Articles and Chapters

Inventory list
Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
2001. "Self-Government for Canada's Inuit: The Nunavut Proposal" File 1986-1988
2001. "Devolution, Regionalism, and Division of the Northwest Territories" File 1989-1990, 1999
2001. "Health Care Devolution to Canada's Territorial North" File 1989-1990, 1998
2001. "Integrating an Academic Plan and a Campus Master Plan: The Case of the University of Northern British Columbia" File 1994-1996
2001. "Comparing Western Inspectors General of Intelligence and Security" File 1996
2001. "The Emergence and Maturation of Canada's Circumpolar Universities: Insights from Ontario and British Columbia" File 1999
2001. "Oversight of Australia's Intelligence Services" File 1999
2001. "An Assessment of Canadian Intelligence Literature: 1980-2000" File 2000
2001. "Hinterland Politics: The Case of Northwestern Ontario" File [1993]
2001. "The Delivery of Health Services in the Canadian North" File 1981-1982
2001. "The Push for Reprivatisation of Health Care Services in Canada, Britain, and the United States" File 1982-1985
2001. "Provincial Ministries of Northern Affairs: A Comparative Analysis" File 1983
2001. "Universities in the Circumpolar North: A Comparative Analysis" File 1983-1988
2001. "The Politics of Health in the Circumpolar North" File 1983-1987
2001. "The Feasibility of Developing an Integrated Health Care Delivery System in the North: The Case of Northwestern Ontario" File 1988
2001. "The Politics of Government Intervention in Higher Education: A Case for the North" File 1987-1988
2001. "Health Care Delivery in Northern Hinterlands: Canada, Scandinavia, and the United States" File 1989
2001. "Regionalism, Regionalisation, and Regional Development in a University Context: The Case of the University of Northern British Columbia" File 1993-1995
2001. "The Dismantling of Canadian Medicare" File 1996
2001. "Strengthening Society I: Health Policy" File 1994-1997
2001. "The Political Scrutiny and Control of Security and Intelligence Services: The Case of Scandinavia" File 1999