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Archival description
2023. · Stuk · [between 2002 and 2005]
Part of Dr. Paul Sanborn fonds

This document file "Cluculz Creek Fertilization Research Site.pdf" contains a field description and basic characterization data for a representative pedon at the E.P. 886.10 site.

2023. · Bestanddeel · 2002-2005
Part of Dr. Paul Sanborn fonds

Data sets associated with the Cluculz retrospective study (E.P. 886.10):

  • 082036.xls -- Elemental analysis (XRF) for mineral horizon samples from profile at Cluculz EP 886.10 site
  • CLUCINC.xls -- Summary chemical properties for composite samples in aerobic incubation
  • Cluculz Ck 2002 Foliar Analysis.xls -- Analyzed for individual single-tree plots
  • Cluculz Ck 2002 Forest Floor.xls -- Forest floor mass data
  • Cluculz composite list (2003 samples).xls -- Composite groups (3 original samples in each) used for organic & mineral soils
  • Cluculz composite list (incubation experiment).xls -- Composite groups (3 original samples in each) used for organic & mineral soils
  • Cluculz composite list for incubations (2003 samples).xls -- Composite groups (3 original samples in each) used for organic & mineral soils
  • Cluculz Creek S mineralization - initial fractions (2).xls -- S fractions - organic & mineral soil composites
  • Cluculz Creek S mineralization - initial S fractions.xls -- S fractions - organic & mineral soil composites
  • Cluculz Creek S mineralization (IC).xls -- S mineralization data for aerobic incubation - organic & mineral soils
  • Cluculz foliar and soil data.xls -- Chemical properties of foliage, composite forest floors, composite mineral soils
  • Cluculz pH.xls -- pH - organic & mineral soil composites
  • Cluculz S fraction graphs.xls -- S fractions - organic & mineral soil composites
  • Elemental Analysis of Standard by XRF (2005).xls -- Published & XRF analysis of CANMET TILL-1 soil standard (used in Cluculz XRF analysis)
2023. · Stuk · Apr. 2005
Part of Dr. Paul Sanborn fonds

Unpublished results for the Sulphur stable isotope tracer study (E.P. 886.15) were presented in annual reports to the funding agencies, including this "Sulphur Fertilization of Lodgepole Pine: A Stable Isotope Tracer Study (Ministry of Forests E.P. 886.15) - Project Y051210 - Technical Report" from April 2005.

2023. · Stuk · 1997
Part of Dr. Paul Sanborn fonds

"Mineralogy of clay and sand fractions of soils developed from till, glaciofluvial and glaciolacustrine deposits in central interior British Columbia" was a preliminary internal report that provides some background to Arocena and Sanborn's regional soil mineralogy study, as well as a compilation of the mineralogical data.

The key results from this work were later published as:
J.M. Arocena and P. Sanborn. 1999. Mineralogy and genesis of selected soils and their implications for forest management in central and northeastern British Columbia. Canadian Journal of Soil Science 79: 571-592.

2023. · Stuk · 1998
Part of Dr. Paul Sanborn fonds

This "Soil Profile Description: Kiskatinaw LTSP Site" document provides a description of Kiskatinaw pedon.

The key results from the regional soil mineralogy study were later published as:
J.M. Arocena and P. Sanborn. 1999. Mineralogy and genesis of selected soils and their implications for forest management in central and northeastern British Columbia. Canadian Journal of Soil Science 79: 571-592.

"Profile Descriptions"
2023. · Stuk · 1996
Part of Dr. Paul Sanborn fonds

This born-digital "Profile Descriptions" document provides descriptions of Williams Lake (Skulow Lake), Aleza 1 & 2, Log Lake, and Lucille Mountain pedons.