Map accompanies “Aleza Lake Research Forest Management and Working Plan #2 Draft #3”.
File contains maps, working plans, and related correspondence.
File contains charts consisting of the remeasurements of the basal area and cut stump data in permanent sample plots.
File contains information, including diagrams, measurement charts, and a map, for experimental plot 113.
File contains information, including diagrams, measurement charts, and a map, for experimental plot 115.
File contains information, including diagrams, measurement charts, and a map, for experimental plot 116.
File contains information, including diagrams, measurement charts, and a map, for experimental plot 117.
File contains information, including diagrams, measurement charts, and a map, for experimental plot 149.
File contains information, including diagrams, measurement charts, and a map, for experimental plot 292.
File contains original ledgers with measurements of permanent sample plots.
File contains a report, working copies of charts, and handwritten ledger pages of Plot 50.
File contains original study, measurements, and charts of plot 104.
File contains original study, charts, and measurements of plot 105.
File contains photocopied study, handwritten loose ledger pages, and photocopied data sheets for plot 107.
Photograph is one of six relating to Plot 108. Multiple copies of the photographs exist.
File contains photocopied and handwritten data listing reports, and a photocopy of the related study for Plot 119.
File contains original loose handwritten ledger pages and data charts, and the original related reports for Plot 120.
File contains photocopied report, loose handwritten ledger pages, photocopies of handwritten notes and data listing reports for Plot 148.
File contains handwritten cross section book, original studies with handwritten measurement charts and black and white photos, loose pages of original correspondence, handwritten diagrams and measurement charts, loose handwritten tally sheets, black and white photographs, hand coloured plot diagrams, photocopies of aerial photographs, and original correspondence for Plot 160.
Item is the 1957 version of the BC Forest Service report from Myra, BC titled "E.P. 160: Conditions After Logging of a Spruce-Balsam Forest in Relation to Spruce Reproduction and to the Rate of Growth of the Second Story" by R.F. Stettler.
Map of Timber Sale X72108 shows area to be scarified. Location is outside Prince George in the Upper Fraser area near Kenneth Creek.
Map of Timber Sale X72108 shows area to be scarified. Location is outside Prince George in the Upper Fraser area near Kenneth Creek.
Logging plan of Sinclair Spruce Lumber Company's T.S.X. 73378 at Hubble Creek shows areas to be cut. Annotations show areas logged.
Photographer's photo number R878. No caption on back of photograph to glean further information. Title provided based on contextual information from related photographs and documents.
Photographer's photo number R879. No caption on back of photograph to glean further information. Title provided based on contextual information from related photographs and documents.
Photographer's photo number R887. Caption on back of photograph states: "Plot '2' X9696 --McCulloch"
Photographer's photo number R888. No caption on back of photograph to glean further information. Title provided based on contextual information from related photographs and documents.
Photographer's photo number R889R. No caption on back of photograph to glean further information. Title provided based on contextual information from related photographs and documents.
File contains loose handwritten ledger pages, a photocopy of the original report, photocopied handwritten notes, and data report sheets for Plot 292.
File consists of climate station data printed from computer disks, original and photocopied soil description forms, and original copies of ecological and terrain mapping reports.
Photograph depicts a Balsam timber pile adjacent to Aleza Lake Research Forest sign on the Giscome highway. Mark Clark is pictured.
Photograph depicts a Balsam timber pile adjacent to Aleza Lake Research Forest sign on the Giscome highway. Mark Clark is pictured.
File contains photocopies of handwritten notes and measurement charts, correspondence regarding various administrative concerns, and research project reports.
File contains correspondence regarding Estate Modelling plans for the Aleza Lake Research Forest and handwritten notes from meetings.
File contains correspondence regarding funding for research project and computer generated maps.
File contains reports on soil rehabilitation projects and related correspondence, photocopied tables of soil measurements, and reports on machinery costs when tilling.
File contains original handwritten metereological registers.
Floppy contains flag files (AL52-65F.dat, AL66-80F.dat) and Fortran programs (AES.for, AESEXT.for, AESFLG.for).
File contains a 1931 original copy of "The Aleza Lake Forest Experiment Station: A Brief Statement of its Purpose and Development". Includes photographs.
Item is "The North Ridge Eco-Trail Guide: Aleza Lake Research Forest".
Diagram reflects outline for the proposed Ranger Station at the Aleza Lake Experimental Forest.
Map reflects forest type boundary line, bogs and swampy non-forested areas, creeks, lakes, rivers, tree species labels of spruce, balsam, and birch, stand descriptions, historical timber sale boundaries, stand history symbol, gravelled secondary roads, unimproved old roads, management compartment boundary, research forest boundary, ecological reserve boundary, and old growth emphasis areas.
Map commissioned from Ministry of Forests Prince George Region from Madrone Consultants shows Aleza Lake Research Forest Access and Access Management. Map is 3 of 6. Map shows the following road types: all weather 1-lane gravel road, dry weather road, and proposed road access. Also shows areas for parking/turnaround, toilets, and information signs.
Map commissioned from Ministry of Forests Prince George Region from Madrone Consultants shows Aleza Lake Research Forest ecosystems. Map is 5 of 6. Map shows many sub-types of the following ecosystem types: upland, lowland wet forest, wetlands, and the Bowron floodplain benches. Ecosystem classification and mapping by Oikos Ecological Services Ltd.