Development of Approaches to the Politics of Health" by Geoffrey Weller printed in the book "Perspectives on Canadian Health and Social Services Policy: History and Emerging Trends" edited C.A. Meilicke and J.L. Storch (1980) along with "Commentary on the Readings" from the same book. This file was originally numbered to correspond with article number 5a listed in Weller's CV.

2001. · Dossiê/Processo · 1976
Parte de Geoffrey R. Weller fonds

File consists of a paper titled "From 'Pressure Group Politics to the 'Medical-Industrial Complex'" presented by Weller at the 1976 Southwestern Political Science Association conference and a form from the conference. This file was originally numbered to correspond with conference paper number 4 listed in Weller's CV.

"From Intelligence to Policy: The Canadian Case"
2001. · Dossiê/Processo · 1990
Parte de Geoffrey R. Weller fonds

File consists of a conference paper by Weller titled "From Intelligence to Policy: The Canadian Case." This file was originally numbered to correspond with conference paper number 71 listed in Weller's CV.

2001. · Dossiê/Processo · 1995
Parte de Geoffrey R. Weller fonds

File consists of a paper titled "Expansion in the Midst of Retrenchment: British Columbia's Changing University System" presented by Weller at the Society for Research in Higher Education conference, Heriot Watt University, Edinburgh, Scotland, 12-14 December 1995. This file was originally numbered to correspond with conference paper number 90 listed in Weller's CV.

"Evaluating Intelligence in Canada"
2001. · Dossiê/Processo · 1991
Parte de Geoffrey R. Weller fonds

File consists of a conference paper by Weller titled "Evaluating Intelligence in Canada" and related correspondence. This file was originally numbered to correspond with conference paper number 74 listed in Weller's CV.

"Environmental Policy in Canada and the United States"
2001. · Dossiê/Processo · 1981
Parte de Geoffrey R. Weller fonds

File consists of a Lake Superior Basin Studies Center publication titled "Environmental Policy in Canada and the United States" by Douglas C. Nord and Weller. This file was originally numbered to correspond with article number 14 listed in Weller's CV.

2001. · Dossiê/Processo · 1980
Parte de Geoffrey R. Weller fonds

File consists of a paper titled "Environmental Policy and Political Support in Canada and the United States: A Comparative Analysis" presented by Douglas C. Nord and Weller at the conference "Political Support in Canada: The Crisis Years" and correspondence to Weller regarding publication of the paper. This file was originally numbered to correspond with conference paper number 16 listed in Weller's CV.