File contains material generated by the Wire Rope Industries Board of Directors' meeting of April 15, 1993.
Wire Rope Industries Ltd.File contains general correspondence, memoranda, reports.
Noranda Forest Inc.File contains a guest list for the 1993 Noranda Forest Chairman's Dinner, along with invitation letters for those invited.
Noranda Forest Inc.File contains a booklet titled "International Trade Business Plan: An Integrated Plan for Trade Investment and Technology Promotion and Development".
Forest Sector Advisory Council (FSAC)File contains the Noranda Forest Inc. annual report for 1993.
Noranda Forest Inc.File contains various general correspondence with highly placed federal and local government officials.
Noranda Forest Inc.File contains material generated by the Wire Rope Industries Board of Directors' meeting of April 16, 1992.
Wire Rope Industries Ltd.File contains copy of a Special Resolution document regarding Northwood Forest Industries shares, along with a copy of the 1964 agreement between Northwood Pulp and the Mead Corporation.
Northwood Pulp and Timber Ltd.File contains publications created by the Business Council on National Issues, including "The Challenge Before Us: A Statement by Members of the Business Council on National Issues accompanying a Response to the Government of Canada's Constitutional Proposals 'Shaping Canada's Future Together" and "Canadian Unity: Chief Executive Handbook".
Business Council on National Issues (BCNI)File contains meeting agendas, minutes, reports, and correspondence for CPPA directors meetings in 1992.
Canadian Pulp & Paper Association (CPPA)File contains correspondence regarding Forest Products Employee Relations Council's legal action against the Abitibi Corporation.
Forest Products Employee Relations Council (FPERC)File contains general correspondence, memoranda, reports.
Noranda Forest Inc.File consists of meeting agendas and documents for Canadian Pulp and Paper Association meetings in 1992-1993.
Canadian Pulp & Paper Association (CPPA)File contains correspondence between executives regarding the issue of Canada's global competitiveness in the pulp market.
Canadian Pulp & Paper Association (CPPA)File contains correspondence, memoranda, and other interoffice communications regarding the Forest Products Employee Relations Council.
Forest Products Employee Relations Council (FPERC)File contains the prospectus of Noranda Forest Inc.'s worth dated 1992. Includes share price and distribution.
Noranda Forest Inc.File contains the Noranda Forest Inc. 1992 environmental report.
Noranda Forest Inc.File contains memoranda and correspondence for members of the Business Council on National Issues regarding meetings.
Business Council on National Issues (BCNI)File contains Canadian Pulp & Paper Association meeting notes. Also includes a resume.
Canadian Pulp & Paper Association (CPPA)File consists of Canadian Pulp & Paper Association executive materials. Includes meeting minutes, meeting agendas, meeting summaries, correspondence, promotional/informational materials, annual reports, magazine publications, other bound documents.
Canadian Pulp & Paper Association (CPPA)File contains memorandum to NFI directors discussing environmental liability.
Noranda Forest Inc.File contains the Noranda Forest Inc. annual report for 1992. Contains the retirement message of Adam Zimmerman.
Noranda Forest Inc.File contains brief correspondence, memoranda, meeting schedule and reports, other material generated by the above meeting.
Noranda Forest Inc.File consists of Canadian Pulp & Paper Association executive materials. Includes meeting minutes, meeting agendas, meeting summaries, correspondence, promotional/informational materials, annual reports, magazine publications, other bound documents.
Canadian Pulp & Paper Association (CPPA)File consists of Canadian Pulp & Paper Association executive materials. Includes meeting minutes, meeting agendas, meeting summaries, correspondence, promotional/informational materials, annual reports, magazine publications, other bound documents.
Canadian Pulp & Paper Association (CPPA)File contains meeting agendas, minutes, reports, and correspondence for the joint meeting with the Japan Paper Association.
Canadian Pulp & Paper Association (CPPA)File contains the "1992 Communication Plan for The Board of Directors by the Issues Communications Strategy Group".
Canadian Pulp & Paper Association (CPPA)File contains correspondence regarding the efforts of the Canadian Pulp & Paper Association to establish a presence in Europe.
Canadian Pulp & Paper Association (CPPA)File contains materials produced at the January 29, 1992 meeting of the Forest Sector Advisory Council. Includes an agenda and materials from different presentations made at the meeting.
Forest Sector Advisory Council (FSAC)File contains a booklet titled "Forest Sector Advisory Council Capital Expenditures in the Pulp and Paper Industry May 1992".
Forest Sector Advisory Council (FSAC)File contains material generated by the Wire Rope Industries Board of Directors' meeting of November 10, 1992.
Wire Rope Industries Ltd.File contains a booklet titled "Environmental Report to the Board of Directors of Northwood Pulp & Timber Limited, September 3rd, 1991".
Northwood Pulp and Timber Ltd.File contains general correspondence, memoranda, newspaper clippings, reports.
Noranda Forest Inc.File contains a binder of data documents compiled with the name "The Bible" for Noranda Forest Inc. Includes consolidated results, equity results, production and price information, a head count, information on associated companies, industry quarterly results, general statistics, and data on subsidiaries (Fraser, Maclaren, Norbord, NFRP/Island, Northwood, and Macmillan).
Noranda Forest Inc.File contains the Noranda Forest Inc. annual statutory report for 1991.
Noranda Forest Inc.File contains the Noranda Forest Inc. corporate report for 1991.
Noranda Forest Inc.File contains a presentation folio created by Goldman Sachs regarding Project Fiber.
Noranda Forest Inc.File contains informational packages and a presentation on the YFY Group, a Japanese firm.
Noranda Forest Inc.File contains MacMillan Bloedel correspondence, faxes, memoranda, and other interoffice communication.
MacMillan Bloedel Ltd.File contains material generated by the Wire Rope Industries Board of Directors' meeting of April 18, 1991.
Wire Rope Industries Ltd.File contains meeting minutes, agendas, reports, and correspondence regarding the Task Force on Sustainable Development & Competitive Future.
Business Council on National Issues (BCNI)File contains an agenda of the June 14th 1991 meeting of the Business Council on National Issues.
Business Council on National Issues (BCNI)File contains documents from the Canadian Pulp & Paper Association (CPPA) Board of Directors meeting of December 4th, 1991.
Canadian Pulp & Paper Association (CPPA)File contains meeting agendas and correspondence for the CPPA Executive Committee meetings of January 28, 1993 and June 2, 1993.
Canadian Pulp & Paper Association (CPPA)File contains the CPPA publication "From the Forests of Canada to the Markets of the World" in a number of languages.
Canadian Pulp & Paper Association (CPPA)File contains meeting agendas and schedules for a Forest Products Employee Relations Council meeting.
Forest Products Employee Relations Council (FPERC)File contains bound reports regarding the Forest Products Employee Relations Council.
Forest Products Employee Relations Council (FPERC)