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Prosperity: A Gold-Copper Project of Taseko Mines Limited "Application for an Environmental Assessment Certificate pursuant to the British Columbia Environmental Assessment Act and Environmental Impact Statement for submission to the Federal Review Panel pursuant to the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act"
Prosperity: A Gold-Copper Project of Taseko Mines Limited "Application for an Environmental Assessment Certificate pursuant to the British Columbia Environmental Assessment Act and Environmental Impact Statement for submission to the Federal Review Panel pursuant to the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act"
"Applying Traditional Knowledge to Future Initiatives" panel
"Applying Traditional Knowledge to Future Initiatives" panel
Harry Gairns speech "Prince George Forest History - The 50s and the 60s"
Harry Gairns speech "Prince George Forest History - The 50s and the 60s"
Kluane Lake 2009 field work photographs
Kluane Lake 2009 field work photographs
Board of Governors In Camera Meeting
Board of Governors In Camera Meeting
Endowment Investment Committee
Endowment Investment Committee
Endowment Investment Committee
Endowment Investment Committee
Diamond crossings
Diamond crossings