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Affichage de 438 résultats

Archival description
Press clippings, 1990-1992
Press clippings, 1990-1992
Press clippings, 1993-1994
Press clippings, 1993-1994
Press conference and newscast transcripts
Press conference and newscast transcripts
"Proceedings of the Workshop on Habitat Improvements, Whistler, B.C., 8-10 May 1984"
"Proceedings of the Workshop on Habitat Improvements, Whistler, B.C., 8-10 May 1984"
"Provincial Economic Impact of KCP Construction"
"Provincial Economic Impact of KCP Construction"
Raw data from Nechako River studies
Raw data from Nechako River studies
Raw data gathered by Cole Shirvell at University of Otago
Raw data gathered by Cole Shirvell at University of Otago
Rebuttals to Shirvell's expert report entitled "Modelling of Fish Habitat in the Nechako River"
Rebuttals to Shirvell's expert report entitled "Modelling of Fish Habitat in the Nechako River"
"Report of the Nechako Environmental Enhancement Fund Management Committee"
"Report of the Nechako Environmental Enhancement Fund Management Committee"
"Report on Surveys of the Nechako River"
"Report on Surveys of the Nechako River"
"Report on the Fisheries Problems Created by the Development of Power in the Nechako-Kemano-Nanika River Systems - Supplement No. 1: Temperature Changes in the Nechako River and Their Effects on the Salmon Populations"
"Report on the Fisheries Problems Created by the Development of Power in the Nechako-Kemano-Nanika River Systems - Supplement No. 1: Temperature Changes in the Nechako River and Their Effects on the Salmon Populations"
Research and Publications
Research and Publications
"Restructuring Kemano: Open the Process Up, Mr. Harcourt"
"Restructuring Kemano: Open the Process Up, Mr. Harcourt"
"Restructuring Research: Survival of the Fittest"
"Restructuring Research: Survival of the Fittest"
"Results of Reconnaissance Sampling for Juvenile Salmonids in the Upper Fraser River and Selected Tributaries, August and October, 1984"
"Results of Reconnaissance Sampling for Juvenile Salmonids in the Upper Fraser River and Selected Tributaries, August and October, 1984"
"Review Comments on Dr. Don Chapman's Rebuttal Report to C.S. Shirvell's Expert Witness Report"
"Review Comments on Dr. Don Chapman's Rebuttal Report to C.S. Shirvell's Expert Witness Report"
Review of chinook salmon rearing documents for discovery
Review of chinook salmon rearing documents for discovery
"Review of Incremental-Type Methodology for Assessing Reduced Streamflows and Its Application to Alcan's Proposed Kemano Completion Hydroelectric Development"
"Review of Incremental-Type Methodology for Assessing Reduced Streamflows and Its Application to Alcan's Proposed Kemano Completion Hydroelectric Development"
"Review of Incremental-Type Methodology for Assessing the Effects of Reduced Streamflows on Fish Populations"
"Review of Incremental-Type Methodology for Assessing the Effects of Reduced Streamflows on Fish Populations"
"Review of Water Management in the Nechako River Basin: An Interim Report Prepared for the Minister of Environment, Lands and Parks"
"Review of Water Management in the Nechako River Basin: An Interim Report Prepared for the Minister of Environment, Lands and Parks"
"Revised Sport Fisheries Management Plan for the Nechako River and the Murray/Cheslatta System"
"Revised Sport Fisheries Management Plan for the Nechako River and the Murray/Cheslatta System"
"River Bed Construction: Impact and Habitat Restoration for Juvenile Atlantic Salmon, Salmo salar L., and Brown Trout, Salmo trutta L."
"River Bed Construction: Impact and Habitat Restoration for Juvenile Atlantic Salmon, Salmo salar L., and Brown Trout, Salmo trutta L."
Rivers Defense Coalition Newsletter
Rivers Defense Coalition Newsletter
Rivers Defense Coalition v. Ministers of Environment, Fisheries and Oceans, and Transport
Rivers Defense Coalition v. Ministers of Environment, Fisheries and Oceans, and Transport
"Role of Instream Rootwads as Juvenile Coho Salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) and Steelhead Trout (O. mykiss) Cover Habitat Under Varying Streamflows"
"Role of Instream Rootwads as Juvenile Coho Salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) and Steelhead Trout (O. mykiss) Cover Habitat Under Varying Streamflows"
"Salmon Studies Associated with the Potential Kemano II Hydroelectric Development - Volume 1: Summary"
"Salmon Studies Associated with the Potential Kemano II Hydroelectric Development - Volume 1: Summary"
"Salmon Studies Associated with the Potential Kemano II Hydroelectric Development - Volume 2: Sockeye Salmon Studies on the Nechako River"
"Salmon Studies Associated with the Potential Kemano II Hydroelectric Development - Volume 2: Sockeye Salmon Studies on the Nechako River"
"Salmon Studies Associated with the Potential Kemano II Hydroelectric Development - Volume 3: Chinook Salmon Studies on the Nechako River"
"Salmon Studies Associated with the Potential Kemano II Hydroelectric Development - Volume 3: Chinook Salmon Studies on the Nechako River"
"Salmon Studies Associated with the Potential Kemano II Hydroelectric Development - Volume 4: Limnology of Morice Lake"
"Salmon Studies Associated with the Potential Kemano II Hydroelectric Development - Volume 4: Limnology of Morice Lake"
"Salmon Studies Associated with the Potential Kemano II Hydroelectric Development - Volume 5: Salmon Studies on Nanika and Morice Rivers and Morice Lake"
"Salmon Studies Associated with the Potential Kemano II Hydroelectric Development - Volume 5: Salmon Studies on Nanika and Morice Rivers and Morice Lake"
"Salmon Studies Associated with the Potential Kemano II Hydroelectric Development - Volume 6: Hydrographical Studies Associated with Salmon in the Nanika and Morice Rivers"
"Salmon Studies Associated with the Potential Kemano II Hydroelectric Development - Volume 6: Hydrographical Studies Associated with Salmon in the Nanika and Morice Rivers"
"Salmon Studies Associated with the Potential Kemano II Hydroelectric Development - Volume 7: The Economic and Social Impact of the Kemano II Hydroelectric Project on British Columbia's Fisheries Resources"
"Salmon Studies Associated with the Potential Kemano II Hydroelectric Development - Volume 7: The Economic and Social Impact of the Kemano II Hydroelectric Project on British Columbia's Fisheries Resources"
"Salmonid Enhancement Baseline Investigations at Stuart River, British Columbia: Part I - 1980 Juvenile Chinook Salmon Study (Volume I)"
"Salmonid Enhancement Baseline Investigations at Stuart River, British Columbia: Part I - 1980 Juvenile Chinook Salmon Study (Volume I)"
"Salmonid Incubation and Rearing Programs for IBM-Compatible Computers"
"Salmonid Incubation and Rearing Programs for IBM-Compatible Computers"
SAS logs for Nechako River microhabitat data
SAS logs for Nechako River microhabitat data
"Selection of Microhabitat in Summer by Juvenile Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar)"
"Selection of Microhabitat in Summer by Juvenile Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar)"
"Settlement Agreement: 14 September 1987"
"Settlement Agreement: 14 September 1987"
Settlement Agreement between Alcan, the Federal Crown, and the Provincial Crown
Settlement Agreement between Alcan, the Federal Crown, and the Provincial Crown
Shirvell's notes regarding the BCUC review of the Kemano Completion Project
Shirvell's notes regarding the BCUC review of the Kemano Completion Project
Shirvell's preparation for questioning during the BCUC hearings
Shirvell's preparation for questioning during the BCUC hearings
Shirvell's review of Alcan expert reports
Shirvell's review of Alcan expert reports
"Snake River Spring and Summer Chinook Salmon: Can They Be Saved?"
"Snake River Spring and Summer Chinook Salmon: Can They Be Saved?"
"Sold Down the River"
"Sold Down the River"
"Standardizing Spawner Escapement Data: A Case Study of the Nechako River Chinook Salmon"
"Standardizing Spawner Escapement Data: A Case Study of the Nechako River Chinook Salmon"
"Statement by Brian Tobin, Minister of Fisheries and Oceans, in Response to the Report of the Fraser River Sockeye Public Review Board"
"Statement by Brian Tobin, Minister of Fisheries and Oceans, in Response to the Report of the Fraser River Sockeye Public Review Board"
"Strangling the Nechako: The strangulation of the public process and the loss of a river"
"Strangling the Nechako: The strangulation of the public process and the loss of a river"
"Study of Juvenile Chinook Salmon in the Nechako River, British Columbia, 1985 and 1986"
"Study of Juvenile Chinook Salmon in the Nechako River, British Columbia, 1985 and 1986"
"Submission to the B.C. Utilities Commission Public Review of the Kemano Completion Project" by William J. Schouwenburg
"Submission to the B.C. Utilities Commission Public Review of the Kemano Completion Project" by William J. Schouwenburg
Summary of Kemano Completion documents and files
Summary of Kemano Completion documents and files
"Summer and Winter Habitat Selection by Juvenile Chinook Salmon in a Highly Sedimented Idaho Stream"
"Summer and Winter Habitat Selection by Juvenile Chinook Salmon in a Highly Sedimented Idaho Stream"