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Political committee
1992.5.3 · Série · 1988 - 1989
Parte de Interior University Society fonds (Dale McMann)

Series consists of press releases, advertisements and correspondence concerning the political climate and the strategy required for achieving a university in northern British Columbia.

Northern BC opinion study
1992.5.6 · Série · 1988.
Parte de Interior University Society fonds (Dale McMann)

Series consists of proposals received from consultants, correspondence, and the final report concerning the opinion survey conducted to ascertain the level of support for a university in the northern part of British Columbia.

Political committee
1992.5.3 · Série · 1988 - 1989
Parte de Interior University Society fonds (Dale McMann)

Series consists of press releases, advertisements and correspondence concerning the political climate and the strategy required for achieving a university in northern British Columbia.

Interior University Society

Series consists of correspondence with attachments, a draft constitution for the Interior University Society (IUS), a copy of the Societies’ Act, printed material on the selection of directors, a list of directors, handwritten notes, committee reports and meeting notices.

News releases & speeches

Series consists of press releases, speeches, membership reports, correspondence, newspaper clippings, letters of support and a position paper concerning the Interior University Society and the Implementation Planning Group.

1992.1.3 · Série · 1987 - 1989.
Parte de Interior University Society fonds

Series comprises incoming and outgoing correspondence arranged chronologically by category or by correspondent.

Textual records
2000.2.1 · Série · 1996.
Parte de Theresa Healy fonds

Series consists of correspondence, mock-ups of “Work in progress: a collection of local history essays by students in History 407”, the table of contents and cover, interview instruction sheets, bibliographies downloaded from the internet, curricular material from local/oral history courses taught at other universities.

2000.2.2 · Série · 1996.
Parte de Theresa Healy fonds

Series consists of files of transcripts of interviews, correspondence, photographs, survey results, oral history consent forms, drafts of research papers and material pertinent to research papers organized by student name.

2000.28 · Série · 1994
Parte de UNBC Archives Collection

Series consists of one videocassette documenting the opening of the University of Northern British Columbia by Queen Elizabeth II.

Textual Materials
2000.28 ; 2001.6 · Série · 1992
Parte de UNBC Archives Collection

Series consists of correspondence, reports, press releases, a banner, academic gowns and other miscellaneous ephemera documenting the history and development of UNBC.

Dahllof study
1992.5.4 · Série · 1985 - 1988
Parte de Interior University Society fonds (Dale McMann)

Series consists of the terms of reference for the Dahllof study, the final report, and correspondence, research reports, statistical and background information and blue prints relevant to the Dahllof and Ostergarrd reports on the feasibility of a northern university.

Degree Group
1992.5.10 · Série · 1987.
Parte de Interior University Society fonds (Dale McMann)

Series consists of correspondence, memos, meeting agendas, handwritten notes and meeting minutes regarding a precursor group to the Interior University Society.

Brief to Cabinet
1992.5.12 · Série · 1988.
Parte de Interior University Society fonds (Dale McMann)

Series consists of the brief given to the BC Cabinet on October 13, 1988 concerning regional development and the role of a Northern university, correspondence and other miscellaneous printed matter.

1992.1.2 · Série · 1987 - 1989.
Parte de Interior University Society fonds

Series comprises incorporation documents, constitution, financial reports, an organization chart, annual report, lists of Society members and biographies and c.v.’s of some members of the IUS Board of Directors.

1992.5.1 · Série · 1987 - 1990
Parte de Interior University Society fonds (Dale McMann)

Series consists of correspondence to and from Interior University Society (IUS) members, notably Murray Sadler, first President of the IUS, plus attachments, press releases, meeting notices, minutes, newspaper clippings, newsletters and committee reports concerning the Interior University Society and the Implementation Planning Group.

1992.5.11 · Série · 1987 - 1989.
Parte de Interior University Society fonds (Dale McMann)

Series consists of executive, committee, general and annual general meeting minutes, agendas, meeting notices, correspondence, newsletters, correspondence, newspaper clippings, handwritten notes, lists of directors and press releases relating to the Interior University Society.

2000.2.3 · Série · 1996.
Parte de Theresa Healy fonds

Series consists of one file of 6 computer disks containing the transcripts of oral history interviews in electronic format organized by student name.

2000.2.4 · Série · 1995 - 1996.
Parte de Theresa Healy fonds

Series consists of audio tapes containing interviews conducted by students in the local history course, organized by student.

Programs and Projects
1992.1.4 · Série
Parte de Interior University Society fonds

Series comprises speeches, campaigns, information on Society membership, IUS newsletters, news releases, brief to Provincial Cabinet and correspondence arranged by category.

2001.60.1 · Série · February 1960 - 1 May 1961
Parte de Prince George Historical Society fonds

The Publications series consists of 5 editions of The B.C. Teacher, 1 consolidated copy of the Vancouver Charter, and 1 consolidated copy of the Manual of the School Law and Rules of the Council of Public Instruction

2003.7.2 · Série · 1960 - 1970
Parte de Daphne Baldwin Collection

This series consists of a 1961 letter from Walter Sage to George Baldwin answering historical queries regarding Simon Fraser and associated other Frasers in B.C. ; Royal Arch Masonry, Prince Geogre Chapter, history, including two speeches by George Baldwin and a Quesnel Lodge brochure ; typed history of Barkerville Cairn ; and miscellaneous photographs, including 3 colour snapshots of unidentified people in front of BC Rail and cars (c. 1970) and 9 black and white snapshots of a canoe parade in Fort George and street parade lumber promotions (c. 1960).

Yukon/Alaska Ephemera
2003.7.3 · Série · Summer 1962 - August 1963
Parte de Daphne Baldwin Collection

This series consists of the August 1963 edition of Alaska newsletter "News Digest of the Far North" (Vol. 2 No. 8) ; 14 August 1963 newspaper "Jessen's Weekly" ; and the summer 1962 Whitehorse Nugget.

Josephine Mitchell
2003.7.4 · Série · c. 1942 - c. 1946
Parte de Daphne Baldwin Collection

This series consists of miscellaneous letters, ration cards, birthday and Christmas cards addressed to Josephine Mitchell of Summit Lake.

Memorandum of Understanding
1992.23.2 · Série · 3 July 1992 - 3 July 1992
Parte de UNBC History Collection

Series consists of 1 specially encased Memorandum of Understanding between Forestry Canada and UNBC signed by Minister Frank Oberle and President Geoffrey R. Weller 3 July 1992

10 British Columbia Photograph Album
2000.19.2 · Série · 29 August 1927 - 26 September 1927
Parte de Prentiss Gray Collection

Series consists of 268 black and white photographs (and computer disc copies) of Prentiss Gray's month-long trip from Hudson's Hope to Dome Creek in late August to September 1927.

Peace River Expedition Photo Album
2004.14.1 · Série · 19 August 1927 - 31 August 1927
Parte de Peace River Expedition Photograph Collection

This collection consists of 1 photo album originally belonging to Sydney E. Junkins which contains 23 photographs and 4 sectional linen maps which depict Hon. Dr.James Horace King and party's trip down the Peace River from 19 to 31 August 1927. Includes a hand-written and typed copy of "Peace River Trip" itinerary for a subsequent trip 8-15 September 1927.

Prince George Ephemera
2001.60.3 · Série · 1960 - February 1961
Parte de Prince George Historical Society fonds

The Prince George Ephemera series consists of 1 brochure entitled "Prince Goerge : Centre City of British Columbia Canada : An Invitation to Tourists" and 1 programme for the Canadian Schools Curling Championship

Northern BC Communities

Series consists of 103 photographs (both prints and negatives) of Northern BC communities. Photographs derive as follows: 19 from Atlin; 20 from Barkerville; 1 from Burns Lake; 22 from Dawson Creek; 1 from Decker Lake Falls; 3 from Fort St. James; 23 from Fort St. John; 1 from Hazelton; 1 from McBride; 8 from Pouce Coupe.

Kiwanis Club of Prince George
2003.7.1 · Série · 1950s - 1970s
Parte de Daphne Baldwin Collection

This series consists of the typed Prince George Kiwanis History, 1957-68 ; PG Kiwanis Members Roster, 1967 ; agendas, installation invitation cards, and programmes, 1960s-70s ; files of correspondence relating to the Robert P. Connelly Medal ; 2 files relating to the Spruce Dollar history ; miscellaneous photos of Spruce Dollar ; and brochures from the Kiwanis Clubs of Dawson Creek, Williams Lake, Kitimat and Prince George.

5 Alberta Photograph Album
2000.19.1 · Série · 20 September 1926 - 19 October 1926
Parte de Prentiss Gray Collection

This series consists of 191 black and white photographs (and computer disc copies) of Prentiss Gray's month-long trip on horseback when he travelled north from Jasper Park to Willmore Park. This series also includes 1 map identifying the trip route from Jasper Park, north.