Postcard image of village main street of Tete Jaune
Photograph depicts a steamshovel at work.
Photograph depicts unidentified man standing near mining ditches.
Photograph depicts an unidentified man standing at the top of an empty wooden flume (?) situated at the top of a mountainside in front of a forested landscape.
Photograph depicts a distance perspective of an unidentified man standing in a large ditchline that runs through a forested landscape.
Photograph depicts a distance perspective of an unidentified man standing in a large ditchline that runs through a forested landscape.
Photograph depicts a gravel road carved into the forested landscape.
File contains information, including diagrams, measurement charts, and a map, for experimental plot 50.
Photograph could possibly depict a herd of mountain goats or Rocky Mountain bighorn sheep on a hillside.
A man beginning a dog-sled journey. Caption underneath photograph states: "Good Going".