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2023.5.1.29 · Item · 1 Nov. 1993
Parte de UNBC School of Planning and Sustainability fonds

This map is part of Schedule B of the 1993 Official Community Plan, Bylaw No. 5909 for the City of Prince George. This particular map depicts the northeast area of the City of Prince George, including the industrial areas on Prince George Pulpmill Road and Northwood Pulpmill Road along the Fraser River.

2023.5.1.28 · Item · 1 Nov. 1993
Parte de UNBC School of Planning and Sustainability fonds

This map is part of Schedule B of the 1993 Official Community Plan, Bylaw No. 5909 for the City of Prince George. This particular map depicts the central area of the City of Prince George, including the Bowl area, the VLA, the Crescents, South Fort George, Heritage, and Peden Hill.

2023.5.1.26 · Item · [after 1975]
Parte de UNBC School of Planning and Sustainability fonds

Item is Map 4 of a group of five maps relating to a City of Prince George Study of Construction Aggregates by the firm Willis, Cunliffe, Tair & Company Limited. Map 4 shows development areas, aggregate sources, and requirements for 1984 and 1994. As the map is undated, it is unclear whether the 1984 and 1994 dates are future estimates.

2023.5.1.24 · Item · [after 1975]
Parte de UNBC School of Planning and Sustainability fonds

Item is Map 2 of a group of five maps relating to a City of Prince George Study of Construction Aggregates by the firm Willis, Cunliffe, Tair & Company Limited. Map 2 shows development areas and aggregate requirements for 1984 and 1994. As the map is undated, it is unclear whether the 1984 and 1994 dates are future estimates.

2023.5.1.23 · Item · [after 1975]
Parte de UNBC School of Planning and Sustainability fonds

Item is Map 1 of a group of five maps relating to a City of Prince George Study of Construction Aggregates by the firm Willis, Cunliffe, Tair & Company Limited. Map 1 shows development areas and population for 1984 and 1994. As the map is undated, it is unclear whether the 1984 and 1994 dates are future estimates.

Van Bow Existing Zoning
2023.5.1.12 · Item · Apr. 1977
Parte de UNBC School of Planning and Sustainability fonds

Item is a hand drawn and coloured map by the City of Prince George Planning Department depicting existing zoning for the Van Bow neighbourhood area. Also includes two hand-drawn mylar overlays for the map; one showing "Opportunities & Constraints" such as housing age and condition and the other showing "Subdivision Activity" over decades of development in the Van Bow area.