Emil Bronlund Photograph Collection

Inventory list
Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
2021.06.065 Thutade Lake view from Cairn south Item [June 1931 or July 1931] View
2021.06.074 Bronlund Mountain from Brothers Peak Item [July 1932] View
2021.06.085 Consolidated Mining and Smelting Company of Canada Ltd. (CMS) camp at Sand Bay near Thutade Lake Item [Sept. 1931?] View
2021.06.086 Bronlund's crew in front of CF-AAM float plane at Sand Bay camp Item [Sept. 1931?] View
2021.06.089 Forced landing of CF-AAM float plane on Sustut Lake near Sentinel Peak Item Oct. 1931 View
2021.06.098 H. Witter on McLeod Lake Item Apr. 1932 View
2021.06.001 Fishing in the Omineca River at Osilinka River jetty Item [July 1930] View
2021.06.002 Clarence Waldof in boat on End Lake near Osilinka River Item [July 1930] View
2021.06.003 Crew on Upper Osilinka River near Swiggums claim Item [July 1930] View
2021.06.010 View up the Omineca River Item [Sept. 1930?] View
2021.06.013 View west from camp on Duck Creek at Copper Mountain Item [July 1930] View
2021.06.019 Bill Martin and Clarence Waldof picking blueberries at Duck Creek Item [July 1930?] View
2021.06.048 Aerial view from Sustut River toward Thutade Lake Item [June 1931 or July 1931] View
2021.06.053 Giegerich and Bronlund with Swannell's crew at Jack Duncan's cabin at Thutade Lake Item [June 1931 or July 1931] View
2021.06.056 Cairn mining claim discovery vein near Thutade Lake Item [June 1931 or July 1931] View
2021.06.059 View of the southeast slope of Duncan Mountain from above Item [June 1931 or July 1931] View
2021.06.066 Finlay Falls below Thutade Lake Item [June 1931 or July 1931] View
2021.06.067 Finlay Falls below Thutade Lake Item [June 1931 or July 1931] View
2021.06.068 Moosehorn Creek near Brothers Lake Item [July 1932] View
2021.06.070 Near inlet to Brothers Lake Item [July 1932] View
2021.06.072 CF-AAM float plane at a camp on the south side of Brothers Lake Item [July 1932] View
2021.06.078 Emil Bronlund holding dead wolf at Sustut Lake Item Sept. 1931 View
2021.06.079b Sustut Lake and peaks Item Sept. 1931 View
2021.06.080 Sustut Lake and view west Item Sept. 1931 View
2021.06.081 Raft at Finlay River forks below Thutade Lake Item Sept. 1931 View
2021.06.083 North side of Mount Drybrough Item [Sept. 1931?] View
2021.06.084 Caribou herd near the camp at Mount Drybrough Item [Sept. 1931?] View
2021.06.088 Sentinel Peak near Sustut Lake Item Oct. 1931 View
2021.06.092 Hangar at Edmonton Airport Item Mar. 1932 View
2021.06.094 Emil Bronlund in G-CYYG aircraft at Edmonton Airport Item Mar. 1932 View
2021.06.095 Dog-sled team on McLeod River trip Item Mar. 1932 View
2021.06.096 H. Porter panning at tent camp on McLeod River trip Item Mar. 1932 View
2021.06.100 Bronlund crew meet-up with rescue party on McLeod River trip Item Apr. 1932 View
2021.06.006 Emil Bronlund at camp above Little Canyon on the Omineca River Item Sept. 1930 View
2021.06.025 Lunch on Finlay River near Russell Creek Item Oct. 1930 View
2021.06.028 Breaking ice outside Peterson's at Finlay Forks Item Oct. 1930 View
2021.06.037 Outside Holmen's hytte in Gola, Norway Item [Apr. 1931?] View
2021.06.040 Skiiers in Gola, Norway Item [Apr. 1931?] View
2021.06.041 Ice fishing on skis in Gola, Norway Item [Apr. 1931?] View
2021.06.042 Mountain in Gola, Norway Item [Apr. 1931?] View
2021.06.044a Passengers on SS Stavangerfjord Item [8 May 1931] View
2021.06.044b Passengers on SS Stavangerfjord Item [8 May 1931] View
2021.06.045 CF-ABK Junkers float plane at Burns Lake Item [June 1931] View
2021.06.049 Aerial view from Sustut River toward Thutade Lake Item [June 1931 or July 1931] View
2021.06.054 Swannell moving camp with raft on Thutade Lake Item [June 1931 or July 1931] View
2021.06.060 View to the east across Duncan Lake Item [June 1931 or July 1931] View
2021.06.063 Rusty Basin east of Duncan Creek Item [June 1931 or July 1931] View
2021.06.069 McClair Creek near Brothers Lake Item [July 1932] View
2021.06.071 On river towards Brothers Lake and Bronlund Peak Item [July 1932] View
2021.06.073 View from mountains on north side of Brothers Lake Item [July 1932] View