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Exhibit 571 - Document by D. Ableson for the American Fisheries Society entitled "The Nechako River- A River in Crisis: Summary Impacts of the Proposed Kemano Completion Project"
Exhibit 571 - Document by D. Ableson for the American Fisheries Society entitled "The Nechako River- A River in Crisis: Summary Impacts of the Proposed Kemano Completion Project"
Exhibit 570 - Information Bulletin by M.L. Rosenau entitled "Lower Fraser White Sturgeon"
Exhibit 570 - Information Bulletin by M.L. Rosenau entitled "Lower Fraser White Sturgeon"
Exhibit 57 - "Economic Impact Study of Proposed BCTMP Mill in Vanderhoof, B.C."
Exhibit 57 - "Economic Impact Study of Proposed BCTMP Mill in Vanderhoof, B.C."
Exhibit 569 - Memorandum from B. MacDonald to O. Langer, regarding Nechako Fisheries Conservation Program Field Inspection on June 7, 1989
Exhibit 569 - Memorandum from B. MacDonald to O. Langer, regarding Nechako Fisheries Conservation Program Field Inspection on June 7, 1989
Exhibit 568 - Document by P.E.K. Symons for the Department of Fisheries and Oceans entitled ''Possible Effects of Lowered Flows on Crowding and Intraspecific Competition Among Juvenile Chinook Salmon in the Nechako River"
Exhibit 568 - Document by P.E.K. Symons for the Department of Fisheries and Oceans entitled ''Possible Effects of Lowered Flows on Crowding and Intraspecific Competition Among Juvenile Chinook Salmon in the Nechako River"
Exhibit 567 - Document by Northwest Hydraulic Consultants Ltd. for the Department of Fisheries and Oceans entitled "Channel Morphology, Sediment Transport and Deposition and Flushing Flows Opinion for the Nechako B.C. Utilities Commission Hearings"
Exhibit 567 - Document by Northwest Hydraulic Consultants Ltd. for the Department of Fisheries and Oceans entitled "Channel Morphology, Sediment Transport and Deposition and Flushing Flows Opinion for the Nechako B.C. Utilities Commission Hearings"
Exhibit 566 - Hard Copy of Overheads of B. Lewynsky
Exhibit 566 - Hard Copy of Overheads of B. Lewynsky
Exhibit 565 - Graph entitled "Nechako River Rainbow Adults Rearing Area Vs. Discharge Reach 3"
Exhibit 565 - Graph entitled "Nechako River Rainbow Adults Rearing Area Vs. Discharge Reach 3"
Exhibit 564 - Table by Petersen Mark/Recapture and Expanded Swim Count entitled "Upper Nechako River (Reach 1) Rainbow Trout Population Estimate"
Exhibit 564 - Table by Petersen Mark/Recapture and Expanded Swim Count entitled "Upper Nechako River (Reach 1) Rainbow Trout Population Estimate"
Exhibit 563 - Letter from E. Doerig of Nechako Lodge to K. Ashley, regarding Recreational and Economic Value of the Nechako Reservoir
Exhibit 563 - Letter from E. Doerig of Nechako Lodge to K. Ashley, regarding Recreational and Economic Value of the Nechako Reservoir
Exhibit 562 - Hard Copy of Overheads of K.I. Ashley
Exhibit 562 - Hard Copy of Overheads of K.I. Ashley
Exhibit 561 - Tables and Graphs of Water Temperatures of the Nechako River at Prince George, B.C.
Exhibit 561 - Tables and Graphs of Water Temperatures of the Nechako River at Prince George, B.C.
Exhibit 560 - Memorandum regarding Statistics for Recreation Use 1991 and 1992 to 1993
Exhibit 560 - Memorandum regarding Statistics for Recreation Use 1991 and 1992 to 1993
Exhibit 56 - Submission by G.I. Killy, President of Vanderhoof Pulp and Paper
Exhibit 56 - Submission by G.I. Killy, President of Vanderhoof Pulp and Paper
Exhibit 559 - Document by the White Sturgeon Planning Committee entitled "White Sturgeon Management Framework Plan"
Exhibit 559 - Document by the White Sturgeon Planning Committee entitled "White Sturgeon Management Framework Plan"
Exhibit 558 - Document by David Bustard and Associates for Ministry of Environment entitled "Francois Lake Creel Survey 1987 to 1988"
Exhibit 558 - Document by David Bustard and Associates for Ministry of Environment entitled "Francois Lake Creel Survey 1987 to 1988"
Exhibit 557 - File Note by R.L. Morley, regarding Field Reconnaissance of the Cheslatta River--March 26, 1984
Exhibit 557 - File Note by R.L. Morley, regarding Field Reconnaissance of the Cheslatta River--March 26, 1984
Exhibit 556 - Document from Ministry of Environment, Lands and Parks entitled "Proceedings of the Clean Water- Wild Trout International Conservation Symposium in Kamloops, B.C."
Exhibit 556 - Document from Ministry of Environment, Lands and Parks entitled "Proceedings of the Clean Water- Wild Trout International Conservation Symposium in Kamloops, B.C."
Exhibit 555 - Memorandum from P.A. Slaney of Ministry of Environment to Nechako Working Group, regarding Comments on Proposed KCP Ramping Flows, Nechako River
Exhibit 555 - Memorandum from P.A. Slaney of Ministry of Environment to Nechako Working Group, regarding Comments on Proposed KCP Ramping Flows, Nechako River
Exhibit 554 - Graph from a Document by D.L. Tennant showing Instream Flow Regimes for Fish, Wildlife, Recreation, and Related Environmental Resources
Exhibit 554 - Graph from a Document by D.L. Tennant showing Instream Flow Regimes for Fish, Wildlife, Recreation, and Related Environmental Resources
Exhibit 553 - Letter from A.C. Mitchell of Envirocon Ltd. to P.A. Slaney, regarding Revised Nechako River Rainbow Trout Habitat Data
Exhibit 553 - Letter from A.C. Mitchell of Envirocon Ltd. to P.A. Slaney, regarding Revised Nechako River Rainbow Trout Habitat Data
Exhibit 552 - Excerpt from a Document by A.D. Martin entitled "Fisheries Management Implications of Creel Surveys Conducted at the Elk River in the Kootenay Region 1982 to 83, Fisheries Management Report Number 78"
Exhibit 552 - Excerpt from a Document by A.D. Martin entitled "Fisheries Management Implications of Creel Surveys Conducted at the Elk River in the Kootenay Region 1982 to 83, Fisheries Management Report Number 78"
Exhibit 551 - Hard copy of Overheads of P.A. Slaney
Exhibit 551 - Hard copy of Overheads of P.A. Slaney
Exhibit 550 - Curriculum Vitaes of A.D. Martin, P.A. Slaney, K.I. Ashley, D.J. Cadden, and V.A. Lewynsky
Exhibit 550 - Curriculum Vitaes of A.D. Martin, P.A. Slaney, K.I. Ashley, D.J. Cadden, and V.A. Lewynsky
Exhibit 55 - Letter from D.L. Deans of the Department of Fisheries and Oceans to D. Roberts
Exhibit 55 - Letter from D.L. Deans of the Department of Fisheries and Oceans to D. Roberts
Exhibit 549 - Responses from the Province of B.C. to BCUC Information Requests Numbers 2 and 3 about Fisheries and Community Impacts issues
Exhibit 549 - Responses from the Province of B.C. to BCUC Information Requests Numbers 2 and 3 about Fisheries and Community Impacts issues
Exhibit 548 - Supplemental Documents from the Province of B.C. for Phase III: Fisheries
Exhibit 548 - Supplemental Documents from the Province of B.C. for Phase III: Fisheries
Exhibit 547 - Outline of Evidence from Province of B.C. for Technical Hearing Phase III: Fisheries
Exhibit 547 - Outline of Evidence from Province of B.C. for Technical Hearing Phase III: Fisheries
Exhibit 546 - Letter from The Honourable J. Davis to Premier W.N. Vander Zalm, regarding Nechako Diversion: The Alcan-Fisheries Dispute
Exhibit 546 - Letter from The Honourable J. Davis to Premier W.N. Vander Zalm, regarding Nechako Diversion: The Alcan-Fisheries Dispute
Exhibit 545 - Letter from The Honourable J. Davis to Premier W.N. Vander Zalm, regarding Nechako Diversion
Exhibit 545 - Letter from The Honourable J. Davis to Premier W.N. Vander Zalm, regarding Nechako Diversion
Exhibit 544 - Response by Alcan to Information Requests from Phase II of the Technical Hearing
Exhibit 544 - Response by Alcan to Information Requests from Phase II of the Technical Hearing
Exhibit 543 - Letter from M. Burrows of the United Fishermen and Allied Workers' Union to L.R. Barr of B.C. Utilities Commission, dated June 3, 1994; and letter from M. Burrows of the United Fishermen and Allied Workers' Union to Premier M. Harcourt
Exhibit 543 - Letter from M. Burrows of the United Fishermen and Allied Workers' Union to L.R. Barr of B.C. Utilities Commission, dated June 3, 1994; and letter from M. Burrows of the United Fishermen and Allied Workers' Union to Premier M. Harcourt
Exhibit 542 - Statement by P. Moss, President of the Rivers Defense Coalition, regarding Fish Protection Flows
Exhibit 542 - Statement by P. Moss, President of the Rivers Defense Coalition, regarding Fish Protection Flows
Exhibit 541 - Document by J.A. Gore and G.E. Petts entitled "Alternatives in Regulated River Management"
Exhibit 541 - Document by J.A. Gore and G.E. Petts entitled "Alternatives in Regulated River Management"
Exhibit 540 - Memorandum from M. Fretwell to D.L. Deans, regarding Nechako River Programs: Stream Fertilization Fish Assessment Proposal
Exhibit 540 - Memorandum from M. Fretwell to D.L. Deans, regarding Nechako River Programs: Stream Fertilization Fish Assessment Proposal
Exhibit 54 - Letter from G.I. Killy, President of Vanderhoof Pulp and Paper to Prime Minister J. Chretien
Exhibit 54 - Letter from G.I. Killy, President of Vanderhoof Pulp and Paper to Prime Minister J. Chretien
Exhibit 539 - Document by Nechako River Project Staff entitled "Helicopter Survey of Nechako Project for June 23 to 24, 1987"
Exhibit 539 - Document by Nechako River Project Staff entitled "Helicopter Survey of Nechako Project for June 23 to 24, 1987"
Exhibit 538 - Memorandum from C.S. Shirvell to G. Ennis, regarding Corrections to Notes from Nechako Workshop, November 14, 15"
Exhibit 538 - Memorandum from C.S. Shirvell to G. Ennis, regarding Corrections to Notes from Nechako Workshop, November 14, 15"
Exhibit 537 - Document by L.R. Russell et. al. entitled "Chinook Salmon Studies in the Nechako River: 1980, 1981, and 1982"
Exhibit 537 - Document by L.R. Russell et. al. entitled "Chinook Salmon Studies in the Nechako River: 1980, 1981, and 1982"
Exhibit 536 - Memorandum from the Senior Planning Biologist to G.L. Ennis, regarding Nechako River Chinook Salmon Escapements
Exhibit 536 - Memorandum from the Senior Planning Biologist to G.L. Ennis, regarding Nechako River Chinook Salmon Escapements
Exhibit 535 - Submission by W.B. Dunn
Exhibit 535 - Submission by W.B. Dunn
Exhibit 534 - Submission by V. Hogan
Exhibit 534 - Submission by V. Hogan
Exhibit 533 - Submission by D. Jordan
Exhibit 533 - Submission by D. Jordan
Exhibit 532 - Submission by Susan Alton of the Kemano Completion Coalition
Exhibit 532 - Submission by Susan Alton of the Kemano Completion Coalition
Exhibit 531 - Submission by H. Brooks
Exhibit 531 - Submission by H. Brooks
Exhibit 530 - Submission by G. Johnson
Exhibit 530 - Submission by G. Johnson
Exhibit 53 - Submission by G.A. LaBrash
Exhibit 53 - Submission by G.A. LaBrash
Exhibit 529a - Submission by E.O. Boyanowsky
Exhibit 529a - Submission by E.O. Boyanowsky
Exhibit 529 - Curriculum Vitae of E.O. Boyanowsky
Exhibit 529 - Curriculum Vitae of E.O. Boyanowsky
Exhibit 528 - Memorandum from W.J. Schouwenburg to F.E.A. Wood, regarding Kemano "Completion"
Exhibit 528 - Memorandum from W.J. Schouwenburg to F.E.A. Wood, regarding Kemano "Completion"