File contains timber sale contracts, logging inspection reports, and related correspondence between the Department of Lands and Forests and the Fichtner Lumber Company Limited.
File contains timber sale contracts, logging inspection reports, and related maps between the Department of Lands and Forests and the Fichtner Lumber Company Limited.
File contains general correspondence, timber sale contracts, and logging inspection reports between the Department of Lands and Forests and the Fichtner Lumber Company Limited Limited.
File contains correspondence between Northwood Pulp and Timber Limited, the Prince George Forest Region, and the Aleza Lake Steering Committee regarding cut blocks to be harvested, particularly trees that have been infested by the spruce beetle.
File contains diagrams of areas to be salvaged in the Aleza lake Research Forest and pre-harvest silviculture prescription reports from Northwood Pulp and Timber Limited.
Caption describing photograph: "Hardwood stand on Lacustrine deposits following severe burn, negligible coniferous understory. 1922 burn N side Eaglet Lake. Aspen with scat Birch +/-20 yrs. +/-6 D.B.H. +/-35'. Understory willow and alder, twin flower R O Dogwood Rose H B Cranberry, scat sorylus, rubus, was A-D S-B site."
Caption describing photograph: "1922 burn Giscome, stand of immature birch 35', 20 yrs, Dom stem 8" D.B.H. Understory Rubus, Rosa, Cornus moss, Aralia Snowverry, Columbine - scat Corylus. Stand originally Douglas fir, Spruce and Balsam. Well drained lacustrine deposits. Potential grazing." Harry Coates stands in the photograph for scale.
Caption describing photograph: "Eaglet Lake, Giscome. Low land lacustrine deposits. Cleared for forage crops and pasture. Willow and alder on right - typical cover prior to clearing. Refer to GBW Film 1 Frame 3 ( 2007. )"
Caption describing photograph: "Low quality Hemlock isolated in understory. Junction West Branch and Main Access Road, F.E.S. Aleza Lake. 8" D.B.H. 120 years., 20-25' high." Harry Coates stands in the photograph for scale.
Caption describing photograph: "Poor quality Spruce left after diameter cutting. Note insect killed trees and leaning tree. Sparse stocking. Very poor increment. Devils Club site. Silty clay. No post logging regeneration. Continous understory of alder and willow. West Branch, F.E.S. Aleza Lake."
Caption describing photograph: "Roots of windthrown Spruce showing typical plate-like structure of roots. Imperfectly drained lacustrine deposit. Main Access Road, F.E.S. Aleza Lake." Harry Coates is pointing at the root mass.
Caption describing photograph: "Black Spruce as GBW Film 2 Frame 3 ( 2007. ). Showing form etc. 13" DBH - 65' high"
Caption describing photograph: "Hemlock understory. 12 DBH. Height 30'. Aleza Lake Nursery." Harry Coates stands in the photograph for scale.
Caption describing photograph: "Typical Devils Club site, imperfectly drained silty clay. West Branch Road, F.E.S. Aleza Lake."
Caption describing photograph: "Good stand of Lodgepole Pine pulp wood, on Pine View Series, with scattered understory of Black Spruce. Pine 5-9" DBH. 65' high, 80 years. Black Spruce, 4.6" DBH. 35' high. Moderately drained silty clay. Cale Creek, Highway 97."
Caption describing photograph: "Excellent stand of Lodgepole Pine on coarse gravelly sily (old beach). Height 90' 7-11" DBH. Age 65 years. 6 miles SW of Prince George, Highway 16 West."
Caption describing photograph: "Typical bark form. 9.3" DBH"
Caption describing photograph: "Excellent Abies second growth. 6-8 DBH. Age 40 years. Resulting from advanced regeneration after logging. Mile 5.5 Hart Highway. Average current leader 10". Silty clay, lacustrine deposits."
Caption describing photograph: "Frames 8, 9, and 10. Mature stand of Aspen growing on moderately drained Bednesti silt (Sandy silt). Ht 95', 22" DBH. Age 110 years. Excellent form. Mile 11 Hart Highway. Adjacent field has excellent crop of potatoes and timothy."
Caption describing photograph: "Bark habit at mid-bole."
Caption describing photograph: "Small area of transplants on West side of clearing, established Spring 1966. Note thrifty stand of aspend with Spruce understory, typical of stands on this soil type and history of burning."
Caption describing photograph: "Foreground cultivated in readiness for establishment of seed or transplant beds. Backgroun is transplant area est. Spring 1966."
Caption describing photograph: "Condition after hand pulling, piling and burning, and rough clearing. Note roots in soil. Northwest Cor of present clearing."
No caption provided with photograph. Similar photograph has the following caption: "View of transplant and seed bed areas, established Spring 1966. Buildings moved from Forest Service warehouse site on 15 Ave."
Caption describing photograph: "Female flowers of White Spruce. Davie Lake, prior to pollenation. June 16/1968."
Caption describing photograph: "First year female strobilus on Lodgepole Pine."
Caption describing photograph: "Top Pruning of 1 1/2 + 1 1/2 Lodgepole Pine at Red Rock Nursery. Block No. 3. Pruned to 8". Control."
Caption describing photograph: "Pulpwood Logging Operations on P.T.S. X91960, Swamp Lake, Prince George Pulp and Paper Ltd."
Caption describing photograph: "Pulpwood Logging Operations on P.T.S. X91960, Swamp Lake, Prince George Pulp and Paper Ltd."
Caption describing photograph: "Pulpwood Logging Operations on P.T.S. X91960, Swamp Lake, Prince George Pulp and Paper Ltd. Typical Spruce-Lodgepole Pine stand." Harry Coates stands in the photograph for scale.
Caption describing photograph: "Pulpwood Logging Operations on P.T.S. X91960, Swamp Lake, Prince George Pulp and Paper Ltd." Harry Coates holds a measuring tape against a log on a logging trunk to show trunk diameter.
Caption describing photograph: "Pulpwood Logging Operations on P.T.S. X91960, Swamp Lake, Prince George Pulp and Paper Ltd. Typical condition after C.U. pulp logging, note low stump heights." Harry Coates stands in the photograph for scale.
Caption describing photograph: "Pulpwood Logging Operations on P.T.S. X91960, Swamp Lake, Prince George Pulp and Paper Ltd. Man by pre-loading logging trailer." Harry Coates stands in the photograph for scale.
Caption describing photograph: "E.P. 646 Clearing at Aleza Lake for Provenance Plantation - Condition prior to clearning. Logged and burned 1947 - Note clumps of tall willow."
Caption describing photograph: "E.P. 646 Clearing at Aleza Lake for Provenance Plantation - As [2007.] Note White Spruce regeneration badly infected by leader weevils and dense clumps of Twinberry."
Caption describing photograph: "E.P. 646 Clearing at Aleza Lake for Provenance Plantation - Typical ground condition, expect early establishment of Fireweed, grass & clover"
Caption describing photograph: "E.P. 646.3 Spruce Provenances - 2+0 White Spruce, Red Rock"
Caption describing photograph: "T.F.L. #30 - View of McGregor Plateau with McGregor Mountains on horizon, Fraser River with Limestone Creek in foreground."
Caption describing photograph: "T.F.L. #30 - Condition of 1965 pre-scarification on C.P. 58 (poor coverage), fair to good regeneration B-S [Alpine Fir-Spruce], still receptive."
Caption describing photograph: "T.F.L. #30 - Species Comparison - Typical first season leader (+/-12") on 2+1 Lodgepole Pine. Woodall Creek. High Site, outwash sands, after post-scarification."
Caption describing photograph: "Research Division Experimental Plot sign". Harry Coates stands beside the sign for scale.
Caption describing photograph: "E.P. 646.2 Aleza Lake - Sinclair Mills Provenance. Tree No. 2. Planted 1966."
Caption describing photograph: "E.P. 646.2 Aleza Lake - Doughty Provenance. Tree No. 4. Planted 1966."
Caption describing photograph: "E.P. 646.1 Buckhorn - Hixon Provenance. Tree No. 8 good growth. Planted 1965."
Caption describing photograph: "E.P. 646.1 Buckhorn - Hixon Provenance. Tree No. 7 Adeleges. Planted 1965."
File contains a brochure, a 1993 solid waste management plan, a 1996 Forest Practices policy handbook, and a 1996 draft of the Prince George Land and Resource Management Plan.
Item consists of transcript of interviews with various guests including Bob Crosby, manager of the Simon Fraser Hotel; Sammy Labadiere (sp?); and Prince George resident Chuck Williams discussing the re-enactment of the Simon Fraser voyage down the Fraser River in 1958.
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