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Archival description
"Extending the Known Range of Tailed Frog Populations in British Columbia"
"Extending the Known Range of Tailed Frog Populations in British Columbia"
"Sampling Techniques for the Tailed Frog and the Pacific Giant Salamander" (draft)
"Sampling Techniques for the Tailed Frog and the Pacific Giant Salamander" (draft)
"Tailed Frog Habitat and Population Monitoring - Year 3 - 1996"
"Tailed Frog Habitat and Population Monitoring - Year 3 - 1996"
"Inventory of Tailed Frogs (Ascaphus truei) and Habitat in Ascaphus Creek and Apprentice Creek Drainages"
"Inventory of Tailed Frogs (Ascaphus truei) and Habitat in Ascaphus Creek and Apprentice Creek Drainages"
Tailed Frog documents
Tailed Frog documents
West Fraser Mills Ltd. Forest Development Plan T.F.L. 41 (1996-2001)
West Fraser Mills Ltd. Forest Development Plan T.F.L. 41 (1996-2001)
"Riparian Management and the Tailed Frog"
"Riparian Management and the Tailed Frog"
Tailed Frog (Ascaphus truei) research
Tailed Frog (Ascaphus truei) research
Grant Hazelwood fonds
Grant Hazelwood fonds
Canadian Railway Historical Association - Pacific Coast Division Collection
Canadian Railway Historical Association - Pacific Coast Division Collection
Kitimat-Stikine Regional District Regional Resource Inventory
Kitimat-Stikine Regional District Regional Resource Inventory