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Exhibit 51 - Play presented by the Nechako Environmental Youth Alliance entitled "Crossroads"
Exhibit 51 - Play presented by the Nechako Environmental Youth Alliance entitled "Crossroads"
Exhibit 50e - Article from Watershed magazine entitled "Behind Closed Doors: The Kemano Deal: Scientists, Salmon Sacrificed"
Exhibit 50e - Article from Watershed magazine entitled "Behind Closed Doors: The Kemano Deal: Scientists, Salmon Sacrificed"
Exhibit 50d - Proposal for an Agreement between The Government Commission of the Gitksan Wet'suwet'en People and the Vera Corporation regarding The Nanika River Project
Exhibit 50d - Proposal for an Agreement between The Government Commission of the Gitksan Wet'suwet'en People and the Vera Corporation regarding The Nanika River Project
Exhibit 50c - Article from Canadian Dimension magazine entitled ''Foiled Again: Alcan Smelters and Chemical Ltd. and Manitoba"
Exhibit 50c - Article from Canadian Dimension magazine entitled ''Foiled Again: Alcan Smelters and Chemical Ltd. and Manitoba"
Exhibit 50b(2) - Document by Alcan Smelters and Chemicals Ltd. entitled "Alcan Smelters and Chemicals Ltd. in Kitimat-Kemano"
Exhibit 50b(2) - Document by Alcan Smelters and Chemicals Ltd. entitled "Alcan Smelters and Chemicals Ltd. in Kitimat-Kemano"
Exhibit 50b(1) - Document by Alcan Smelters and Chemicals Ltd. entitled "Kemano: Energy for the Future"
Exhibit 50b(1) - Document by Alcan Smelters and Chemicals Ltd. entitled "Kemano: Energy for the Future"
Exhibit 50a - Submission by H.P. Rodseth
Exhibit 50a - Submission by H.P. Rodseth
Exhibit 509 - Curriculum Vitae of G.F. Hartman
Exhibit 509 - Curriculum Vitae of G.F. Hartman
Exhibit 508 - Table of Fish Requirements for the Nechako River according to Burt and Mundie
Exhibit 508 - Table of Fish Requirements for the Nechako River according to Burt and Mundie
Exhibit 507 - Document by D.F. Alderdice of the Department of Fisheries and Oceans entitled "Kemano Completion Project- Nechako River: A Summary Statement"
Exhibit 507 - Document by D.F. Alderdice of the Department of Fisheries and Oceans entitled "Kemano Completion Project- Nechako River: A Summary Statement"
Exhibit 506 - Document by D.F. Alderdice and G.F. Hartman for the Rivers Defense Coalition entitled "The Alcan-Federal-Provincial Nechako River Controversy: A Case History of Why People Lose Faith in the Political Process"
Exhibit 506 - Document by D.F. Alderdice and G.F. Hartman for the Rivers Defense Coalition entitled "The Alcan-Federal-Provincial Nechako River Controversy: A Case History of Why People Lose Faith in the Political Process"
Exhibit 505 - Curriculum Vitae of D.F. Alderdice
Exhibit 505 - Curriculum Vitae of D.F. Alderdice
Exhibit 504 - Article by A.G. Huntsman from the Journal of the Fisheries Research Board of Canada, Volume 5, Number 3 entitled "Cyclical Abundance and Birds Versus Salmon" (1941)
Exhibit 504 - Article by A.G. Huntsman from the Journal of the Fisheries Research Board of Canada, Volume 5, Number 3 entitled "Cyclical Abundance and Birds Versus Salmon" (1941)
Exhibit 503 - Document by T.G. Brown et. al. entitled "Initial Survey Stomach Contents of Potential Fish Predators of Juvenile Chinook Salmon in the Nechako Rive.; B.C." (1992)
Exhibit 503 - Document by T.G. Brown et. al. entitled "Initial Survey Stomach Contents of Potential Fish Predators of Juvenile Chinook Salmon in the Nechako Rive.; B.C." (1992)
Exhibit 502 - Document by T.G. Brown et. al. entitled "Survey of Piscivorous Birds of the Nechako and Stuart Rivers, B.C."
Exhibit 502 - Document by T.G. Brown et. al. entitled "Survey of Piscivorous Birds of the Nechako and Stuart Rivers, B.C."
Exhibit 501 - Document by T.G. Brown and C.D. Levings entitled "Distribution and Stomach Contents of Potential Fish Predators of Juvenile Chinook Salmon in the Nechako and Stuart Rivers, B.C."
Exhibit 501 - Document by T.G. Brown and C.D. Levings entitled "Distribution and Stomach Contents of Potential Fish Predators of Juvenile Chinook Salmon in the Nechako and Stuart Rivers, B.C."
Exhibit 500 - Document by T.G. Brown et. al. entitled "Availability of Juvenile Chinook Salmon to Predators Along the Margins of the Nechako and Stuart Rivers, B.C."
Exhibit 500 - Document by T.G. Brown et. al. entitled "Availability of Juvenile Chinook Salmon to Predators Along the Margins of the Nechako and Stuart Rivers, B.C."
Exhibit 50 - T-shirt reading "Survival is the Issue: Stop Alcan Smelters and Chemicals Ltd."
Exhibit 50 - T-shirt reading "Survival is the Issue: Stop Alcan Smelters and Chemicals Ltd."
Exhibit 5 - Brief from the Kitimat Chamber of Commerce, and Terrace and District Chamber of Commerce
Exhibit 5 - Brief from the Kitimat Chamber of Commerce, and Terrace and District Chamber of Commerce
Exhibit 499 - Hard Copy of Overheads entitled "Nechako Margin Community Biomass"; "Relative Bird Counts (1991)"; 'Merganser Distribution (Nechako River 1991)"; "Relative Consumption (By Weight)"; "Fish Caught by Rod and Reel During Four Drifts- Nechako River 1991"; and "Nechako River Relative Fish Consumption"
Exhibit 499 - Hard Copy of Overheads entitled "Nechako Margin Community Biomass"; "Relative Bird Counts (1991)"; 'Merganser Distribution (Nechako River 1991)"; "Relative Consumption (By Weight)"; "Fish Caught by Rod and Reel During Four Drifts- Nechako River 1991"; and "Nechako River Relative Fish Consumption"
Exhibit 498 - Curriculum Vitae of T.G. Brown
Exhibit 498 - Curriculum Vitae of T.G. Brown
Exhibit 497 - Comments by S. Samis of the Lake and Stream Biological Enhancement Society of Terrace, B.C.
Exhibit 497 - Comments by S. Samis of the Lake and Stream Biological Enhancement Society of Terrace, B.C.
Exhibit 496 - Review and Comments regarding How the Stage C Remedial Measures as Defined in the 1987 Settlement Agreement Could be Implemented with Respect to a Spawning Channel or Hatchery Type Solution
Exhibit 496 - Review and Comments regarding How the Stage C Remedial Measures as Defined in the 1987 Settlement Agreement Could be Implemented with Respect to a Spawning Channel or Hatchery Type Solution
Exhibit 495 - Document by P.E.K. Symons for the Department of Fisheries and Oceans entitled "Possible Effects of Lowered Flows on Crowding and Intraspecific Competition Among Juvenile Chinook Salmon in the Nechako River"
Exhibit 495 - Document by P.E.K. Symons for the Department of Fisheries and Oceans entitled "Possible Effects of Lowered Flows on Crowding and Intraspecific Competition Among Juvenile Chinook Salmon in the Nechako River"
Exhibit 494 - Notes of M. Sheng, regarding Habitat Complexing in the Nechako River
Exhibit 494 - Notes of M. Sheng, regarding Habitat Complexing in the Nechako River
Exhibit 493 - Memorandum from Neil Schubert to Mike Henderson regarding the Estimated Nechako River Chinook Harvest 1950-1993
Exhibit 493 - Memorandum from Neil Schubert to Mike Henderson regarding the Estimated Nechako River Chinook Harvest 1950-1993
Exhibit 491 - Submission by C.S. Shirvell
Exhibit 491 - Submission by C.S. Shirvell
Exhibit 490 - Hard Copy of Overheads by C.S. Shirvell
Exhibit 490 - Hard Copy of Overheads by C.S. Shirvell
Exhibit 49 - Submission by G. McFee
Exhibit 49 - Submission by G. McFee
Exhibit 489 - Curriculum Vitae of C.S. Shirvell
Exhibit 489 - Curriculum Vitae of C.S. Shirvell
Exhibit 488 - Fish Screening Directive by the Government of Canada, Department of Fisheries and Oceans
Exhibit 488 - Fish Screening Directive by the Government of Canada, Department of Fisheries and Oceans
Exhibit 487b - Excerpt from Exhibit 487a
Exhibit 487b - Excerpt from Exhibit 487a
Exhibit 487a - Document by J.H. Mundie entitled "The Kemano Completion Project: An Example of Science in Government. A Brief to the B.C. Utilities Commission's Review Panel"
Exhibit 487a - Document by J.H. Mundie entitled "The Kemano Completion Project: An Example of Science in Government. A Brief to the B.C. Utilities Commission's Review Panel"
Exhibit 486 - Curriculum Vitae of J.H. Mundie
Exhibit 486 - Curriculum Vitae of J.H. Mundie
Exhibit 485 - Submission to the B.C. Utilities Commission Public Review of the Kemano Completion Project by W.J. Schouwenburg
Exhibit 485 - Submission to the B.C. Utilities Commission Public Review of the Kemano Completion Project by W.J. Schouwenburg
Exhibit 484 - Curriculum Vitae of W.J. Schouwenburg
Exhibit 484 - Curriculum Vitae of W.J. Schouwenburg
Exhibit 483 - Letter from T.M. Thompson of B.C. Hydro to R. Tarnoff
Exhibit 483 - Letter from T.M. Thompson of B.C. Hydro to R. Tarnoff
Exhibit 482 - Table by Alcan Smelters and Chemicals Ltd. entitled "Smelter Energy Load and Water Usage 1969 to 1993"
Exhibit 482 - Table by Alcan Smelters and Chemicals Ltd. entitled "Smelter Energy Load and Water Usage 1969 to 1993"
Exhibit 481 - Curriculum Vitae of M.R. Morrell
Exhibit 481 - Curriculum Vitae of M.R. Morrell
Exhibit 480 - Document by M.R. Morrell for the Rivers Defense Coalition entitled "Impacts of Alcan's Kemano Projects"
Exhibit 480 - Document by M.R. Morrell for the Rivers Defense Coalition entitled "Impacts of Alcan's Kemano Projects"
Exhibit 48 - Document entitled "Alcan's Kemano Completion Project and its Impact on Float Plane Activities on the Nechako River" by McNeal and Associates for the Vanderhoof Flying Club dated November 5, 1993.
Exhibit 48 - Document entitled "Alcan's Kemano Completion Project and its Impact on Float Plane Activities on the Nechako River" by McNeal and Associates for the Vanderhoof Flying Club dated November 5, 1993.
Exhibit 479 - Document by M.R. Morrell for Save the Bulkley Group entitled "Impacts of Alcan's Kemano Project and the Federal-Provincial-Alcan Agreement on Salmon Populations of the Nechako and Fraser Rivers"
Exhibit 479 - Document by M.R. Morrell for Save the Bulkley Group entitled "Impacts of Alcan's Kemano Project and the Federal-Provincial-Alcan Agreement on Salmon Populations of the Nechako and Fraser Rivers"
Exhibit 478 - Curriculum Vitae of A.R. Thompson
Exhibit 478 - Curriculum Vitae of A.R. Thompson
Exhibit 477 - Written Evidence of P. Moss and A. Thompson of the Rivers Defense Coalition
Exhibit 477 - Written Evidence of P. Moss and A. Thompson of the Rivers Defense Coalition
Exhibit 476 - Document by Alcan Smelters and Chemicals Ltd. entitled "Kemano Completion Project: Nechako Reservoir Flood Forecasting and Operating Study"
Exhibit 476 - Document by Alcan Smelters and Chemicals Ltd. entitled "Kemano Completion Project: Nechako Reservoir Flood Forecasting and Operating Study"
Exhibit 475 - Fax from J. Rice to K. West of the Department of Fisheries and Oceans, regarding Eulachon Fishery on the Kemano River
Exhibit 475 - Fax from J. Rice to K. West of the Department of Fisheries and Oceans, regarding Eulachon Fishery on the Kemano River
Exhibit 474 - Outline of Evidence from L. Powell
Exhibit 474 - Outline of Evidence from L. Powell
Exhibit 473 - Document by M.A. Hunter of the State of Washington Department of Fisheries : "Hydropower Flow Fluctuations and Salmonids: a Review of the Biological Effects, Mechanical Causes, and Options for Mitigation, Technical Report Number 119"
Exhibit 473 - Document by M.A. Hunter of the State of Washington Department of Fisheries : "Hydropower Flow Fluctuations and Salmonids: a Review of the Biological Effects, Mechanical Causes, and Options for Mitigation, Technical Report Number 119"
Exhibit 471 - Hard Copy of Overheads of E. Hay
Exhibit 471 - Hard Copy of Overheads of E. Hay
Exhibit 470 - Hard Copy of Overheads of D. Peacock of the Department of Fisheries and Oceans
Exhibit 470 - Hard Copy of Overheads of D. Peacock of the Department of Fisheries and Oceans