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2023.8.17 · Item · 1970-1972
Parte de Willard Freer Diary Digital Collection

Summary of the diary of Willard Freer, January 1, 1970 to December 31, 1972:

  • January 1-March 25, 1970: Working at Fireside, BC
  • March 25-September 5, 1970: Kechika River Valley
  • September 5-12, 1970: Fireside, BC
  • September 12-29, 1970: Medical trip to Fort Nelson
  • September 29-October 13, 1970: Preparations and trip to Kechika River Valley
  • October 14-31, 1970: Fireside, BC
  • November 1-13, 1970: Medical trip to Edmonton
  • November 14, 1970-February 19, 1971: Working at Fireside, BC
  • February 19-June 22, 1971: Kechika River Valley
  • June 22-July 25, 1971: Working at Fireside, BC and trip to Fort Nelson
  • July 25-August 4, 1971: Medical trip to Edmonton
  • August 4-October 24, 1971: Working at Fireside, BC
  • October 24-November 4, 1971: Medical trip to Edmonton
  • November 4, 1971-April 22, 1972: Working at Fireside
  • April 22-August 17, 1972: Kechika River valley
  • August 17-September 12, 1972: Medical trip to Edmonton, visit to Fort Nelson, and return by bus to Fireside
  • September 12-25, 1972: Preparations and travel up the Kechika River to Freer's cabin
  • September 25-December 31, 1972: Kechika River Valley
2023.8.16 · Item · 1967-1969
Parte de Willard Freer Diary Digital Collection

Summary of the diary of Willard Freer, January 1, 1967 to December 31, 1969:

  • January 1-5, 1967: Working at Fireside, BC
  • January 6-May 25, 1967: Freer's cabin in the Kechika River valley
  • May 25-June 1, 1967: Fireside, BC
  • June 1-17, 1967: Working for a government water resources project
  • June 17-July 23, 1967: Freer's cabin in the Kechika River valley
  • July 24-31, 1967: Preparing for hunting trips
  • August 1-September 26, 1967: Hunting guide and packer for Skook Davidson
  • September 26-November 15, 1967: Diamond J Ranch and Freer's cabin in the Kechika River valley
  • November 15, 1967-August 18, 1968: Working at Fireside along the Alaska Highway
  • August 18-September 26, 1968: Packer and hunting guide for Earl Boose
  • September 26-November 30, 1968: Kechika River valley and Alaska Highway
  • December 1, 1968-January 11, 1969: Trip to Dawson Creek and Peace River District
  • January 12-February 1, 1969: Watson Lake
  • February 1-June 6, 1969: Freer's cabin in the Kechika River valley
  • June 6-December 31, 1969: Alaska Highway and trips on the Kechika River
2023.8.15 · Item · 1964-1966
Parte de Willard Freer Diary Digital Collection

Summary of the diary of Willard Freer, January 1, 1964 to December 31, 1966:

  • January 1-March 28, 1964: Working at Fireside
  • March 28-June 8, 1964: Living at his cabin in Kechika Valley and engaging in fur trading
  • June 8-July 3, 1964: Working at Fireside and Alaska Highway
  • July 3-27, 1964: Preparing for hunting trips, working for Robin Dalziel
  • July 27-September 6, 1964: Packer and hunting guide for Robin Dalziel
  • September 6-14, 1964: Travel back to Freer's cabin in Kechika Valley
  • September 14-27, 1964: Worked on fencing and clearing trails
  • September 28-October 5, 1964: Raft trip to Fireside down the Kechika River
  • October 5-17, 1964: Work at Fireside and trip back to Kechika
  • October 18, 1964-June 18, 1965: Kechika River Valley
  • June 18-July 24, 1965: Watson Lake and Canadian Geological Survey watchman, Mile 130, Cantung
  • July 25-August 4, 1965: Preparing for work, Fireside and Kechika Valley
  • August 4-September 14, 1965: Packer and hunting guide for Robin Dalziel
  • September 15-30, 1965: Return to Kechika Valley cabin and errands
  • September 30-October 29, 1965: Bringing Gordon Toole's horses to Kechika River valley to winter
  • October 30, 1965-July 2, 1966: Kechika River Valley
  • July 2-15, 1966: Watson Lake and Fireside
  • July 15-August 11, 1966: Preparation for hunting trips
  • August 11-October 2, 1966: Hunting guide and packer for Skook Davidson
  • October 2-12, 1966: Freer's cabin in Kechika River valley
  • October 12-December 31, 1966: Working at Fireside, BC
2023.8.14 · Item · 1962-1963
Parte de Willard Freer Diary Digital Collection

Summary of the diary of Willard Freer, January 1, 1962 to December 31, 1963:

  • January 1-March 8, 1962: Alaska Highway and working at Fireside, BC
  • March 8-May 3, 1962: Kechika River valley
  • May 3, 1962-March 7, 1963: Alaska Highway and working at Fireside, BC
  • March 7-June 2, 1963: Kechika River valley
  • June 2-December 31, 1963: Alaska Highway, working at Fireside, and boat trips up Kechika River
2023.8.13 · Item · 1958-1961
Parte de Willard Freer Diary Digital Collection

Summary of the diary of Willard Freer, January 1, 1958 to December 31, 1961:

  • January 1-March 11, 1958: Lower Post
  • March 11-May 26, 1958: Kechika River valley
  • May 26-June 3, 1958: Trip to Lower Post
  • June 4-July 15, 1958: Lower Post
  • July 15-July 27, 1958: Work for George Midgley in the Dease Lake area
  • July 28-August 5, 1958: Travel to Denetiah Lake
  • August 5-September 6, 1958: Packer for Geological Survey of Canada
  • September 6-14, 1958: Travel in Kechika River valley
  • September 14-October 8, 1958: Hunting guide for Amos Alec
  • October 8-15, 1958: Watson Lake
  • October 15-26, 1958: Travel to Freer's cabin on Horneline Creek
  • October 26-December 31, 1958: Freer's cabin
  • January 1-March 4, 1959: Kechika and trips to Lower Post
  • March 4-June 5, 1959: Freer's cabin
  • June 6-September 3, 1959: Packer for Geological Survey of Canada
  • September 6-16, 1959: Travel and return to Freer's cabin
  • September 17-October 3, 1959: Hunting guide for Robin Dalziel and return to Freer's cabin
  • October 3-December 31, 1959: Freer's cabin
  • January 1-May 27, 1960: Kechika River valley
  • May 27-September 11, 1960: Work for Geological Survey of Canada as packer and boatman
  • September 11-December 31, 1960: Alaska Highway and Fireside, BC
  • October 1-December 31, 1961: Alaska Highway and Fireside, BC
2023.8.12 · Item · 1954-1957
Parte de Willard Freer Diary Digital Collection

Summary of the diary of Willard Freer, January 1, 1954 to December 31, 1957:

  • January 1-March 31, 1954: Kechika River valley
  • April 1-June 3, 1954: Working at Christy's Lodge in Lower Post
  • June 3-September 14, 1954: Working for Northwestern Explorations around Mile 1117 on the Alaska Highway
  • September 15-30, 1954: Travel to Fort St. James and preparations for trip to Diamond J Ranch
  • September 30-November 15, 1954: Trip to Diamond J Ranch with Clem Reierson
  • November 16-December 31, 1954: Kechika River valley with Clem Reierson
  • January 1-February 12, 1955: Kechika River valley and trip to Lower Post with Clem Reierson
  • February 12-March 12, 1955: Alaska Highway
  • March 12-May 25, 1955: Kechika River valley
  • May 25-June 1, 1955: Trip to Lower Post
  • June 1-July 11, 1955: Lower Post waiting for Emil Bronlund and his Consolidated Mining and Smelting Company of Canada Ltd. (CMS) crew
  • July 11-August 16, 1955: Packing for Emil Bronlund
  • August 17-September 11, 1955: Lower Post and trip to Diamond J Ranch
  • September 11-23, 1955: Trip to Lower Post
  • September 24-October 1, 1955: Lower Post
  • October 2-15, 1955: Return trip to Diamond J Ranch
  • October 16, 1955-May 17, 1956: Kechika River valley
  • May 17-26, 1956: Trip to Lower Post and preparation for packing
  • June 5-September 21, 1956: Packing for Northwestern Explorations' Flat Lake mineral claims
  • September 21, 1956-February 18, 1957: Lower Post
  • February 18-May 27, 1957: Kechika River valley
  • May 27-July 3, 1957: Alaska Highway
  • July 3-September 4, 1957: Packing for Continental Mining in Yukon
  • September 4-October 13, 1957: Alaska Highway
  • October 13-26, 1957: Travel to Freer's cabin at Horneline Creek
  • October 26-December 9, 1957: Kechika River valley
  • December 10-18, 1957: Trip from cabin to Lower Post
  • December 18-31, 1957: Lower Post
2023.8.11 · Item · 1952-1954
Parte de Willard Freer Diary Digital Collection

Summary of the diary of Willard Freer, January 1, 1952 to February 17, 1954:

  • January 1-March 18, 1952: Visiting family in Penticton and Washington state
  • March 18-April 3, 1952: Working at Christy's Lodge at Lower Post
  • April 4-May 20, 1952: Kechika River valley
  • May 20-June 18, 1952: Travel to Omineca District
  • June 19-August 22, 1952: Packer for Northwestern Explorations in Omineca District
  • August 22-29, 1952: Travel to Mooseskin Johnny Lake via Telkwa
  • August 29-September 22, 1952: Packer for Northwestern Explorations at Mooseskin Johnny Lake
  • September 22-October 27, 1952: End of summer activities and travel to Christy's Lodge
  • October 27, 1952-February 28, 1953: Working at Christy's Lodge at Lower Post
  • February 28-April 8, 1953: Diamond J Ranch and Kechika River valley
  • April 8-29, 1953: Working at Christy's Lodge
  • April 29-May 13, 1953: Travel to Fort St. James and visit with friends in Fort St. John
  • May 14-September 29, 1953: Packer for Northwestern Explorations
  • September 29-October 28, 1953: Work at Kennco's warehouse in Fort St. James
  • October 29-November 13, 1953: Travel to Lower Post via Prince George and Dawson Creek
  • November 14-December 22, 1953: Working at Christy's Lodge
  • December 23, 1953-March 31, 1954: Kechika River valley
Spotlight on UNBC - February 2000
1994. · Item · 2000
Parte de UNBC Office of External Relations

Digital video recording is an episode of Spotlight on UNBC from February 2000. Features segments on the suicide of Russian exchange student Anna Sorkomova; a conference on rural health; UNBC research forests Johnson Prince Research Forest north of Fort St. James (co-managed by UNBC and Tl'azt'en Nation) and Aleza Lake Research Forest east of Prince George (co-managed by UBC and UNBC); construction of the Irving K. Barber Enhanced Forestry Lab; UNBC involvement in the University of the Arctic; the annual UNBC Winterfest; UNBC Rodeo Club; the UNBC Nordic Ski Team at the Western Canadian Championship; UNBC Northern Timberwolves Men's Basketball; the proposed Northern Sport Centre; and the UNBC laboratory space expansion. Includes interviews with Charles Jago (UNBC President); Penny Priddy (BC Health Minister); Kwadwo Asante (Terrace pediatrician); Steve Dewhurst (UNBC Forestry); Justa Monk (Tl'azt'en Nation); Don Roy (Canfor Fort St. James); Sue Grainger (UNBC Research Forest Manager); Terry Carter (PG Soccer); Andrew Petter (Minister of Advanced Education; Paul Ramsey (Finance Minister); and UNBC students and alumni Christine Brock (Forestry), Scott Forrest (University of the Arctic), Jack Darney (UNBC Rodeo Club), Chris Paulson (UNBC Nordic Ski Team), Noah Huntley (UNBC Nordic Ski Team), Wendy Giesbrecht (UNBC Nordic Ski Team), Brent Sevigny (men's basketball), and Jenn Bondaroff (women's basketball).

August Johnson records
2001.1.089 · Dossiê · 1930-1939
Parte de NBCA Document and Ephemera Collection

File consists of records believed to be created or received by August Johnson, who is believed to be a Swedish immigrant farmer in the North Bulkley area in the 1920s. In 1923, he departed for Belle Island, Alaska for treatment for a recurring illness. By 1930, he was living and working near Dorreen and Ritchie Stations, along the Skeena River east of Terrace. He made a living hunting, trapping, prospecting, and small-scale farming, and also opened a fine lime deposit. He died in 1945. His records consist of correspondence and an almanac diary; they are written in a mixture of English and Swedish. Includes:

  • Letter to August Johnson, written in Swedish, dated November 21st 1930
  • Christmas postcard to August Johnson from his brother, written in Swedish, dated December 21st 1930
  • 3-page letter to August Johnson from 'Staley' in the Houston/North Bulkley area, dated October 7th 1935. It mentions the names of several people/families who lived in the area at the time, such as Bellicini, Madigan, Goold, and McInnes.
  • Dr. A.W. Chase's Calendar Almanac and day planner from 1939, with annotated daily accounts written by August Johnson. Names mentioned in Almanac include Dorreen, Ritchie, Coal Creek, and "Purkie Pint/Purkipint (Porcupine?) Creek" and Fred Hillgard.
2023.8.02 · Item · 1942-1943
Parte de Willard Freer Diary Digital Collection

Summary of the diary of Willard Freer, October 1, 1942 to December 31, 1943:

  • October 1-13, 1942: Employed with the United States Army in Northern BC, packing and outfitting for the survey crews of the Alaska Highway in the areas of Deserters Canyon, Fort Ware, Sifton Pass, and Fox Pass
  • October 16-29, 1942: Journey to Kechika River and Skook Davidson's Diamond J Ranch
  • October 30-December 31, 1942: Working and establishing residence at Skook Davidson's Diamond J Ranch
  • January 1-May 19, 1943: Working at Diamond J Ranch with Craig Forfar
  • May 19-30, 1943: Trip to Fort Ware
  • May 30-June 30, 1943: At Fort Ware, preparing for packing BC Government triangulation survey trip to surveying location and waiting for Skook Davidson to arrive with horses purchased from Jim Beattie
  • June 18-July 13, 1943: Travel to surveying location
  • July 15-August 17, 1943: Taking care of case camp while survey crews in field
  • August 17-26, 1943: All crews working together
  • August 27-October 23, 1943: Return trips between Fort Ware and Diamond J Ranch
  • October 23-December 31, 1943: Diamond J Ranch
2023.8.01 · Item · 1942
Parte de Willard Freer Diary Digital Collection

Summary of the diary of Willard Freer, April 1, 1942 to October 20, 1942:

  • April 1-May 30, 1942: Trapping cabin along the Ingenika River
  • May 30-June 16, 1942: In the Finlay River area, Freer sold furs to the HBC at Fort Grahame and helped portage supplied through Deserters Canyon for Del Miller and priest
  • June 17-October 13, 1942: Employed with the United States Army in Northern BC, packing and outfitting for the survey crews of the Alaska Highway in the areas of Deserters Canyon, Fort Ware, Sifton Pass, and Fox Pass
  • October 13-20, 1942: Journey to Skook Davidson's Diamond J Ranch
Portrait of Indigenous siblings
2004.2.1.46 · Item · [ca. 1910]
Parte de Reverend R.W. Large fonds

Photograph depicts a young First Nations man with his little sister posed for the camera on a porch. Annotation on verso of photograph states: "Canada B.C. Indian missions A Present day Edwardian Indian boy and his little sister"

Jill Singleton Collection
2020.09 · Colección · Aug. 1985

Collection consists of a travel scrapbook created by Jill Singleton documenting a trip to Alaska, Yukon, Haida Gwaii, and northern BC. Includes photographs, ephemera, handwritten notes, pamphlets, issues of local newspapers, and maps.

2009.7.1.154 · Item · [ca. 1880 - ca. 1915]
Parte de Archdeacon W. H. Collison fonds

Two carved poles stand in foreground, a third smaller pole visible by wood structure in background.

The pole at left is the Chief Skedans mortuary pole, which was raised in the Haida village of Skidegate about 1870. It honours the Raven Chief of Skedans and depicts the chief's hereditary crests. The two tiny figures in the bear's ears are the chief's daughter and son-in-law who erected the pole and gave a potlach for the chief's memorial. The rectangle board at the top of the original pole covered a cavity that held the chief's remains.

The pole at left may be a whale pole.

Handwritten annotation on verso reads: "For heading of Page 12. Fin Back Whale Crest. [?] Totems, S.E. Alaska". This original annotation is believed to be incorrect.