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2023.5.1.29 · Item · 1 Nov. 1993
Parte de UNBC School of Planning and Sustainability fonds

This map is part of Schedule B of the 1993 Official Community Plan, Bylaw No. 5909 for the City of Prince George. This particular map depicts the northeast area of the City of Prince George, including the industrial areas on Prince George Pulpmill Road and Northwood Pulpmill Road along the Fraser River.

2023.5.1.28 · Item · 1 Nov. 1993
Parte de UNBC School of Planning and Sustainability fonds

This map is part of Schedule B of the 1993 Official Community Plan, Bylaw No. 5909 for the City of Prince George. This particular map depicts the central area of the City of Prince George, including the Bowl area, the VLA, the Crescents, South Fort George, Heritage, and Peden Hill.

2023.5.1.26 · Item · [after 1975]
Parte de UNBC School of Planning and Sustainability fonds

Item is Map 4 of a group of five maps relating to a City of Prince George Study of Construction Aggregates by the firm Willis, Cunliffe, Tair & Company Limited. Map 4 shows development areas, aggregate sources, and requirements for 1984 and 1994. As the map is undated, it is unclear whether the 1984 and 1994 dates are future estimates.

2023.5.1.24 · Item · [after 1975]
Parte de UNBC School of Planning and Sustainability fonds

Item is Map 2 of a group of five maps relating to a City of Prince George Study of Construction Aggregates by the firm Willis, Cunliffe, Tair & Company Limited. Map 2 shows development areas and aggregate requirements for 1984 and 1994. As the map is undated, it is unclear whether the 1984 and 1994 dates are future estimates.

2023.5.1.23 · Item · [after 1975]
Parte de UNBC School of Planning and Sustainability fonds

Item is Map 1 of a group of five maps relating to a City of Prince George Study of Construction Aggregates by the firm Willis, Cunliffe, Tair & Company Limited. Map 1 shows development areas and population for 1984 and 1994. As the map is undated, it is unclear whether the 1984 and 1994 dates are future estimates.

Van Bow Existing Zoning
2023.5.1.12 · Item · Apr. 1977
Parte de UNBC School of Planning and Sustainability fonds

Item is a hand drawn and coloured map by the City of Prince George Planning Department depicting existing zoning for the Van Bow neighbourhood area. Also includes two hand-drawn mylar overlays for the map; one showing "Opportunities & Constraints" such as housing age and condition and the other showing "Subdivision Activity" over decades of development in the Van Bow area.

Spectators sitting in the shade
2020.08.42 · Item · [between 1912 and 1916]
Parte de Pacific Great Eastern Railway Region Photograph Collection

Photograph depicts a row of spectators wearing nice clothing, sitting on the curb in the shade of mature chestnut trees. Many of the spectators appear to be Indigenous women and children. They may be gathered to watch a parade or special event. There are Union Jacks and Canadian Red Ensign flags hanging in the trees, suggesting the event may be a Dominion Day event. Although the location is unknown, the presence of the chestnut trees suggests that this may have been taken on Lillooet Main Street.

Dominion Day event on Lillooet Main Street
2020.08.40 · Item · [between 1912 and 1916]
Parte de Pacific Great Eastern Railway Region Photograph Collection

Photograph depicts an event on Lillooet Main Street with spectator crowds. The Union Jack and Canadian Red Ensign flags suggest this may be a Dominion Day event. The Lillooet community put on large, multi-day Dominion Day events between 1912 and 1916 with many planned activities. The particular activity depicted in this photograph appears to be a horse race event. Main Street businesses visible include the Lillooet Restaurant and the "C.A. Phair General Merchant" store.

Dominion Day event on Lillooet Main Street
2020.08.38 · Item · [between 1912 and 1916]
Parte de Pacific Great Eastern Railway Region Photograph Collection

Photograph depicts an event on Lillooet Main Street with spectator crowds. The Union Jack and Canadian Red Ensign flags suggest this may be a Dominion Day event. The Lillooet community put on large, multi-day Dominion Day events between 1912 and 1916 with many planned activities. The particular activity depicted in this photograph may be a horse race or rodeo-type event. Main Street businesses visible include the Lillooet Restaurant, the Lillooet Pool Hall, and the "OK" Baths.

Pacific Great Eastern Railway Region Photograph Collection
2020.08 · Coleção · [between 1905 and 1926]

This collection consists of photographs and "real photo" postcards that depict the construction and operation of the Pacific Great Eastern Railway line, communities nearby the railway line, and regional geography of areas adjacent to the PGE line.

Upper Fraser Communities Information
2017.6.3.7 · Dossiê/Processo · 1999-2000
Parte de Upper Fraser Historical Geography Project Collection

File consists of:

  • List of communities on the Upper Fraser
  • "Sawmill & Town Inventory"
  • Photocopied excerpt from "Mile by mile details on driving to best sightseeing, camping, hiking, rockhounding, exploring fishing, hunting, picnicking." by Ken & Kathy Bernsohn
  • "General Community Information" document regarding the Upper Fraser
  • Photocopied excerpt from the Regional District of Fraser-Fort George's 1974 "Resource Community Structure - Phase I: Case Study of Upper Fraser Valley"
  • Photocopied excerpts from various other published works