Handwritten annotation on recto of photograph: "Longs Vs. Shorts. Hockey - Hazelton B.C. Yours truly in Goal." Ten players can be seen skating on ice enclosed in rink boards made of wood planks. Goalie stands on far left. Trees and hills in background.
Handwritten annotation on verso of photograph: "HOCKEY - HAZELTON. VS G.T.P.R [Grand Truck Pacific Railway] FEB. 20/11" Twelve players can be seen skating on ice, surrounded by large crowd of people standing on either side of the game. Referees dressed in suits stand around players, and a dog can also be seen in crowd. Snow pile in foreground; river banks, forest, and mountains in background.
A group of thirty men stand behind a formally dressed table. British flags and a flag that says "WELCOME" are mounted on wall in background. Handwritten annotation on recto of photograph: "Hockey Banquet Hazelton. Myself with a patch over my eye." Man with eye patch in far back left is speculated to be Bob Baxter.
Handwritten annotation on verso of photograph: "Hazelton Ball Team. Winners. May 24th. 15". Ten men in baseball uniforms stand in a line, each player holding the shoulder of the one in front of him. A crowd of men, women, and children stands behind them near a tent and wood barrels. Trees in background.