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Archival description
2009. · Dossiê · 1976-1977
Parte de The Honourable Iona Campagnolo fonds

File consists of Campagnolo's correspondence regarding inquiries about the development of the Kitimat-Edmonton Pipeline. Includes memoranda, newspaper clippings, telexes, and communiques. Prominent people mentioned in the file are: MP Romeo LeBlanc, and MP Alastair Gillespie. Also includes a Kitimat Pipeline information booklet "The Pacific Link" (1977), a Wisconsin Statutes 1973 booklet "Reprint of Statutory Provisions - State Tax Sharing", meeting minutes for the "West Coast Tankers Meeting, July 8, 1976", a "History of Utility Tax Distribution - From 1972 Until Present" (1975), a "Statement of Lodwrick M. Cook, Vice President, Atlantic Richfield Company - Before the Commerce Committee and the Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs, of the United States Senate, December 7, 1976, Los Angeles, California", an "Update on the Kitimat-Edmonton Oil Pipeline" (1976), a paper on the Kitimat-Edmonton Pipeline, and a Time Magazine Article "Oil is Pouring on Troubled Waters" (1977).

2009. · Dossiê · 1976
Parte de The Honourable Iona Campagnolo fonds

File consists of Campagnolo's correspondence regarding inquiries about the development of the Kitimat-Edmonton Pipeline. Includes memoranda, newspaper clippings, telexes, and communiques. Prominent people mentioned in the file are MP Alastair Gillespie and Senator Walter Mondale. Also includes a report on the Kitimat Pipeline (Sonya Dakers, July 1976), a "Federal/Provincial Meeting of Officials on Transprovincial Pipeline Proposal: Kitimat to Edmonton Pipeline" (1976), an article from Fortune Magazine entitled "Canada's Nationalism Exacts a High Price" (1976), an "Environment and Land Use Committee Secretariat - Proposed Trans Mountain Kitimat-Edmonton Pipeline" (1976) paper, a "Fisheries Council of Canada - Bulletin" (July-August 1974), a list of environmental leaders in the Skeena area (1976), a paper on "West Coast Oil Spill Scenarios" (1976), and a Province Mid-Week Report entitled "Canada Making Hay on Alaska Pipeline" (Nov. 27, 1974). Also includes four photos of pipeline construction.

2009. · Dossiê · 1977-1978
Parte de The Honourable Iona Campagnolo fonds

File consists of Campagnolo's correspondence regarding inquiries about the development of the Kitimat-Edmonton Pipeline and various legislations that affect the development of this pipeline. Includes memoranda, newspaper clippings, telexes, and communiques. Prominent people mentioned in the file are: MP Don Jamieson, MP Ron Basford, and MP RJ Perrault. Includes "Excerpts from an address by Iona Campagnolo, Member of Parliament for Skeena, Minister of State, Fitness and Amateur Sport, to the Luso-Canadian Club of Kitimat, B.C. - Kitimat - Canada and You", a "Statement by the Honorable Iona Campagnolo Concerning the Proposed Kitimat to Edmonton Crude Oil Pipeline" (1978), a "Kitimat Pipeline Proposal Raised Again" report (1978), a statement in reply to the announcement by Kitimat Pipeline Co. Ltd. that it will pursue its application before the N.E.B. (1978), a "Congressional Report H.R. 9203 - A bill to provide the means for selection of, and to expedite federal permits and developments of transportation systems to move Alaskan crude oil to Northern Tier and other inland states, and for other purposes" (1977), a "Criteria for Funding or Participation in Inquiry" (1977) report, and "Briefing notes for Minister's Visit of Dr. Andrew Thompson, Commissioner, West Coast Oil Ports Inquiry" (1977).

2009. · Dossiê · 1978-1979
Parte de The Honourable Iona Campagnolo fonds

File consists of Campagnolo's correspondence regarding inquiries about the development of the Kitimat-Edmonton Pipeline. Includes mailing lists, memoranda, newspaper clippings, telexes, and communiques. Prominent people mentioned in the file are: MLA Cyril Shelford, Senator HA Olson, Mayor George Thom (Kitimat), MP Len Marchand, Senator HA Olson, and MP Alastair Gillespie. Includes a statement made by Campagnolo regarding the oil port at Kitimat (1978), a "Tidewater" Newsletter 1978, a letter from Campagnolo to Mayor George Thom (Kitimat) regarding concerns over the Kitimat pipeline, the National Energy Board "Intervention of the Kitimat Oil Coalition" (1978) report, a "Brief Submitted by the Yukon Status of Women Council to Senate Committee Reviewing Bill C-25" (1978), "A Written Submission to Request an Appearance Before the Parliamentary Select Committee on the Northern Pipeline Bill (Bill C-25)" from the Fort Nelson Women's Research Center (1978), a National Energy Board "Order No. OHR-1-78" - Canadian Oil reserves/Imports/Exports, a "Prince Rupert Daily News - A Progress Report from MP for Skeena, Iona Campagnolo" (1978), a "News Advertiser" (Feb 28, 1978) article, and a "Earthquakes: Consequences for the Kitimat Pipeline Proposal" paper, a United Fishermen and Allied Workers' Union letter to Dr. Andrew Thompson.

2009. · Dossiê · 1976-1977
Parte de The Honourable Iona Campagnolo fonds

File consists of Campagnolo's correspondence regarding concerns about the development of the Kitimat-Edmonton Pipeline. Includes memoranda, cards, newspaper clippings, telexes, and communiques. Prominent people mentioned in the file are: MP Romeo LeBlanc, and MP Alastair Gillespie. Also includes a list of environmental leaders in Skeena area and a paper regarding existing pipelines in the northern tier states.

2009. · Dossiê · 1978
Parte de The Honourable Iona Campagnolo fonds

File consists of Campagnolo's correspondence regarding concerns about the environmental impacts of the development of the Kitimat-Edmonton Pipeline. Includes memoranda, newspaper clippings, telexes, and communiques. Prominent people mentioned in the file are MP Romeo LeBlanc and MP Alastair Gillespie. Also includes responses to Kitimat Pipeline project cancellation, "Notes for an Address by Honorable Iona Campagnolo, MP Skeena, Minister of State - Fitness and Amateur Sport - To a Fundraising Dinner, Prince Rupert, B.C." (1978), a Northern Sentinel (Jan. 26, 1978) article, "A Submission to the West Coast Oil Ports Inquiry" (Eve Smith, 1977), and a "Statement by the Honorable Iona Campagnolo, MP For Skeena, Minister of State for Fitness and Amateur Sport - In Reply to the Announcement by Kitimat Pipeline Ltd. That it will pursue its application before the National Energy Board" (1978).

2009. · Dossiê · 1977
Parte de The Honourable Iona Campagnolo fonds

File consists of Campagnolo's correspondence regarding concerns about the development of the Kitimat-Edmonton Pipeline, as well as petitions and letters against the pipeline. Includes memoranda, newspaper clippings, cards, telexes, and communiques. Prominent people mentioned in the file are: MP Romeo LeBlanc, MLA Cyril Shelford, MLA Gordon Gibson, MLA Jack Kempf, MLA Graham Lea, MP Otto Lang, and MP Alastair Gillespie. Also includes a "pipeline list" for mailings, a "United Fishermen and Allied Workers' Union Petition Against the Kitimat Pipeline" (1977), and a Coalition Against Supertankers press release entitled "Emergency Statement: Supertankers on the Shores of the Queen Charlotte Islands" (1976).

2009. · Dossiê · 1976-1977
Parte de The Honourable Iona Campagnolo fonds

File consists of Campagnolo's correspondence regarding concerns about the development of the Kitimat-Edmonton Pipeline, primarily from constituents opposed to the pipeline construction. Includes memoranda, form letters, cards, newspaper clippings, telexes, and communiques. Prominent people mentioned in the file are MLA Cyril Shelford and Mayor George Thom (Kitimat). Also includes a Dobrocky Seatech information booklet describing personnel, services, equipment; a "Proposal for a Physical Oceanographic Study in the Kitimat Area" 1976 report; and a list of Bobrocky Seatech Ltd. publications and reports.

2009. · Dossiê · 1977
Parte de The Honourable Iona Campagnolo fonds

File consists of Campagnolo's correspondence regarding concerns about the development of the Kitimat-Edmonton Pipeline, primarily from constituents opposed to the pipeline construction. Includes memoranda, form letters, newspaper clippings, petitions, telexes, and communiques. Prominent people mentioned in the file are: MLA Cyril Shelford, MLA Gordon Lea, MP Alastair Gillespie, MP Otto Lang, and Mayor George Thom (Kitimat). Also includes an "Agreement Between the Government of Canada and the Government of the United States of America Concerning Transit Pipelines" (1977), a "Save our Shores" informational poster, a copy of a Band Council Resolution from the Masset Band opposing the pipeline and supertanker route as it impacts traditional foods and life ways, a Coalition Against Supertankers (COAST) discussion regarding "Submission by Kitimat Pipeline Ltd. Regarding the Proposed Marine Crude Oil Terminal at Kitimat, B.C." (1977), and Kitimat Oil Coalition mailing lists.

2009. · Dossiê · 1975-1977
Parte de The Honourable Iona Campagnolo fonds

File consists of Campagnolo's correspondence regarding concerns about the development of the Mackenzie Delta Pipeline, most notably in terms of feasibility studies and concerns of constituents. Includes memoranda, press releases, newspaper clippings, telexes, and communiques. Also includes a "Position Brief of the Commission Staff regarding El Paso Alaska Company 1976", a report on "Canada's Supply of Oil and Gas 1975-1985", two maps of active drilling sites in the Beaufort Sea/Mackenzie Valley Areas (1977), "Some Questions About the Arctic Gas Pipeline" (1977), a Canadian Wildlife Federation "Pipeline Update - NEB Hearings" (1977), "Objectives of Study - To Provide Ministers with Broad Overview of Northern Pipelines Issues - Study Initiated by Interdepartmental Oil Committee in June - Seven Departments are Involved - Report will be complete at end of 1st Quarter, 1977", "Information on the Taxation of Oil Pipelines in Wisconsin and Alaska" (Louanne Labelle, 1976), "Some Facts About Arctic Gas" (1976), "A Call for a Moratorium - Some Moral and Ethical Considerations Relating to the Mackenzie Valley Pipeline" (Project North, 1976), a Maclean's Magazine article entitled "If Ottawa was Playing its Usual Game, it Would Have Never Made Berger the Umpire" (May 31, 1976), "Northern Pipeline Review, Northern Pipeline Proposals" (1976), a "Text for Presentation by VL Horte, President, Canadian Arctic Gas Pipeline to Native Land Claims Seminar in Toronto" (1976), a "Committee for Justice and Liberty Newsletter" (December 1975), and "The Mackenzie Valley Pipeline and Canadian Priorities" presentation by Dr. Robert Page (1976).

2009. · Dossiê · 1977
Parte de The Honourable Iona Campagnolo fonds

File consists of Campagnolo's correspondence regarding inquiries about the development of the Mackenzie Delta Pipeline, notably concerns of constituents and private business' inquiries into the pipeline construction. Includes memoranda, newspaper clippings, telexes, and communiques. Prominent people mentioned in the file are: MLA Tom Butters, Prime Minister Pierre Elliot Trudeau, MP Douglas Roche, MP Peter Elzinga, MP Ed Broadbent, MP Warren Allmand, MP Gordon Towers, Senator Paul Lucier, and MP Otto Lang. Also includes a "Legislative Assembly of the Northwest Territories, Intervention Supplement" (1977) report, "Informational Brief: Inter-Church Memoranda" calling for a moratorium on northern gas projects (1977), a presentation to the Yukon Pipeline Panel (1977), a "Statement by the Honorable Warren Allmand, Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development on the Subject of the Berger Report in the House of Commons" (1977), a "Minister of Transport Canada Information Release Re: Kitimat Assessment Summary Report" (1977), a "Letter to the Minister - Northern Frontier, Northern Homeland" (1977) article, and a Canadian Wildlife Federation "Pipeline update - Pipeline Decision (1977). File contains both French and English.

2009. · Dossiê · 1977-1978
Parte de The Honourable Iona Campagnolo fonds

File consists of Campagnolo's correspondence regarding inquiries about the development of the Mackenzie Delta Pipeline. Includes memoranda, newspaper clippings, telexes, petitions and communiques. Prominent people mentioned in the file are: MP Ken Desson, MP Simma Holt, MLA Tom Butters, and Prime Minister Pierre Elliot Trudeau. Includes "A New Departure" 1975 newsletter (No. 16), copies of a section of a book entitled "An Energy Strategy for Canada", "The Compass, University of Alberta - Commentary on the Berger Report: Part 2" article (1977), and "Debates of the Senate" (2nd Session, 30th Parliament, Vol. 124, no. 79, 1977). File contains both French and English.

2009. · Dossiê · 1977
Parte de The Honourable Iona Campagnolo fonds

File consists of Campagnolo's correspondence regarding inquiries about the development of the Mackenzie Delta Pipeline and concerns expressed by the constituents. Includes memoranda, form letters, newspaper clippings, petitions, telexes, and communiques. Prominent people mentioned in the file are: MP Peter Bawden, Justice Thomas Berger, MP Jack Austin, Prime Minister Pierre Elliot Trudeau, MP Steve Paproski, and MP Peter Elzinga. Also includes a press release of "Volume 1 of Justice Berger's Final Ruling on the Northern Pipeline" (1977), a Gazette Magazine (Tues. Jul. 12, 1977) article, a Canadian Council for International Cooperation statement regarding "CCIC and Northern Development" (1977), a L'Institut Vanier de la famille "Declaration de L'Institut Vanier de la famille - Suite A: Le Nord: Terre Lointaine, Terre Ancestrale - Rapport de l'enquete sur le pipeline de la vallee du Mackenzie" (1977), "Northern Municipalities Support CAGPL" article in Oilweek (David Reesor, 1977), an Edmonton Chamber of Commerce "Policy Statement - Edmonton Chamber of Commerce and Alberta Chamber of Commerce - Mackenzie Valley Gas Pipeline" (1977), "Priorities for the North - A Submission to the Honorable Warren Allmand, Minister, Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development for Inclusion in his forthcoming Northern Policy Statement" by the NWT Legislative Assembly (1977), and "The Committee for Justice and Liberty Newsletter" (Spring 1977). File contains both French and English.

2009. · Dossiê · 1974-1975
Parte de The Honourable Iona Campagnolo fonds

File consists of Campagnolo's correspondence regarding inquiries about the development of the Mackenzie Delta Pipeline, primarily feasibility studies and aboriginal concerns. Includes memoranda, newspaper clippings, telexes, and communiques. Prominent people mentioned in the file are Justice Thomas Berger and MLA Cyril Shelford. Also includes a "Summary - National Energy Board Hearings Concerning the Construction and Operation of a Mackenzie Valley Natural Gas Pipeline" (1975, Research Branch of the Library of Parliament), a National Energy Board paper on "Determining the Supply and Deliverability of Canadian Natural Gas in Relation to Reasonably Foreseeable Requirement for Use in Canada and Potential for Export" (1974), a "Text for Presentation by JR Yarnell, Vice-President, Finance, Canadian Arctic Gas Pipeline Ltd. to the Ontario Natural Gas Association" (1975), "Notes for a Speech by the Honorable Judd Buchanan, Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development to the Ontario Natural Gas Association Conference" (1975), a Canadian Arctic Resources Committee fundraising letter, a report on the "Funding of Native Organizations to Participate in the Mackenzie Valley Pipeline Inquiry in 1975", a "Mackenzie Valley Pipeline Inquiry" paper, a "Statement by the Indian Brotherhood of the N.W.T. and Metis Association of the N.W.T. to the Mackenzie Valley Pipeline Inquiry" (1975), "Mr. Joe Mercredi's Statement at the Mackenzie Valley Pipeline Inquiry" (1975), an Indian and Northern Affairs Communique regarding a "Commissioner Appointed for Mackenzie Valley Pipeline Inquiry" (1974), "The Mackenzie Valley Pipeline Inquiry - Reference Document and Summary of Hearings" (no. 1, 1975), "Notes for an Address by SR Blair to the Northwest Territories Chamber of Commerce" (1975), an "Arctic Gas Profile - Twenty Questions: Issues and Responses by Arctic Gas" (Profile 4, 1975), and a "Presentation by VL Horte, President, Canadian Arctic Gas Pipeline Ltd. to NWT Chamber of Commerce" (1974). File contains both French and English.

Environment / Fisheries / Enquiries
2009. · Dossiê · 1978
Parte de The Honourable Iona Campagnolo fonds

File consists of Campagnolo's correspondence regarding the ministry of Fisheries and Oceans. Includes memoranda, briefing notes, telexes, and correspondence. A prominent person mentioned in the file is MP Romeo LeBlanc. Also includes: "Shultz International Ltd. - Assessment of Fisheries Resource of the Slave River Delta (Part of the Mackenzie River Basin Study) 1978-81, DSS File No. 04SZ.KF709-7-1378", and "Notes pour: Alexandre Cyr, Depute de Gaspe - Le Government Federal Et L'Industrie de la Peche au Quebec" (1978). File contains both French and English.

Environment / Fisheries / Enquiries
2009. · Dossiê · 1977-1978
Parte de The Honourable Iona Campagnolo fonds

File consists of Campagnolo's correspondence regarding the ministry of Fisheries and Oceans. Includes memoranda, telexes, news releases, and correspondence. A prominent person mentioned in the file is MP Romeo LeBlanc.

Environment / Fisheries / Enquiries
2009. · Dossiê · 1974-1976
Parte de The Honourable Iona Campagnolo fonds

File consists of Campagnolo's correspondence regarding the ministry of Fisheries and Oceans. Includes memoranda, telexes, and correspondence. Prominent people mentioned in the file are: MP Romeo LeBlanc, and MP Art Lee. Also includes: a proposed layout of a fishing vessel, a questionnaire on sport fishing, "Pacific Trollers Association - A Brief Submitted to the Minister of State for Fisheries by the Pacific Trollers Association Regarding Marketing and Exporting of Fish in British Columbia" (1976), and a "Sport Fish Mail Questionnaire - 1975."

Environment / Fisheries / Enquiries
2009. · Dossiê · 1976-1977
Parte de The Honourable Iona Campagnolo fonds

File consists of Campagnolo's correspondence regarding the ministry of Fisheries and Oceans. Includes memoranda, telexes, meeting minutes, and correspondence. Prominent people mentioned in the file are: MP Romeo LeBlanc, and MP Otto Lang. Also includes: a "United Fishermen and Allied Workers' Union - Interdepartmental/Inter-Governmental Committee meeting on Fishing Jurisdiction" (1977).

Environment / Fisheries / Enquiries
2009. · Dossiê · 1978-1979
Parte de The Honourable Iona Campagnolo fonds

File consists of Campagnolo's correspondence regarding the ministry of Fisheries and Oceans. Includes photocopies of newspaper clippings, signed petitions, newspaper clippings, news releases, memoranda, telexes, and correspondence. Prominent people mentioned in the file are: MP Romeo LeBlanc, MP Jack Pearsall, MLA Frank Calder, and MP Hugh Anderson. Also includes: "Recommendations of the Federal-Provincial Committee on Wage and Price Disputes in the British Columbia Fishing Industry" (1964), a "Northern Trollers Association Submission to the Fisheries Branch with Regard to Non-Retention of Troll Caught Halibut", a news release "Iona Campagnolo seeks Fisheries Probe" (1979), "The Vancouver Express" article "Biggest Fishboat Will Seek out Hake in Strait" (Feb. 21, 1979), a "Pacific Troller Association - Halibut Contingency Plan" (1979), a "Western Fisheries" article "Continued Bungling of Fisheries Decisions by Ottawa" (Oct. 1978), a news release "Federal Fisheries Statistics Released" (1979), and a news release "Canada's Fishing Industry to Switch to Metric" (1978).

Environment / Fisheries / General
2009. · Dossiê · 1974-1975
Parte de The Honourable Iona Campagnolo fonds

File consists of Campagnolo's correspondence regarding general enquiries into Fisheries management legislation and policies. Includes meeting minutes, phone lists, memoranda, postcards, and correspondence. Prominent people mentioned in the file are: MP Len Marchand, and MP Romeo LeBlanc. Also includes: an Assessment of the Gulf of St. Lawrence Redfish Stock and Implications for its Management (1975), a Juan de Fuca Strait to Dixon Entrance Soundings in fathoms copies of maps, a Pacific Trollers Association Brief to the Canada Labor Relations Board report, a Canadian Pacific Trollers' Association Newsletter (vol. 2 no. 6, 1974 and vol. 2 no. 8, 1974), court transcripts between Pacific Trollers Association and United Fishers and Allied Workers' Association, and a Fisheries Council of Canada Bulletin.

Environment / Fisheries / General
2009. · Dossiê · 1975
Parte de The Honourable Iona Campagnolo fonds

File consists of Campagnolo's correspondence regarding general enquiries into Fisheries management legislation and policies. Includes briefing notes, meeting minutes, photocopies of newspaper clippings, memoranda, and correspondence. Prominent people mentioned in the file are: MP Len Marchand, MP RJ Perrault, MP James Richardson, MP Otto Lang, MLA Harvey Bostrom, and MP Romeo LeBlanc. Also includes: a copy of Bill H.R. 200, a poster regarding the 31st annual meeting of the Fisheries Council of Canada, a congressional record (Mar 24, 1976), a report "Income Support and Supplementation Programs for Fishermen" (Jan 27, 1976), a "Summary of Activities: Fisheries and Marine Service Environment Canada", and proposed budgets for Environment Canada.

Environment / Fisheries / General
2009. · Dossiê · 1977-1979
Parte de The Honourable Iona Campagnolo fonds

File consists of Campagnolo's correspondence regarding general enquiries into Fisheries management legislation and policies. Includes photocopies of newspaper clippings, communiques, memoranda, and correspondence. Prominent people mentioned in the file are: MP Len Marchand, MP RJ Perrault, MP Jack Austin, Prime Minister Pierre Elliot Trudeau, and MP Romeo LeBlanc. Also includes: "District Summary Fish Catches for B.C." (1977), a "Summary of Activities: Fisheries and Marine Service, Environment Canada", and a "Fishermen's Information: Fishing In Metric Bulletin" (77-8E).

Environment / Fisheries / Licensing
2009. · Dossiê · 1974-1977
Parte de The Honourable Iona Campagnolo fonds

File consists of Campagnolo's correspondence regarding general enquiries into Fisheries licensing policies. Includes photocopies of newspaper clippings, telexes, a Fisheries Public Notice, memoranda, and correspondence. Prominent people mentioned in the file are: MP Len Marchand, MP RJ Perrault, MP Warren Allmand, and MP Romeo LeBlanc. Also includes: a list of foreign fishing boat licenses, "Pacific Salmon Management for People" (Derek V. Ellis, Western Geographical Series, Vol. 13, 1977), "A Presentation to the Honorable Romeo LeBlanc, Minister of Fisheries, Government of Canada by Haida Ventures Ltd." (1977), and a "Fisheries Public Notice Regarding: Herring Licenses" (1977).

Environment / Fisheries / Licensing
2009. · Dossiê · 1976-1979
Parte de The Honourable Iona Campagnolo fonds

File consists of Campagnolo's correspondence regarding general enquiries into Fisheries licensing policies, primarily licensing board approvals. Includes memoranda, photocopies of newspaper clippings, meeting minutes, news releases, telexes, and correspondence. Prominent people mentioned in the file are: MP Len Marchand, MP RJ Perrault, MP Jack Pearsall, MP Hugh Anderson, MP Simma Holt, MP Art Lee, MP Warren Allmand, and MP Romeo LeBlanc. Also includes: a list of Halibut license appeals, a copy of "The Sol Sinclair Report - Licensing and Royalty System for B.C. Coastal Fisheries" (1979), a pencil drawing entitled "The Toiler of the Sea" (1978), a "Sumas Fisheries Company Ltd. Appeal to Romeo LeBlanc Regarding denial of two trawling licensing claims (1978), a news release " 'B' Salmon Licenses Extended" (1978), and a news release " 'B' Category Salmon Vessels Given Extra Five Years of Life in B.C." (1978).

2009. · Dossiê · 1975-1977
Parte de The Honourable Iona Campagnolo fonds

File consists of Campagnolo's correspondence regarding the Economic Zone Fisheries area off-shore. Includes a Maritime Boundaries between Canada and the United States booklet, brochures, memoranda, a Pacific Troller Association Newsletter (vol. no. 15), a letter sized map of the proposed 200 km fishing limit, news releases, newspaper clippings, photocopies of newspaper clippings, a report on the 50-Mile limit, a copy of the Agreement between Canada and the USSR on their Mutual Fisheries Relations 1976, a Poster-sized newsletter The Light Herald on Russian Fishing in Canadian Waters, telexes, and correspondence. Also contains a map of the 200 km Maritime fisheries area. Prominent people mentioned in the file are: MP Romeo LeBlanc, MP Art Lee, MP Don Jamieson, and Prime Minister Pierre Elliot Trudeau. Contains both French and English.

2009. · Dossiê · 1977-1979
Parte de The Honourable Iona Campagnolo fonds

File consists of Campagnolo's correspondence regarding the Economic Zone Fisheries area off-shore, primarily comes from boat captains. Includes memoranda, post cards, briefing notes, telexes, and correspondence. Prominent people mentioned in the file are: MP Romeo LeBlanc, MP Robert Andras, Prime Minister Pierre Elliott Trudeau, and MP Art Lee. Also includes: a Fishermen's Information special bulletin (78-1E), a map of the 200 km Maritime fisheries area, a "Pacific Coast Fishing Vessel Owners' Guild" petition (1979), "A Briefing Note on Maritime Boundary and Fisheries Negotiations Between Canada and the United States" (1979), "Recommendations Proposed for Approval by the North Pacific Fishery Management Council and its Meeting on Sept. 29, 1978, Sitka, Alaska", a "Fishermen's Information Special Bulletin Report to Atlantic Fishermen" (1978) (French and English Copies), a news release "Control of Canada's New Fishing Zone Going Smoothly" (1977), a "Enforcement of Canada's 200-Mile Fishing Zone" paper (1977), "Notes for a Speech by the honorable Romeo LeBlanc, Minister of Fisheries in Prince Rupert, B.C." (Jan 28, 1978), and an information bulletin "Trawl Fleet Development Proposals" (1977). File contains both French and English.

Environment / Fisheries / Salmon
2009. · Dossiê · 1977-1978
Parte de The Honourable Iona Campagnolo fonds

File consists of Campagnolo's correspondence regarding general enquiries into salmon legislation and policies. Includes memoranda, newspaper clippings, photocopies of newspaper clippings, news releases, and correspondence. Prominent people mentioned in the file are: MP Romeo LeBlanc, MLA Jack Davis, MLA Sam Bawlf, MLA Cyril Shelford, and MP Art Lee. Also includes: a "Pacific Trollers Association Proposed Cost Recovery Scheme for the Salmonid Enhancement Programme 1977", a "Guide to Salmonid Enhancement" programme and background paper, a map of "Proposed Salmonid Enhancement Sites", a "Facts on Fish" (vol. 77, no. 6) newsletter, a "1977 Expected Commercial Catch Estimate."

Environment / Fisheries / Salmon
2009. · Dossiê · 1976
Parte de The Honourable Iona Campagnolo fonds

File consists of Campagnolo's correspondence regarding general enquiries into salmon legislation and policies. Includes telexes, phone lists, news releases, newspaper clippings, and memoranda. Prominent people mentioned in the file are: MP Romeo LeBlanc, and Prime Minister Jean Chretien. Also includes: photocopy of a Lake Babine Nation Member selling salmon (1976), a "Facts on Fish" (Vol. 76, No. 4, 1976) newsletter, a "McGregor Action Group - Brief to the Provincial Cabinet in Prince George" (1976), a "McGregor Action Group - Brief on the Salmonid Enhancement Program - Department of the Environment" (1976), a paper "The Culture of Salmonide Fishes in the Sea Water" (Ysusuke Shimizu, 1976), "Comparative Rearings Between Oncorhynchus Keta and Salmo Gairdneri Irideus" (The Marine Engineering, Vol. 3, No. 2, 1967), "Resolution F-19 - Canada-US Reciprocal Salmon Interception Talks - Resolutions" (1976), "What's News Outdoors? - Are Sport Salmon Fishermen Being Shafted?" (1976) article, a "Skeena River Salmon Management Committee Information Bulletin" (1976), "Expectations and Proposed Fishing Patterns - 1976", and a "Salmonid Enhancement Program" information package (1976).

Environment / Fisheries / Salmon
2009. · Dossiê · 1978
Parte de The Honourable Iona Campagnolo fonds

File consists of Campagnolo's correspondence regarding general enquiries into salmon legislation and policies. Includes memoranda, photocopies of newspaper clippings, news releases, and correspondence. Prominent people mentioned in the file are: MP Romeo LeBlanc, and MP Len Marchand. Also includes: a "Stewart Sentinel" article "West Coast Fishing May Change" (1978), a "Queen Charlotte Islands Observer" article "Book Keeping Arrangement Criticized" (1978), a wage scale list for "Pacific Rim Hiring Agency" (1977), a Environment Canada "Salmonid Enhancement Program Distribution List" (1978), a news release "Pallant Creek Hatchery Contract Awarded" (1978), a "Pacific Trollers Association" letter to MP Romeo LeBlanc regarding access to U.S. fish stocks, a news release " 'B' Salmon Licenses Extended", a list of all "B" category fishing vessels, a "Skeena River Salmon Management Committee - Information Bulletin - Tentative Regulations for 1978", and "The Steelhead Society of British Columbia - The Steelhead Societies' Position on Aboriginal Fishing Rights" (1977).

Environment / Fisheries / Salmon
2009. · Dossiê · 1974-1975
Parte de The Honourable Iona Campagnolo fonds

File consists of Campagnolo's correspondence regarding general enquiries into salmon legislation and policies. Includes memoranda, press releases, proposals, and newspaper clippings. Prominent people mentioned in the file are: MP Romeo LeBlanc, MP Jeanne Sauve, and MP Jack Davis. Also includes: a "1971 commercial catch of pacific fish", a "Studies on the Culture of Salmonide Fishes in Sea Water - Acclimatization of Salmonide Fisheries to Sea Water 1971 Report", "1975 Expected Fish Catches, "Progress Report on the Fort Babine Native Fisheries, Jack Salmon Operation to Date" (1975), "Report to the Chief and Band Council of Lake Babine Band on Jack Salmon Project" (1975), "Brief to the Chairman and Members of the B.C. Liberal Caucus" (1975), a "Statement by the Honorable Romeo LeBlanc, Minister of State - Fisheries, on Salmon Enhancement Program" (1975), a news release "Major development to Double B.C. Salmon Output" (1975), a "United Fishermen and Allied Workers Union - Report on the Need for a Salmon Treaty with the United States" (1975), and a "Proposal to the Canadian Government to Guide Negotiations in Canada/United States Salmon Talks" (1975). File contains both Japanese and English.

Environment / Fisheries / Salmon
2009. · Dossiê · 1978-1979
Parte de The Honourable Iona Campagnolo fonds

File consists of Campagnolo's correspondence regarding general enquiries into salmon legislation and policies. Includes memoranda, telexes, meeting minutes, and correspondence. Prominent people mentioned in the file are: MP Romeo LeBlanc, MP JJ Buchanan, and MP Len Marchand. Also includes: a map of the Department of the Environment Fisheries Operations, a "Birth of Fish" announcement poster, correspondence regarding the depletion of salmon stock off the coast of B.C., "Bear River Salmon Escapement Estimates" table (1979), "Skeena River Salmon Management Committee - Information Bulletin - Tentative Regulations for 1979", "By Pieces - Catches of Chinook Salmon - West Coast Area 2, West Queen charlotte Islands" table (1979), and "By Pieces - Catches of Chinook Salmon North of Cape Caution" table (1979).

Environment / Fisheries / Seal Hunt
2009. · Dossiê · 1975-1979
Parte de The Honourable Iona Campagnolo fonds

File consists of Campagnolo's correspondence regarding general enquiries into seal hunt legislation and policies. Includes news releases, photocopies of newspaper clippings, meeting minutes, drawings, memoranda, post cards, form letters, telexes, and correspondence. Prominent people mentioned in the file are: MP Romeo LeBlanc, MP Albert Bechard, MP William Rompkey, and MP JE Broadbent. Also Includes: a brochure on "Questions and Answers on the Seal Hunt", a copy of the "Wilson Report" (program no: 51-22118-5049), "The Vancouver Sun" article "Nfld. Seal hunt Branded 'Most Bloodthirsty Thing' Sailor Had Ever Seen" (Apr. 8, 1978), a "International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources" bulletin "The Haro Seal: Cause for Unease" (March 1977), a news release "1978 Seal Hunt Quotas Announced", "The Evening Telegram" article "Ontario Group Repeats Support for Seal Hunt" (May 30, 1977), "Resolution Passed in the United States Senate" (Mar 31, 1977), a list of organizations that oppose the seal hunt, a news release "North Atlantic Harp Seal Hunt 1977", a "Canadian Broadcasting Corporation - The Watson Report - Program No. 51-22118-5049" script (1976), an "Animals Voice" article "Total Ban on Seal Hunting Recommended by Committee on Seals and Sealing" (Fall 1975), "A Bill of Rights for Animals? Where We Stand Today" (Peter J. Hyde, 1976), a "Montreal Gazette" article "Cutback in Seal Hunt Urged to Save Herds" (Oct. 25, 1975), and a news release "Severe Cutbacks in Harp Seal Hunt Needed" (1975).

2009. · Dossiê · 1974-1976
Parte de The Honourable Iona Campagnolo fonds

File consists of Campagnolo's correspondence regarding the use of small craft harbors in areas of fisheries management. Includes meeting minutes, newspaper clippings, memoranda, telexes, and correspondence. Prominent people mentioned in the file are: MP Romeo LeBlanc, MP Jack Davis, MP Jean Marchand, MP Frank Howard, and Mayor Allan Shepard (Port Edward). Also includes: a Harbor Development Program 1974/75, a small craft harbor brochure, a Alliford Bay map (1975), a report submitted to the Department of Public Works to build a breakwater in Oona River, B.C., a news release "$940,000 Extra for Prince Rupert Harbors" (1974), a "Statement on small Craft Harbors Presented to the Standing Committee on Fisheries and Forestry" (1975), an "Environment Canada - Marina Policy Assistance Program" (1974), and a "Canada Gazette - Public Service Rearrangement and Transfer of Duties Act" (Part II Vol. 107, No. 13, 1973).

2009. · Dossiê · 1977-1978
Parte de The Honourable Iona Campagnolo fonds

File consists of Campagnolo's correspondence regarding the use of small craft harbors in areas of fisheries management, primarily consists of correspondence regarding the MK Bay Marina in Kitimat, B.C.. Includes signed petitions, news releases, photocopies of newspaper clippings, briefing notes, memoranda, telexes, and correspondence. Prominent people mentioned in the file are: MP Romeo LeBlanc, Mayor George Thom (Kitimat), MLA Sam Bawlf, MP Otto Lang, MP Len Marchand, MP Art Lee, and MP Judd Buchanan. Also includes: 2 maps/architectural designs of a boat basin near Kitimat, a news release "Tenders Called for Queen Charlotte City Breakwater" (1978), a news release "Small Craft Harbors Projects Approved for Skeena" (1978), a news release "Small Craft Harbors Projects Approved for Ladner" (1978), a news release "Small Craft Harbors Projects Approved for Fraser Valley West" (1978), "Status Report - Ladner Harbor Delta" (1977), a reproduction of an orthographic photo of Delta area, a report "Atlin Small Craft Harbor" (1978), a "Small Craft Harbors Branch - Pacific Region" report (1977), a "Nahmema Enterprises Inc. - Cash Flow Projection for the First Three Years of Marina Operation" (1976), and an "Environment Canada - Fisheries and Marine - Marina Policy Assistance Program" (1977), and "Final Census Information provided by Statistics Canada for Queen Charlotte Island (1977).

2009. · Dossiê · 1978-1979
Parte de The Honourable Iona Campagnolo fonds

File consists of Campagnolo's correspondence regarding the use of small craft harbors in areas of fisheries management. Includes news releases, court transcripts, newspaper clippings, memoranda, form letters, and correspondence. Prominent people mentioned in the file are: MP Romeo LeBlanc, MP Len Marchand, and MP Art Lee. Also includes: "Information Noted on the Worst Storm since MK Marina was Built" (1979), a news release "Kincolith Harbor Improvements Slated" (1979), "Small Business Intern Program" information pamphlets, and a "Pointe Claire Yacht Club - Submission - Particulars prepared for Assistance Under the Marina Policy" (1978). File Contains both French and English.

Environment / Fisheries / Sport Fishing
2009. · Dossiê · 1975-1978
Parte de The Honourable Iona Campagnolo fonds

File consists of Campagnolo's correspondence regarding the policies and legislation pertaining to sport fishing. Includes signed petitions, memoranda, telexes, and correspondence. Prominent people mentioned in the file are: MP Romeo LeBlanc, MP Hugh Anderson, MP Jeanne Sauve, MLA Jack Davis, MLA J Redford, and MP Art Lee. Also includes: "Proposed License Scheme for B.C.'s Salt Water Sports Fishermen" (1978), and an information bulletin on Skeena Chinook Salmon stocks (1977).

2009. · Dossiê · 1975-1979
Parte de The Honourable Iona Campagnolo fonds

File consists of Campagnolo's correspondence regarding general enquiries into conservation of whales. Includes news releases, petition letters, memoranda, and correspondence. Prominent people mentioned in the file are: MP Romeo LeBlanc, MLA David Barrett, MP Len Marchand, and MP Jeanne Sauve. Also includes: a "The Humane Way: newsletter on the use of cell and tissue culture and their use as an alternative to vivisection, a newsletter on the trident nuclear submarines, a newsletter on Puget Sound as a missile test area, a newsletter on the safety of Nuclear power, and an "Energy Alternatives 1972" booklet.

Environment / Forestry
2009. · Dossiê · 1974-1978
Parte de The Honourable Iona Campagnolo fonds

File consists of Campagnolo's correspondence regarding enquiries into the forest industry in Canada. Includes telexes, bulletins, memoranda, and communiques. Prominent people mentioned in the file are: MLA John Thomson, MLA Thomas Waterland, MP Len Marchand, MP Ron Basford, MP Jean Marchand, Premier W. Bennett, and MLA Cyril Shelford. Also includes: a copy of Tree Farm License 24, Moresby and the Southern Moresby Wilderness 1978 Proposal, a Report on the Spruce Budworm 1975, correspondence, post cards, an informational poster of Spruce Budworm Spraying procedures, a Please don't Spray 1978 poster/calendar, a 1977 report on Air Photo Interpretation of Tree Damages Kitimat, B.C., a Nadu Mills Ltd. Proposal, a Forest Land Policy Statement 1975, and a copy of MacLean's Magazine April 1975.

Environment / Forestry
2009. · Dossiê · 1978
Parte de The Honourable Iona Campagnolo fonds

File consists of Campagnolo's correspondence regarding enquiries into the forest industry in Canada. Includes correspondence, cards, memoranda, telexes, and communiques. Prominent people mentioned in the file are: MLA Thomas Waterland, and MP Len Marchand. Also Includes: an Application for a Forest License by Stewart Forest Products Ltd. 1979, a Queen Charlotte Island Observer (1978, No. 2981), a Forest Products Research: A Public Concern (Oct. 1978) booklet, and photocopies of the Queen Charlotte Islands Observer.

Environment / Forestry
2009. · Dossiê · 1979
Parte de The Honourable Iona Campagnolo fonds

File consists of Campagnolo's correspondence regarding enquiries into the forest industry in Canada, mainly constituents concerns over the environmental impacts of logging to the area. Includes photocopies of newspaper clippings, petitions, form letters, memoranda, correspondence, and telexes. Prominent people mentioned in the file are: MLA Thomas Waterland, MP Romeo LeBlanc, and Premier RB Bennett. Also includes: a "Ministerial Briefing Note - Queen Charlotte Islands Logging and the Protection of Fish Habitat" (1979).

Environment / General
2009. · Dossiê · 1977-1979
Parte de The Honourable Iona Campagnolo fonds

File consists of Campagnolo's correspondence regarding general enquiries into the Ministry of Environment programs and procedures. Includes photocopies of newspaper clippings, meeting minutes, memoranda, correspondence, and communiques. Prominent people mentioned in the file are: MP Len Marchand, Prime Minister Pierre Elliot Trudeau, MP Art Lee, MP Hugh Anderson, MP RJ Perrault, Senator George Van Roggen, MLA Cyril Shelford, and MP Ron Basford. Also includes: a "National Second Century Fund of British Columbia - Financial Statements - Year Ended Dec. 31, 1978" (1978) booklet, a news release from the "National Second Century Fund of British Columbia", "The National Second Century Fund of British Columbia" origins booklet (1971), "Okanagan Press Clippings - Presented for MP Art Lee, MP Hugh Anderson, MP Iona Campagnolo, MP Ray Perrault, and Sen. George Van Roggen" (1978), and an "Environment Canada - List of Provincial branches that deal with environment" (1977).

Environment / General
2009. · Dossiê · 1974-1976
Parte de The Honourable Iona Campagnolo fonds

File consists of Campagnolo's correspondence regarding general enquiries into the Ministry of Environment programs and procedures. Includes: memoranda, post cards, communiques, and meeting minutes. Prominent people mentioned in the file are: MP Lloyd Crouse, Ambassador Thomas Enders, and MP Romeo LeBlanc. Contains records in French and English. Also includes a 1975 tide table, a 1974 tide table, an environmental programs budget estimate, an "Institute of Ocean Sciences, Patricia Bay Annual Report 1975", a copy of a newspaper clipping (The Herald, May 16, 1977), Information Release: "An Environment Shared: Canada and the United States".

2009. · Dossiê · 1975-1979
Parte de The Honourable Iona Campagnolo fonds

File consists of Campagnolo's correspondence regarding dams and diversions on streams. Includes photocopies of newspaper clippings, meeting minutes, memoranda, communiques, and correspondence. Prominent people mentioned in the file are: Mayor George Thom (Kitimat), Premier WR Bennett, MP Hugh Faulkner, MLA Evan Wolfe, MP Art Lee, MP Len Marchand, MP Romeo LeBlanc, and MLA James Nielsen. Also includes: a "McGregor - Peace River Defense Kit - Being Part of a Campaign to Fight Hydro Dams on the McGregor and Peace Rivers" (1978), a "BC Today Newspaper" (vol. 2, no. 8, 1977), a "McGregor Action Group Brief presented to the Provincial Cabinet in Prince George", a "McGregor River Diversion Project Public Information Report" (1977), a "McGregor Action Group Newsletter" (Feb. 6, 1978), "Resolutions passed at the McGregor/Peace River Coalition Meeting" (1977), "BC Forestry - Association of BC Professional Foresters - Of Dams and Other Things" (Vol. 2, no. 2, Dec. 1977), a joint news release "Marchand and Byers Discuss Poplar River Project" (1977), briefing notes "Fraser River Flood Control Program" (1977), an "International Pacific Salmon Fisheries Commission Report on the Effects of Dams on Salmonid Migration" (1977), a "McGregor River Diversion Project - Public Information Report - Spring 1977" (BC Hydro and Power Authority), and a "Riverfront - The Kootenay/Columbia Coalition" (1975) newsletter.

2009. · Dossiê · 1978-1979
Parte de The Honourable Iona Campagnolo fonds

File consists of Campagnolo's correspondence regarding dams and diversions on streams, many correspondence regard the concern of placement of new dams on streams. Includes correspondence, memoranda, and communiques. Prominent people mentioned in the file are: Mayor George Thom (Kitimat), MLA Cyril Shelford, MP Len Marchand, MP Don Jamieson, and MP Raymond Perrault. Also includes: a "United States District Court for the District of Columbia Circuit" (No. 78-1659, et. al.).

2009. · Dossiê · 1975-1979
Parte de The Honourable Iona Campagnolo fonds

File consists of Campagnolo's correspondence regarding floods and control mechanisms for floods. Includes meeting minutes, correspondence, news releases, briefing notes, photocopies of newspaper clippings, and memoranda. Prominent people mentioned in the file are: MLA Cyril Shelford, MP Romeo LeBlanc, MLA Graham Lea, and Prime Minister Pierre Elliot Trudeau. Also includes: a "Preliminary Report Deals with One Aspect of the November, 1978, Disaster in the Pacific Northwest", a news release "Federal Disaster Relief" (1978), "Briefing Notes - Fraser River Flood Control Program" (1978), and a "Background Paper - Floods and Flood Control" (1976).

Environment / General / Oil Pollution
2009. · Dossiê · 1974-1977
Parte de The Honourable Iona Campagnolo fonds

File consists of Campagnolo's correspondence regarding oil pollution. Includes correspondence, memoranda, newspaper clippings, meeting minutes, and communiques. Prominent people mentioned in the file are: MP Warren Allmand, MP Romeo LeBlanc, MP Alastair Gillespie, MP Jack Austin, Prime Minister Pierre Elliot Trudeau, MP Otto Lang, MP Don Jamieson, and MP Paul McRae. Also includes: a Termpol Assessment of the Navigational and Environmental Risks Associated with the Proposal of Kitimat Pipeline ltd. to construct a Marine Oil Terminal at Kitimat, B.C., a Preliminary Comparison of Kitimat and Port Angeles Tanker Routes and Terminal Proposals 1976, a "Vessel Traffic Management Center, West Cost Canada" report. File also contains a map of a proposed port in Kitimat.

Environment / General / Oil Pollution
2009. · Dossiê · 1978-1979
Parte de The Honourable Iona Campagnolo fonds

File consists of Campagnolo's correspondence regarding oil pollution. Includes photocopies of newspaper clippings, newspaper clippings, correspondence, signed petitions, pages from a magazine, and memoranda. Prominent people mentioned in the file are: MLA Cyril Shelford, Mayor George Thom (Kitimat), MP Len Marchand, and MP Alastair Gillespie. Also includes: a "Draft - Environmental Statement - Crude Oil Transportation System: Port Angeles, Washington to Clearbrook, Minnesota (As Proposed by Northern Tier Pipeline Company" (Bureau of Land Management, U.S. Department of the Interior, 1979), "Dr. Andrew Thompson's Final Report for the West Coast Oil Ports Inquiry" (1978), a letter from the Nisga'a Tribal Council to the Prime Minister regarding the West Coast Oil Ports Inquiry (1978), and an article "The Energy Crisis - How We Dug Our Own Grave" (The Plain Truth, Feb. 1978).

Environment / General / Oil Pollution
2009. · Dossiê · 1977-1978
Parte de The Honourable Iona Campagnolo fonds

File consists of Campagnolo's correspondence regarding oil pollution. Includes newspaper clippings, photocopies of newspaper clippings, statements by the minister, correspondence, form letters, information releases, and memoranda. Prominent people mentioned in the file are: Mayor George Thom (Kitimat), MP Bill Jarvis, MP Tommy Douglas, and MP Romeo LeBlanc. Contains records in French and English. Also includes: "Environmental Assessment Panel - Roberts Banks Port Expansion" (1978) report, "Statement by the Honorable Iona Campagnolo - West Coast Oil Ports" (1978), a list of news releases of "West Coast Oil Ports Inquiry," a copy of "Seaports and the Shipping World" (1977) magazine, a report from the "United Fishermen and Allied Workers Union" (1977) regarding oil ports in fishing areas, "Oil Ports Inquiry News" newsletter (1977), and an "Information Release Re: Environmental Safety Key factor in Alaskan Oil Tanker Traffic" (1977).