File consists of one audio recording of a taped radio show Perspective by CFUV Radio University of Victoria by Mahinder Doman with Iona Campagnolo in July 1987. Campagnolo discusses a variety of subjects related to her professional career including memories of her early years in municipal politics; her entry into federal politics and as a member of the federal Liberal caucus; her views on feminism and on being a female politician; her impact as the Federal Minister of Sports under the Trudeau government; the John Turner ‘bum-patting’ controversy; contemporary issues facing the Liberal Party in the 1980s and provides commentary on the Mulroney government and Liberal leadership of John Turner. Other issues discussed are the Canadian political scene in 1987: the rise of extreme right wing politics internationally; the prospects of the Liberals in the next federal election; the impact of the Meech Lake Accord; Northern Canadian territories and self-government; the impact of the free trade issue; the campaign for a national child care program; Canadian immigration policy; the position of the lieutenant within Quebec for the Prime Minister. Campagnolo also talks about her upcoming new position at McMaster University to assist in the creation of an international health care facility in relation to Third World countries.
The fonds consists of 4 letters by Collier written to McKilvington and 1 letter from McKilvington to Collier. Collier's letters discuss the problems in getting a signed copy of his book to McKilvington, and also respond to McKilvington's letter with information about mutual friends in the Chilcotin and with opinions on the depletion of wildlife in the Chilcotin district. McKilvington's letter is autobiographical, and also contains his opinions on the depletion of wildlife in the Chilcotin, gun control and provincial game regulations. One letter is a response to a letter McKilvington sent to the provincial government on the mismanagement of wildlife, ostensibly written by Ken Kiernan (BC Minister of Recreation & Conservation) but, according to Collier, probably written by Jim Hatter, Kiernan's deputy. The newspaper clippings include an obituary of Collier, an article and letter by Collier, and two photographs of Mrs. Collier taken at local functions.
Sin títuloFile consists of photographs of the UNBC Basketball team from 1997/1998 or 1998/1999.
File consists of records believed to be created or received by August Johnson, who is believed to be a Swedish immigrant farmer in the North Bulkley area in the 1920s. In 1923, he departed for Belle Island, Alaska for treatment for a recurring illness. By 1930, he was living and working near Dorreen and Ritchie Stations, along the Skeena River east of Terrace. He made a living hunting, trapping, prospecting, and small-scale farming, and also opened a fine lime deposit. He died in 1945. His records consist of correspondence and an almanac diary; they are written in a mixture of English and Swedish. Includes:
- Letter to August Johnson, written in Swedish, dated November 21st 1930
- Christmas postcard to August Johnson from his brother, written in Swedish, dated December 21st 1930
- 3-page letter to August Johnson from 'Staley' in the Houston/North Bulkley area, dated October 7th 1935. It mentions the names of several people/families who lived in the area at the time, such as Bellicini, Madigan, Goold, and McInnes.
- Dr. A.W. Chase's Calendar Almanac and day planner from 1939, with annotated daily accounts written by August Johnson. Names mentioned in Almanac include Dorreen, Ritchie, Coal Creek, and "Purkie Pint/Purkipint (Porcupine?) Creek" and Fred Hillgard.
Small booklet containing handwritten notes of what appears to be a speech prepared by W.H. Collison on the topic of traditions and events he had been witness to along the northwest coast of British Columbia.
File consists of an official regional park plan for the Regional District of Fraser-Fort George.
File consists of a physical development plan for the Nadleh Whut'en Band prepared by the Carrier Sekani Tribal Council.
File consists of a physical development plan prepared by Stanley Associates Engineering Ltd. for the Burns Lake Band, currently known as Ts'il Kaz Koh.
File consists of a physical development plan report for the Takla Lake Band, prepared by Stanley Associates Engineering Ltd.
File consists of a physical development plan for the Cheslatta Carrier Nation, prepared by David Nairne & Associates Ltd.
File consists two physical development plans for McLeod Lake Band, one by Radloff Engineering and one by Duncan & Associates Engineering Ltd. Includes a map of the development plan.
File consists of a development plan for Paldi Estates, a letter about the Paldi Estates Official Community Plan Concept (OCPC), a Bamberton OCPC and town proposal, correspondence from the Cowichan Valley Regional District, highway commercial development schedule, a Stonebridge development permit area, and scans of Registration of Charge applications. Includes design guidelines for rural residential community water systems and a guide for applicants.
File consists of a draft copy of the Official Community Plan for the Willow River-Upper Fraser Valley through the 1990's.
File consists of a draft of the Nak'azdli Band physical development plan and a copy of the final version.
File consists of Carrier Sekani Tribal Council correspondence, briefs, plans, register population data, cost estimates, maps, planning background report, and physical development plan.
File consists of four aerial photographs of the Broman Lake area.
File consists of correspondence with multiple parties including Wright Parry Taylor & Fuller Engineering, Paldi Estates, and the Cowichan Valley Regional District. Includes notes, sewage and waste disposal assessments, state of title certificate, and applications.
File consists of a water supply and sewage disposal study for the townsite of Paldi. Includes maps, correspondence, water licensing information and application, and Bayview Village advertising brochure.
File consists of a planning study of Broman Lake prepared by Tera Environmental Consultants Ltd. for the Broman Indian Band, currently known as Ts'il Kaz Koh.
File consists of an analysis of Prince George's timber supply, prepared by the ARA Consulting Group.
File consists of cost estimates, forest cover maps, a blank population and social survey, and some handwritten notes for the physical development plan of the Broman Lake Band, currently known as Ts'il Kaz Koh.
File consists of three maps of Prince George area crown land plan, prepared by the Ministry of Forests and Lands.
File consists of a study on the management of small scale wastewater for the Regional District of Fraser-Fort George, prepared by Associated Engineering Services.
File consists of crown land plan for Vanderhoof by the Province of BC's Ministry of Lands, Parks, and Housing.
File consists of a final report on the Fraser River Action Plan prepared by Fisheries and Oceans Canada.
File consists of information booklets on contaminated site development required for permitting.
File consists of a report from Northern Interior Health regarding sewage disposal. Includes a press release and lagoon survey.
File consists of correspondence regarding the Forest Health Development Plan and maps from Canfor Forest Products Ltd. (Canfor).
File consists of note handouts from a workshop on woodlot profitability in Prince George and Dawson Creek.
File consists of correspondence and maps regarding the Windrew Creek dam.
File consists of a letter to Chander Suri from Burkhard Franz regarding interest in mining lots at multiple sites in the southern interior of BC. Accommpanied by a preliminary report by Rain, Metro and Memphis Groups of Claims for Mile Point Resources Mining Company examining mineral occurences near Slocan Lake. Includes a letter to Chander Suri, three mineral occurence photocopies, and a preliminary report evaluation of mineral occurences.
File consists of a gas safety act and regulations booklet from the Province of BC.
File consists of a brochure package advertising Prince George to investors, prepared by the Prince George Region Development corporation.
File consists of twenty one photographs of downtown Prince George, some taken from Connaught Hill, Cottonwood Park, and 6th Avenue as well as one photograph of the Pentecostal Tabernacle and a few going up Foothills to the Hart.
File consists of a guide to Northern BC parks and attractions.
File consists of a non-forester's guide to small scale forestry in BC, prepared under the Canadian-British Columbia Forest Resource Development Agreement.
File consists of financial statements for the Peden Hill Store compiled by Rose, Gale & Co. Charted Accountants.
File consists of multiple coloured photographs of properties and building construction in Prince George and Kelowna.
File consists of correspondence and investor information from Central Equities Ltd. regarding the Westpine Apartment Strata.
File consists of an offering memorandum on the 48 suite strata-title Westwood Apartments.
File consists of an information package detailing the Public Auction of Agricultural Crown Land in Prince George with property maps and general terms and conditions included.
File consists of a survey appraisal undertaken by Harvey D. Erickson of North Country Apprasials Ltd for Myles Breadner of Massey Property Corporation. Appraises a cross section survey of Multiple Family Dwellng Units availible for rent in Prince George.
File consists of documents pertaining to the sale of North Meadows Subdivision lot no. 10, prepared by Heights Land Development Co.
File consists of photocopied lot maps for multiple locations including Porcher, Naikoon Park, Prince Rupert, Cranbrook, Nelson, and Comox.
File consists of financial statements, a lease, and an indenture for Pine Centre Market Inc.
File consists of contract documents for Hayer Homes residential subdivisions on 5th and Hill in Prince George, prepared by L&M Engineering.
File consists of an information summary for limited partners investing in the Westwood Pub and the surrounding shopping complex. Summary drawn up by Intermet Realty Ltd. detailing the risks, benefits, agreements, and estimated costs.
File consists of correspondence between the Northern Planners and the Planning Institute of BC (PIBC) regarding the formation of the northern group. Includes correspondence between the Northern Planners and PIBC as well as meeting minutes from the Northern Planners.
File consists of a Prince George transportation planning study by Ward Consulting Group for the BC Ministry of Transportation and Highways.