Videotape contains footage of: 17-Aug-04 - 10th anniversary of opening of UNBC incl. honorary degree recipients - Sadler, Murray; Harcourt, Michael / 17-Aug-04 - Opening of Northern Health Sciences Centre and medical program - Neufeld, Christina
Image depicts the old school at 150 Mile House, with what is likely the modern school visible in the background.
Photograph depicts Mrs. Navin (wife of Dr. Navin - see item 2000. standing across unknown woman seated at librarian's table covered with books. Bookshelves in background, unknown couple sitting at table in left midground. Handwritten annotations on recto of photograph: "RIGHT / MRS NAVIN".
File consists of 1992 Prince George Chamber of Commerce Excellence Awards
File consists of documents and ephemera from UNBC's first convocation ceremony in 1992. Includes:
- July 1992 issue of "British Columbia Woman to Woman Magazine", featuring Iona Campagnolo
- An invitation from the City of Prince George Office of the Mayor to attend the UNBC 1992 convocation at the Prince George Civic Centre
- Napkins from the event
- A UNBC invitation to the 1992 convocation ceremony
- The 1992 program booklet provided at the UNBC inaugural convocation
Item is a list of UNBC's employee from 1993.
Photograph depicts group of 17 men and women posed on ceremonial steps in Agora courtyard at the University of Northern British Columbia in Prince George, B.C. Most individuals in group wear regalia. Bridget Moran stands in first row, second from right.
File consists of a "Celebrate the Dream Prince George" 2003 Olympic bid news release and ticket samples from the UNBC Office of Development.
Series consists of 7 mini DVs recording "Exploring Our Roots: Forest History in Our Communities Annual Conference of the Forest History Association of BC" at UNBC in Prince George, September 18-19, 2009. Harry Gairns and Mike Apsey spoke and conference panel topics include:
- Looking to the Past to Inform the Future? Forest History within a Contemporary Context
- Applying Traditional Knowledge to Future Initiatives: First Nations Historical and Future Relationships with the Forests
- Forestry History in Our Communities: Robson Valley & Prince George
- Exploring Our Roots: Forest History Research Methodology
- From Exploration to Development: Bringing Forest History Forward.
Photograph depicts Iona Campagnolo posed with 42 unidentified others.
Handwritten notation on accompanying piece of paper reads: “30th Anniversary Reunion Booth Memorial High School Graduation Class — Gr. 12 - 1951, Convened by Heather Cap, Picture taken June 1981.”
Image depicts the interior of a classroom at an uncertain location.
File consists of a bound copy of "A Degree Granting Institution For Northern British Columbia" report.
File consists of:
- Open letter from Brian Lam, Managing Editor Arsenal Pulp Press Ltd. re: A Little Rebellion (Nov. 1993)
- Directory of Canadian Schools of Social Work
- Copies of article "Bridget Moran versus Wacky" (B.C. Bookworld, Winter 1992)
- Copies of article "Let's stop slandering welfare recipients" by Bridget Moran (The Vancouver Sun, July 23, 1993)
- Publication order forms for A Little Rebellion, Stoney Creek Woman, and Judgement at Stoney Creek.
Film is a Canfor promotional video. As described on the video case, "'A Question of Balance' provides an overview of Canfor's operations throughout north central British Columbia and northern Alberta. Through interviews with employees and people in communities where Canfor operates, the video features information on the following areas of interest: safety, forest management, harvesting, pulp and paper production, environmental improvements, new technologies, economic impact, and career opportunities."
Videotape contains footage of: 22-May-04 - Aboriginal Health Sciences program - field course near Nautley Reserve Tape 2 - George, Rita (hat); Thomas, Doris (orange); Louis, Kimberley (right); Louis, Cary-Anne (left); Palmantier, Monty
File consists of administrative records relating to the academic accomplishments of Dr. Joselito Arocena. Includes merit awards, letters of congratulation, and acceptance correspondence.
Series consists of material related to Weller’s activity obtaining and completing the responsibilities of his academic appointments.
File consists of photocopies of the academic degree diplomas of Dr. Joselito Arocena as well as documents relating to approvals from his PhD committee.
File consists of Access to Advanced education & Job Training in BC Report - Sept. 1988
File consists of an article titled "Accountability in Canadian Intelligence Services" by Geoffrey Weller, a copy of the article from a reprint of the "International Journal of Intelligence and Counterintelligence" Vol.2, No.3, Fall 1988, and related correspondence. This file was originally numbered to correspond with article number 38 listed in Weller's CV.
Item is a UNBC strategic plan titled: "Action: Strategic Plan for the University of Northern British Columbia, 2002-2007".
Videotape contains footage of: 14-Feb-02 - Africa dance in the Winter Garden; multicultural / 16-Feb-02 - Northern Timberwolves basketball vs Okanagan University College
File consists of:
- 9 colour photographs (taken May 26, 1995): Ms. Moran reading the convocation address at UNBC Convocation; Ms. Moran during UNBC Convocation; Bridget Moran and Mary John;Group photo of 1995 UNBC graduates; Group photo of VIPs and recipients of UNBC Honourary Doctorates; Bridget Moran in UNBC regalia; Bob Harkins, Bridget Moran and unidentified woman; Post convocation celebratory BBQ; Bridget Moran and Mary John
- Tentative convocation itinerary and letter from Martin Cocking, Associate Registrar- Registrar Services to Bridget Moran re: UNBC Convocation (April 1995)
- Cards of congratulations on Ms. Moran's Honourary UNBC Doctorate
- The Citizen newspaper announcements re: UNBC convocation
- Swift Current newspaper article on Bridget Moran receipt of an Honourary UNBC Doctorate (The Sun, May 17, 1995)
- Letter of congratulations to Bridget Moran from faculty members in UNBC Social Work program (May 26, 1995)
- Letter of invitation from Dr. David Strong, President of UVic to Bridget Moran to receive an Honorary Doctor of Laws (April 23, 1996)
- Letter to Bridget Moran from the Senate Committee on Honorary Degrees regarding measurement for UVic regalia (May 2, 1996)
- Letter to Bridget Moran from Manager of Ceremonies and Events regarding convocation arrangements (August 15, 1996); print out of costs incurred at the Victoria Laurel Point Inn (Dec. 1996)
- Newspaper clipping: "Tenor's Appearance Highlights Convocation" (Times Colonist, Nov. 30, 1996)
- Newspaper clipping re: Bridget Moran's receipt of UVic honour (The Citizen, Nov. 28, 1996); ticket to UVic Fall Convocation, 1996; card of congratulations.
- UVic convocation program for the gifting of honorary degrees; invitation to formal Fall Convocation Dinner for Honorary Degree Recipients following the Convocation
- UVic Convocation itinerary
- Book of Mementos created by UVic and sent to Bridget (Dec. 18, 1996): Title page: "Bridget Moran, Honorary Doctor of Laws, University of Victoria, November 30, 1996"; UVic convocation program for the gifting of honorary degrees; Invitation to formal dinner for Honorary Degree Recipients; University of Victoria Fall Convocation for the Conferring of Degrees, Part II; Citation read (by David Strong, President) on the occasion of the granting of the degree of Honorary Doctor of Laws to Bridget Moran by the Senate of University of Victoria, November 30, 1996; Invitation to formal Fall Convocation Dinner for Honorary Degree Recipients following the Convocation; Place name card "Bridget Moran"; 17 Photographs of Bridget Moran at the UVic convocation
- UVic Fall Convocation Dinner table listing
- Letter to Helen Kempster, Manager Ceremonies and Special Events from Mayo Moran re: reading a message to honor her mother during convocation (Nov. 29, 1996)
- Letter of congratulations to Bridget Moran from Michael, Tracy and Hailey Moran
- Letter from David Strong to Bridget Moran re: a book of Convocation mementos (Dec. 18, 1996).
File consists of slides depicting Aleza Lake, Klinka, Prince George, McGregor, UNBC campus, Prince Rupert, Great Bear, Health Canada, and a flare pit.
File consists of slides depicting Aleza Lake, Stoney Creek, Tl'azt'en Nation, a Health Centre opening, Dahl Lake, Paul Sanborn, and lacustrine clay.
File consists of a paper titled "Algoma and Superior: Prospects for Political Separation in Northern Ontario and Northern Michigan" presented by Weller at the 1982 Western Social Science Association conference. This file was originally numbered to correspond with conference paper number 20 listed in Weller's CV.
Film is a research summary produced by the Canadian Forest Service. As described on the video case: "Initiated in 1992, this research project was intended to test a range of harvesting and silvicultural options in reducing wind damage to residual white spruce on moist to wet sites after harvest of the deciduous overstorey. If forest managers are to successfully implement alternative silvicultural systems on these northern boreal forest sites, mitigation of windthrow will be critical to successful operations. The project also tests growth and yield, regeneration stocking standards, aesthetic and biodiversity components."
File consists of a conference paper titled "An Assessment of Canadian Intelligence Literature: 1980-2000" presented by Weller at ISA, Los Angeles, California, March 2000. This file was originally numbered to correspond with conference paper number 107 listed in Weller's CV.
File consists of an article by Weller titled "An Assessment of Canadian Intelligence Literature: 1980-2000" and related correspondence. This file was originally numbered to correspond with article number 62 listed in Weller's CV.
Videotape contains footage of: 29-Sep-07 - Ancient Forest trail with Darwyn Coxson and Dave Radies
File consists of the UNBC Office of Development's 2005 Annual Report to Donors.
File consists of Dr. Robin Fisher's annual report for academic faculty at the University of Northern British Columbia (UNBC) for the year 1994.
File consists of Dr. Joselito Arocena's annual reports and promotion records relating to his employment at UNBC.
Item consists of the panel on "Applying Traditional Knowledge to Future Initiatives: First Nations Historical and Future Relationships with the Forests" at the the "Exploring Our Roots: Forest History in Our Communities Annual Conference of the Forest History Association of BC" at UNBC in Prince George, September 19, 2009.
Subseries consists of material involved in Weller’s activity applying for, obtaining, and fulfilling the responsibilities of academic appointments (professorships, tenure, and university administrative positions), including correspondence, application materials, and annual reviews.
Videotape contains footage of: 14-Apr-94 - UNBC's Vancouver-based Liaison Officer - Prentice, Lauren / 14-Apr-94 - Stand-ups - Rob / 19-Apr-94 - First UNBC graduates - Watson, Jackie; Yandeau, Niki, Bathy, Margaret / 21-Apr-94 - Quesnel Regional Academic Plan - Macknak, Dennis; Facey, Ellen / 22-Apr-94 - Northwest Region Issues - Anderson, Margaret / 22-Apr-94 - First UNBC Graduate - Gordon, Myron
Videotape contains footage of: 13-Apr-94 - Richmond Public Info Session Prospective Students / 14-Apr-94 - Interview with the President of Simon Fraser University - Stubbs, John / 14-Apr-94 - Streeter at SFU / 14-Apr-94 - Coquitlam Public Info Session
Videotape contains footage of: 22-Apr-94 - First UNBC Graduate - Gilbert, Diana / 23-Apr-94 - News Headlines - Rob / 24-Apr-94 - Stand-ups - Rob / 24-Apr-94 - Convocation Preview - Cocking, Martin
Videotape contains footage of: 17-Apr-95 - 1995 Graduate - Breen, Kelly / 18-Apr-95 - UNBC English Professors Launch World Wide Web Project - Beeler, Stan; Dowling, David / 19-Apr-95 - Financial Aid and Awards - Sarsfield, Pat / 19-Apr-95 - UNBC Links With Russia - Poelzer, Greg / 19-Apr-95 - 1995 Graduate - Bogle, Meredith / 20-Apr-95 - 1995 Graduate -- UNBC's First Native Graduate - Verde, Mitch
Videotape contains footage of: 21-Apr-95 - Safer Campus Initiative - Thompson, Tracey / 21-Apr-95 - Additional Education Graduate Program Specialization - Hartman, Bryan / 21-Apr-95 - Stand-ups - Rob / 22-Apr-95 - News Headlines - Rob
Videotape contains footage of: 27-Apr-96 - William Low on how month of birth influences success in hockey
Videotape contains footage of: 19-Apr-96 - Caribou Relocation Program - Olmack, John; Watts, Glen
Videotape contains footage of: 22-Apr-96 - History Book Launch - Healy, Theresa; Larson, Gord; Kennedy, Jodie / 24-Apr-96 - Northern Land Use Institute - Curry, John / 25-Apr-96 - UNBC Grad Students to Guadalajara Conference - Frizzell, Garth; Sproule, Mike / 26-Apr-96 - Caribou Relocation Program - Coxson, Darwyn / 26-Apr-96 - Headlines and Stand-ups - Rob
Videotape contains footage of: Apr-97 - Israel, coffee kitchen, headlines, standups, UNBC residence, Nadine Gray and Leo Johnson to El Salvador
Videotape contains footage of: 26-Apr-98 - news@unbc. and stand-ups - Rob / 26-Apr-98 - North scores high on involvement survey - Jago, Charles / 26-Apr-98 - UNBC Pipes and Drums Recital - Gruner, Paul; Cundy, Jeremy
Videotape contains footage of: 21-Apr-98 - Student to Fiji for Archaeological Dig - Embree, Andrew / 22-Apr-98 - Quesnel Research Project about Forest Planning Involvement - Bello, Nate / 23-Apr-98 - North scores high on involvement survey - Steadman, Tom / 23-Apr-98 - Survey on Crime - Michalos, Alex; Zumbo, Bruno / 24-Apr-98 - Proposed BEd - Fisher, Robin / 24-Apr-98 - Quesnel Research Project about Forest Planning Involvement - Halseth, Greg / 24-Apr-98 - Model UN Conference
Videotape contains footage of: 24-Apr-00 - Retain Conference and Art Unveiling - Anderson, Ray; Millard, Crystal; Manywounds, Riel
Videotape contains footage of: 9-Apr-99 - Muskwa-Kechika Research Announcement - Cashore, John; Jago, Charles; Pfister, Bob / 15-Apr-99 - Rez Sisters Production - Angus, Melanie; Denby, Cathy / 6-May-99 - Governor General Romeo LeBlanc Visits UNBC / 25-May-99 - Sod-Turning Ceremony for the Enhanced Forestry Lab - Speeches; Massicotte, Hugueus; Barber, Ike / 27-May-99 - Alumni Reception / 28-May-99 - Convocation Day on Campus (Pre-Ceremony)
Videotape contains footage of: 25-Apr-00 - Retain Conference Tape II - Begaye, Michael; Creyke, Louise / 26-Apr-00 - Student reflects on Goat River project - Rombough, Marty / 4-May-00 - University of Arctic Board Meeting
Videotape contains footage of: 14-Aug-08 - Archaeology dig west of Fort St. James with Prof. Farhid Rahemtulla (Part two)