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Infrared dryer
Infrared dryer
Russian Mine Tour
Russian Mine Tour
Model for New Mill Displayed in Room
Model for New Mill Displayed in Room
Drill Bit Testing
Drill Bit Testing
Clinton Mine training slide presentations for P&H excavator
Clinton Mine training slide presentations for P&H excavator
North View of Tramline from Valley
North View of Tramline from Valley
Office Staff at Main Office, 1958
Office Staff at Main Office, 1958
Man by Caterpillar 3612 Engine on Flatbed
Man by Caterpillar 3612 Engine on Flatbed
Caterpillar 3612 Engine on Flatbed
Caterpillar 3612 Engine on Flatbed
1961 - Mill Wheelabrators
1961 - Mill Wheelabrators
1961 - Power House Interior
1961 - Power House Interior
1961 - Woman in Lab
1961 - Woman in Lab
1961 - Movie Projectors
1961 - Movie Projectors
1965 - Ross Duddy & Unknown Woman in Lab
1965 - Ross Duddy & Unknown Woman in Lab
1965 - Office Staff at Main Office
1965 - Office Staff at Main Office
Aleza Lake Research Forest fonds
Aleza Lake Research Forest fonds
Exhibit 10 - Submission by M.G. Fowle
Exhibit 10 - Submission by M.G. Fowle
Exhibit 15 - Submission by A. Belsham the Fort Fraser Women's Institute
Exhibit 15 - Submission by A. Belsham the Fort Fraser Women's Institute
Exhibit 16 - Submission by G. Kopy of the East Francois Lake Community Association
Exhibit 16 - Submission by G. Kopy of the East Francois Lake Community Association
Exhibit 25 - Submission by D. Raymond of the Becker Road District Rural Development Society
Exhibit 25 - Submission by D. Raymond of the Becker Road District Rural Development Society
Exhibit 26 - Submission by Gwen Yeulet of the Fort Fraser Chamber of Commerce
Exhibit 26 - Submission by Gwen Yeulet of the Fort Fraser Chamber of Commerce
Exhibit 27 - Song entitled "A River Forever" by D. Gow and J. Neilson
Exhibit 27 - Song entitled "A River Forever" by D. Gow and J. Neilson
Exhibit 30 - Submission by K.R. Ponsford
Exhibit 30 - Submission by K.R. Ponsford
Exhibit 33 - Submission by C. McNolty
Exhibit 33 - Submission by C. McNolty
Exhibit 35 - Submission by Jenny Mickelow
Exhibit 35 - Submission by Jenny Mickelow
Exhibit 37 - Submission by Henry Van Andel
Exhibit 37 - Submission by Henry Van Andel
Exhibit 40 - Submission by June Wood
Exhibit 40 - Submission by June Wood
Exhibit 43 - Submission by Doug Goodwin on behalf of the New Caledonia Canoe Club
Exhibit 43 - Submission by Doug Goodwin on behalf of the New Caledonia Canoe Club
Exhibit 47 - Submission by Monte Olson
Exhibit 47 - Submission by Monte Olson
Exhibit 48 - Document entitled "Alcan's Kemano Completion Project and its Impact on Float Plane Activities on the Nechako River" by McNeal and Associates for the Vanderhoof Flying Club dated November 5, 1993.
Exhibit 48 - Document entitled "Alcan's Kemano Completion Project and its Impact on Float Plane Activities on the Nechako River" by McNeal and Associates for the Vanderhoof Flying Club dated November 5, 1993.
Exhibit 50b(1) - Document by Alcan Smelters and Chemicals Ltd. entitled "Kemano: Energy for the Future"
Exhibit 50b(1) - Document by Alcan Smelters and Chemicals Ltd. entitled "Kemano: Energy for the Future"
Exhibit 50c - Article from Canadian Dimension magazine entitled ''Foiled Again: Alcan Smelters and Chemical Ltd. and Manitoba"
Exhibit 50c - Article from Canadian Dimension magazine entitled ''Foiled Again: Alcan Smelters and Chemical Ltd. and Manitoba"
Exhibit 51 - Play presented by the Nechako Environmental Youth Alliance entitled "Crossroads"
Exhibit 51 - Play presented by the Nechako Environmental Youth Alliance entitled "Crossroads"
Exhibit 52 - Submission by E. Cresswell, Councillor of Vanderhoof
Exhibit 52 - Submission by E. Cresswell, Councillor of Vanderhoof
Exhibit 53 - Submission by G.A. LaBrash
Exhibit 53 - Submission by G.A. LaBrash
Exhibit 57 - "Economic Impact Study of Proposed BCTMP Mill in Vanderhoof, B.C."
Exhibit 57 - "Economic Impact Study of Proposed BCTMP Mill in Vanderhoof, B.C."
Exhibit 59 - Submission by M. Sullivan
Exhibit 59 - Submission by M. Sullivan
Exhibit 65 - Submission by P. Sholty
Exhibit 65 - Submission by P. Sholty
Exhibit 67 - Submission by D. Fawcett
Exhibit 67 - Submission by D. Fawcett
Exhibit 69 - Submission by C. Serhan
Exhibit 69 - Submission by C. Serhan
Exhibit 76 - Submission by C. Ford of the Environment Conservation Organization
Exhibit 76 - Submission by C. Ford of the Environment Conservation Organization
Exhibit 78 - Submission by B.B. Meisner
Exhibit 78 - Submission by B.B. Meisner
Exhibit 79 - Submission by L. Poile
Exhibit 79 - Submission by L. Poile
Exhibit 84 - Submission of Mennonite Central Committee, B.C.
Exhibit 84 - Submission of Mennonite Central Committee, B.C.
Exhibit 100 - Submission by B. Gardiner, M.P. for Prince George- Bulkley Valley
Exhibit 100 - Submission by B. Gardiner, M.P. for Prince George- Bulkley Valley
Exhibit 105 - Submission by L. Broddy, Dated November 25, 1993
Exhibit 105 - Submission by L. Broddy, Dated November 25, 1993
Exhibit 109 - Submission by P.T. Sanborn
Exhibit 109 - Submission by P.T. Sanborn
Exhibit 110 - Submission by J. Wood of Federation of B.C. Naturalists
Exhibit 110 - Submission by J. Wood of Federation of B.C. Naturalists