File consists of a letter to Chander Suri from Burkhard Franz regarding interest in mining lots at multiple sites in the southern interior of BC. Accommpanied by a preliminary report by Rain, Metro and Memphis Groups of Claims for Mile Point Resources Mining Company examining mineral occurences near Slocan Lake. Includes a letter to Chander Suri, three mineral occurence photocopies, and a preliminary report evaluation of mineral occurences.
File consists of a gas safety act and regulations booklet from the Province of BC.
File consists of a brochure package advertising Prince George to investors, prepared by the Prince George Region Development corporation.
File consists of twenty one photographs of downtown Prince George, some taken from Connaught Hill, Cottonwood Park, and 6th Avenue as well as one photograph of the Pentecostal Tabernacle and a few going up Foothills to the Hart.
File consists of a guide to Northern BC parks and attractions.
File consists of a non-forester's guide to small scale forestry in BC, prepared under the Canadian-British Columbia Forest Resource Development Agreement.
File consists of financial statements for the Peden Hill Store compiled by Rose, Gale & Co. Charted Accountants.
File consists of multiple coloured photographs of properties and building construction in Prince George and Kelowna.
File consists of correspondence and investor information from Central Equities Ltd. regarding the Westpine Apartment Strata.
File consists of an offering memorandum on the 48 suite strata-title Westwood Apartments.
File consists of an information package detailing the Public Auction of Agricultural Crown Land in Prince George with property maps and general terms and conditions included.
File consists of a survey appraisal undertaken by Harvey D. Erickson of North Country Apprasials Ltd for Myles Breadner of Massey Property Corporation. Appraises a cross section survey of Multiple Family Dwellng Units availible for rent in Prince George.
File consists of documents pertaining to the sale of North Meadows Subdivision lot no. 10, prepared by Heights Land Development Co.
File consists of photocopied lot maps for multiple locations including Porcher, Naikoon Park, Prince Rupert, Cranbrook, Nelson, and Comox.
File consists of financial statements, a lease, and an indenture for Pine Centre Market Inc.
File consists of contract documents for Hayer Homes residential subdivisions on 5th and Hill in Prince George, prepared by L&M Engineering.
File consists of an information summary for limited partners investing in the Westwood Pub and the surrounding shopping complex. Summary drawn up by Intermet Realty Ltd. detailing the risks, benefits, agreements, and estimated costs.
File consists of correspondence between the Northern Planners and the Planning Institute of BC (PIBC) regarding the formation of the northern group. Includes correspondence between the Northern Planners and PIBC as well as meeting minutes from the Northern Planners.
File consists of a Prince George transportation planning study by Ward Consulting Group for the BC Ministry of Transportation and Highways.
File consists of a letter from Glenview Estates regarding the development of Harper Valley residences.
File consists of a request from Independent Living BC for proposals from private sector operators by the Northern Health Authority as well as correspondence and brochures regarding the Pentocostal seniors housing project.
File consists of a proposal for lakeshore property development guidelines prepared on behalf of the Lakeshore Management Committee in Prince George.
File consists of documents relating to the Prince George Pentecostal's property search. Includes meeting minutes, overhead transparencies, resolutions, correspondence, brochures, a proposal for Westside Academy, a BC Housing information booklet, newspaper clippings, handwritten notes, and reports.
File consists of brochures, a subscription agreement, and an offering memorandum for Asher Place investors, a seniors residency in Prince George.
File consists of neighbourhood planning maps for Langley, Abbotsford, Prince George, and Aldergrove. Includes housing plans in Calgary and a newspaper clipping.
File consists of advertising brochures for Southridge, McGill Crescent, The Courtyard on sixth avenue, and property listings. Includes developments in Vancouver.
File consists of a brochure for Nelson Homes, a home construction company with a range of predesigned homes to choose from, with a business card of Prince George based home specialist R.J. (Bob) Fines stapled to the brochure.
File consists of appraisals, indentures, and rent increase applications for properties in Prince George.
File consists of zoning and property information including Regional District of Fraser Fort-George public hearing notifications, Quesnel subdivision and zoning bylaws, subdivision application guide, land use assessments, and multiple topographic and lot maps for Prince George, Burns Lake, Quesnel, and Fraser Lake.
File consists of documents regarding property disposals from the BC Buildings Corporation. Includes a "Colony Farm" information booklet produced by the BC Building Corporation.
File consists of appraisals, indentures, and surveys of properties in the Prince George area. Includes two photographs taken at Fraser Lake.
File consists of multiple documents regarding properties in Prince George including lot maps, the establishment of a McDonald's restaurant, an Emerald Estates booklet, correspondence, and newspaper photocopies. Prepared by multiple companies including McDonald's Restuarants of Canada Ltd, W.D. Usher & Associates, and North Central Management Corporation.
File consists of numerous property listings within the Prince George area.
File consists of a draft copy of schedule A for the City of Prince George in its Official Community Plan bylaw.
File consists of an indenture between JO-EL Developments Ltd., the Lessor, and Cherokee Enterprises Ltd., the Tenant, for a property in Prince George.
File consists of two subdivision application guides and blank application forms.
File consists of multiple property documents in the Regional District of Fraser Fort-George including Sunnyside Grocery financial statements, a market study of the Green Valley subdivision by North Country Appraisals for N.M. Skalbania Ltd., property lease and development plan information, and a sewage disposal study.
File consists of a development feasability study for the municipality of Chetwynd, prepared by Stanley Associates Engineering.
File consists of a 1990 housing study by the Housing Committee of the City of Prince George concerning affordability, demand, cost, growth, and mobile homes.
File consists of a second draft copy of a development cost charge review for the City of Prince George. Includes accompanying documents such as correspondence, newspaper clippings, handwritten notes and calculations, and a handout on development cost charge.
File consists of development services department information, applications under the Agricultural Land Commissions act, correspondence with the Surrey planning and development department, development cost charges, the Surrey Official Community Plan for 1986, a disclosure statement from P.C.F. Investments, Brendan Court in Prince George booklet, Chestnut Lane floorplans, and a Forest Hill advertisement brochure.
File consists of an official regional plan for the municipalities of Prince George and Mackenzie, prepared by the Planning Department of the Regional District of Fraser-Fort George. Includes an accompanying map for the Official Regional Plan.
File consists of a draft copy of a supplement to the Official Community Plan for the City of Prince George through the 1990's.
File consists of documents concerning the drafting of the City of Prince George's Official Community Plan between 1997 and 2006. Includes correspondence between planners, handwritten notes, questionnaires, staff reports, cost charge fee schedules and reviews, and a Department of Development Services bylaw update.
File consists of soil removal and deposit bylaw updates from 1982, 1996, and 1999 in Prince George. Includes a newspaper clipping on the adopted cost charge bylaw.
File consists of a draft copy of a land and resource management plan for Prince George, a component of BC's land use strategy.
File consists of bylaw no. 7022 regarding soil removal and deposit in the City of Prince George.
File consists of correspondence between Chander Suri and Kent Sedgwick regarding the development of the Official Community Plan bylaw no. 5909 for Prince George. Includes newspaper clippings, bylaw no. 3848, and a schedule for public hearings.
File consists of several sheets of handwritten notes regarding different bylaw developments. Includes newspaper clippings, a zoning bylaw summary and update, and a request for input from the Current Planning and Development Division of the City of Prince George.
File consists of a first draft copy of a new zoning bylaw for the City of Prince George.