File contains correspondence, a meeting agenda and minutes.
Series consists of executive, committee, general and annual general meeting minutes, agendas, meeting notices, correspondence, newsletters, correspondence, newspaper clippings, handwritten notes, lists of directors and press releases relating to the Interior University Society.
File contains meeting agenda, meeting minutes, list of names and handwritten notes.
File contains meeting minutes, an auditor’s report, a financial statement, and correspondence.
File contains a meeting agenda and meeting minutes.
File contains meeting minutes, a meeting agenda and correspondence.
File contains newspaper clippings, a news release, meeting agendas, handwritten notes, a newsletter, copy of blank letter of protest to Stan Hagen, Minister of Advanced Education regarding the northern university and meeting minutes.
File contains correspondence, list of supports, a meeting agenda, meeting minutes, a newspaper clipping, a financial statement and a flyer.
File contains meeting agendas, meeting minutes, committee and executive member reports and handwritten notes.
File contains meeting agendas, meeting minutes, a list of Society directors and alternates and an auditor’s report.
File contains a brochure, correspondence, meeting agenda, President’s report, miscellaneous printed material and handwritten notes.
File contains correspondence, meeting minutes, and a newsletter.
File contains an Interior University Society organization chart, correspondence and a news release.
File contains correspondence, meeting minutes, and a brief concerning the establishment of a university in Prince George.
File contains correspondence, meeting minutes and a Society newsletter.
File contains meeting minutes, correspondence, meeting agenda, list of supporters, committee reports and handwritten notes.
File contains meeting minutes, a financial statement, a membership report, miscellaneous printed material and correspondence.
Series consists of the brief given to the BC Cabinet on October 13, 1988 concerning regional development and the role of a Northern university, correspondence and other miscellaneous printed matter.
File contains “Brief to the Cabinet Committee on Regional Development” vol. 1, Interior University Society, October 13, 1988.
File contains “Brief to the Cabinet Committee on Regional Development” vol. 2.
File contains a bound copy of signatories of “The Petition”.
File contains correspondence concerning the brief and other miscellaneous correspondence.
File contains correspondence and the report “Access to advanced education and job training in British Columbia”.
Series consists of correspondence and reports on First Nations and the northern university.
File contains correspondence, a position paper and reports concerning education and First Nations and miscellaneous textual material.
File contains correspondence and reports on educational concerns of First Nations.
File contains a report on First Nations concerns regarding the University of Northern British Columbia and a cover letter.
Series consists of one file of correspondence and textual material concerning the regional aspect of the northern university.
File contains correspondence and textual material concerning the regional aspect of the northern university.
Series consists of meeting minutes, handwritten notes, correspondence, news releases and reports concerning the work of the Implementation Planning Committee.
File contains meeting minutes, handwritten notes and miscellaneous textual material.
File contains a submission to the Group by Charles McCaffray accompanied by a handwritten note from BW to Dale McMann.
File contains a copy of a submission to the Group by Charles McCaffray accompanied by a cover letter from Mr. McCaffray to Horst Sander, Chair of the Implementation Planning Committee.
File contains handwritten notes and a draft and a final copy of a submission to the Group by the Chairman and Board of the College of New Caledonia.
File contains correspondence, speech notes and a copy of “Building a future of excellence: a university for Northern British Columbia.”
File contains a press release and a submission from the Prince George Region Development Corporation.
Series consists of one file of correspondence and handwritten notes concerning how the future Northern University might qualify as a Centre of Excellence.
File contains correspondence, a brochure and handwritten notes.
Series consists of press releases, advertisements and correspondence concerning the political climate and the strategy required for achieving a university in northern British Columbia.
Series consists of press releases, advertisements and correspondence concerning the political climate and the strategy required for achieving a university in northern British Columbia.
File contains proposed news releases, correspondence, handwritten notes and a membership list.
File contains proposed news releases, correspondence, handwritten notes and a membership list.
File contains correspondence, handwritten and typewritten notes and miscellaneous textual material.
File contains correspondence, handwritten and typewritten notes and miscellaneous textual material.
Series consists of the terms of reference for the Dahllof study, the final report, and correspondence, research reports, statistical and background information and blue prints relevant to the Dahllof and Ostergarrd reports on the feasibility of a northern university.
File contains correspondence and a copy of the executive summary report “Building a future of excellence”.
File contains miscellaneous printed material.
File contains printed material and blue prints of areas of Prince George and Prince Rupert.
File contains the terms of reference for the study.