File contains timber sale contracts and logging inspection reports between the Department of Lands and Forests and the Fichtner Lumber Company.
File contains timber sale contracts and general correspondence between the Department of Lands and Forests and the Fichtner Lumber Company Limited.
File contains general correspondence and timber sale contracts between the Department of Lands and Forests and the Fichtner Lumber Company Limited.
File contains timber sale contracts and logging inspection reports between the Department of Lands and Forests and the Fichtner Lumber Company Limited.
File contains correspondence and diagrams regarding potential harvesting of spruce beetle killed trees from Northwood Pulp and Timber Limited.
File contains ecosystem treatment data sheets from Northwood Pulp and Timber Limited.
File contains a preliminary working plan from 1950.
File contains drafts of management and working plan for the period of 1992 to 2002, the final draft for the management and working plan, and related correspondence between Mike Jull and those involved with the Aleza Lake Research Forest.
File contains two different working and management plans for 1992 to 2002 as submitted by the Aleza Lake Steering Committee.
File contains maps, working plans, and related correspondence.
File contains charts consisting of the remeasurements of the basal area and cut stump data in permanent sample plots.
File contains information, including diagrams, measurement charts, and a map, for experimental plot 113.
File contains information, including diagrams, measurement charts, and a map, for experimental plot 115.
File contains information, including diagrams, measurement charts, and a map, for experimental plot 116.
File contains information, including diagrams, measurement charts, and a map, for experimental plot 117.
File contains information, including diagrams, measurement charts, and a map, for experimental plot 149.
File contains information, including diagrams, measurement charts, and a map, for experimental plot 292.
File contains original ledgers with measurements of permanent sample plots.
File contains a report, working copies of charts, and handwritten ledger pages of Plot 50.
File contains original study, measurements, and charts of plot 104.
File contains original study, charts, and measurements of plot 105.
File contains photocopied study, handwritten loose ledger pages, and photocopied data sheets for plot 107.
File contains photocopied and handwritten data listing reports, and a photocopy of the related study for Plot 119.
File contains original loose handwritten ledger pages and data charts, and the original related reports for Plot 120.
File contains photocopied report, loose handwritten ledger pages, photocopies of handwritten notes and data listing reports for Plot 148.
File contains handwritten cross section book, original studies with handwritten measurement charts and black and white photos, loose pages of original correspondence, handwritten diagrams and measurement charts, loose handwritten tally sheets, black and white photographs, hand coloured plot diagrams, photocopies of aerial photographs, and original correspondence for Plot 160.
Item is the 1957 version of the BC Forest Service report from Myra, BC titled "E.P. 160: Conditions After Logging of a Spruce-Balsam Forest in Relation to Spruce Reproduction and to the Rate of Growth of the Second Story" by R.F. Stettler.
File contains loose handwritten ledger pages, a photocopy of the original report, photocopied handwritten notes, and data report sheets for Plot 292.
File consists of climate station data printed from computer disks, original and photocopied soil description forms, and original copies of ecological and terrain mapping reports.
File contains photocopies of handwritten notes and measurement charts, correspondence regarding various administrative concerns, and research project reports.
File contains correspondence regarding Estate Modelling plans for the Aleza Lake Research Forest and handwritten notes from meetings.
File contains correspondence regarding funding for research project and computer generated maps.
File contains reports on soil rehabilitation projects and related correspondence, photocopied tables of soil measurements, and reports on machinery costs when tilling.
File contains original handwritten metereological registers.
File contains a 1931 original copy of "The Aleza Lake Forest Experiment Station: A Brief Statement of its Purpose and Development". Includes photographs.
Item is "The North Ridge Eco-Trail Guide: Aleza Lake Research Forest".
File contains photocopies of survey notes from 1954.
File contains information, including diagrams, measurement charts, and a map, for experimental plot 50.
Item is a report entitled "Tree Length Logging as a Silvicultural Problem in the Uneven-aged Spruce-Balsam Type of the Prince George District" by A.R. Fraser of the British Columbia Forest Service.
Item is a report entitled "Tree Length Skidding and its Influence on Residual Forest Stands in the Fort George Forest District" by L. deGrace of the British Columbia Forest Service.
Item is a "Soil Survey Report on Part of Aleza Lake Forest Experimental Station" by R.A. Fisher of the Forest Surveys Division, British Columbia Forest Service.
Item is an issue of "Forest Management Notes" on "The Results of Stand Treatment in the White Spruce Alpine Fir Type of the Northern Interior of British Columbia" by D.R. Glew.
Item is a draft of "Resource Analysis 1984, Project No. 26, Silvicultural Systems" by J. Revel.
Item is a photocopied version of Slavoj Eis' "Development of White Spruce and Alpine Fir Seedlings on Cut-Over Areas in the Central Interior of British Columbia" reprinted from The Forestry Chronicle, December 1965, Vol. 41, No. 4.
Item is a photocopied version of Arlidge and Fraser's "Influences of Time on Effectiveness of Scarified Seedbeds in Spruce-Alpine Fir Forest of Central Interior" working plan for Experimental Project No. 528. Location of original unknown.
Item is an original Silvicultural Research Note on"Selective Logging of Spruce in Sub-Alpine Alberta" by L.A. DeGrace.
Item is a document written by Dave Coopersmith entitled "The Aleza Lake Research Forest Reexamination of Past Experimental Studies".
Item is a document written entitled "Faller's Selection".
Item is a photocopied version of F.S. McKinnon's "Spruce Regeneration in British Columbia" reprinted from The Forestry Chronicle, 1940, Vol. 16 Supplementary issue.
File contains the 1929 Aleza Lake guestbook, a report on seeding, and photographs.