Affichage de 813 résultats

Archival description
14 résultats avec objets numériques Afficher les résultats avec des objets numériques
1992.10.1 · Série organique · 1991-1992
Fait partie de Ron A. Sebastian Collection

File consists of photographs of the construction of ceremonial mace, chairs, and Senate doors for the University of Northern British Columbia.

Making of the Ceremonial Chairs
1992.10.2.2 · Pièce · [1991 or 1992]
Fait partie de Ron A. Sebastian Collection

Video recording is a compact VHS recording of the construction of the ceremonial chairs (President's Chair and Chancellor's Chair) for the University of Northern British Columbia.

UNBC History Audio Recording items
1992.11 · Collection · 1991 - 1991

Fonds consists of 4 audio recordings of interviews related to the opening of the University of Northern British Columbia, including Jean Forsythe, Russ Clinton, John Chapman, and Charlie Lasser. All were interviewed by T. Cattell.

UNBC History Collection
1993.1 · Collection · 1988-2019

Collection consists textual material, objects, and ephemera related to the history of the University of Northern British Columbia.

Sans titre
Textual Material
1993.1.2 · Série organique · 1988-2019
Fait partie de UNBC History Collection

Series contains textual material and publications related to UNBC's history.

UNBC Graduate Conference programs
1993.1.2.040 · Dossier · 2011-2014
Fait partie de UNBC History Collection

File consists of:

  • Program for 6th Annual UNBC Graduate Conference (March 2011)
  • Program for 8th Annual UNBC Graduate Conference (March 2013)
  • Program for 9th Annual UNBC Graduate Conference (Feb. 2014)
Sans titre
1993.1.2.046 · Dossier · 2007
Fait partie de UNBC History Collection

File consists of documents and ephemera from the MOU signing ceremony between UNBC and Takla Lake First Nation on September 17, 2007. Includes:

  • Signing Ceremony program
  • Signing Ceremony invitation
  • Speaking notes for UNBC President Don Cozzetto
  • Guest Lists
1993.1.2.047 · Dossier · 2008-2019
Fait partie de UNBC History Collection

File consists of issues of "The Northern Voice" UNBC Northern Studies Program newsletter. Includes:

  • February, 2008 Edition (Print and digital)
  • March, 2008 Edition (Print and digital)
  • May, 2008 Edition (Print and digital)
  • September, 2008 Edition (Print and digital)
  • October, 2008 Edition (Print and digital)
  • December, 2008 Edition (Print and digital)
  • January, 2009 Edition (Print and digital)
  • May, 2009 Edition (Print and digital)
  • September, 2009 Edition (Print and digital)
  • November, 2009 Edition (Print and digital)
  • March, 2010 Edition (Print and digital)
  • October, 2010 Edition (Print and digital)
  • January, 2011 Edition (Print and digital)
  • September, 2011 Edition (Print and digital)
  • February, 2012 Edition (Print and digital)
  • September, 2012 Edition (Print and digital)
  • February, 2013 Edition (Print and digital)
  • March 2014 Edition (Digital)
  • January 2016 Edition (Digital)
  • January 2017 Edition (Digital)
  • November 2018 Edition (Digital)
  • March 2019 Edition (Digital)
Commemorative paddle
1992.19 · Pièce · 6 September 1990
Fait partie de UNBC History Collection

Item consists of 1 wooden commemorative paddle, affixed with a plaque, painted, and signed.

Sans titre
1994.1.1.4 · Série organique · [after 1990]
Fait partie de UNBC Office of External Relations

Series consists of pamphlets, posters, guides, reports, and other publications created by the UNBC Office of Communications.

Spotlight on UNBC - September 1993
1994. · Pièce · 1993
Fait partie de UNBC Office of External Relations

Digital video recording is an episode of Spotlight on UNBC from September 1993. Features include an interview with students regarding why they attend UNBC; development of the co-op education program; UNBC's new faculty in the International Studies, Nursing and History departments; plans for convocation 1994; the UNBC academic calendar; the promotion of UNBC in southern media; public bus tours of UNBC; and a tour of the regions with Iona Campagnolo and other UNBC officials. Includes interviews with Fred Gilbert (Dean of Natural Resources and Environmental Studies), Dan Lousier (BC Forest Service), Larry Woods (International Studies), Dana Edge (Nursing), Robin Fisher (History), Carmen Pickering (UNBC Tour Guide), Ken Coates (UNBC VP Academic), Eileen Heir (Yirka Dene Language Institute), Iona Campagnolo (UNBC Chancellor), Ron Sebastian (First Nations artist), and Herb Russell (Executive Director, Gitanyow). Also includes interviews with UNBC students and graduates Kelly Breen, Jackie Watson, Brad and Beverly Freathy, Kathy Vagt, and Terri Stewart (Northwest Community College student advisor).

Spotlight on UNBC - November 1993
1994. · Pièce · 1993
Fait partie de UNBC Office of External Relations

Digital video recording is an episode of Spotlight on UNBC from November 1993. Features include the development of the UNBC calendar for 1993-1994, the construction of the lab building, the needs of students in the laboratory, space allocation, the UNBC rotunda, a 1 million dollar endowment for UNBC by Northwood, the First Nations forum, the anticipation of the opening of UNBC by Queen Elizabeth, a breakfast held by the UNBC Women's Caucus for women's history month, UNBC is the newsmaker of the year, the federal election results and opinion from UNBC faculty, and views of UNBC by helicopter. Includes interviews with Martin Cocking (Assistant Registrar), Nicole Lyotier (UNBC Liaison Officer), Conchetta di Francesco (UBC Liaison Officer), Lynda Mychaluk (SFU Liaison Officer), Houston Secondary School grade 12 students, Ann McNaughton (BCIT Liaison Officer), Jerry Hurn (Hemingway Nelson Architects), Mark Bernards (Chemistry), Peter McEwan (Lab Manager), Geoffrey Weller (UNBC President), Deanna Nice (Nisga'a), Clive Keen (Director of Communications), Myra Rutherdale (UNBC Women's Caucus), Greg Poelzer (Political Science), and Paul Bowles (Economics).

Spotlight on UNBC - February 1994
1994. · Pièce · 1994
Fait partie de UNBC Office of External Relations

Digital video recording is an episode of Spotlight on UNBC from February 1994. Features include the construction of the UNBC Prince George campus, a spotlight on heart month, the appointment of the Northwest Regional Coordinator, UNBC updates on CKPG TV, and a spotlight on natural resource management and environmental studies. Includes interviews with Peter Heaton (Project Manager), Dean Cooper (former VP Administration), Ken Prkachin (UNBC program chair of Psychology), Maureen Salton (BC Heart and Stroke Foundation), Dana Edge (UNBC Nursing), Margaret Anderson (Northwest Regional Coordinator), Bob Harkins, Fred Gilbert (Dean of Natural Resources and Environmental Studies), Darwyn Coxson (UNBC Biology), Doug Baker (Environmental Studies), Annie Booth (Environmental Studies), Ellen Petticrew (UNBC Geography), Dave Robinson (Outdoor Recreation and Tourism), Winifred Kessler (UNBC Forestry), and Jackie Watson (UNBC student).

Spotlight on UNBC - December 1995
1994. · Pièce · 1996
Fait partie de UNBC Office of External Relations

Digital video recording is an episode of Spotlight on UNBC from December 1995. Features segments on UNBC technology, including fibre optics, use of technology for teaching, video conferencing, high-tech microscopes, the importance of technology for reaching the regions, internet access, and online courses. Additional highlights include a discussion on the recent Quebec referendum, an acquisitions endowment for the UNBC library from Royal Bank, Safety Awareness Week at UNBC, and a visit from Santa. Includes interviews with Lyle Watkins (BC Tel), Tim Beekman (Dynacom President), Alex Hawley (UNBC Biology), Eva Doerksen (UNBC student), Glenda Prakchin (UNBC Psychology), Reg Horne (UNBC Geography), Hugues Massicotte (UNBC Forestry), Richard Lazenby (UNBC Anthropology), Jerry Windsor-Martin (Phillips Electronics), David Dowling (UNBC English), and Stan Beeler (UNBC English).

Spotlight on UNBC - March 1997
1994. · Pièce · 1997
Fait partie de UNBC Office of External Relations

Digital video recording is an episode of Spotlight on UNBC from March 1997. Features segments on the 3rd annual UNBC Winterfest; the creation of the William Ferry endowment fund; a measles prevention strategy campaign at UNBC; a visit from the Government Leader of the Yukon, Piers McDonald; UNBC students went to Harvard for a UN Model simulation; Chinese Cultural Days at UNBC for Chinese New Year; a survey at the Ice Fishing Derby; a UNBC hosted math conference for high school students; and the importance of marketing UNBC due to competition. Includes interviews with Pat Appavoo (UNBC Librarian); Harold Moffatt (former Prince George mayor); Judge William Ferry; Murray Sadler (UNBC Founder); Robin Johnson (UNBC Health Centre); Piers McDonald (Government Leader of the Yukon); Lily Chow (UNBC faculty); Max Blouw (UNBC Fisheries); Jennifer Hyndman (UNBC Math); Clive Keen (UNBC Communications); Sue Kubik (CASE International); Suzy Mink (CASE director); and UNBC students Karen More, James Sztyler, Diane Stover, and Anna Velasco.

Spotlight on UNBC - April 1999
1994. · Pièce · 1999
Fait partie de UNBC Office of External Relations

Digital video recording is an episode of Spotlight on UNBC from April 1999. Features segments on a student science conference, jazz and poetry nights, cultural days, basketball camps at elementary schools, business students networking, fundraising at UNBC, a UNBC business dinner, the Career Fair, UNBC Education program development, First Nations day, the Matt Halpin Memorial Scholarship, a recycling program started by PGPIRG in the residences, the PGPIRG office and library, 10 Days for Global Justice, a conference on hemp, and the Canada Winter Games in Newfoundland which included 2 UNBC students in Biathlon. Includes interviews with Charles Jago (UNBC President); Joe Morabito (Canada Trust); Dale McMann (Regional Development Corporation); Lorne Calder (Chamber of Commerce); Linda Roa (UNBC Career Fair); Ed Napier (Quesnel School District); Ron Brown (UNBC Dean of Science and Management); Wini Kessler (UNBC Forestry); Hiroe Wood (UNBC International Studies); Gerald Alfred (UVIC); Bev Collins (PGPIRG); Elaine Hooper (10 Days for Global Justice); Jane Young (UNBC Biology); Darlene Mulholland (Prince George weaver); Tom Jensen (Tom's Hemp Candles); and UNBC students and alumni Joe Nygren (Business), Bjorn Butow (Business), Devinder Gill, Mark Stafford (Business), Birch Howard, Bill Carpenter, Sarah Parsons, Christina Lu, Marcia Cummings, Toni Carlton (Sooke Nation), Cindy Gonu (Nisga'a Nation), Trina Chivilo, Keona Wiley, and Catharine Kendall.

Spotlight on UNBC - February 2000
1994. · Pièce · 2000
Fait partie de UNBC Office of External Relations

Digital video recording is an episode of Spotlight on UNBC from February 2000. Features segments on the suicide of Russian exchange student Anna Sorkomova; a conference on rural health; UNBC research forests Johnson Prince Research Forest north of Fort St. James (co-managed by UNBC and Tl'azt'en Nation) and Aleza Lake Research Forest east of Prince George (co-managed by UBC and UNBC); construction of the Irving K. Barber Enhanced Forestry Lab; UNBC involvement in the University of the Arctic; the annual UNBC Winterfest; UNBC Rodeo Club; the UNBC Nordic Ski Team at the Western Canadian Championship; UNBC Northern Timberwolves Men's Basketball; the proposed Northern Sport Centre; and the UNBC laboratory space expansion. Includes interviews with Charles Jago (UNBC President); Penny Priddy (BC Health Minister); Kwadwo Asante (Terrace pediatrician); Steve Dewhurst (UNBC Forestry); Justa Monk (Tl'azt'en Nation); Don Roy (Canfor Fort St. James); Sue Grainger (UNBC Research Forest Manager); Terry Carter (PG Soccer); Andrew Petter (Minister of Advanced Education; Paul Ramsey (Finance Minister); and UNBC students and alumni Christine Brock (Forestry), Scott Forrest (University of the Arctic), Jack Darney (UNBC Rodeo Club), Chris Paulson (UNBC Nordic Ski Team), Noah Huntley (UNBC Nordic Ski Team), Wendy Giesbrecht (UNBC Nordic Ski Team), Brent Sevigny (men's basketball), and Jenn Bondaroff (women's basketball).

1994. · Pièce · 1993
Fait partie de UNBC Office of External Relations

Videotape contains footage of: 22-Feb-93 - Pictures of Students for Lower Mainland Ads / 2-Mar-93 - Social Work Luncheon - Ternowetsky, Gordon; Fish, David / 9-Mar-93 - Fulbright Director in Prince George - Konrad, Victor / 15-Mar-93 - Site Tour by Helicopter / 20-Mar-93 - Stand-ups - Rob

1994. · Pièce · 1993
Fait partie de UNBC Office of External Relations

Videotape contains footage of: 25-Mar-93 - West Coast Energy Interview - Wark, Daryl / 26-Mar-93 - Fort St John UNBC/BC Hydro Conference / 26-Mar-93 - UNBC in the Peace River Region - Thorlakson, Steve / 26-Mar-93 - UNBC in the Peace River region - Petryszak, Nick / 6-May-93 - Dawson Creek Telecomm Conference / 7-May-93 - The Chancellor Addresses the Northern Lights College Convocation - Campagnolo, Iona

1994. · Pièce · 1993
Fait partie de UNBC Office of External Relations

Videotape contains footage of: 3-Jun-93 - Minister Tom Perry Visits Site / 3-Jun-93 - Prospective Student School Tours / 3-Jun-93 - UNBC Links with the University of Tasmania - Cleary, Bob; Mackenzie, Brian / 4-Jun-93 - Media Briefing on the Status of Construction - Cooper, Dean / 20-Jun-93 - Conversion of IGC to Permanent Board and Senate - Martin, Anne

1994. · Pièce · 1994
Fait partie de UNBC Office of External Relations

Videotape contains footage of: 12-Jan-94 - The Biology Program - Coxson, Darwyn / 12-Jan-94 - The Outdoor Recreation/Tourism Program - Robinson, David / 12-Jan-94 - Phase Two Construction Progress - Heaton, Peter / 12-Jan-94 - Northwest Region Developments - Anderson, Margaret / 16-Jan-94 - Stand-ups - Rob / 16-Jan-94 - News Headlines - Rob

1994. · Pièce · 1994
Fait partie de UNBC Office of External Relations

Videotape contains footage of: 22-Mar-94 - Off-campus housing in the City of Prince George - Bloodoff, Peter / 22-Mar-94 - Faculty of Health and Human Sciences - Fish, David / 23-Mar-94 - Off-campus housing from a spokesman for the City's Affordable Housing Committee - Jorgensen, Ivan / 24-Mar-94 - UNBC On and Off-Campus Housing - Brazzoni, Randall / 24-Mar-94 - High-Tech at UNBC - Chiu, Michael / 24-Mar-94 - Stand-ups - Rob

1994. · Pièce · 1994
Fait partie de UNBC Office of External Relations

Videotape contains footage of: 17-Jun-94 - UNBC Exchange Agreement with Vaxjo University - Glarner, John / 17-Jun-94 - Athapaskan Language Conference - Pozer, Bill / 20-Jun-94 - Housing Meeting / 22-Jun-94 - Preview of the Queen's Visit - Benazic, Gloria; Aisenstat, John / 23-Jun-94 - PG Citizen Produces a Souvenir Magazine to Commemorate the Opening of UNBC - Nagel, Roy / 23-Jun-94 - Peace River Faculty Member - Baker, Doug