File contains draft of “A Northern university: the economic and social impact”.
File contains correspondence and miscellaneous textual material.
File contains correspondence and miscellaneous textual material.
File contains miscellaneous textual material.
File contains New universities in a western regional context by Dr. Urban Dahllof.
File contains handwritten notes and miscellaneous textual material.
File contains miscellaneous statistical information.
Series consists of notes, correspondence, photocopies, brochures, newspaper clippings and reports on educational policy and the economic impacts of institutions of higher learning.
File contains typewritten notes, correspondence, photocopies, brochures and miscellaneous printed material.
File contains the report “Brandon University: an economic impact study”.
File contains the report “The economic impact of the University of Calgary on the Calgary economy”.
File contains correspondence, maps and statistical reports.
File contains photocopies, statistical information, maps, correspondence, a meeting agenda, a newspaper clipping and a report on the economic impact of Brandon University.
File contains correspondence and handwritten notes.
File contains two reports, one on post-secondary education and the role of the federal government and the second on scientific research policies in Canada.
File contains correspondence, photocopies, and newspaper clippings.
File contains two copies of the College of New Caledonia Educational Plan for 1987 to 1992.
File contains the report “The role of Universities in the economic development of British Columbia” and a cover letter.
Series consists of proposals received from consultants, correspondence, and the final report concerning the opinion survey conducted to ascertain the level of support for a university in the northern part of British Columbia.
File contains Angus Reid proposal to do opinion survey and a cover letter.
File contains Marktrend proposal to do opinion survey and a cover letter.
File contains correspondence, statistical tables and a survey form from Angus Reid and a letter from Decima.
File contains Angus Reid’s final report and a copy of the detailed statistical tables.
Series consists of correspondence with attachments, a draft constitution for the Interior University Society (IUS), a copy of the Societies’ Act, printed material on the selection of directors, a list of directors, handwritten notes, committee reports and meeting notices.
File contains correspondence, a list of Interior University Society (IUS) Directors, handwritten notes, a copy of a lease agreement for IUS office space.
File contains a copy of the re-amended page of the draft constitution of the Interior University Society, correspondence, handwritten notes and a list of Society Directors.
File contains correspondence, a draft copy of the Interior University Society’s constitution and by-laws.
Series consists of press releases, speeches, membership reports, correspondence, newspaper clippings, letters of support and a position paper concerning the Interior University Society and the Implementation Planning Group.
File contains news releases, correspondence and miscellaneous textual materials.
File contains news releases and a speech by Society President, Murray Sadler.
File contains news releases and speech notes
File contains a position paper by Murray Sadler, president of the Interios University Society.
File contains news releases, Minister of Regional Development’s speech notes and informational materials about the Society.
File contains news releases and correspondence.
File contains news releases, a newspaper clipping and correspondence.
File contains news releases and a speech.
File contains news releases.
Series consists of correspondence, a membership list, a newspaper clipping and a list of IUS directors concerning the support campaign for a future Northern university.
File contains meeting agenda, correspondence, a list of Society Directors, a newspaper clipping and miscellaneous textual material.
File contains correspondence, a list of letters of support, and miscellaneous textual material.
Fonds consists of the records of Francis Asten Howard-Gibbon related to the Interior University Society. The Interior University Society was incorporated in 1987 after organizational efforts initiated by Tom Steadman, Bryson Stone and Charles McCaffray. The society’s objectives were to promote the establishment of a university in Prince George, B.C., later to be known as the University of Northern British Columbia. The first president of the society was Prince George lawyer W. Murray Sadler. The Society launched a membership campaign in 1987, retained the services of Dr. Urban Dahllof to undertake a feasibility study, and conducted a survey to determine the support level in northern B.C. for a university. In October, 1988, the society’s proposals and studies were presented to the provincial cabinet. In 1989, an Implementation Planning Group was established, chaired by Horst Sander. The planning group completed its study and reported to the government in December of 1989, recommending a full-status university be established in the north.
Fonds contains the records of Joanne Hewlett which relate to the Interior University Society. The Interior University Society was incorporated in 1987 after organizational efforts initiated by Tom Steadman, Bryson Stone and Charles McCaffray. The society’s objectives were to promote the establishment of a university in Prince George, B.C., later to be known as the University of Northern British Columbia. The first president of the society was Prince George lawyer W. Murray Sadler. The Society launched a membership campaign in 1987, retained the services of Dr. Urban Dahllof to undertake a feasibility study, and conducted a survey to determine the support level in northern B.C. for a university. In October, 1988, the society’s proposals and studies were presented to the provincial cabinet. In 1989, an Implementation Planning Group was established, chaired by Horst Sander. The planning group completed its study and reported to the government in December of 1989, recommending a full-status university be established in the north.
Consists of 1 spiral-bound book entitled "University of Northern British Columbia : Prince George Campus Masterplan" created by Cornerstone/Hotson Bakker Architects
Consists of 1 spiral-bound book entitled "University of Northern British Columbia : Schematic Design Proposal"
Consists of 3 copies of the bogus Prince George Citizen issued 25 January 1992 in celebration of Geoffrey R. Weller's 50th birthday
Collection consists textual material, objects, and ephemera related to the history of the University of Northern British Columbia.
University of Northern British ColumbiaSeries contains photographs related to UNBC's history.